Dear Captor (Letters in Blood series Book 1)

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Dear Captor (Letters in Blood series Book 1) Page 4

by Liz Lovelock

  “Okay. I’ll be back in an hour.” Rising from her seat, she strides around her desk and stops in front of me. My chest is moving as though I’m breathing, but it feels as if my throat is a thin straw. Is she going to fire me?

  “Elenore, thank you. Please, will you straighten this paperwork out while I’m gone? We’ll get it all sorted when I get back.”

  Before I manage to respond she’s out the door, and I’m relieved I still have a job. I get to work, checking my phone one last time before putting it away, and there’s a message from an unknown number.

  Unknown: You look beautiful today, precious princess. See you soon.

  Fear threads its way through my veins. Someone’s watching me. I glance around and I’m alone in the office. I step away from the large window. I type a reply.

  Me: Who is this?

  My hands shake as I hit send. I wait anxiously for a response, but one never comes.

  Ten o’clock arrives and Ms. Vi’s still not back. Perhaps she’s having a nap after her big night. Might do her some good. While I’m sorting through all the paperwork on her desk and putting it into the appropriate piles for her to go through, her office phone rings.

  “Hello, Ms. Vi’s office,” my chipper, professional voice answers.

  “Hey, Elle, it’s Ruby from front desk. We’ve got some detectives here to talk to Ms. Vi about Becky.” Her tone is sad.

  My heart hurts at the mention of Rebecca’s name.

  “Oh, um… okay. Tell them she’s out at the moment.”

  “Okay, hold on one second.” I can hear the mumbling of voices, and then Ruby comes back on the line. “They’d like to talk to you.”

  My stomach plummets. “Why me?”

  “Um… well, I kind of mentioned you were good friends with Becky.”

  Rolling my eyes, with a deadpan expression, I reply, “Fine, send them up. I’ll meet them at the elevator.”

  Hanging up the phone, I steady my now wobbly legs. Guilt floods my veins. What kind of friend am I? I didn’t report her missing. How was I supposed to know she was gone? She could have gone away with her monthly boyfriend. I’m not sure who he was. Sometimes she’d keep these things to herself. She was always worried about being judged, not that I ever would. This whole situation is messed up.

  I check my cell. I still haven’t got a response from the unknown number, and it’s freaking me out. Do I tell someone? Maybe I should contact Roman, since he’s a detective? He could help me and possibly track the number. It could be this crazy person has the wrong number as well, and I’m over reacting.

  Stepping out from behind Ms. Vi’s desk, I make my way to greet the detectives. My eyes focus on my red heels, and upon glancing up, I’m met with a familiar face.

  Detective Roman Blackwood.

  My movement stops, and my heart pumps furiously. Roman strides toward me and his strong aftershave hits my senses. I inhale the spicy scent that turns me to mush. My eyes momentarily pause on his perfectly sculpted chest, then move up to his gorgeous face.

  “Hello, again.” His smile ignites my own. His deep voice dances its way along my nerves, setting them on fire.

  “Oh, umm… hello.” Trying to act casual fails me. I move toward him, only to fumble over my feet. Strong arms encase me before I hit the floor. Oh, hell, how embarrassing. His spine-tingling aroma wraps around me, and I become lost in those hazel eyes.

  He regards me carefully, and pure lust fills his gaze. They move to my lips and then back up again.

  Our moment is broken when his partner clears his throat.

  Rushing to push him away from me, I still feel the imprints of his fingers warm on my skin. “Sorry. Please come to the conference room and we can talk. Ms. Vi won’t be far away either… hopefully.” Smoothing my hands over my dress, I attempt to shove away the feelings this heavenly man before me has made me aware of. The look he’d given me was primeval, as if he wanted to devour me on the spot.

  Steadying my pace, I walk into the room, knowing he’s following behind and most likely checking me out. I spin around to eye them both, and yep I was right—his stare is on my butt. His head moves up, and a cheeky grin plays on his lips. Busted.

  I hold the door open, and they stroll through.

  “Take a seat, gentlemen. Would you like a drink? Tea, coffee, water?”

  Roman’s partner answers, “No, thanks. We’d just like some answers please.”

  My eyebrows shoot up at the angry tone he uses. I let it slide as I’m sure they’ve got a lot going on, since there’s been five murders—all of the girls similar to Rebecca. The air stills in the room. I shift my gaze to the deliciousness of Roman, who’s watching me, as is his partner.

  “All right then,” I bark out before I go and take a seat. Totally unprofessional, but he could have been nicer about it.

  The partner’s face softens. “Sorry, under a lot of pressure lately,” he replies curtly. He opens his folder, and I catch a glimpse of a photo of Rebecca. Her smiling face looks back at me. Sadness isn’t something I allow myself to feel often. But looking at the photo, it consumes me.

  “You okay?” Roman’s powerful voice fills my ears, but my glance doesn’t shift from the image. A hand takes it from the folder and slides it over to me. My shaking hands take it. Tears fill my eyes quickly, and I try to blink them away, not wanting these men to see me upset. Rubbing my eyes, I look up and meet two remorseful faces.

  “Ah… yeah. Sorry,” I say, my voice wavering slightly.

  “It’s okay. This part of the job is one of the hardest. Are you ready to talk with us, or do you need a moment?” Roman asks, his tone gentle and patient. The care in his words melts me.

  “No, it’s alright. We can talk.” My words are hoarse as they come out.

  It’s his partner who speaks next. “Okay, we can stop at any time…” He pauses a moment. “Now, I take it you know Detective Blackwood from what I’ve just witnessed. I’m Detective Tom Pierce.”

  I nod, giving him a weak smile. Tom looks older than Roman. He has dark brown hair with silver flecks through it, and it’s combed back nicely. His brown eyes are large and very attractive. Tom’s suit fits neatly to the shape of his body. As nice as he looks for an older man, his younger partner is the one who gets my blood pumping rapidly. From the briefest moment in the café to now, I’ve not stopped thinking about him.

  “You and Rebecca were good friends, according to the receptionist.” He seems to wait for my response, so I nod. “How long was it before you realized she was missing?”

  Bam! Sucker punch right in the stomach. “I didn’t realize until I saw her image on the news.”

  “Why did you not realize?”

  Releasing a slow breath, I purse my lips. “Her disappearing isn’t unusual. I’m sure if you’ve spoken to her parents they’d think the same thing. She recently met someone, and I assumed she was away with him. It’s what she’d do. Then she’d come back and be all upset because it had ended, and it’d start all over again with the next guy.” My head shifts toward Roman, his head down scribbling on his notepad. As if he knows my eyes are on him, he glances up, gifting me a sexy grin.

  Detective Pierce asks another question, pulling my attention away from Roman. “Were you concerned when you didn’t hear from her?”

  A mixture of emotions stirs through me before I respond. “Yes. I was concerned, but not enough to warrant an all-out search party. Like I said, she’s done this before.” The overwhelming feeling of letting my friend down takes hold. I failed her.

  My head falls, and the tears that were threatening moments ago are back with a vengeance, only this time I can’t control them. The wet droplets glide down my cheeks and on to my clothes. Without warning, I’m up and out of my chair, leaving the room. Not watching where I’m going, I collide with someone coated in white musk perfume. Violet. Great. Perfect timing.

  Violet takes a grip on my shoulders firmly. I look up at her, and she’s a blurry mess because of my tears. “What’s
going on, El?” she asks. I push past her, heading for the bathroom before the sob I’ve been holding in makes its way out.

  Once in the sanctuary of the bathroom, I collapse in a mess on the floor. Sobs rip through me. I’ve failed my friend. What kind of person am I? A terrible one, of course. I miss her. I miss her smile and bubbly personality. I miss when she’d bounce into my office early in the morning, handing me my coffee, and we’d have a moment to discuss her latest male ventures. I would warn her to take care of herself. Rebecca’s parents had practically disowned her because of her outrageous behavior.

  A light knock on the door startles me. I look up expecting to see Violet, instead standing before me is big, burly Roman, in the girls bathroom. He has the softest look in his eyes. Does Roman actually care about how I might be feeling, or is this is all part of the job? If it’s part of the job, he’s good at it because, hell, look at him. He has dark, neatly shaven hair, and a small amount of stubble shapes his jawline. Those deep hazel eyes hold a story of their own, one that I don’t have time to decipher, but maybe in the future I could.

  “Are you all right? Sorry, we didn’t me—”

  “It’s your job. You’re supposed to ask the tough questions.” I interrupt with a displeasing tone.

  He steps into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. “I know, but still, we didn’t want to upset you.”

  I give him a curt nod, then slowly make my way off the floor. Roman steps up and offers me his hand. Hesitantly, I take it. The warmth spreads through me, from my fingertips right to the swirling nervous mess of butterflies dancing in my stomach. Taking my hand out of his, I turn toward the basin. Roman stands behind me, so close I can feel the heat emanating from his body.

  Grabbing a towel, I clean away the tears resting on my cheeks.

  “Why didn’t you call me?” he asks, completely changing the subject.

  I pause. His low whisper causes goose bumps to rise all over my skin. “Um… it’s only been a few days since I first saw you,” I say, continuing to clean my face.

  “Still, you could have messaged.”

  Gosh, he’s pushy. I kind of like it. “I’ve been dealing with the loss of my friend and I thought you’d think I was desperate. I didn’t want to come across that way.” I look back at him through the mirror, but he hasn’t moved from behind me.

  A grin plays on his lips. “I’d never think that. If I remember correctly, I got someone else to give my card to you. Wouldn’t I look more like the desperate one?”

  He has a point there. “Maybe, or perhaps I was scared to see you again. I mean, come on—I bumped into you, we exchanged a few words, and that was it.” I shrug.

  “I know how it was—I was there. I instantly took a liking to you. You have a very beautiful smile,” he compliments me. His hand reaches around and his finger grazes my cheek. I close my eyes, relishing in the small gesture. Roman’s hand moves up and cups my face. I feel his body pressed up against my back.

  What is he doing?

  Without a word, he spins me around to face him. He tilts my face up to meet his. His lips press to mine ever so gently. Every part of me heats up. Roman’s lips push against mine again, only this time harder, more wanting.

  I give in to him, opening my mouth slightly to allow him access, and he takes it like a bloodthirsty animal.

  Roman pulls back, and I’m left wanting more. I open my eyes, and he stares down at me.

  “Give me a call. I’d like to see where this goes.” He presses his lips to mine once more before stepping back, his heat gone. He turns and disappears out the door.

  I release a puff of air.


  “What was all that about, Elenore?” Violet glares at me from across her desk, her arms folded as she awaits my reply.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Vi. They were asking me about Rebecca, and my emotions got the better of me.”

  Violet nods, accepting my answer. Sitting in her big white leather chair, she starts sorting through the paperwork I placed there earlier.

  “I’ve gone through this pile of paperwork and it’s ready to go. Could you double check that everything is in order and there’s no mistakes, and then we’ll put it aside and go through the next one?”

  I’m left speechless. I’m sure I look like an idiot standing there with my mouth slightly hanging open. She’s never told me to go through the final proofs before print. Has something happened I don’t know about?

  “Well, what are you standing around for? You’ve got a lot of work to keep you busy for the rest of the day, and into the night,” she snaps at me, shooing me out the door by flicking her fingers.

  Taking the thick pile into my hands, I make my quick escape before she changes her mind. Plonking myself down at my desk, I do a little excited shuffle. This has never happened before. I can’t wait to tell Suzie about it. Although she may not be too impressed because I’m already a workaholic, and if this is what I’m hoping it is, then it will mean longer hours. Being trained by one of the best in the industry will be amazing.

  Okay, cool it, El, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.

  I give myself a little pep talk and open the folder to begin my work.

  At lunchtime, Violet interrupts me to remind me to bring her some lunch. I’ve forgotten all about my other duties because of what she’s given me to do.

  “Can you get me a tofu salad from the café up the road, please? And a coffee?” She relays her order, and I swap my shoes over.

  Before I make it out the door, my phone vibrates with a message. Glancing down, Lewis’s name appears.

  Lewis: Hey girl!

  Lewis: How are you? Did the police come and see you today?

  They must have visited him, too. So maybe they were not only here to see Ms. Vi. They should have just said.

  Me: Yeah. Wasn’t the highlight of my day, though. How about you?

  I step on the street, and a gust of wind hits me, and I catch a familiar aroma floating along with it. Before I manage to look around, I trip on an uneven pavement stone. Stumbling forward, strong arms encase me, and that scent hits me again. Tilting my head up, I find myself in the arms of Roman. What’s he doing here? He was only here a short time ago.

  “Watch out there, precious. We have to stop meeting like this.”

  I attempt to step back, but he holds me tighter to him. I could get used to this.

  “Sorry, I was sending a message.” The heat rushes to my face.

  Roman’s grin becomes wider. “I saw that.”

  Silence falls between us and it appears as if he wants to kiss me again. One of his hands has found its way to the back of my neck, and the other is wrapped tightly around my waist. Those eyes entrance me. I catch them falling to my lips, and moving back up to meet my watchful stare. When he inches closer, I pull out of his embrace, conscious of people on the street, but regret it immediately. Those arms secured around me are nothing like I’ve ever experienced. Lewis embraces me all the time, but it’s more of a brotherly gesture. I’ve never looked at him how I’m looking at Roman right now with a hunger to claim those lips.

  “Sorry,” I say remorsefully, but he doesn’t look hurt by what I’ve done. “So what are you doing here? Would you like to talk to Ms. Vi again? I can let her know before I—”

  His hand flies up, and he presses his index finger to my lips, stopping me. “I’m here for you.”

  My eyebrows shoot up in shock. “Me? How did you know I’d be walking out right at this moment?” I stand awkwardly in front of him, shuffling on my feet.

  “Yes, you. I asked your boss when you went to lunch, and she told me. She also said she’d be sending you to a café. I guess it’s that healthy one down we first met at.” He gestures the exact way I’m planning to go.

  Opening my mouth to respond, my phone vibrates again. With a quick glance, I see it’s Lewis, and without hesitation I read it.

  Lewis: Yeah, they asked about Rebecca. That younger guy—he was full on laying the ques
tions on me. I was feeling as though I was being accused of something. His partner settled him down though.

  The younger one? Of course, he’s referring to Roman, who’s standing before me patiently. Gosh, how rude am I? I slide my phone into my handbag so it can’t distract me anymore.

  “Your friend not happy with me?”

  “What are you doing looking at my message? Bit rude, don’t you think?” I snap playfully at him.

  “Couldn’t help myself. Plus, you opened it in front of me.” Roman shrugs. He seems so sure of himself. The way he stands before me, placing his hands in the pockets of his black suit pants… I’d like to see the back side of this stance. “Come on, let me take you for some lunch, and of course we’ll get your boss her lunch.”

  He turns, and it’s as if he’s read my mind. Roman starts walking toward the café, and I’m gifted with the view of his impeccable butt. Perfectly shaped, and just wow. I’m unable to wipe the smile off my face.

  We walk in silence for a moment before he speaks, his deep voice sending a tingle throughout my body. “What happened to your shoes?”

  My head drops down to my feet in my flip-flops. He sure is perceptive. “Oh, I don’t wear them when I go and get lunch; they’d kill my feet. Otherwise, it’s flats or my runners all the way.”

  He chuckles.

  I look at him skeptically. “What’s so funny?”

  One of his hands leaves his pocket, and he takes hold of mine. I suck in a deep breath and attempt to pull away, but he only grips tighter.

  “I believe I judged you wrongly when I first met you. You’re different to what I thought.” He gives me a sideways glance, and I’m sure he can see the shocked look on my face. He laughs again.

  “Stop laughing at me.” I shove him with my shoulder. He still won’t release my hand.

  “I’m sorry. I assumed you were this prim and proper girl. One of the material girls.”

  “Pfft. You don’t even know me.” I pull myself from his grip, and this time he lets go, as though he senses my annoyance at him. “You met me for like five seconds in the café, and since I probably wouldn’t have messaged or called you, you wouldn’t have met me again if you didn’t show up at my workplace.”


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