The Goalie and the Best Friend's Sister (New Hampshire Bears Book 9)

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The Goalie and the Best Friend's Sister (New Hampshire Bears Book 9) Page 9

by Mary Smith

  I could easily fall in love with her.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The next two days flew by. If I wasn’t at work, Nathan and I were keeping the twins entertained. It’s not been simple reigning in their enthusiasm. Nathan and I have been sneaking in quick kisses and watching our show at night when they go to bed.

  Presently, I’m fidgeting with the pencil in between my fingers. Even though I’m taking the test on a computer, tapping and moving the pencil in my hand calms my nerves. I take a deep breath and remember Nathan telling me how proud he is of me. Alden, Mom, Baylor, and even Kace all sent me text messages wishing me well. Everyone is counting on me, but I know if I do fail they’ll be there to support me.

  Here we go.

  I click start and possibly begin the next chapter of my life.

  Baylor had taken the day off to help watch Drew and Copper since Nathan, Alden, and several other Bears had an appearance to make. Since I had my test this morning there wasn’t anyone to watch the boys.

  As I walk into the house, it’s quiet. I call out a few times, but no one answers. Suddenly I hear laughter coming from the backyard.

  When I step out on the porch, I find Baylor and all the boys playing, but I’m not sure what’s happening. They have four long plastic strips out in a diamond shape with three pools in between. It’s all wet and sprinklers are spraying on the long strips. It looks like a baseball diamond. I watch as Baylor rolls the ball to Drew who kicks it. Copper and Kace race to the ball as Drew slides down the plastic and into the pool.

  “What are you playing?” I shout gathering their attention.

  “Aunt Amara.” Kace races to me.

  “Amara.” Drew and Copper follow suit.

  “You are all wet.” I laugh, hugging them all. “Where did you get the swim trunks?” I asked the twins.

  “Baylor,” they answer.

  “Come play.” Baylor strolls over. “You can wear something of mine when we’re done.”

  “Let’s go.” I take my phone and keys out of my pockets and kick off my shoes on the patio and race out with the boys.

  I can’t remember having this much fun. The boys would kick the ball as Baylor and I chase it. We laugh, splash around and I’m certain we’re losing. I don’t think I’ve ever run this much in my life. I’m sweaty. I tie my tank and turn it into a halter top.

  I’m able to catch the ball Kace kicks and race over to get Drew out. We both end up falling into the second base pool. Laughing.

  “What’s going on here?”

  We all stop and turn to see Alden, Nathan, and Bas standing on the patio. They’re all in dress pants and button up shirts.




  All the boys run to the patio. Baylor and I are able to catch our breath. I’m going to sleep well tonight because I’ll be exhausted.

  “Play with us.” I can hear each of the boys begging. “Please.”

  “I’ve got clean shorts for you guys.” Alden offers.

  “All right. Let’s play,” Bas says.

  The guys go in to change and Baylor asks if I can help her make some sandwiches for everyone. As all the guys are outside playing, I dry off and we create an assembly line to make a massive stack of food. Baylor carries the platter as I grab several bags of chips, beers, and bottles of water.

  “Come and eat.” I call out. I notice Nathan is shirtless and wet. It makes me lose focus, and I almost trip over my own feet.

  We all sit around the patio and Nathan sits across from me since Copper is on my left and Baylor is on my right. My eyes kept gazing over at his bare chest – his hard, lickable chest. I feel someone nudging my leg.

  “Huh?” I turn to my right.

  “Alden asked you a question.” Baylor smirks catching me in the act of staring.

  “What?” I turn my attention to him.

  “I asked how the test went.”

  “Oh.” I shrug. “I guess okay. I’ll know in a week.”

  “Wow. That fast?” Nathan asks.

  “Yes. Everything is all electronic.” I nod nibbling on some chips.

  We chat about the appearance the guys made today. It was at a local foster home. They seemed to have fun with the kids.

  When the boys finished eating, Alden suggested they go play basketball for a while.

  “Are you all ready for draft day?” I know it’s a sore topic for some players.

  The guys groan.

  “Why? What’s draft day have to do with you guys?”

  Poor Baylor. She’s new to all of this. She doesn’t understand.

  “A lot of players can be traded.” Alden explains.

  “Can you be traded?” She pales.

  He smirks. “I have a no-trade clause. When I renewed my contract, Amara had just moved here and started school. I didn’t want to leave her alone.”

  It sounds as if he’s trying to be controlling but in truth, he’s a great big brother.

  “How long is that good for?” Baylor questions.

  “Three years.”

  “What about you two?” She looks at Nathan and Bas.

  “I’m tradeable,” Nathan says sadly.

  “Me too.” Bas’ tone is the same. “More than likely, I’ll go.”

  “Why?” She becomes more curious.

  “Because he’s young and talented,” Alden answers. “Guys like him are traded a lot.”

  “Oh, Bas.” Baylor pouts. “I hope you’re not.”

  He shrugs. “It happens.”

  “What about you, Nathan?” She turns to him.

  “I’m able to be traded.” He repeats. “Or go back to the minors.”

  “I doubt you’ll go to the minors.” Alden states.

  “Then I’ll be traded.”

  “Who would take your place?” Baylor is now deeply invested in the conversation.

  “Teo or Kit Waters, who plays for the Tigers. Or they could trade for another goalie.” He gives her every possible scenario.

  “I guess I never thought about it.” She looks completely devastated by this news. “Will you be able to put in that clause next time?”

  This time I speak up. “Probably not. Alden will be close to thirty and the only way he could is if he continues to have an exceptional season.”

  “What does his age have to do with it?”

  “Most hockey players retire between thirty-three and thirty-six,” I answer.

  “Cabel is still playing. He’s thirty-ish.” Baylor continues.

  “He’s thirty-seven. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was his last season,” Alden says. “He didn’t put up good numbers last season, but he’s a huge presence in the locker room and off the ice for us.”

  “Now I’m even sadder.” Baylor pouts again. “I didn’t realize you all would be leaving.”

  “It’s part of the job,” Nathan says.

  There’s a sad silence for a moment before I suggest we start cleaning up. They guys went out in the yard and broke down the kickball slip and slide. Baylor and I clean up the patio and then she gives me a clean outfit.

  When I finish changing in my old bathroom, I walk out and see Nathan coming in and closing the bedroom door.

  “Hey.” I’m unsure why he’s in here.

  “You’re going to have to forgive me.”

  “Huh?” I repeat.

  “I’m about to do something extremely rash and uncharacteristic of me, but if I don’t I may explode.”


  I can barely understand him, but he stalks over to me and captures my mouth with his. He guides us into the bathroom and kicks the door shut. His lips never leaving mine.

  The kiss is hard and passionate as we both battle for control. He sweeps his tongue over my lips and I open my mouth wider and taste the pale ale on his tongue. He squeezes me tighter and lifts me up onto the counter. I open my legs and let him settle in between them. We’ve kissed before but this is more intens
e. Nathan never takes control like this. It’s sexy as fuck.

  When we come up for air, I ask, “What the hell was that?”

  He pants. “I’m sorry.” He hangs his head.

  “No.” I grab his chin and make him look at me. “I want to know what I did for it to happen. This way I can do it again.”

  He chuckles. “You just look fucking sexy.”

  “Thanks.” I give him the sexiest wink I can muster. “You’re not too shabby either.”

  He softly kisses me this time.

  Bang. Bang.

  “You two better not be doing what I think you are,” Alden yells from the other side of the door.

  We both laugh. “We’re not.” I holler back.

  “Well, hurry up then.”

  “I guess we need to get back to the twins.” Nathan steps back.

  “Hey.” I hop off the counter. “You may want me to go first. You need to calm down.”


  I point down to his semi-hard self.

  “Fuck.” He groans and I can see he’s embarrassed.

  I giggle. “Nathan, I’m well aware you have a penis. This isn’t groundbreaking information.”

  “You are Alden.” He rolls his eyes.

  This time I laugh loudly, give him a quick kiss and head down to everyone else.

  When we get back to the apartment, Nathan plays video games with the twins as I read more comics on the couch. I can’t believe how great they are. Most of the time, I’m staring over the pages looking at Nathan. Since our heated, quick make out session, I can’t stop thinking about his take-charge attitude. It really did turn me on more than I ever thought I could be.

  The twins want pizza again and we order exactly what they want. It’s their last night with us and I’m sad to see them leave. They’re a lot of fun and smart and are a lot like Nathan but smaller than his six foot seven self.

  The twins are stretched out on the air mattress and Nathan’s on the couch. Fast asleep. I cover them all up before going to bed with a large smile on my face because of the great day I had.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I watch the twins pick at their breakfast, instead of eating it. They look as sad as I feel. I hate they’re leaving because I won’t see them for months.

  My plan last night had been to make out with Amara more, but instead, I fell asleep – like some dork. She must have woken up early to fix this spread of breakfast. However, none of us are touching it.

  Buzz. Buzz.

  “It’s Dad.” I stand up and head over to the intercom to let them in.

  Dad and Marie greet me with hugs and do the same for Amara. Drew and Copper go and get their bags in a zombie-like motion.

  “Did you two have fun?” Marie beams.

  They nod but keep their heads hanging.

  “Hey.” I kneel down to them. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll see you guys soon.”

  Copper has tears rolling down his cheeks and Drews are close to falling as well.

  “Give me hugs.” I hold out my arms and wrap them around both of them. “I love you both.”

  They mumble their love back and I let them go. They hug Amara next and she tells them how much fun she had with them.

  “They’ll come back soon.” Marie tells me. I know she’s being nice because their hockey camp will take up the next several weeks.

  I simply nod, embrace my brothers again and watch my family leave my apartment. My tears are right on the surface and close to the edge. Amara comes up behind me, resting her forehead on the middle of my back. I rub my hands over her arms.

  “I hate I have to go to work.” She mutters.

  “It’s okay. Bas and I are going to workout. Then I’m going to head over and check Teo’s and Nova’s house.”

  “How’s Teo?”

  I turn and face her. “He texted me yesterday. He said the funeral was nice, but he’s not sure when they’ll return home.”

  “That’s understandable.” She leans up and softly kisses me. “I need to go or I’ll be late.”

  “It’s fine,” I say giving her a reassuring smile.

  “Is it too soon to ask for a date tonight?” There’s apprehension in her question.

  “No.” My smile widens. “I was hoping to take you to dinner tonight.”

  “I’d love to.”

  This time I kiss her. It’s comfortable with her. It feels right. She belongs in my arms with our lips together. I don’t want it to end.

  “I have to go.” She pulls away breathless.

  “I’ll see you tonight.”

  Her face lights up as she grabs her items and heads out the door. I have to make tonight special for her – and I will.

  I sit outside of Bas’ apartment for a moment waiting for him to come down. I think about tonight with Amara. I want to take her out but where? Everyone goes to restaurants and such, but is it special enough for her?

  “Hey.” Bas breaks into my thoughts as he gets in the car.

  “Bro.” I scrunch my nose. “You’ve got to stop with the vodka. How much are you drinking at night?”

  “Sorry.” He grabs candy from his gym bag.

  “Seriously are you okay?” I look him over. He seems to be exhausted. Almost as if he’s not sleeping at all.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” He waves his hand and pops the candy in his mouth.

  “I’m going to stop at Teo’s and check on the place.”

  “No problem.” He nods.

  I head over there first. I put the mail on the table and double check to make sure everything is locked tight.

  We hit the gym and for the next three hours we do cardio. I hate running but the elliptical makes it a little easier. Not much but a little.

  “I think I’m going to chunder.” Bas moans as we slowly make our way to the locker room.

  “My legs are like wet, broken noodles.” I fall onto the bench. “If I lay down, I may not ever get up.”

  “Agree. I’m going to hit the shower.” Bas heads down to the showers and I do the same.

  I spend a couple of extra minutes under the hot spray before reaching for my towel and going back out to the lockers. As I turn the corner, I see Bas chugging a mini bottle of vodka. I stand there for a moment as I watch him stuff the empty bottle back into his bag and shove several mints into his mouth.

  “Are you all right?” I ask him. It’s the dumbest question I could have ever asked, but it’s the only thing I can say.

  “Sure am.” He grins and begins to get dressed.

  I should say something to him, right? Why is he drinking in the middle of the gym’s locker room? Does he do this often? I know he smells like vodka a lot, but it’s because he likes to party. Right?

  “Nate?” He snaps his fingers in front of my face.

  “Yes. What?”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine.” I turn and quickly get dressed.

  Bas talks on and on about his brothers, Bax and Beck. We all know he’s part of triplets and was raised by his grandparents after his parents died in a freak skiing accident. It’s a story told on his draft day. The PHL did a whole story on him.

  After I drop him off, I drive to Alden’s. He’ll know what to do about Bas. He’s been around a lot more than me, and I’m sure he’s been in this situation.

  I ring his doorbell and luckily he answers.

  “Hey, Nate, what’s up?”

  “Got a minute?”

  “Come in.” He steps to the side.

  “Privately,” I softly say seeing Kace running over to me. “Hey, Buddy.” I greet him as he hugs my waist.

  “Did your brothers go home?”

  “Yes, they left this morning.” I tell him sadly.

  “I hope they come back soon,” he says.

  “Buddy.” Alden cuts him off. “Nate and I have to talk. Go play for a minute.” He tells him.

  “Don’t leave without saying goodbye.” Kace informs me as he runs off. />
  “What’s up?” he asks making his way toward the kitchen.

  “Have you happened to notice anything… strange… with Bas?” I take a seat at the breakfast bar.

  “What do you mean?” He leans against the counter across from me.

  “His drinking. Have you noticed how much he drinks?”

  “He’s from England. Don’t they drink at twelve?”

  “Hey.” I accost. “That’s mean.”

  “No, it’s not. All Europeans like to drink.”

  “Shut up. I’m from the same continent and don’t drink half as much as he does.”

  Alden shrugs. “It’s the offseason and he’s probably homesick. I wouldn’t think anything of it.”

  “I guess you’re right.” I try not to think too much of it because Bas is homesick. He’s even told me. I guess everyone deals with stress in their own way.

  “What else is on your mind?” He pulls out a couple of bottles of water from the fridge.

  “Well…” I hesitate for a beat. “I’m supposed to take out this amazing girl tonight for our first proper date, and I’m not sure where to take her to make it special.”

  Alden rolls his eyes. “Come on, really.”

  I grin. “Who else should I get advice from? You’re the only man who’s bedded almost all the women in the Western Hemisphere.” I joke.

  “I think you’re fine without my advice, and I won’t be giving any to bed my sister.”

  “I’m not sure. This is our first date out in public. I want to do something memorable. Can’t you give me something?” I pick at the label on the water bottle.

  He groans as he takes a drink from his bottle. “What did you have planned?”

  “Nothing. Just dinner. I guess we could go to the steakhouse or somewhere.”


  “And what?”

  He shakes his head. “No wonder you’re still a virgin.”

  “Hey.” I shot. “I have feelings, you ass.”

  He laughs. “Look Amara is really into those romantic movies. She loves flowers, a guy who opens doors for her and pulls out her chair, shit like that.”


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