Goldie and Her Bears

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Goldie and Her Bears Page 5

by Honor James

  As the men said nothing but continued to stare at her, her mind began to process what they had said and everything they did since she was found in their home began to piece together all she had heard and seen from the men.

  “The growl, when you talked,” she swallowed, hard, "how it rumbles from your chest. The sniffing of the air in the kitchen. Come to think of it, the way you carry yourself when you walk. All of it." It was all true and she somehow knew it. “So what happens now?” she whispered finally, her voice thick with emotion. “Are you going to kill me now that I know?

  “No, it is solely up to you,” Arkadios told her quietly. He was rolling the bottle he held between his palms, as if he was nervous. “You’re our mate, we recognize it. We knew when we caught your scent. However, we won't claim you claim you or mark you as ours unless you accept us. The choice has to be yours to choose us or not. Either way,” he shrugged and took a deep drink.

  “Oh my God.” She rose and began to pace. Her mind was freaking out. She was freaking out. She didn’t know what to think or do. It was so much easier when they were just a memory of a book. But real life bears, holy hell. Her mind was telling her to run out the door while down deep in her gut, laid the knowledge that it was all true. It was so very hard for her to think, to do anything at all, it was not a good feeling. Choosing to test the waters, to see how they would react, still just a little unsure if she could do it but she had come this far and sometimes you just had to say 'fuck it'. “I really think you should hug me,” she blurted. “Because I’m totally freaking out right now.”

  Torben caught her hand and drew her onto his knee. Wrapping his arms around her, he pressed his cheek to hers. “Slow your breathing, sweet,” he said, rocking her slowly back and forth. “You don’t have to make any decisions now—nor tomorrow. We’re here to answer any questions you might have and always will be. Think it through and make the choice that you want to make, not the one you think we want you to make. We just want you happy, Goldie, with us or not, but it must be your choice.”

  She nodded and held onto him. Wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, she held onto him, forcing herself to calm her breathing, her heart slowing nearly to beat with his. “All I know is I have feelings for you that I’ve never had before. For all three of you. I’ve never once just jumped into bed with anyone, ever, so yeah.” She sighed and shook her head. “I don’t know. I really don’t,” she whispered honestly to him.

  For several minutes, she didn’t speak and then she raised her face, taking in all the men and yelled, “That is it! That is why you seemed so familiar to me.” She pressed her face into the crook of Torben's neck and laughed, “I go by Goldie. You are three bears. I broke into your house in the middle of nowhere.” She snickered, “Why had this not registered as it was happening.”

  “Trust us,” Mahon commented in a dry tone, “The fact hasn’t eluded our notice. Rather poetic when you consider it.”

  “Down, Mahon,” Torben murmured, stroking her hair. “You could quit laughing any time now, Goldie. It really isn’t all that amusing,” he said, pressing a kiss to her temple and then her cheek.

  “Yeah, well you missed me tasting the food you left, and your beds,” she muttered. Pulling back, she looked at the men and asked bluntly, “You aren’t going to hurt me are you? When Torben began to growl, for a moment I felt a little fear. Granted, it was quickly overridden because a part of me knew you wouldn’t but I want to hear it from you please.”

  “We’d rather rip out our own hearts than ever hurt you, Goldie,” Arkadios told her. “We couldn’t hurt you anymore than we could hurt ourselves. You are everything to us, if you so choose to be. The growling,” he gaze flicked past her and then back “is something we can’t help when our emotions kick up.”

  “Well that would totally explain why you guys weren’t ready to call the cops on me when you found me,” she murmured softly. “It would also likely explain why I feel so close to you, even though we have just met. Why I feel as if I have known you all my life. It is because I have. The fairy tale was my favorite as a little girl. But have to admit the adult version is looking a lot better than the animated picture book.”

  “Huh, see what we missed by not liking storybooks guys. However, we recognize one another on a level that is beyond all that. Our souls know each other. We see each other for who we really are and know that in some cases words are not required.”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly it,” she said with a sigh. “Well, working together we will learn a great deal about each other, huh? And I do still get to work for you, right? Because I think it might be a conflict of interest for me to work for your competition and date you guys, right?”

  “Major conflict of interest,” Mahon said. “And yes, the job is still yours if you want it. We would like to have you there, just for who you are, not because you’re ours. We happen to like you, Goldie, a lot. This will also give you more time to know us.”

  “I think I would like that as well. I want to be able to get to know all three of you better. I happen to really like you guys. Even though I'm pretty positive, I want to see if that feeling will grow.” She knew she already had pretty intense feelings for them.

  “They’ll grow,” Ark said, leaning back in his chair. “Whether you still like us as a result,” he shrugged and shot her a slightly cocky grin. “Just remember, we do bite.”

  “Ark,” Mahon groaned, “none of that yet. Let the poor woman get used to us one weirdness at a time without that shit. Once she makes it a month, then you can unload the full freak on her.”

  “Yes, please, let me get used to you first. I’m not easy to scare away and you should know that now, so stop trying to act as if I’m going to go running. I haven't ran yet, so I seriously doubt I will.”

  Torben chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “You good now?” he asked with a grin. “Because if you are, we should finish up our drinks and get some sleep. We have to get moving in the morning so you can run by your place and get whatever you need for the night and then dressed for the day.”

  “I think that sounds like a good idea. Yeah sleep sounds good because I really, really need to have clean clothes for the day tomorrow,” she told him.

  “Okay, come on. We will show you to the guest room. We won't pressure you for more Goldie until you are ready," Torben said.

  Trying to lighten the mood, Goldie smiles as she teased, "So do you sleep in a puppy pile or what?

  Shaking his head, Arkadios stood and finished his beer off. “If you are going to make fun of us, it's cubs. Now come on, sugar, let’s go and get you settled in while they shut the house down.” Handing his bottle off to Mahon, he held out a hand to Goldie.

  Goldie gladly took his hand as he pulled to the stairs. Once upstairs they showed her to the guest room. The whole way up the stairs the only thing she thought about was please not the pink room.

  As she entered the room she turned as Torben and Mahon came up the hall only to stop beside Ark.

  “Good night, guys." She yawned and preceded to shut the door.

  "Good night, Goldie," all three said in unison just as the door clicked closed.

  Chapter Five

  Goldie was in her room getting ready for the upcoming party. She had spent the day with the men and was amazed at how attentive they had been to her all day. It didn't matter how many meeting or sites they visited showing her their company. They wanted her to be familiar with everything, making her feel like she belonged. Not once during the day did they pressure her or make any comment about her being theirs. The men really were leaving the decision up to her.

  She had spent half the night looking at the whole picture of actually being a mate to three men, bears or not. Three—unbelievable. Goldie thought back to her childhood and how many times she had read her favorite book. To think she could live it everyday as a real life version was surreal.

  A knock on the door sounded bring her focus back to present, “Goldie, you ready to go?�

�� Torben’s voice drifted through the wood. She was getting dressed for the event that night, should have been ready already if not for a small issue. “We need to get moving in the next ten if we’re going to arrive in the fashionably late portion and not the late-late portion of the night.”

  “It’s not my fault,” she peeked out the door with a grin on her face, “you men were the ones who kept working and then we still had to go by my apartment so I could grab what I needed." She opened the door all the way, walking out of the bathroom and smoothing her hands down over the skirt. “There, how do I look?” she asked with her arms wide to give him the full view of the skirt and shirt she was wearing.

  “You’d better not be blaming us, woman,” he muttered, turning to take her in. He gave a low whistle, “Son of a bitch, woman, you are a fucking vision and a half. A goddess amongst mere mortals, we are truly not worthy,” he told her shaking his head.

  “And you’re not bad looking either,” she teased with a grin. She winked at him and moved closer, “Good. Glad you think so.” Goldie turned to reenter the room.

  “Hey, I thought you were ready. We fucking have to go or we’re never going to get there tonight. Which will not do, we need to go and schmooze. Plus every year at this event, Arkadios loves getting his paws on the appetizers and trying to figure out what they are."

  “I just need my bag." Goldie leaned over and grabbed her evening bag off the bed then standing she turned to face Torben again. "All right then, let’s get out of here so we can go and play nice and do what we need to do in order to secure the contract you guys want.”

  “And lay the groundwork for many more to come,” he said softly. “Your former bosses will be there, you going to be okay with that?” he asked, cupping her cheek with a hand.

  Thankfully she’d accepted their job offer and turned in her notice shortly after. But it would be easy for her with all those at the old company; Barrett in particular, had put her through of late. “Just a little nerves. I know just what kind of assholes they can be. Add to that the fact they really don’t care what they say in public, as long as they drag someone through the mud with them. And there you have it—nerves. But I will be fine with them being there. If they say anything to me then I will ensure they are put in their places. I know a few things I really don't think some of their clients would take to kindly to if they found out. Plus I don't want them taking out me resigning with them to take a job with your firm out on you guys. You have been nothing but gracious and nice to me."

  “Don’t go too far, Goldie,” Torben warned, touching her cheek. “We have a solid reputation and no matter what they say, there are hundreds out there willing to back us up without us needing to say a word. But if you go all kamikaze on their asses, I don’t see it ending well for any of us.”

  “I won’t,” she said with a smile. “But I also won’t let them be mean, or give you grief about hiring me or having me around. I mean it, Torben. I adore you guys and no one messes with my bears.”

  “We know that,” he smiled at her and shook his head. “Just don’t threaten him with all those people there. Try to be subtle and if that fails, get Ark to do it. No one thinks anything when he threatens anyone in public anymore.”

  Smiling sweetly Goldie shook her head, “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything I haven’t done before.” Which meant she would bring the asshats to their knees if they even dared to think of touching her or verbally attacking those she cared for.

  “Kind of what I’m scared of,” Torben admitted, shaking his head. Taking her hand, he led her out of his office muttering the entire way. Down on street level, he guided her out to the stretch limo waiting with Ark and Mahon lounging within. Opening the door, he ushered her in, followed, and then let the driver know to get moving.

  Goldie began to grin as she looked at the men, “Goodness gracious you guys certainly clean up nicely,” she murmured happily. "Are you sure you want to waste the evening on a business dinner."

  “We have to go to this, but we only have to stay about two hours, tops,” Mahon told her as he passed Torben’s phone to him. “I’ve put in the two you need to locate and chat with or be near,” he explained. “We should meet about an hour after our arrival and figure out who else to hit up. Ark, you stay with me for the first portion. Goldie with Torben, you’ll need to know the people he’ll be talking with so you understand what their needs are as well. Then we’ll switch off partners after a quick confab and shots at the bar.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me. That way we can move and mingle through the crowd as we need to and after that, we will ensure we are able to discuss what we have learned during that time as well. I think that will be a very good idea, don’t you?” she asked softly.

  “Works for me,” Ark said with a nod. “First stop is the bar though. The God help me if I don’t get at least one drink in before I start getting mauled,” he muttered.

  Torben snickered and leaned over. “Apparently women over a certain age have a thing for Ark and like to hunt him. Literally. We have a neighbor, Mrs. Riley, who’s like seventy-five and she creates issues or things for us to fix just to get Arkadios over there.”

  “The fucking woman stalks me through her house and gooses my ass anytime I turn my back. No one with arthritis as bad as hers appears to be should be able to move that damn silently,” Ark bitched loudly.

  Goldie laughed at his statement and shook her head, “Are you sure I shouldn’t mingle with Ark then? You know, maybe to protect his delicious backside." Goldie's hand quickly came up to cover her mouth while she looked at the men. Not believing she had voiced that out loud.

  The only response she received from the men were the huge smiles she watched spread across their faces. They smiled at her for just a moment then Mahon answered.

  “Nope, you’re with Torben for this round,” Mahon said shaking his head. “Don’t mess with the plan woman. He’ll introduce you to everyone, let them know who you are and then we will go from there. Now, go mingle and we’ll all meet in one hour at the bar for drinks and to discuss.”

  She held up her hands and laughed, “All right. One hour,” she snickered and linked her arm with Torben. Looking up at him happily, she grinned, “So what are you introducing me as? Your new employee or your own BE overnight guest?”

  “BE guest? Please, if you are the type of guest we get with leaving the doors unlocked, then breaking and entering guest we shall gladly call you,” he chuckled leading her away from the others. Torben dropped his voice, “Goldie, I want you to know that no matter what happens, whether you accept us or not—you are and always will be so much more to us. But we do need to be careful tonight, some of these people are very, very old school,” he warned under his breath. “For now you are our new executive assistant and in time, if you do choose us, we’ll let it out of the bag that you were meant to be ours as we were meant to be yours. But little steps for now.”

  Goldie thought for a moment then she nodded, “This is true. I think it’s a very good idea that you introduce me first as your executive assistant, then maybe more."

  “We only hope, much, much more,” he agreed with a grin. Tucking her hand in the crook of his arm he let out a breath. “Prepare to endure entirely new levels of boredom,” he murmured, leading her toward the first group.

  “I’m as ready as I will ever be,” Goldie shot back to him, but moved right along with him as they spoke. Reaching out to the tray passing by, she grabbed a flute of champagne for her and one for him as well. “So.” She took a sip. “What are you thinking, my dear? Who do we hit up first?”

  “The Millers first,” he said, leading her toward the couple holding court as it were. “They have a not-for-profit group that builds homes for battered women. They usually do about forty or so at a time, and women that qualify get a home, a job, and a new start. We’ve built a couple of homes for the project, our good deed of the year. We like to do it and really it costs us nothing but time.”

  “That’s actually
an amazing and worthy cause. I’m proud of you guys.” She hadn’t ever worked for someone before who thought of others before their bottom line. It was refreshing and very nice indeed.

  “We’re able to do it and given Mahon’s childhood, we feel it’s our duty to do what little we can.” Stopping at the group, he smiled at the Millers, “Sorry to interrupt. Frank, Georgina, this is Goldie—our newest executive assistant. Goldie—Mr. Frank Miller and Mrs. Georgina Miller, the founders of the Miller Foundation for Women.”

  Goldie shook their hands and smiled, “It’s very nice to meet you both.” She first shook his hand and then hers, “Torben told me of the work you do. It’s a marvelous cause. I’m impressed with what you have been able to do and would be very interested to perhaps discuss with you some of your upcoming plans?”

  “I like her, Torben, my boy,” Frank said with a slow nod. “We have a meeting coming up, don’t we?” he looked to him.

  “Yes, sir, we do. Next Tuesday I believe,” Torben said with a chuckle.

  “Good, make sure you block off a full two hours,” Georgina said with a smile. “We have a new build that we think you and the lads would be perfect for. Speaking of, where is Arkadios?” she asked with a sly look in her eyes.

  Torben sipped the champagne, “I believe he’s over near the bar.”

  “Excellent, I will have to go and say hello to him,” she smiled oh so sweetly.

  After the Millers left, Goldie turned to Torben and grinned, “Does Ark know you are the one that sends all the women his way for their chance to feel him up? You are truly a very bad man, but you know what?” She looked over the rim of her champagne glass and said, “I like it.”


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