No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 20

by Michelle Love

  Helena, her face bright red, looked away from him, obviously humiliated. “You don’t mean that.”

  Bertie patted her hand, then pulled the sheet up to cover her nakedness. “I do, sweetheart. Now, why don’t you get dressed an I’ll order us some breakfast?”

  He got up off the bed but as he opened the bedroom door, she called him back. Helena wore a slightly spiteful look on her face. “Is it that d.j. person?”

  Bertie felt his hackles rise. How the hell did Helena know about Ally? “I don’t know who you mean. Get dressed, Helena.”

  He went into his kitchen and opened the refrigerator, wondering why he felt so irked. He dragged out some eggs and fried them on the skillet. Just as he was serving them up, he heard the knock at the front door.

  Wondering why his intercom hadn’t buzzed, he opened the door. Ally grinned at him, holding up a brown paper-bag and two take-out coffee cups. “Got your message, loser, and thought I’d indulge you just this once.”

  She walked in and kissed him full on the mouth. Bertie gave a bemused chuckle. “Always good to see you, buddy, but I didn’t send you a message.”

  “I did.”

  They both turned to see Helena, wearing Bertie’s shirt, open, her spectacular body displayed. She smiled triumphantly. “I thought we’d better sit down and hash this out.”

  Ally had gone very still and when she looked back at Bertie, there was no warmth in her eyes. “Hash what out? Seems to be ‘this’, whatever it was, is between the two of you. I’ll get out of your hair.” She set the coffee and paper bag down. “It’s still hot, enjoy.”

  She turned around and went for the door. Bertie caught up with her. “Ally, look, nothing happened with her, she just stayed the night because I found her outside my door.” He tried to smile at Ally, break the icy atmosphere between them. “Wowwy dumped her.”

  Ally remained stone-faced. “Not my business, Bertie.”

  She opened the door but he followed her out. “Seriously, Ally, there’s nothing going on between us.”

  “I know that now,” she said and Bertie felt a rising panic in him. This couldn’t be over before it had even began and he said as much.

  Ally shrugged. “Bertie, I thought you understood. There was nothing to be over with. Just friends, remember?”

  “Then why are you angry?”

  She didn’t answer him, just got into the elevator and didn’t look at him again. For a moment, Bertie just stood there as the elevator doors slid shut and he heard the lift descend. Shit.

  He turned and went back into the apartment. Helena was helping herself to his eggs, and the coffee Ally had brought. “Did your friend weave?”

  “Helena, what the fuck are you playing at?”

  She smiled smugly. “Bertie, wet’s not pway about. I wuv you, I think I have always wuvved you. It’s just now I an weady to be your wife.”

  Bertie burst out into mirthless laughter. “Helena, you have no shame, and no clue. It’s been a while since I felt anything but friendship for you. Being constantly knocked back for twenty-odd years and I finally got the message. So why now? Why have you decided this now? Is it just because there’s someone else I care for and you’re just worried your lapdog won’t be at your beck and call?”

  Helena blinked at him, her smile fading. Bertie studied her. Beneath the hard-stone act, beneath the Queen Bee façade, she was still a lost little girl and he felt not anger but sympathy for her. “Helena, come on now. Get dressed, and I’ll drive you home. Let’s forget this ever happened.”

  To his surprise, she just nodded. Asher house, she made to get out of the car then turned back to him, searching his face. “What’s she got that I haven’t?”

  Bertie smiled kindly. “Me,” he said softly.

  “Will she still want you after this?”

  Bertie shook his head. “I don’t know. I honestly don’t know.”

  Helena nodded slowly. Eventually she sighed. “I’m sorry, Bertie. I’m sorry for not seeing you all those years. You’re right, I used you. I’m sorry.” She attempted a weak smile. “And I’m sorry if I ruined things for you with Allison Monroe.”

  She got out of the car and went inside.

  Bertie drove straight to Ally’s apartment. He wasn’t going to let this go. The last twenty-four hours of his life had been the happiest, the most fun, the feeling that he’d met his true north was imprinted on his brain.

  Ally opened the door to him but didn’t invite him in. He wasn’t surprised. “Ally, look, this is absolute truth. She was on my doorstop last night in tears. I wasn’t going to turn my friend away so I let her stay. Lord knows what she was thinking but this morning she told me she loved me.”

  Ally shrugged. “You’ve been waiting to hear those words from her for years.”

  Bertie sighed. “Yes. I have. Or did. Yesterday lunchtime changed all that.”

  “It was just great sex, Bertie.”

  Ouch. He endeavored. “No, it wasn’t and I think we both know that. It was incredible sex, no doubt, but more than that…it was like finally realizing what real, grown up, mature partnership was. It’s great sex, but it’s compatibility, challenge, laughter, ideas, sharing and so many more other things besides…and the only person I want to try and build a future with…is you, Allison Monroe. You are my best friend, my lover…and I’m crazy about you.”

  Ally’s mouth hitched up in a small smile. “So, friends with benefits was not on your agenda?”

  “No, it was, it absolutely was, for as long as you wanted. Even if you still want it. I just want to spend time with you, that’s all I ask and if someday, you change your mind about a relationship, I will endeavor to be a better man and deserve you.”

  Ally’s eyes were warm now. She stepped towards him, pressing her athletic body against his, looking him deep in the eyes. “Can I ask you something?”

  Bertie leaned his forehead against hers. “Anything, baby, anything.”

  She paused for along moment. “Are you…vewy, vewy sowwy?”

  Bertie burst out laughing and Ally grinned, pulling him into her apartment, closed the door behind them and got on with the first day of their new life.

  The End.

  Love in a Day

  A Billionaire Romance

  One night, Mason Farmer and Faria Parek are late to the subway station and find themselves stuck in the middle of Manhattan. Due to the pouring rain, they find it difficult to find a cab. Their attraction obvious, they go back to Mason’s apartment, and a red-hot night of passion begins.

  Over the next twenty-four hours, they spend every moment together and realize they are already beginning to fall in love – but then a random act of violence threatens to separate the lovers forever.

  Will Faria and Mason survive to find their happy ever after? Or will a gunman’s bullet separate the young lover’s forever?

  The Beat of Your Heart

  This wasn’t just rain, Faria Parek thought as she ran down the Manhattan side walk. This was Armageddon, End-of-Days like rain. It fell in sheets, and coupled with the high winds, Faria was soaked through and shivering by the time she skittered down the subway steps.

  She skidded to a halt as she reached the platform and found it…empty. What the hell? This was the Times Square station, one of the busiest on the line, it was never empty. Ever.

  She glanced around and for a quick minute, the thought that maybe it was Armageddon or a zombie apocalypse seemed legitimate. She heard a tin can being dropped into a trash can along the platform and peaked around to see who was there.

  At the other end of the platform, a young man was looking bored and impatient. He had wild dark curls, five days-worth of stubble, but Faria noticed the big eyes, the thick brows, the broad shoulders. He was gorgeous, but he was also dangerous looking, brooding, and she was down here alone late at night, and as badass as she considered herself, he was at least a foot taller than her five-five and could easily overpower her.

  She looked away embarrassed as h
e met her gaze, but then she peeked back, he was still looking. Feeling awkward, she gave him a small wave, then felt stupid. He man hesitated then raised his hand too, an uncertain smile which lit up his face.

  Faria debated for a second then started to walk towards him. Every fiber of her being was screaming at her not to go near this stranger but she had to know what was going on down here. She didn’t get to close though. “Hey.” Her voice cracked and she silently cursed herself. Don’t look vulnerable.

  “Hey. You’re wet.”

  For a second, Faria just blinked at him, then she started to giggle. The man seemed to realize what he said and started to laugh too. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that. So stupid. Hi, I’m Mason.” He stepped forward and shook her hand, his green eyes friendly and warm.


  Mason was already taking his dark blue blazer off and he draped it around her shoulders. “Thank you,” she said, flushing as his fingers brushed her shoulders. As usual, she was dressed completely inappropriately for the weather – sleeveless t-shirt, blue jeans and sneakers. To her horror, as she glanced down, she noticed her nipples were entirely visible through her damp t-shirt, and felt even more grateful to this handsome stranger. He wasn’t just trying to warm her up.

  “Do you know why it’s so empty down here?”

  Mason shook his head. “I don’t. I only got here a couple of minutes before you, but when I saw, I didn’t want you to be afraid of the lone man so I thought I’d hang up here. I really don’t know what the hell is going on – there have been no trains since I got here and I can’t find anyone to ask.” He sighed, looking frustrated. “Did a Zombie apocalypse happen and we were the only two people not to hear about it?”

  Faria grinned at him. “I was thinking the exact same thing.”

  Mason laughed, a deep rich sound which made her belly flutter with something like desire. “Well, Faria, do you want to hang out for a while, see if any trains come?” He indicated the vending machine. “I can offer you a grape soda, a vintage year, I believe, and some delicacy known only as Le Twinkie?”

  Faria grinned at him, liking his silly sense of humor. The brooding, menacing look was a million miles away now. “I’ll take the soda, but I’d rather lick one of the rails down there than eat a Twinkie.”

  “Ah, a woman of fine taste.” He fed a dollar into the machine and handed her the soda can. “Thank you.” She could feel her face burning as their fingers brushed. God, he was sexy.

  They sat down on one of the benches, Faria tucking her legs up under her. She tried to not get distracted by his long legs in his blue jeans, the temptation to run her hand down one of his strong thighs was palpable. “So, Mason, what do you do?”

  “I’m an architect, family business,” he said with a smile. “You?”

  “I’m studying at Columbia, music.”


  She shook her head. “Drums.”

  Mason looked surprised for a moment. “Wow, that’s…well. That’s kind of hot. Let’s see your guns.”

  Faria flexed her biceps. “Impressive.” Mason looked admiring. “But why drums?”

  “Well, when I was younger, I was diagnosed with ADHD. Medication didn’t seem to work, then one day, my music teacher suggested I use up all that extra energy on learning an instrument. I love the tones, the timbre of different drums. And they transcend genre too…my musical taste is eclectic.”

  “That’s cool. Do you play in an orchestra or a band?”

  “A band. The Poison Trees. We play small club venues, bars, local festivals.”

  Mason nodded. “I’ve seen you, actually, last year at TribecFest.”

  Faria grinned. “That was us. I had a blast that day.”

  “You were amazing, blew everyone away. So, metal, is that your favourite genre?”

  She shook her head. “No, my favourite drum to play is the Tabla. It’s an Indian classical drum. I’m part-Indian, you see, and I love anything from my culture. So, when I had the opportunity to learn the instruments, it was a no-brainer.”

  Mason was gazing at her and for a moment, she wondered if she was rambling on. “Sorry, am I hogging the conversation?”

  “Not at all, I was just thinking I’d seen you before – apart from the gig, of course. You remind me of someone I knew when I was younger, but…never mind. So, the Tabla, is that played with sticks?”

  Faria smiled at him. “No, fingers and palms.” She tapped out a rhythm on her knees to show him. “Whatever way you strike the drum, it creates a different sound.” She rested her hands on her knees. “What about you? Is architecture your passion?”

  “It is…hold on a second.” Mason leaned forward and peered down the other end of the station. Faria followed his gaze and saw a station worker approaching them. They both stood and waited for him.

  “Hey, folks, sorry, we’ve had a flood down in the tunnels and the whole system is out. My deputy was supposed to post a notice after we cleared everyone out earlier, but he slipped on the steps and knocked himself out. So, I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”

  “No problem,” Mason said, “We’ll go grab a cab.”

  Faria smiled at the station officer. “I hope your deputy is okay.”

  “Mostly hurt his pride I think, but I’ll pass your best wishes along, thank you. Good luck getting a cab. Listen, I may have an umbrella in the lost and found. You could borrow that – if you don’t mind bring it back.”

  “Perfect, thank you.”

  On the street, Mason held the umbrella over them both. His shirt was quickly soaked through and Faria looked guilty. “Here, have your jacket back, you’re getting…wet.”

  They both chuckled, feeling like kids, but Mason shook his head. “No way, I’m fine, little one.” She really was a sweetheart, he decided, as they both huddled under the umbrella, looking for a yellow cab with its light on. He’d tried to hide it, but he’d been floored by her beauty. Long, thick lustrous hair the color of mahogany, large brown eyes with thick dark lashes. Her lips were driving him crazy, full and a dark rose pink. She huddled in closer and he risked putting his arm around her. He looked down at her with a question in his eyes and she nodded as if to reassure him. “Body warmth is the way to go to beat hypothermia,” she grinned.

  The trouble was, the closer she got, the more his body reacted. He could feel the beginnings of an erection and prayed she couldn’t feel it and think he was a creep. He distracted himself by looking for a cab. “Where do you live in the city, Faria? I we can only get one cab, we should share, or I could walk you home.”

  She grinned. “It would be a very long walk. I live in Pomonok. You?”

  He felt a little embarrassed. “Upper East Side.”

  “Fancy.” But she grinned.

  Mason hesitated. “Look, this is going to sound…odd, but if we walk to my place…I could give you dry clothes, somewhere to shelter until we can call a cab or Uber. Say if I’m making you uncomfortable.”

  Faria studied him for a long minute then nodded. “Okay. Promise you’re not a serial killer and that you won’t keep my corpse for a trophy?”

  For a moment he was startled, then he threw his head back and laughed. “I swear to God I’m not and I won’t. I will corrupt you by feeding you pizza at three a.m. though.”

  “Deviant.” Faria grinned up at him and Mason found his body respond to that smile. In a second, everything changed. Their gazes locked and then he was kissing her, feeling her press her body to his. When they broke away, they were both breathless. “Mason,” she whispered, “I don’t think it’s pizza you’ll be corrupting me with.”

  God damn it. His cock was pressing painfully against his jeans then. “Beautiful girl…how fast can you run?”

  Faria grinned. “Pretty fast…catch me if you can.”

  She took off and, laughing, he followed, catching her at the end of the block. He smiled down at her. “Just remembered you don’t know where I live?”

  “Pretty much.

  They walked the rest of the way, holding hands. Mason almost shook his head at the suddenness of this situation, but in his bones, he knew it was fate. He was meant to meet this lovely girl.

  At Mason’s apartment, Faria followed him into the large living room with wall to floor windows that looked over the city. “Wow.”

  Mason didn’t turn the overhead light on so she could see out without reflection. She went to the window and placed her hands flat against the glass. Mason watched her for a moment then walked up behind her and slid his hands around her waist. Their eyes met in the reflection in the glass. Mason stroked her belly, feeling the soft curve of it under damp t-shirt. Faria moaned and leaned back into him. God, she wanted this man. She’d never had a one-night stand before but Mason was special. She wanted him, next to her, on top of her, inside her. She turned in his arms and he bent his head to kiss her again, this time lingering over the embrace, his lips perfectly fitted her hers.

  “I need to be inside you,” he murmured, making her pulse race, her blood pump furiously in her veins. Her cunt trembled with desire.

  “Fuck me against the window,” she said, and with an animal growl, they began to tear each other’s clothes off, casting the damp clothing to the floor. Mason retrieved a condom from his pocket, and Faria helped him slid it on.

  There was no waiting; Mason lifted her easily and impaled her on his cock. Faria gasped as the thick long shaft filled her, them Mason was pressing her back against the glass, fucking her hard, Faria clawing at his strong, firm back muscles. Mason’s mouth was rough on hers.

  They moved together, finding their rhythm easily and when they tumbled to the floor, Faria straddled him, riding him hard. Faria threw her head back as she came, her body juddering and shaking, Mason bucking under her as his climax took him.


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