Goldie and Her Bears

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Goldie and Her Bears Page 18

by Honor James

  “Nope, I took their pillows.” she confessed with a grin. “And they won’t be grumpy, they will know it was me. I like smelling my guys around me when I sleep, and since I have the real thing in you, I am settling for second best for them. So, I took their pillows.” Made sense to her.

  “Guess it works,” he said, lifting his head up to look at her. “So, you’re done?” he asked. At her nod, he got up and moved to shut the other case and grab them both. “Then we should get moving. You have your vitamins and all that fun stuff?” he asked as they headed for the stairs.

  “Yep, I have everything I should need for the next however long we will be gone.” Goldie looked at him and took a deep breath. “And you're sure I’m worth all this?” her worry and concern was clear in her voice as she whispered those words to him. “Worth this big fat mess I seem to have brought into your lives?”

  He dropped everything, whirled, caught her, and had her back plastered to the door, with his body holding her there faster than she could suck in her next breath. “You are worth everything, Goldie. Don’t even think about running off on your own. That will just piss me off and babe—you really do not want to have a pissed off bear on your ass. I love you. Completely, fully and would walk through the pits of Hell for you naked without a drop of water. So enough. When you have doubts know, we love and adore you. And if that isn’t enough, just hug me, woman. You know, as well as I do, a hug fucking solves a lot.”

  Goldie didn’t even speak. She nodded and hugged him. Wrapping both her arms and legs around him. Pressing her face against his neck, she whispered, “I love you, Ark. So much. I wasn’t going to leave you; I don’t think I ever could. I just, I was worried you would leave me,” she admitted.

  “Never, love, you are my every breath and heartbeat. God woman, without you I’d never survive,” he whispered against her ear. “I could no more leave you than I could give up my bear. So get that thought out of your head too.”

  “Fair enough.” She looked up at him and nodded. “I just hope Tor and Mahon are okay with the fact I really want you to marry me legally when the time comes and them in a civil ceremony. You don’t think they will be too upset, do you?” She loved them all, but her Arkadios was the one to hold her heart just a smidge tighter.

  “I doubt they will be upset, but you can put the question to them when we get back. And we will be back, that’s a promise,” he smiled down at her. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he stepped back and held her as she regained her balance on her feet. “For now though, we really need to get moving.”

  “Yes. Okay let’s get moving.” She took another breath and nodded. “We will use this for practice. Practice on being on our honeymoon.” It was something she was hopeful they would have for real one day.

  “After you,” he said, opening the door. Grabbing the bags, he followed her out to the truck. After tossing everything in the back, Ark moved over to talk to one of their watchers. Nodding, he pulled out his phone and they talked for a little longer while he appeared to be typing in something. A few minutes later, he slid behind the wheel. “Got his number in case we end up separated since it’s going to be rush hour when we head through the city. We’d apparently normally avoid it but he wants to ensure that if we do have a tail, they’re just as stuck and maybe show themselves.”

  “Smart move,” she said as she got into the car and buckled up once more. “Well let’s hope it will be that easy. Hopefully they will slip up and then the whole thing can be avoided?” She was dreaming and knew it, but a girl could hope, right?

  “We can hope but unless we have all of them under wraps, it’s not going to happen. And I seriously doubt that even if we catch one, the others will just show up to be arrested. These guys have all gone off their rockers. No sane man shoots at anyone, especially with a child present, if all their faculties are still operating at full power.”

  “True.” Taking a deep breath, she rubbed her temples. “Damn it I hate this. I hate this is all happening. Why in the hell did they have to go off the deep end like that? I mean seriously? Freaking idiots.” They were more than idiots. They were insane monsters.

  “No one can say why someone snaps like this, Goldie. But you do know, it isn’t your fault right?” He looked at her as they left the property and headed the opposite way from their usual route. “You can't shoulder the blame for what thoughts go through another’s head or for their actions.”

  “I know and I’m trying to keep that in mind but it’s hard. I keep seeing you hurt, and Lil J pulled into it. It’s just not good. I hate they have taken this from us. Taken the happiness we deserve and I hate to admit this, but I hope you or one of the boys find them and tear them limb from limb and bury their bodies in the woods. After all, a bear can’t be held accountable for killing someone, right?”

  “Bears don’t tend to bury their prey, babe,” he said with a grin on his face. “And you have turned into one seriously blood thirsty female. Not that I mind but, quite frankly, you’re starting to scare me a little. Makes me wonder what you’ll do to one of us if we piss you off badly enough, which then has me cringing and ensuring my will is up to date.” He shot her a toothy grin. “Besides all that, if there’s a rogue bear on the loose the locals tend to get up in arms and go out hunting for it.”

  “Don’t worry, I would never, ever do anything that would hurt you guys,” she admitted to him and sighed. “Well crap. I don’t want anyone hunting for you guys. Maybe take them several counties away so we can kill them?” Yes, she was bloodthirsty, but these men had shattered her illusions of safety and to her, that meant they needed to die.

  “Well there is that, or we could just have them thrown in jail for the rest of their miserable lives. Given how they act in public, do you really think they’d survive long in prison without making friends with someone? And by friends, I do mean the closest of friends, bunkmates even.”

  “I’m just worried something will happen and honestly I’m not so sure the judicial system will hold up,” she whispered. “That is my biggest fear. I know I shouldn’t have the worry but I do.”

  “I know love, me too. But one way or another, they will face justice, either by your people or by mine. And trust me, my kind are a hell of a lot less forgiving about attempted murder of a mate. That shit gets people eviscerated right quick.”

  “Good,” she muttered. “Then we will ensure they pay for the crimes they have committed one way or another.” She took a deep breath and let it out. “All right, I’m dropping it now because if not I will not be a pleasant person. We will get to where we are going and enjoy this, right?”

  “We will, and when the cops catch Barrett and his cronies, then we’ll worry about the rest.” He squeezed her hand once more and looked at her. “You could slide into the center you know instead of sitting all the way over by the door.”

  “Okay.” She had been waiting on him to tell her to move closer instead of taking it on her own. Releasing her belt, she slid close then did herself back up again. “There, now this is better. Would be even more so if you would put your arm around me.”

  “So demanding,” he teased her. But he did put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in closer to him. “Why were you sitting all the way over there anyway, babe? Had to be lonely and boring there. Hell, if I could have moved the steering column over I’d have snuggled right up to you. So, why were you perched over there ignoring the very obvious option of snuggling up to me?”

  “Because I was worried about you not being able to fully concentrate, or some such nonsense like that,” she muttered. “Honestly I don’t know why I was sitting all the way over there. I think I just was so godsmacked by what’s happening I didn’t think of it.”

  “Well that’s fine I suppose,” he gave her a squeeze. “Next time just sidle on over and get cozy. I much prefer having you close than so far away from me. I love you, Goldie and, for a while at least, I’m going to be glued to your side, tight.”

  “Good. I doubt I will be able
to stay far from you, except when I have to pee. Sorry, still a little shy on some things.”

  “Darling, that much I already know. We’ve been living together for only a little while, but that lesson was learned fast one day. Mainly with the bum rush from the bathroom, and then the door being slammed on my nose.”

  “True.” She had the decency to at least blush at slamming the door in his face. “I just I can’t pee when someone is listening or watching. It’s why I have such a sucky time with drug tests, I’ve got a shy bladder.”

  “You live with three guys who really are not all that shy. You should retrain your bladder, babe,” he said with a chuckle. Rubbing his hand over her arm, he gave her a squeeze. “Cause you know eventually you’re going to have to give in and pee in front of at least one of us.”

  “Ha, that’s what you think,” she muttered. “I mean it. No way in hell will I pee in front of any of you. I will find a way away from you guys somehow.”

  “Oh, you will one day,” he grinned at her. “I will place good money on that. Even if it’s out of sheer desperation, you will. Not today, not tomorrow, but I’m betting it’s coming. Hundred bucks says you’ll do it sometime in the future, under five years.”

  “No way in hell,” Goldie said with a shake of her head. “The bet is on like Donkey Kong. No way in hell will I ever, ever pee in front of you guys. I do not pee in front of other people, period. Never gonna happen, big boy.”

  “We shall see,” he teased. For the next several hours they drove. Stopping only twice, once for a pee break at her demand, and the other for caffeine at his demand. Finally, though they reached the cabin, none too soon given how she was dancing in her seat. Arkadios was chuckling as he got out and handed her the keys. “Go in. It’s down the hall to the right near the back door. But don’t flush until I’ve gotten everything going.”

  “Thank heavens.” She grabbed the keys and took off like lightning. “Don’t take long,” she called over her shoulder as she made for the bathroom. After a time, she came out and leaned against the doorframe. “All right, can I flush and wash my hands now?” She hoped so.

  “Yes, you can use the water. It’s all on now. Just start it slow, there may be air in the pipes. I tried to clear it, so don't turn it on high right off, you’ll end up drenching yourself,” he smiled. “Go, do your thing, I’m going to start something for us to eat.”

  “Sounds good,” she said with a grin. Moving back to the bathroom, she turned on the water and turned it on low. She then flushed the toilet and waited for a moment to wash up. “Oh God, this water stinks.” It smelled like rotten eggs, seriously not a good smell in the least.

  “Let it run for a while, we haven’t be up here in way too long, so it’s just stagnant. It’ll clear in a few,” he said walking around the corner. He held up some wet naps, “For the immediate issue. There’s also some antibacterial hand stuff in the kitchen if you want that on top of it all.”

  “Thank you.” She kissed his cheek after taking the wet naps. “You are truly a God among men,” she teased him with a smile. “Always knowing what I need, and want even before I do. I happen to love that about you. You are amazing, Arkadios.”

  “Just trying to keep you happy so you don’t notice I have no clue what I’m doing,” he smiled back. Winking, he turned and headed back up the short hall. “The cops are here as well, just so you don’t have the sudden urge to strip naked.”

  That had her grinning and she shook her head. “Honey, you have more than a clue. You do very well at keeping me happy. You are amazing, so shush it.” Hell, she had forgotten all about the cops. “All right. No stripping. I will try to keep myself in check.”

  “I’m sure they would appreciate it,” he said, laughter in his voice. There was softer talk and a bit of laughter as dishes were bumped about. “Babe, you feeling up for some chili? I have some garlic bread I can toast up to go with it.”

  “Oh that sounds wonderful. And you know me; I can always go for food. So feed me.”

  Grinning at her, he handed her a beer. “Grab a seat for a bit, it’ll take about ten to warm everything up,” he said. Leaning in, he kissed her gently. “I think we made the cops uncomfortable,” he said in a low tone, an evil grin on his face.

  “I think so too, but I honestly don’t care.” When she was with her men, they were all that mattered. For a moment, Ark had her forgetting that some insane asshat was after her to kill her. So yeah, she really didn't care.

  “Kind of figured, thus the warning I gave you about the impromptu company we have,” he smiled and chuckled. “Grab a chair, and keep me company while I try not to blow us up on this relic,” he turned to the stove. “I really need to get a new one out here,” he muttered. There was some clicking, a light of a match, and then he ducked. Ducked! Followed by a loud whoosh of sound.

  “Sounds good.” She watched him and grinned. Then the gas whooshed to life with the strike of the match, Goldie lost her grin and nearly tumbled backward herself. “Holy shit. Ark, are you okay?” She was checking him to ensure he hadn’t hurt himself. “Yes, I really think you need to get a new one out here soon.”

  “I’ll live, I’ve learned to duck with this beast,” he said. Catching her hands, he pulled her close. “I’m good, darling,” he said softly, wrapping her up in his arms. “I do love when you worry about me, but there really isn’t a need for it in this particular case.”

  “You know I will always worry for you, Arkadios. You are my heart, my love. I will forever worry about you just as you will me.” She wrapped her arms around him as well and grinned as she pressed her cheek to his chest. “How long until we can go to bed?” she teasingly asked.

  “Uh, well, we should have dinner first; and maybe discuss the game plan with the cops. Then, and only then, can we go to bed? There are three bedrooms here, so our guests will have a place to use they can rest. We have enough food we won’t need to hit a shop any time soon, thankfully. Other than that,” he shrugged. “It’s going to be a few boring days.”

  “Sounds good to me. I can handle a boring few days.” Bring it on! She was ready. “Just don’t bitch at me when I start to want to play strip poker or something. Just not any board games. Cards I’m great with, but I might hit you over the head if you want to play Monopoly or something like that.”

  “Not even Snakes and Ladders?” he asked with a pout. Then he chuckled, “No board games, promise. We don’t exactly have a great selection here since my sister refuses to let me bring Josie up here. I think she’s afraid I’ll turn her into one of us, beer guzzling, belching, ass-scratching, heathens.”

  Goldie could only laugh. “God, you are too funny. First off, that child could never, ever turn out to be anything she didn’t want to be. She’s far too much like you for that. She’s totally and completely her own girl and I love her for that. Secondly, none of you are ass-scratching heathens. Belching yes, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single one of you digging your asses.” She leaned in and whispered, “Especially not when you are all far too fascinated by mine.”

  “Yours is extremely cute and all the possibilities that come to mind when it comes into view.” Arkadios let out a low whistle and shook his head. “It’s surely a sin to have an ass that damned fine,” he smiled.

  That had her grinning and she winked. “Well you know how it is.” She pulled back from him, her hand trailing down his chest and biting her lower lip. “Damn you are a handsome man. And honey, if my ass is fine then yours is plain made of gold or something because it’s a thing of art, and I love squeezing it.”

  Snorting, he shook his head at her looking embarrassed. Which, given the chuckles from the other room, he might be with the cops laughing at the statement. “I think you need to sit down so I can heat up dinner. Otherwise, we’re going to starve and they are going to get a show in sex education the likes of which is not offered in school.”

  “Good point,” she muttered and looked over her shoulder. “And I don’t think they deserve t
he kind of show that we would give.” She stepped back. “So go ahead and heat up the food. I promise I will try to be good.”

  “Drink your beer and try not to look so damned sexy, woman. It’s seriously a crime to look like you do.” He paused; shot her a considering look and then began to smile. “I’m going to have to have a wee little chat with our cop friends methinks. I have a wonderful idea and they have the supplies required for it.”

  Goldie frowned, “Okay, what is your so wonderful mind came up with?” She wanted to know. “Because you have a look on your face that tells me you can’t wait to get them doing whatever it is you want them to do.”

  “Nope,” he smirked and set the large pot onto the burner. “Not sharing just now,” he told her with a grin. Whistling softly, he collected a spoon, stuck it into the pot, and then moved to set bread slices onto a baking tray that may, or may not have, been pre-Civil War era.

  “Oh you are so bad,” she grumbled and took her seat once more, crossing her legs, and watching him. “I hope whatever it is, will get us some alone time?” She had no idea what the big man was planning but it would be delicious whatever it was if the look on his face was any indication.

  “Oh it will. Lots and lots of it. You may disapprove slightly, but I’m sure we’ll get around it.” He winked over his shoulder before sliding the tray into the ancient beast of an oven. Moving to the cupboards, he pulled down bowls and plates setting them onto the counter.

  That had her frowning and she asked, “Please tell me you don’t want to take me camping.” She loved camping but honestly, she loved a nice warm bed even better. “Because if so, you and I are going to have to have a chat.”

  “Babe, we are as close to camping as I’ll likely ever take you. With your aversion to peeing in front of anyone, I’d hate to take you somewhere you’d have to pee in front of a squirrel or a bird. You’d bloody well explode before we got you to a real bathroom.”


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