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No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 55

by Michelle Love

  A little while later, while Tim entertained his grandmother with tales of school, Bodhi pulled Sailor onto his lap and kissed her. “My mom give you the full interrogation?”

  Sailor grinned. “Yup. I think I passed, because after that we planned sedition against you.”

  Bodhi laughed. “Then I’d say you made a good impression. What did you think?”

  “I love her. There’s no bullshit there.”

  Bodhi kissed her again. “I love you, Sailor King.”

  “Hey, you two,” Vittoria came over, holding Tim’s hand, “We’ve had an idea. Solly and Claudio are coming back with me to Florence for a couple of days…and Tim was wondering if he could come too, give you two some time alone?”

  Tim nodded, and Bodhi grinned. “You sure, sport?”

  Tim nodded his head. “Oh yes, it’ll be fun, and Grandma says I can sleep with Tag on my bed.” He looked oddly excited about the prospect. Bodhi nodded.

  “Okay then. Thanks, Ma, we could use the time.”

  Sailor felt she must be blushing to her roots. She knew exactly how they would be spending the time and by the smirks on Solly and Claudio’s faces, they had guessed too.

  The next morning, Tim hugged both his father and Sailor goodbye. “See you in a couple of days, buddy boy.”

  Tim hugged his father hard. “Love you, Dad.”

  Bodhi really couldn’t stop the tears, “Love you too, Timbo.”

  Sailor smiled up at him as they waved the others goodbye. “Mushy face.”

  Bodhi laughed, wiping his damp cheeks. “Yup, can’t deny it.”

  They waved until they couldn’t see the car anymore, then without warning, Bodhi lifted Sailor into a fireman’s lift and carried her, shrieking with laughter, back to their little hideaway. He dropped her onto the bed and as she giggled, pulled up her t-shirt and blew raspberries on her belly.

  “Oh, you silly man,” Sailor was breathless as Bodhi climbed on top of her. His kiss was deep and rough and she tangled her fingers in his curls as he undid the fly of her jeans and pushed them down her legs.

  “First, I’m going to fuck you hard, Sailor girl, then we’re going to play all day and all night. I hope you have a lot of energy.” His hand was in her panties, stroking her clit, feeling how wet she was for him.

  Sailor kicked off her jeans and panties and wrapped her legs around his hip, her own hands freeing his cock from his underwear and then he was in her, thrusting hard, her fingernails digging deep into his buttocks, almost painful.

  Bodhi pinned her hands above her head as they fucked, his gaze locked onto hers. “Sailor, my love?”

  “Yes, baby?”

  “How would you feel about being tied up?”

  Sailor grinned. “By you? I think that would be just…nifty.”

  Bodhi laughed which broke his rhythm and they had to concentrate on getting it back for a few moments. Sailor tightened her legs around his waist. “Whatever you want to do to me, I want you to do it…whatever it is, Bodhi. I trust you.”

  “I would never hurt you, you know that, right?” His eyes were serious.

  Sailor nodded, her orgasm close as he rammed his hips into her. “I know…I’m saying, if you want to get rough…I’d be into it. With you.”

  Bodhi grinned and slammed his cock even deeper inside her and she came, gasping and shuddering, saying his name over and over. His climax followed, and he groaned as he pumped his seed deep inside her. They caught their breath, laying side-by-side, holding hands. The day was warm, but a pleasant breeze blew through the open shutters. Outside, there was utter quiet, only the faint rustle of leaves in the trees.

  “This is heaven,” breathed Sailor. Bodhi smiled at her.

  “You’re heaven, Miss King. Now I’m going to kiss every inch of your beautiful body, then we’re going to get a little kinky. Don’t forget, you get scared or uncomfortable, say the word and we can stop.”

  She pulled his face down to hers to kiss his mouth. “Take me, Bodhi Creed.”

  He covered her body while kissing her mouth, her throat, sucking on her nipples, trailing his tongue down the groove of her stomach and tracing a pattern around her deep navel. Sailor shivered with excitement; her belly quivering under his mouth. Bodhi, sensing she enjoyed it, continued to kiss, and stroke and his thumb dipped into her navel in a steady rhythm until she had to tell him to stop, she was almost unbearably turned-on and when his teeth grazed her clit, she came quickly, almost sobbing. He moved up her body to kiss her mouth again, and then grinned down at her.

  “So, you have a very sensitive belly, Miss King…so now I know where to begin my crusade to have you screaming my name long into the night. Just hang tight here for a moment while I collect what I need.”

  Sailor was sure she would cum just hearing the silky, sensual tone of his voice, but she waited, watching him stalk around the living area, picking up what he needed. “Don’t forget there’s some special items I brought in my case,” she said, propping herself up on her elbow to watch him. Bodhi gave her the finger pistols and she laughed, watching his face as he took out the paper bag she’d hidden the toys in. His eyes widened when he saw them; warming lube, a long thick dildo, a strap-on, he grinned at that and nodded, much to Sailor’s relief, silk ties, a riding crop, a vibrator.

  “I hope you don’t think that’s all a bit vanilla,” she said as he carried everything to the bed and laid it out. “I’ve honestly no idea, but the woman in the store helped me out. That wasn’t an embarrassing conversation at all,” she said wryly and Bodhi laughed, leaning over to kiss her.

  “Well, now, I think you did great…I will certainly enjoy using all of these on you…and having you use them on me. All of them.”


  “Really. You said you would try anything with me, well, I feel the same way.”

  “Even the…” She touched the strap-on lightly and he nodded.

  “How about you…how do you feel about anal sex?”

  Sailor rolled onto her stomach and grinned. “Like I said…anything.”

  Bodhi gave a growl. “God, you’re pure sex, Sailor King. You realize I’m going to have to fuck your ass before I do anything else now? Look at this,” he indicated his straining cock, “just the thought of it…”

  Sailor spread her legs and Bodhi climbed on top of her, parting her round buttocks, grabbing the lube and she felt him rub it onto her before his cock nudged at the entrance before sliding in gently. She gasped, her vision filling with stars as he fucked her ass, being as gentle as he could in his mounting excitement, his fingers digging into her hips.

  “Christ, you’re sensational,” he gasped, moving his hand to stroke her clit and Sailor gave a long moan of pleasure, before feeling him cum inside her, his mouth on the back of her shoulder, groaning her name

  “I love you, I love you,” he moaned, and they both collapsed, panting hard.

  Afterward, they took a shower together, and grabbed some food, making a picnic on their bed. Sailor, completely uninhibited about being naked with him, studied the items he had brought to their playground. A long feather, a paintbrush, she grinned at that one, and a jar of honey. She picked up the small jar and smiled. “I like this touch.”

  “I’m going to drip it onto your soft belly and into your navel then licked it up while I fuck you with that dildo,” Bodhi said with a grin, “all the while you’re tied so you can’t escape me.”

  Sailor gave a moan of desire, and Bodhi chuckled, his voice deep with his own craving for her. “Then we’ll see if you like the crop.”

  Sailor wriggled with anticipation and soon Bodhi was binding her wrists to the bedpost, kissing the soft skin on the inside of each one before wrapping the silk ties around them. He smiled down at her as he saw her eyes alive with excitement. As he straddled her, Sailor now completely helpless, he dripped the honey between her breasts watching it pour down her belly, filling her navel and then his mouth was on her. He heard her squeak with arousal as his tongue delve
d deep into her navel and he pushed her legs apart, stroking her clit, feeling how swollen and wet her cunt was, feeling it quiver under his touch. He slowly slid the dildo into her and began to fuck her with it, Sailor moaning and writhing, her wrists bound, her body heaving as she panted for air. Bodhi smiled as he continued to tease her belly.

  Soon Sailor was bucking and crying his name out as she came, and Bodhi straddled her and plunged his cock deep inside her, admiring the way her breasts moved as they rocked in unison, the way her belly rose and fell with her gasps. He reached his peak and pulled out of her, coming onto the skin of her belly in thick, creamy spurts.

  He kept her under him as he took up the crop and she nodded eagerly. He brought it down across her belly once and she moaned. “Harder, baby, harder…”

  He would only strike her twice more before she came again and when she had calmed down, he untied her wrists and kissed her bruised wrists tenderly and gathered her to him.

  “I love you, little one,” he whispered as he kissed her, “Was that okay?”

  She panted for air. “It was wild,” she said, with not a little astonishment. He stroked his hand down the length of her body.

  “Are you hurting?”

  Sailor shook her head. “Not unless you count my vagina aching from the pounding your huge cock just gave it.”

  Bodhi laughed. “I love your dirty mouth.”

  Sailor smirked. “This dirty mouth gonna be wrapped around your anaconda any second.”

  Bodhi tickled her. “Bad girl, bad, bad girl.”

  Sailor rolled him onto his back. “Maybe, Mr. Creed, but now it’s my turn to be in charge.”

  And she moved down his body until she could take his cock into her mouth.

  Bay tucked her new-born son back into his bed. Buddy was feeding so well that the doctors said she could take him home in the morning, and Bay was relieved. She’d had her fill of hospitals after she’d been shot. Months and months of treatment. If we have another child, she thought, I’m insisting on a home birth. She bent down and kissed her son’s soft head.

  “Love you, Buddy Boo. Sleep tight.”

  She gazed down at him, never having enough of the sight of him. When they’d had the girls, it was such a tumultuous time, there hadn’t been any time for quiet reflection. Now, with Tom at home with Esme and Milly, probably being run ragged by his daughters, Bay could enjoy the quiet hours with her son. She glanced at the clock. Three a.m. She didn’t mind the middle of the night feeds; she enjoyed the silence of the hospital, and the view over Seattle at night. She stared out at the city now, over to the top of the Needle, squinting to see if she could see the outline of Rainier in the dark. She heard the door squeak open behind her and turned. A nurse, dressed in scrubs went to pick her chart with her vital signs up. Bay, her brain still full of baby hormones, didn’t even question it, so used to people coming and in out at all times.

  “Hi. Quiet night?”

  The nurse said nothing, and Bay frowned. She tried again. “Hey…”

  She touched the arm of the nurse, and he or she whirled around and Bay saw his eyes.

  And recognized them immediately. Her heart nearly failed and she knew one thing.

  She would not let Stu Lawson harm her child. She threw herself over Buddy’s crib, but Stu grabbed her hair and yanked her backward, throwing her across the room. Bay hardly had time to open her mouth to scream before Stu was on her, slashing at her with a scalpel. Bay kicked him away, ignoring the slice of the blade across her skin of her thigh as Stu lost balance. Bay screamed for help as Stu, his eyes crazed lunged for Buddy’s cradle and Bay, giving the banshee cry of the lioness, launched herself at him, her hands clawing at him. Stu grabbed and shoved her against the wall as two burly security guards rushed in and grabbed him, hauling him away from Bay and out into the hall, still screaming. Bay immediately went to her son, who was bawling, and scooped him into her arms, breathing hard, checking her son for any wounds. There was blood spattered across his coverlet, but thankfully, she could find nothing wrong. A fleet of doctors and nurses came in, and one stepped forward, his face pale.

  “Nurse Edwards, please take Mrs. Meir’s son and make sure he is fine.”

  Bay shook her head. “No, he’s fine, he’s fine, he’s okay.”

  The doctor nodded to the nurse who came to take Buddy, but Bay shook her head. “No. I want him. He’s fine.”

  The doctor stepped toward her. “Bay, honey, Buddy may be okay, but you’re not. Sweetie, right now you have adrenaline coursing through your system. When it goes away, which it will any second, you will start to feel pain. A lot of pain. When you do, you may pass out, and I don’t want you holding Buddy when you do. Please. Give him to Nurse Edwards.”

  Bay stared at him, and sure enough, now the attack was over she began to feel something like pain creeping over her. She handed her son to the nurse and then looked down at herself. Her nightdress was soaked in blood from numerous slashes across it, but what she noticed was the blood streaming down her leg from the thigh wound.

  Fuck. It was deep. The thick dark blood was pumping down her leg and pooling where she stood. Arterial blood. Oh no, no… Bay felt a wave of dizziness and the doctor caught her as she passed out.

  The doctor and nurses got Bay onto her bed and the doctor examined her. “Shit. She has a deep laceration to the right thigh. Possible femoral artery rupture. Let’s get her down to surgery now before she bleeds out. Someone, please, call Tomas Meir, and the police, and then tell me what the fuck went on here tonight.”

  Tom Meir had finally gotten off to sleep when the call came and then his heart nearly failed. Bay and Buddy had been attacked, Buddy was okay but Bay was in surgery with serious stab wounds.

  Please no, not again…

  He knew it was Stu Lawson, who else would it be? He, Tom, had failed Bay when she was at her most vulnerable. Why hadn’t he insisted on a security guard at her hospital room? Because then you would have to tell her you kept Stu Lawson’s escape from her…

  Oh god, my darling, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…

  He woke the girls and called Kym and Roman. They were horrified and told him they would meet him at the hospital. Tom strapped the girls into their car seats, praying he wouldn’t be too late, that he wouldn’t have to explain to his girls that their mommy had been killed by a very bad man, and that their daddy hadn’t been able to stop him.

  Sailor stretched her body out in the morning sun and opened her eyes. Bodhi was at the stove, flipping delicious smelling pancakes onto a plate. Sailor got up, snatched Bodhi’s shirt from the bottom of the bed, wrapping it around herself, and padded silently behind him, slipping her arms around his waist. She still had a hard time believing this beautiful big man was hers.

  “I love you.”

  Bodhi turned around and with a shock, it wasn’t Bodhi but Bart. He smiled nastily. “I’m glad to hear it, Sailor, but it’s a little too late for that.” In his hand, a large, lethal-looking knife and he drove it deep into her stomach. As she fell to the floor, dying, she saw Bodhi laying across from her, his throat cut, the light in his eyes fading…

  “Sailor! Baby, wake up!”

  Sailor finally stopped screaming as Bodhi wrapped his arms around her. “Baby, you were dreaming, having a nightmare.”

  Slowly, she managed to calm herself. Bodhi looked at her with deep concern in his eyes. “Are you alright?”

  Sailor drew in a deep breath. “Sorry, darling, I’m so sorry. God, a bad dream doesn’t cover it.” She rubbed her hands over her face. “Jesus, I haven’t had one of them for months.”

  Bodhi stroked her hair. “Do you want to talk to me about it?”

  She smiled wanly. “What else would it be about but Bart? I’m constantly waiting for him to find me, to hurt me or worse, hurt you. I couldn’t bear it if I was responsible for anything happening to anyone I love. I would rather die, Bodhi.”

  Bodhi winced. “Don’t say that, baby.”

  “It’s true thou
gh. I’ll tell you something, if Bart comes for me, I won’t go without trying to take him with me. I used to think the worst thing a person could do was to kill another human. But I would kill Bart Foy in a heartbeat. For what he has done, for what he might do.”

  Bodhi felt his heart sink at her words. His beautiful love should never have been put in the position where she had to choose whether to kill or be killed. No. This was wrong. He would not allow Sailor to be hurt anymore by Bart Foy or his followers.

  “Sweetie, when we get back to the US, we’ll stop being passive and start being proactive.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Sailor was calm now and Bodhi kissed her temple.

  “First, and I know you’ll hate this, but added security. You don’t go out in public without a bodyguard.”

  Sailor sighed and Bodhi looked at her questioningly. “What is it?”

  “It’s just…I lived for years not being able to move freely, always having a escort with me. It feels like déjà vu.”

  “Except in this case, we’ll be protecting rather than restraining.” There was a tiny edge to Bodhi’s voice and she smiled at him humbly.

  “I know, baby. Let’s talk about what else we can do?”

  Bodhi shifted so he was facing her. “When you think of other cults, what’s the thing they hate the most?”

  “Negative publicity.”

  Bodhi nodded. “Right. Documentaries, testimonies from ex-cult members. Look at that series that was just on television exposing that Hollywood cult. They hated it.”

  “So, you’re saying we should make a documentary?”

  “I am. We involve a top journalist, someone with gravitas, and we round up ex-cult members to testify.”

  Sailor chewed her lip. “If we can find any alive. There are very few who leave and nearly all of them end up dead.”

  “Then we get the police involved and look into those deaths. Maybe the F.B.I. You can tell them what you saw in Foy’s office.”


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