Summer's Wicked Cowboys [Casanova Cowboys 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Summer's Wicked Cowboys [Casanova Cowboys 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Rhea Regale

  Braden grabbed his hand and brought his fingers to his lips while holding Carter’s gaze. “You were always a man who stood by his word. Swear to me you won’t leave, Carter. Call me a sucker, but I’ll believe you.”

  Carter nodded. “I swear, Braden. I’m not going to leave Ryder.”

  Braden smiled, then stood up, helping Carter to his feet. Carter grabbed Braden’s thermal sweatshirt and handed it to Braden. He couldn’t take his eyes off the man as his muscles flexed and coiled while turning the item inside-out and sliding it back on. The lighting in the bathroom cascaded over Braden’s form, highlighting every curve, leaving shadows in the valleys between muscles.

  “We have to talk to her, Bray,” Carter said as his head popped through the hole of the sweater. Braden combed his fingers through his hair, settling the ruffled sandy strands. His gray eyes, still coated with a euphoric haze, landed on him. Carter held out his coat. “She needs to know. We both love her. We both want her.”

  “I don’t know how she’s gonna take it,” Braden admitted, the corner of his mouth turning down. He took his coat and draped it over his arm.

  “Doesn’t matter how she takes it. She deserved to know the root of the argument that took my parent’s lives.”

  “What was the reason?” Braden asked. Carter wiped the corner of his mouth, the salty taste of cum lingering over his tongue. His cock continued to throb madly, but he’d take care of himself for tonight.

  After a long pause, Carter said, “He discovered what was happening between you and me.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Summer changed into her favorite pair of jeans, a beige shirt with a leather-braided waist belt, and low-heeled boots. It was close to nine when she caught Braden’s truck pulling up Carter’s driveway. From the looks of it, Carter was having a party at his old house. The lights were on throughout the place. Silhouettes danced against the gauzy curtains. Unfortunately her distance from her apartment window didn’t allow for finer details to be made.

  When she called Braden and he didn’t pick up the phone, she decided to head over and see what was going on, without making it obvious she hoped to see Carter.

  Summer slid into her coat as she hurried down the stairs. She wrapped her scarf around her neck once she was outside. The wind had picked up when the clouds began to roll in a few hours ago. The forecast called for a light dusting of snow, nothing detrimental which was a relief. She couldn’t afford to be put a full day behind at work, especially after the unproductive afternoon she had today.

  Hunching her shoulder, she jogged across the street and up the gravel driveway. The brisk air whipped at her face, making her teeth chatter and her eyes burn.

  It took close to ten minutes to reach Carter’s house. She knocked on the front door and waited another minute or so before her call was answered. To her surprise, Amanda Pearson greeted her with a friendly smile, despite the concern that seemed to touch her expression.

  “Summer, so glad to see ya,” Mandy said, pushing open the screen door. She tugged her into the warm house. “Carter’s been fixin’ the bathroom upstairs.”

  “Tryin’ is more like it,” Brody said from the living room. He waved to Summer, who waved back. “That man hasn’t got a clue how to tackle plumbin’.”

  Mandy closed the door and rolled her eyes. “And you do?”

  “Never made the claim, baby. Just sayin’.” Brody swept an arm around the living room and smiled. “That’s why I’m in charge of paintin’ and caulkin’. I strum guitars, not pipes.”

  Mandy took hold of Summer’s wrist and pulled her through the living room, pausing for a brief second when Brody stopped her and stole a kiss. Summer had heard about Mandy’s engagement to the Ryder brothers. She didn’t quite know what to make of it. One woman set to marry two men wasn’t an everyday occurrence in, she assumed. Although, to land two Ryders was definitely a feat that earned Mandy some rightful envy from other women.

  “Aw, look who it is!” Landon appeared in the archway to the kitchen, a beer in each hand. Summer laughed and eased her wrist away from Mandy. She hurried over to Landon and fell into his embrace, squealing when he lifted her feet from the ground and spun her around. “If it ain’t my darlin’ Summer come to warm us up on a cold night.”

  “You can’t come up with somethin’ better than that pitiful line?” Summer said with a chuckle. Landon lowered her back to her feet and gave her a brazen, but chaste, kiss on the lips. She accepted the beer he offered, as well as a place under his arm. He gave her shoulder a squeeze. “It’s been a while.”

  “Too long, darlin’. Way too long. I’ve missed your beautiful face.” Landon touched the lip of his bottle to her cheek, then took a swig. “We’ll need to catch up on the times. I’ve only been hearin’ things through the chatterboxes, and what I hear I don’t necessarily believe. Too much ramblin’ for me to cipher through.”

  “Y’all havin’ a party to celebrate Carter’s return?” Summer asked. She nudged Landon in the ribs. “I wasn’t thinkin’ he’d be in a drinkin’ mood after last night.”

  “He was pretty fucked up this mornin’. Thanks for callin’ me to come by. He definitely needed someone here.” Landon tugged her into the kitchen and motioned to the sketches splayed out over the table. “Aw shit.” He grabbed one and crumpled it up, then shoved it in his pocket. “Ain’t for your eyes. Anyhow, this is what we’ve been figurin’ out. How to fix up this mess and make it livable again.”

  Summer appraised the kitchen and what she could see of the dining room. “It really doesn’t look too bad. I’m sure there ain’t much you need to fix.”

  “Ain’t the cosmetics, darlin’.” The solemn expression that crossed his face made his point clear. She hadn’t really thought about the emotional impact returning to this house would have on Carter. She was too busy trying to sort through the emotions Carter’s house stirred in her. “Colt’s boys from the ranch have done a great job in the livin’ room. They tore up the old floor, laid down the new wood, trashed all the furniture. Shame, that sofa was an antique but it was ruined.”

  Summer slipped from Landon’s arm and faced him. “Did you see the results of what happened here?”

  Rylan appeared, paint drops staining his T-shirt. “It wasn’t a pretty sight.” He motioned to the living room. “Trust me, Colt’s crew worked magic in that room. It was a horrific sight.” He finally cracked a smile and wiped his forehead with the back of his arm. “How’re you doin’ Summer? Those arrangements you made for Trav’s weddin’ were quite somethin’.”

  “Thanks. Business is good, for now.” Summer took a small drink from the bottle. “You all have a chore ahead of you. Lookin’ at those sketches makes my mind numb.”

  “Shouldn’t take more than a couple weeks. Getting’ the property back in order is gonna be the hardest part. He’s got a hefty plot, but it’s gonna have to wait until winter’s gone. We’ll be gettin’ the fence repaired so he can bring up some cattle to graze come spring.” Rylan glanced at his watch and sighed. “I’m gonna have to call it a night. Jackson’s flyin’ and he’s expectin’ me to pick him up. Lan, I’ll see you here tomorrow, bright and early.”

  Landon shook Rylan’s hand. Summer accepted the awkward hug and quick kiss on the cheek before heading toward the door. Rylan hadn’t changed from the days of her and Carter. He was never the hugging type. Landon gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

  “I’m gonna let Carter know you’re here.” He started away, then paused in the archway and quirked a brow at her. “You are here to see Carter, right? Or are you lookin’ for that other man of yours?”

  Before she could get a sound out, Landon was on his way toward the stairs. She turned back to the kitchen table, unable to watch Mandy and Brody wrapped up in a kiss that could smother anyone within a mile of them, and fingered over the basic drawings and notes. He planned to rebuild the barn, from the looks of one picture. Another had a mock version of the family room toward the back of the house marked up with col
ors and notes to sand the floor and refinish the wood. A dark X was made through the liquor cabinet. I’d feel the same way if I woke up the way you did. The upstairs rooms were drawn plainly. Paint here, clear out there, new area rugs throughout.

  “Any input from a very talented woman would be most welcome.”

  Summer spun around. The beer bottle slid through her fingers, but she caught it before it dropped. Carter had one arm across his chest, hand tucked beneath his biceps. He pinched his chin with his other fingers, his eyes narrowing on the papers. She stole the opportunity to soak in each detail of his jean-clad, T-shirt-hugged body, from the outline of abs and pecs, to the prominent muscles in his arms. The low lighting in the kitchen cast sultry shadows over his rugged face. The moisture from her mouth drained down south where her pussy was wet and awake.

  “I didn’t hear you come in,” Summer said.

  “You were pretty focused on the plans.”


  “Hey, Carter. We’re headin’ out,” Craig called from the foyer. Carter glanced over his shoulder and gave him a short wave. “We’ll be here with Ry in the mornin’.”

  “Thanks again, cuz,” Carter said. Summer peeked around his arm and watched Craig and Brody corral Mandy from the house.

  “I hope your family doesn’t feel the need to leave ‘cause I stopped by,” Summer said. Carter snickered and shook his head.

  “Honey, the last reason they’d leave is because of you. The first reason they’d leave is because they can’t control their dicks.”

  Summer’s eyes widened. She quickly put the bottle to her mouth and took a deep drink when Carter turned back to her.

  “Brother, I’m headin’ out, too. No beatin’ down fences, got it?” Landon said. He pointed to Summer. “You take care of him, hear?” He waved and hustled out the front door behind the trio. Carter turned his hand over and looked at his raw knuckles. Summer nodded. “So that’s what happened?”

  “Something like that,” Carter admitted. Summer placed her bottle on the table and scuffed her boot on the floor. “I’m curious to know if you’re here for me.”

  “I’m not sure yet.” Say no. Tell him you’re here for Braden. What a lie that would be. “Why’d you beat the fence?”

  “Many reasons. Many you may not understand.”

  Summer clenched her teeth as a stab of hurt and anger shot through her. She lifted her chin, straightened her shoulders, and jammed her fists deep into her coat pocket. Carter arched a brow, a hint of humor flashing in his eyes.

  “Carter Ryder, I’m not gonna stand for bein’ left in the dark ‘cause you don’t think I’d understand. Get it out, and get it all out now, if you have any hope of redemption.”

  Carter’s arms dropped. He stepped into her. “Redemption?” She stepped back. He advanced again. “Is there a chance I might be able to redeem myself in your eyes?”

  “I–I didn’t say that.”

  “No?” He caught her around the waist and eased her against him. God, why did she go to him without a fight? His rich chuckle left her knees weak. “I’m pretty sure that’s what you said.”

  His fingers brushed up under her shirt against the bare flesh of her lower back. A spark caught fire, that liquid flame filling her womb and hot juice seeping from her cunt. She struggled to get her hands free of her coat pockets, her heavy breasts pressing firmly against his hard chest.

  “Maybe you heard wrong,” Summer said.

  Carter caught her off guard when he claimed her in a kiss that slashed every reasonable thought from her mind. A long-suppressed hunger rushed her. She grew pliant in his arms, following the lead of his skilled tongue, indulging in a taste she had craved all these years.

  When he tipped his head down and broke away from her mouth, she practically whimpered.

  “Did I, Summer?” he whispered, his moist lips kissing a trail to her ear. “Hear wrong?”

  “Maybe not,” she admitted, finally freeing her hands from her pockets. Paths of warmth and weakness flowed through her limbs.

  “Good, angel, because all I want to do is take you in my arms and love you more than ever before,” Carter whispered against her ear, sending chills spiraling through her bones. She gripped his shoulders, hard-packed muscles she wanted to slide her hands down. The airy kiss of his warm breath made her tremble. “There was more to that night.”

  His words flipped a switch faster than she could handle. Before this moment, she would have wanted to know everything that made him leave Ryder. Now, with the air resting heavy against her shoulders and her chest, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to walk through this door. She wanted to fall back into the euphoria he had begun to create.

  No, I need to know everything.

  She lifted her chin slightly, letting her hands fall from his shoulders. She took a small step back, out of his hot and strong, and leveled her gaze with his.

  “I thought you told me everything,” she said, catching the break in her voice before it filtered past her lips. Her body was humming like mad, her pussy aching, her womb coiled so tight she might explode with one stroke.

  Carter shook his head in a small motion. He combed a hand through his dark waves, only to have the rebel strands fall back over his forehead and brush his brows. She clenched her fists to keep from brushing those soft waves aside.

  “No, but you deserve to know the full truth from that night,” Carter said. Summer’s brow pinched. For a man ready to reveal a make-or-break revelation to her, he sure looked calm while she was being paddled around in a mad sea of anxiety.

  “Okay,” she drew out.

  “What led up to the fight between my pa and I,” Carter started. His big country estate suddenly felt like a small closet with no ventilation, no windows, and no way out. She had one foot in the sand, one heart split between her true love and the love she found in his stead. The only way she could move forward, with or without Carter, was to face the darkness looming around them. “It wasn’t one of our typical brawls.”

  “What made it different?”

  He hooked his thumbs on his belt loops. “What my pa apparently saw. Honey, you know I loved you. Christ, I still love you, if not more now than before. Having you back in my life will fill the hole in my heart I’ve been suffering.” The corner of his mouth quirked. “There isn’t an easy way to tell you. Pa claimed to have seen me messing around with someone.”

  She swayed and leaned back into the wall for support. “You–you cheated on me?” She smacked away his hand when he reached for her. “No. You’re tellin’ me you were cheatin’ on me? Your pa caught you messin’ around with another woman?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Then what?” she yelled. Blood rushed through her, hot and cold, electric, alive, a raging storm ready to lash out. “Who was she?”

  “Wasn’t a she,” Carter said.

  No, no, no. Summer became rigid, nails biting into her palms. That sea of anxiety was becoming a tsunami, drowning her in a torrential wave of confusion.

  “What do you mean?” She pushed off the wall. “Who?”

  She caught movement from the corner of her eye. Her attention shot to the right, toward the archway into the kitchen. Her jaw slackened. A whoosh of air fled her lungs. Tears rushed her eyes, leaving the room in a blurred mess of colors while her mind spun worse than the emotions roiling through her gut.

  Through the pummeling torrents of blood muffling her hearing, she heard Braden say, “Me.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Summer’s knees buckled. Carter had her in his arms, Braden coming to her side, before her ass hit the floor. She stared at Carter, unseeing, her mind scrambling to lay out everything before the chaos and disbelief consumed her. She should’ve lashed out, punched, and screamed, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t fight the heat that poured into her being in Carter’s strong arms, or the electricity that skated her nerves when Braden snaked his arm around her waist. She was encompassed by two men—two men who claimed to love her, ye
t had a secret affair—that smothered her senses until she floated in detachment.

  “Baby, relax,” Braden cooed into her ear.

  Yes, you must relax.

  “Summer, look at me,” Carter said. His hard tone caught her off guard. He snapped his fingers in front of her face and she immediately focused on his blue eyes. In that split second, the sensation of floating dispelled. She straightened her back, coming off Braden’s arm but moving closer to Carter. “Would you like water?”

  “I–I’m fine,” she murmured, edging away from both men to better observe at them side-by-side. Her arms were weak as she leaned back and looked at Braden. “Have you been goin’ with me because of Carter? Like some kinda connection?”

  Braden frowned, his forehead creasing. A flash of hurt crossed his expression. “Absolutely not, baby. I had always held a secret affection toward you. Then Carter left and we were spendin’ time together. I let my feelin’s be known.”

  “I don’t understand.” She turned her attention to Carter, who had sat back on his ass and slung an arm over his bent knee. “Carter. Carter, please tell me…tell me…” Summer pressed her lips together. What did she want to know? She was so damn confused.

  “Sweetheart, I love you. I love you so much that these past five years have killed me,” Carter said. “Braden would never use you to keep close to me. He loves you too, very much.”

  “But you and him?” Summer looked back and forth between the two men. They exchanged a glance and turned back to her.

  “Baby, Carter and I have loved each other for a long time,” Braden answered. A dark haze fell over his eyes. “But he has always held you first in his heart.”

  “And you?” she dared ask.

  “We’ve both been sufferin’ anger toward him for leavin’. I’ve known for a long time that your love for him was strong, despite what we’ve shared. I would never take his woman, but I’ve always had feelin’s for you too.”

  “You’re speakin’ in circles, Braden. I know you care about me—”


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