Let Me Love You

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Let Me Love You Page 3

by Davies, Amy

  I pull up outside Jake’s apartment building, which is very modern looking, but he can afford it on his salary. Even though it should be the big brother taking care of me, I watch him enter the building before I pull away. Scarlett is still singing as loud as she can beside me, while waving at our brother. We arrive at our house and I pull the car onto the drive. Scarlett climbs out and walks, well stumbles into the house while I get both our bags and fish for the keys out of my bag, which is like a Mary Poppins bag. I can’t find a damn thing in it. After such a hectic day I’m beat, so as soon as I put Scarlett to bed, I head to my room. I throw my bag and jacket onto a chair in the corner of my room. I get into my bed shorts and vest and climb into bed, knowing that there is nothing more I can do about Exposure.

  Staring at my curtains, as they gently float with the gentle breeze coming through my bedroom window, I slip into a deep sleep. I start to dream of sexy smiles with beautiful ocean-blue eyes until my alarm goes off. I turn it off and stretch out. I’m feeling quite refreshed from my deep sleep. My body obviously needed it. I trek to the bathroom, do my usual morning routine and head back into my room to get dressed for work. Since Scarlett let me have a few hours off for my interview, I offered to work the next morning. Saturday’s the busiest day of the week for the store.

  All staff was in and having a blast, music playing. Customers are enjoying the music and the register was filling up, so all in all, it’s a pretty good day. Scarlett is in a very good mood since she didn’t have a hangover this morning. She gave me her credit card to go out and pick up lunch for all the staff at our usual deli. As I stroll down the street enjoying the sun on my face, watching people going about their Saturday lunch time, spending their well-earned cash, I hear my name being called from across the street. I stop and raise my hand to shade my eyes from the sun even though I’m wearing sun glasses. Focusing across the street, I see this Sex God like figure cross the street with ease, stopping cars as he crossed each lane. He is tall, his light brown hair slightly brushed to one side. My breath hitches when I notice who it is that’s calling my name. He is wearing a tight, red, V-neck t-shirt, which just hugs all his sculptured body, hip hanging Levis, and white Converse. Wow, he looks stunning. He stops right in front of me and looks straight into my eyes. I could get totally lost in those beautiful blue eyes.

  “Hey,” James says and waits for my response.

  “Hi,” is just about all I can manage. He just looks so hot. I struggle to take him all in.

  “How was the interview at Exposure? They are a great bunch of people, you will enjoy working with them. They know how to treat their clients,” He says with a huge grin on his face, as if he is speaking from experience. I look up at him. I can feel my face change color and my body temperature rise, but I answer him as calmly as I can.

  “It went great, thank you. I think I would enjoying working with Carlos, Sam and a few of the others.” I add, “Mrs Silver seems like a lovable lady to work for.” Wilde looks at me and I get the sense that he is undressing me with his eyes. I’m wearing a green summer dress that comes mid-thigh with flats that Scarlett made me wear. I’m glad she did now.

  “Cool, so where are you going now?” James asks. Why is he interested? I point down the street.

  “Going to the deli to get Subs for everyone back at the store.” Do I want to walk away from him, or shall I invite him for the short walk just so that I can keep talking and looking at him. “If you’ve got no plans at this moment in time, would you like to join me for the walk down?” James looks quite happy with my request. He nods and gestures for me to lead the way. “So, how is the show coming?” I ask. Wilde gives me a quizzed look.

  “You don’t watch a lot of TV, do you?” I shake my head. It’s true, I don’t. I would rather take photos, read a book, or just listen to music. I have never been much a TV person, even as a child. I watch some with Scarlett and we have our favorite shows, but not too many. “I am on a break between filming at the moment. I have just finished filming season two, so we are in editing at the moment.”

  “Cool.” What else was there to say? Wilde laughs and we carry on walking.

  “Have you always been into photography?” Wilde asks me.

  “Since I was ten. My brother Jake bought me my first camera and it just took off as my favorite hobby.”

  I look up at him and he is smiling at me. “Have you always been into acting?” He shrugs.

  “Kind of. I wanted to be a soccer player when I was younger, but didn’t give it my all. I was spotted by a modelling agency in my teens and I did that for a few years until the audition came up for a show a few years back. I stayed there for a two seasons, but then I was asked to come on board for ‘Control’ and well, the rest is history.” As we approach the deli, Wilde looks at me and out of the blue asks, “Maybe I can take you to the movies one night, maybe dinner too?” He runs the back of his hand down my arm and my body shivers. Wilde smiles because he can see the effect he has on me. “Would you be okay with that?” I’m in shock as to why James Wilde would ask me out on a date. He is wanted by so many women, he could have anyone he desires. Why on Earth is he asking me?

  “What makes you think that I don’t already have a boyfriend?” I smirk at him.

  “Do you?” He looks at me with what I can only say is as slightly annoyed expression on his face. “I asked you a question Tally, are you going to put me out of my misery?” Wilde just keeps glaring at me like I actually owe him an answer.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I frown at him.

  He shrugs “I want to know if you have a boyfriend or not, but since you’re stalling, I’m inclined to say that you don’t.”

  “I’m not stalling. I barely know you and you’re asking about my relationship status.” He steps closer to me.

  “Well I think I have a right to know, don’t you? If I’m going to take you out, I should know. Is the dude from the bar the other night your boyfriend?” I know I have a confused look on my face, but James either doesn’t see it or ignores it.

  “What dude?” He smirks and shakes his head.

  “You were sitting with him and he kissed you. I have a right to know Tally.” I shake my head in complete disbelief.

  “You’re an ass, you know that?” I go to walk off, but I feel his hand grip my elbow.

  “I’m sorry Tally.” Wilde’s eyes soften, but it’s too late. I’m not taking crap from guys anymore. I pull my arm away, walk to the deli door and turn back to Wilde.

  “Good Bye James.” I turn and head into the deli. I stand in the order line, my heart beating fast. I turn to look out the window and see James still standing there with a pained look on his face. Why is he still here? He takes his phone out of his pocket and starts talking. He looks up from the sidewalk and our eyes lock again. I turn and look back at the counter.

  Chapter 4

  That evening, I stay at home with myself and a bubble bath for company. Scarlett and her friends have gone out to one of Scarlett’s friend’s engagement party. I lay in my bath, blowing the bubbles off my hands, the music is playing softly from my iPod. I lay back and relax; it’s so soothing, just me, the bubbles, and the music. My bliss is disrupted by my phone ringing playing DJ Fresh ft Rita Ora’s Hot Right Now as my ringtone. I dry my hand with a nearby hand towel and reach for my phone; I have to stretch, as it’s on the unit, out of waters way. I can’t reach, so I struggle to reach over and manage to reach my phone, wondering whose stupid ass idea was it put my phone out of reach. “Hello?” As I answer, my hand slips off the side of the bath and I hit the cold floor with a thud. Ouch, fuck that hurt.

  “Tally are you there? Tally, are you OK? For fuck sake, answer me Tally, please?” That’s what I hear from my phone, which by some miracle is still in my hand. I put the phone to my ear, still on my bathroom floor butt naked and answer.

  “Hey, sorry. I had a bit of an accident, but I’m fine … I think.” Pulling myself into the sitting position and leaning against t
he bath, I pull a towel down onto my now hurting body.

  “Tally, I’m coming over. You may need to go to the ER. DON’T MOVE OK?” He sounded very adamant. I didn’t get time to answer, as he hung up before I could say anything. I struggle to my feet and make my way to my room. I remove my towel and check my body for any bruises. I have a lump on my head from it hitting the floor. My left shoulder is aching and my hip and wrist are hurting, but everything else seems fine. I go to my closet, throw a vest and bed shorts on, and start brushing my hair. I’m looking at myself in the mirror. Now that I think about it, who was that voice on the other end of that phone? I grab my phone and check caller ID, but it’s a number that I don’t know. Do I call him back, or just wait? It must be someone I know because he called me Tally and has my number. After drying my hair, I sit on my bed rubbing my shoulder, when there is a sudden knock on my front door and the door opens. I hear footsteps, but I’m too dazed to go and take a look at who it is. I must know them. I hear the same urgent phone voice calling my name.

  “Tally! Tally where are you?” He shouts. He startles me, but I recognize the voice. It’s James Wilde.

  “I’m up here, come up.” I hear him run up the stairs and stride past my room, but comes back when he sees me sitting crossed legged on my bed.

  Why is he here? How did he get my number?

  Wilde enters my room and sits on my bed, so close that his knee is touching mine. “Are you okay? What the fuck happened? I phoned you, you answered, then I heard a massive bang. You went all quiet. Are you hurt anywhere?” His eyes scan my body for any signs of injury.

  “I’m fine. I was reaching for my phone and I slipped out of the bath.” I looked down at my wrist and gently rub. Suddenly, Wilde’s hand is pulling my wrist towards him. He starts smoothing my wrist, leaving trails of heat over my skin from his touch. “Does it hurt that bad? Do you think it’s broken?” I shake my head; it’s not broken, but sore from the fall. I snatch my wrist back and look at Wilde right in the eyes.

  “Why were you phoning me? How did you get my number?” James smiles. If he can make me feel like this just by looking at me, God help me if actually touches me the way I so want him to. Ok where did that come from?

  “Blame your sister, she was at the same party as me. I saw you walk out of her store the other day, so I went over and quizzed her about you. Little did I know that you’re the baby sister of the owner of Scarlett Avenue. We got talking about you and I asked her for your number. She was more than willing to give it up to me, but she threatened me not to hurt you.” James smiles. “Plus, I wanted to apologize for what happened this afternoon.” What the hell was Scarlett playing at, meddling in my social life? I don’t have a love life, not since Dean. I shudder at the thought of him. Scarlett was always looking out for me in all aspects of my life, but she needs to butt out of this department. I’m twenty-four years old and can handle myself. She has been even more protective since Dean. Scarlett blames herself in a small way. She felt that she let me down, even after all the times I told her she was not to blame for anything that he did to me.

  I can’t help but wonder why James Wilde is sitting here on my bed with me when he should be out clubbing and picking up some airhead who only wants to have sex with him. Okay, I want to have to sex with him, but that’s not the point. “James, I think you can go now. I’m fine. Thank you for checking up on me, but you can go back to whatever you were doing.” I wave my hand around. He ignores me. I climb off my bed in a gesture for him to leave but things don’t go my way. As I stand, I lose my balance as a result of banging my head from my earlier bathroom fall. James catches me and places me back onto my bed.

  “Sit.” I push his hands off of me. He holds his hands up in defence. “Sorry for trying to help and not letting you fall over and crack your head, again!” He has annoyance in his voice with a hint of sarcasm. He stands, leaning against the door frame. He crosses his big arms across his chest, crosses his legs at his ankles and stares at me.

  “I’m fine. I don’t need you here, please just go” Oh God, my head is banging. I rub my temples.

  “Do you really want me to go and leave you here alone when you’re feeling like this?” I nod without looking at him. Wilde shakes his head and rolls his eyes. By the look on Wilde’s face, he isn’t used to girls asking him to leave their bedrooms. “I’m not leaving you Tally, you could have a concussion.” I’m praying I keep my balance as I stand.

  “Listen I’m fine now, just go back to the party and pick up some Barbie wannabe and forget about me okay?” He turns and starts to walks out of my room, still shaking his head. He stops in the doorway.

  “Maybe I don’t want to forget about you.” He exits my room.

  My heart sinks, but I’m confused as to why I’m feeling like this. I hear the front door open and then close; I walk over to my bedroom window and watch James walk towards a black BMW M6 Convertible. Wow, now that is a sexy car. As James opens the door, he looks back at the house and then up to my window. He shakes his head, climbs in his car, and speeds away. I close my curtains and climb back into my bed. I pull the blanket over me and drift off to sleep. Not sure how much time has passed, but I wake to the front door being slammed shut, indicating that my sister is home. I’m still dazed from my fall in the bathroom, but I shake it off. I head downstairs, dreading what state I’m going to find Scarlett in. As I walk down the stairs, I can hear my big sister cursing and it’s kind of funny.

  “Shit, fuck. Who the fuck put that table there?” Scarlett stumbles into the kitchen and bumps into everything in sight. I enter the kitchen to find my big sister raiding the fridge for munchies. God, is she drunk. She turns and looks at me with a carrot stick hanging out of her mouth. “Hey Pup, whatcha doing? I am starving and there’s not any food in the fridge.” She pouts and points at the fridge, but I know very well that the fridge is full of food. I look at the clock on the kitchen wall and its one thirty am. Thank the heavens we don’t open Scarlett Avenue on a Sunday. Scarlett is going to have a hangover tomorrow. Serves her right.

  “Do you want to me run out and grab you something to eat?” Scarlett nods with a huge greedy grin on her face. I go back up to my room and throw a pair of jeans, a hoodie, and my converse and head back downstairs. I ignore my drunken sister in the kitchen. Whatever mess she has made, she can clean it up tomorrow. I jump into my Jeep and reverse out of the drive. I head down to Scarlett’s favorite burger. Rossi’s is a high end burger place; only the upper class eat there. It’s full of rich kids and packed with people who are ending their night of partying. Everyone is dressed to the nines and I’m in jeans and a hoodie. Oh well.

  I head to the counter, place Scarlett’s order, take a seat, and wait to be called, while playing on my phone. I’m sitting at a small, round metallic table, watching everyone come and go. Some people are eating in. I watch a couple in the corner who are all mouth and hands; I think he wants to eat her, not the burger on the table in front of him. I stare at this couple, feeling like a voyeur, when they suddenly stop kissing and the guy looks up at me. I blush a whole new color of red. He winks at me with a very hot smile on his face and I can’t help but smile back at him. He goes back to kissing the girl. “Order for Tally Slone.” Oh, a welcome distraction from the couple making out in the corner. I collect my order and turn back towards the door when a girl steps out in front of me and gives me the once over with her eyes.

  “Oh excuse me, can I pass please?” She doesn’t move, she just gives a like-I-give-a-fuck look. I have no idea who she is by the way.

  “So you’re Tally Slone?” I look at her with a puzzled look on my face.

  “Yes. Do I know you?” I have no freaking idea who this chick is. She doesn’t reply instantly, she looks me up and down again.

  “I’m Carly, Dean’s new girlfriend.” She informs me looking rather pleased with herself. I’m utterly shocked by her. What I ever done to her?

  “Ok well good for you. Now move please, my food is getting cold.�
�� I try to step around her, but she steps with me. “Right, what is your problem exactly?” Again she doesn’t reply straight away. It’s like she has to think of a comeback.

  “I don’t like bitches like you going around spreading nasty ass rumours about my boyfriend. You don’t have any proof to back your shady story up.” I look at her wide eyed. Oh so this is where this is going.

  “Really? You don’t know jack shit about Dean and my situation okay? Now please move.” I notice out of the corner of my eye that everyone has stopped eating and talking and are watching us, maybe to see who throws the first punch maybe? Well it most certainly isn’t going to be me.

  “Dean has told me everything about you two, how he loved you will all his heart and you ruined him by making that story up”. I can’t believe that Dean would tell her everything and lied about what happened between us. Dean never loved me, he wanted a toy that he could do whatever he pleased with. It wasn’t even about the money because Dean came from money, his dad was a big time finance guy and his mom was a trophy wife. The whole burger joint is still silent. Carly and I are just looking at each other when the bell above the door rings to signal that someone has entered the restaurant. I take a look at a group of girls sitting on the table to my left; they are smiling and giggling at whoever just entered through the door. I go back to looking Carly, who still hasn’t taken her evil eyes off me. If looks could kill, I would be dead and buried by now.

  I’m locked in her gaze, kind of in fear for my safety. In that moment I feel an arm snake around my waist and a kiss on my temple. “There you are baby, I was wondering what was keeping you. So, who is your friend?” I’m shocked to see Wilde standing next to me with his hand on my hip. Carly just stands there staring at Wilde. To be honest, I’m both relived and confused as to why his arm is around my waist, holding me tight to his body. Not that I’m complaining, this man smells amazing. He looks down at me and hugs me tighter, so I place my arm around his waist, slip my hand under his jacket, and grip a handful of his t-shirt.


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