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No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 50

by Michelle Love

  “What’s that?”

  Sailor felt sadness swim through her as she recalled the photos of her beloved Tilly being so brutally murdered. “He’s a monster…” She whispered, her voice breaking. “and he chose me to be his next, bride. When I reached my womanhood.”

  “Your womanhood?”

  She gave him a strange smile. “In the cult, women aren’t permitted to have sexual relations until their twenty-fifth birthday. That’s what it means. And when I reached mine, Bart was determined that I would be his. I disagreed and that’s why I left.”

  A clearly horrified Bodhi put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. “You don’t ever have to be afraid of him again, Sailor. I promise you that.”

  She smiled gratefully up at him, and again, their gazes locked. This time she didn’t look away. Bodhi moved closer, but stopped himself. “I think we need to get some sleep,” he said lightly, and Sailor was at once both disappointed and relieved. He pulled her to her feet and held her hand as they walked back into the villa.

  “I meant what I said,” Bodhi told her as he showed her where her room was. “You are part of this family now, Sailor. And whatever you want goes, okay? You need to know what freedom really is and I will do anything in my power to protect you as long as you need me to.”

  “Thank you, Bodhi.”

  He smiled down at her and she so desperately wanting to kiss his mouth, it became a physical pain inside her. “Goodnight, Sailor.”


  Sailor shut the door, and Bodhi went to his own room, his emotions in turmoil. Sailor was a virgin? At twenty-five? And god, what the hell kind of fucked up upbringing had she had?

  Bodhi took a cold shower and then slid, naked into bed. He’d nearly broken all of his rules too and kissed her out there on the beach. He had to get her out of his head.

  But how? He didn’t want to go back to the screwing around ways of his youth. And nor did he want to keep Sailor at arms-length. She was as important to him now as his own…shit, man, what’s wrong with you? You’ve known her a week.

  He sat up and tugged his laptop towards him, waiting for the browser to load, then typing in ‘Bartholomew Foy.' So many results, but Bodhi first clicked on the man’s photograph. A man in his early fifties, smart, but with a sly look on his dully handsome face. He flicked onto the man’s website.

  The Children of Love welcomes you in their loving embrace…

  “God,” he snorted, but then as he scrolled down, his blood ran cold. A photograph of a much younger Sailor, her eyes haunted, much thinner than she was now was on the front page. Underneath, an open letter to her begging her to return to their fold.

  Bodhi read through it with growing horror.

  My dearest, precious Sailor,

  Now that you have been gone from us for all these long months, I cannot bear the sadness that has come over all of us. You have left a chasm in our souls that cannot be replaced by anyone.

  Please, my darling girl, return to the people who loved you, raised you, nurtured you. Return to me, loveliest Sailor, for I will be the husband of your dreams, just as I promised you. Just as I was to your friend and mentor, Tilly.

  If anyone sees my darling girl, please call us collect on 555-658-845 or email me at, or speak to one of our advisors at anyone of our drop-in centers around the United States.

  Please help us find our beloved girl. #FindSailor.

  Bodhi groaned softly. Jesus, this man was a psychopath. Bodhi had seen way too many people like this in his line of work. Egotistical, control freaks who used passive aggressive tricks like this to control people. Bodhi had no doubt that when that didn’t work, Bartholomew Foy would turn to just plain old aggression. He had to find out more about this.

  One thing Bodhi knew for certain. No way would Bartie Foy ever, ever lay another hand on Sailor again.

  Sailor choked in exasperation as Tim splashed sea water all over her as they played in the sandbars. Bodhi stretched out on a sun recliner, watched them with amusement, trying not to be too distracted by Sailor’s curves in her yellow two-piece, which looked striking against her golden skin.

  “Hey, old man,” she yelled at him, and he grinned. “Come play with us.”

  He waved his hand. “I don’t want to disturb your game.” And besides, if I get too close to you in that bikini, I won’t be responsible for my actions…

  Sailor gave a face then, grinning wickedly, whispered something in Tim’s ear. The boy started to laugh, then covered his face to hide his giggles. They were obviously up to something.

  Sailor strode out of the water and sauntered casually up the beach. Bodhi made no apology for admiring her body, and she caught the gleam in his eye.

  “And you can stop that right now,” she said tartly, then grinned. “Come on, rock god, come show the Great Whites what a real man looks like.”

  She took his hands and pulled him into a sitting position, but he refused to be pulled to his feet, instead, laughing as Sailor, all of five-two, tried to pull his six-five up. She must weigh a quarter of what I do, he thought, fondly, then yelped as something very slimy and very cold was slipped down the back of his swim trunks. Sailor let go immediately as he got to his feet, ramming his hand down to his butt and pulling out a handful of seaweed from his shorts. Behind him, a giggle and he turned to see Tim, backing off, but grinning at him. Sailor skittered over to Tim, both of them laughing at Bodhi, and took his hand.

  Bodhi looked between them and the handful of seaweed and stifled a laugh. Instead, he arranged his face into a warrior snarl and roared as he took off in hot pursuit of his tormentors. Tim and Sailor shrieked with laughter as he chased them back into the sea. Bodhi grabbed Tim and threw him up onto his shoulders as the child laughed. Bodhi grinned at him.

  “Shall we get Sailor? Shall we?” He advanced on Sailor who was giggling uncontrollably and backing off, as they drew near. Tim gave a banshee scream, imitating his dad and they both rushed her, tipping her over into the sea. She emerged, gasping for air and laughing.

  Bodhi thought he’d never seen a more beautiful sight. As Tim and Sailor teased him, and he played the fool for them, he was thinking about how much he would like to pull down one of those yellow cups on her bikini and take her nipple into his mouth, hear her gasp for pleasure, slid those bikini panties down her golden legs, run his tongue along her sex.

  Jesus, stop, man. There was no way to hide an erection in these swim shorts. He backed off into deeper water and swam around them for a while, hoping his hard-on would subside.

  Tim stood watching him, and he smiled at his son. “Can you swim, Timbo?”

  Tim waved his hand. “A little bit. Not very much.”

  “Would you like me to teach you?”

  Tim hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “But not in the ocean, Dad. At home, I would like that better.”

  Bodhi’s heart swelled, and he had to smile to hide the tears in his eyes. “Wherever you want, sport.”

  Later after an exhausted Tim was sleeping, and after they’d all enjoyed a good meal of fresh fish and roast vegetables, they sat out on the beach again, the ever-present bottle of scotch between them.

  Bodhi turned to Sailor with shining eyes. “He called me Dad, Sails.”

  Sailor nudged his shoulder with hers. “I know. I nearly cried.”

  “Me too.” Bodhi’s smile was incredulous. “It’s all cause of you, Sails, all of it. If you hadn’t…” His voice broke, and he cleared his throat, looking away. Sailor hesitated then leaned down and pressed her lips against his bare shoulder, just briefly. She looked up at him.

  “You saved my life, Bodhi. And no, it wasn’t just me. I keep telling you, you’re a great dad, a wonderful, warm, giving person. Most, unlike a rockstar, I must say.” She made the joke to try and break the tension between them.

  Bodhi studied her. “If you know how much I want to kiss you right now…”

  Sailor’s eyes took on a wary
look, and he was sorry he’d said that. “I apologize, Sailor. That was inappropriate.”

  “No.” Her voice was soft. “I feel it too, you know? I just…if it went wrong between us…I don’t know how I would survive losing you. It’s been a week. A week, Bodhi, and I’m…feeling things I’ve never felt before. Things that were taken from me a long time ago and I don’t know if I’m capable of being the woman you need.”

  She sighed, and Bodhi put his arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him, looking up at him. God, she was so beautiful it made his heart hurt. “What do you want, Sailor? What can I give you to help you?”

  She was silent for a long time then looked up at him. “Bodhi…you know that saying…’What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’?”

  Bodhi nodded slowly. Sailor stood and held her hand out to him and pulled him up. He slid his arms around her waist. “What you can give me, Bodhi is you. In this moment. For this night. You must know I’m a virgin by now…and I want to give it you. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. But what happens here on the island, stays here. We won’t let it affect our friendship or our working relationship. That’s what you can give me.”

  Bodhi bent his head and pressed his lips to hers, and it was sweeter than he had imagined. His fingers trailed up and down her spine, and she shivered, kissing him back with the same intense passion he was feeling. She was still wearing that yellow bikini, with a sarong tied around her waist. He took her hand and led her to his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

  Sailor looked nervous for a moment as he approached, her arms curled around his neck. “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be…don’t be scared…” He dropped to his knees in front of her and pressed his lips to her belly. His tongue slowly rimmed her navel as his fingers untied the sarong and let it drop to the floor. Sailor gasped and swayed as his hand slipped between her legs and began to caress her through her panties. With his other hand, Bodhi pulled down the cup of her bikini top and closed his mouth over her nipple, sucking on it, grazing the small bud with his teeth. Sailor moaned with pleasure, tangling her fingers in his dark curls.

  Bodhi slid her panties off and gently parted her legs. His tongue sought her clit, and he felt her shiver as he took it into his mouth. He teased her, making her legs tremble then stood and swept her onto the bed. He tugged his shirt over his head and removed his pants. His cock, thick and long, was already taut and rigid, as his eyes drank in the sight of her body stretched out on his bed. God, she was glorious…even though she still looked terrified. He covered her body with his, kissing her gently. He smoothed her hair away from her lovely face. “Sweet Sailor…don’t be afraid. If you want to me stop at any time, just say the word. I swear, I swear to god, I won’t hurt you.”

  And he kissed every part of her exposed skin until she was a shivering wreck of desire, her nipples hard, her belly quivering with arousal. He stroked it gently, his thumb strumming a rhythm over her navel. He slid his hand down between her legs and found her soaking wet for him.

  “Are you ready, my darling?”

  Sailor nodded, her breath coming in short gasps now, her eyes never leaving his. Bodhi gently pulled her legs around his waist and guided himself into her, slowly, watching her every reaction as his cock filled her velvety soft cunt. Sailor’s eyes opened wide as he thrust for the first time, the tiniest cry coming from her as they began to move together. He kissed her tenderly as they made love and was gratified by her clamping her fingernails into his back, urging him on.

  She stifled her cry as she came, shivering and gasping his name, and Bodhi felt the hot rush of his cum pumping inside her. Sailor kissed him passionately, and he could feel tears on her cheeks. She was smiling though, he felt the curve of her lips against his own. “Bodhi...” Her whispering his name was like honey to his soul.

  He gazed down at her. “Are you okay?”

  Sailor nodded. “Very, very okay…that was incredible.”

  Bodhi smiled. “I’m glad you think so.”

  “Were you holding back?” She stroked his face, and he brushed her lips with his.

  “A little, I admit. It was a big responsibility.”

  Sailor had tears in her eyes. “You made it so beautiful, Bodhi.”

  He kissed the tears from her eyes. “You’re beautiful, Sailor, and funny, and smart and wonderful. It was my honor to be your first.”

  Her eyes were soft with love, but she nodded. “Bodhi…I meant what I said. I want to work with you and be your friend, and I don’t want this to compromise anything.”

  “It won’t, I swear. We make a good team, you and me, Sails.”

  “I love that nickname.”

  Bodhi grinned. “You must have been called that before.”

  She shook her head. “In the cult, nicknames were frowned upon.”

  “And you changed your name legally when you came to California?”

  She nodded. “But it never stuck with me, it’s just for official documents. Sailor was the one thing that came from my mother. She named me, and that’s who I am.”

  Bodhi propped himself on his elbow and ran his palm down her belly. “Do you remember her?”

  Sailor considered for a moment. “I think so…but I’m not entirely sure that it’s a real memory or just a fantasy. I had one photograph of her, I look just like her.”

  “What happened to her?”

  Sailor’s eyes grew sad. “I don’t know, no-one would ever speak about her to me, Bart’s orders, I think.”

  “What do you think happened? Did she run away and leave you?”

  There was a long silence. “No. I think he murdered her.”

  The shock hit Bodhi full in the chest. “What?”

  Sailor met his gaze. “I don’t know for sure. What I do know is that he did murder his second wife, Tilly. She was my teacher and my best friend. She lived under his control for too long, just to take care of us. When she fell in love with someone else…he had her killed. In front of her lover.”

  “Jesus.” Bodhi felt his heart pounding. “You know this for sure?”

  She nodded. “He showed me photographs of the murder…just before I was supposed to marry him. The photographs showed two men, I’d never seen them before, but one was holding Tilly down, the other was stabbing her to death. God, Bodhi, the fear, the pain in her eyes…and then the last photo they showed her body on the ground, drenched in blood, and her lover tied to a chair sobbing. I don’t know what happened to him, I assume they killed him too.”

  Bodhi was beyond horrified and he wrapped himself around Sailor. She’d been through hell. “Why the fuck did he show you those photos? Why would he admit to it?”

  She smiled at him sadly. “To show me what would happen to me if I defied him.”

  God, no. No. Bodhi squeezed his eyes shut, trying to scourge the images of Sailor being stabbed to death, of her blood being spilled. He felt her touch his face.

  “Don’t look so sad. I escaped, I’m here.”

  Bodhi touched his forehead to hers. “Sailor, I promise you, I will keep you safe if it’s the last thing I do in this world. He’ll never touch you again. Do you know if he’s looking for you?”

  She gave a humorless laugh. “Oh yes. Bartholomew Foy is never defied, not least by a woman. If he finds me, I’m a dead woman, of that I have no doubt.”

  “No. No way. That’s never going to happen, baby, never.”

  She smiled up at him. “You just called me baby.”

  “I know. Sailor, I know it’s fast, but I have never had such an immediate connection with anyone. I’m not bullshitting. In my world, I understand that me saying that could be misconstrued as a line, but I mean it sincerely. I want to see where this takes us.”

  Sailor nodded. “You have a hero complex.” She said it softly, with a smile.

  Bodhi blinked but smiled. “You think?”

  She chuckled. “A little. I can see it in your face, you want to save me. And you know what? That’s
okay, as long as you remember I have control of my own life, and that as much as you want to save me, I want to save you. Can we be equals, Bodhi? Or is this all a little heavy for you, so soon? Because never again will I allow myself to be dictated to or by anyone, even by someone I…adore.”

  Bodhi was impressed. “Sailor, you have an old soul. Of course, anything. And just so you know? I adore you too. Tim is crazy about you, so at least I know I have something in common with him.”

  Sailor laughed. “You made leaps and bounds today.”

  Bodhi kissed her. “Entirely due to you, beautiful lady.” He covered her body with his. “And now, allow me to show you just how grateful I am…”

  In the morning, Sailor slipped back to her own room before Tim awoke. She and Bodhi had decided that was best for now; they would gradually show affection for each other in front of the boy, ease him into getting used to the budding relationship.

  “If that’s what it is,” Sailor murmured to herself as she showered and dressed in denim shorts and an oversized white shirt. Her life had changed so much in the last twenty-four hours she couldn’t help feel shell-shocked, and at the same time, happy. She wondered at the new feeling. She couldn’t regret anything that had happened between herself and Bodhi, regardless of her reservations. Making love with him all night had been a revelation to her, although she knew anyone else would consider the sex low-key and tentative at first, by the end of the night, her whole body felt like it was on fire. Her clit was still sensitive this morning, her vagina sore and aching from the pounding of Bodhi’s huge cock. Her thighs were jelly as she walked back into the huge kitchen. Tim grinned at her.

  “Dad says we’re going hiking today, in the forest. There’s a waterfall.”

  Sailor sat down, smiling at him and Bodhi, who leaned over and kissed her cheek, whispering in her ear. “You’re beautiful.”

  She blushed a little, pleasure streaming through her body. She turned to Tim. “That sounds like fun. Maybe we should take a picnic with us?”


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