“But they are both ok, right?” I asked.
“Ask them for your self,” she said. Trina was walking down the long hall towards us. I was relieved to see that she was back to her usual size and had lost the blinding glow that she had developed as a result of drawing on so much power. She was also looking quite good humoured about the many elves hurriedly running through the hall stopping and bowing deeply as she passed. Trina had snuck out as soon as they turned their backs and insisted in coming to visit Michael with me after turning up after we have finished the pancakes and guiding me out through he rushed hall.
“Trina,” The Queen scolded as she guided me from the room. “Does Mother Kastin know that you’re here?” she asked the corner of her mouth twitching as she fought back a smirk.
“Bye Your Majesty,” Trina said giving a hurried bow and dragging me over to my broom. The Queen just shook her long hair back over her shoulder, a smirk still on her lips as she turned her attentions to the clerk that had been dancing around behind her.
“Trina,” I said gliding past a group of soldiers outside the great hall.
“Mmm,” she mumbled as she strolled beside me, I tried to keep the broom low enough so that our heads were level and we could still talk.
“You know how you told me that that scar on your stomach was from warm lava? Well after seeing how hot you became yesterday, I don’t believe that anything could burn you.”
“Fire doesn’t burn me, Lava however does. Your right though, it wasn’t dry when it hit me. When I was two a volcano erupted on the island where I lived. I didn’t have time to get to safety on the boats with the villagers and would have been killed if it wasn’t for the dwarves who took me deep within the rock in the ground and sheltered me until it was safe. I didn’t move fast enough though and a trickle of lava struck me before they could seel the ground over us.”
“Wouldn’t it have burnt right through you!” I gasped losing control of my broom for a moment sweeping off to the side before I could recover my control.
“Its heat is only enough to burn my skin like hot water would yours. Although having said that enough of it can still kill me, so thank goodness there aren’t any volcanoes near by,” she winked at me and produced a fireball out of mid air, playing with it as we walked to demonstrate her point.
Mr Almasto did not seem to be thinking along the same line as Mother Kastin and her sisters. He and Michael where outside his house sparing with a ferocity that caused the neighbouring elves to project shields around them selves as they sat watching the fight shouting words of encouragement and tactics at them.
“Halt.” Called Mr Almasto to Michael as we approached.
“Well you two are looking much better.” He gave Trina a look that clearly said that he knew she had snuck out.
“Ahem, I assume your feeling better Michael, you had Lilly in quite a flap yesterday,” she said ignoring his gaze.
“Yes I am feeling much better thankyou,” Michael said drinking from a flask that a young dark boy had handed him. My face grew warm as he smiled at me, his face paler than it usually was but I was glad to see that his eyes still had the same warmth and mischief’s sparkle that they always had.
“Well off you go than lad, I think we have practiced enough for today, you don’t want to push yourself to hard whilst your recovering. And Trina,” he added as Michael returned the water bottle. “Please put out that fire before you burn down the whole forest,” said Mr Almasto, “We are still trying to put out the spot fires that you made down by the river.”
Trina looked at me with a mischief’s grin, but closed her hand around the flame snuffing it out.
“Sorry,” she said, the picture of a naughty child being scolded. “I’ll ask mother Kastin to send someone to attend the fires when I get back.” She turned before he could reply and raced to were we had left my broom.
“Ready, Go!” She said grabbing a broom from a witch that had been watching the sparing and speeding off through the forest with Michael and I hot on her heels.
“I hear the witches are leaving today,” Trina called over once we had risen above the canopy and where gliding lazily over the valley.
“Yes, they never stay in once place for long,” Michael called back. I looked over at him remembering the scene of him lying unconscious on the ground. I could see a white bandage tied around his chest when the wind tugged at his shirt. His green eyes sparkled as he swooped in closer to me, hugging my shoulders with one arm.
“I’m ok Lill, really.”
I smiled looking straight into his eyes.
“I know you are,” I said. “Just don’t do it again ok? For my sake,” he smiled as he took my hand from my broom handle and kissed my finger tips.
“I promise,” he said before flying up higher to take advantage of a warm updraft.
We landed on a cliff top where we could see out over the forest and across the sea.
"I also hear you will be leaving Tisandor Lill.” Trina said, once we were comfortable.
“Yes, I’m home sick and I need to get back and help look after mum.”
“Well I hope you have enough bedrooms for everyone.” Trina said.
“Everyone?” I asked turning to look at her.
“You didn’t think we where going to let you go alone did you?”
I lay back and watched the clouds drift lazily overhead, Michael’s head resting on my stomach and Trina’s feet draped lazily over his.
I smiled as a small red finch flew overhead as I played with the flowers that where surrounding us now that my feet were in contact with the ground again. I found that it wasn’t just my feet but any part of my skin that was in contact with the bare ground made the plants grow. The haunting melodies of Undines song floated by on the wind, amplified by Kanad who seemed to have taken a liking to it and the young Undine.
“So when do we leave?” Trina asked.
Bladed Wings Page 20