No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 57

by Michelle Love

  Bodhi’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?”

  Sailor nodded. “I’ve been wondering.”

  “Woman or man?”

  “Either. But only if, and this is a big if, we trust that person implicitly. Because I can get jealous.”

  Bodhi pulled her on top of him. “You know that rules out everyone but two people.”

  “Yup. But I don’t think Bay will be up for it just yet.”

  “Oh, ha ha funny girl. Funny enough, I’m not sure Claudio would do it, either.”

  “So, we’re talking about the same person. Well, Solly is posing as your girlfriend.”

  Bodhi grinned at her. “Soleil is the one person I’m surprised hasn’t suggested it yet.”

  “Have you and her…”

  Bodhi shook his head. “No, never. I know she has done it with others, though, she’s not shy about telling me.”

  Sailor was chuckling. “I can’t believe we’re even discussing it.”

  “Hey, I have a whole role play thing in my head already.”

  “Oh, really?”

  Bodhi covered her body with his. “Yeah. Me and Solly, we’re the rich folk…“

  “True story.”

  “Don’t interrupt.”

  “Sorry.” She grinned up at him. “Please continue.”

  “We live in a grand castle and you, Sailor girl, are our maid. We chose you because of your staggering beauty, and soon, we take you out of the kitchen where you’ve been slaving, and keep you as our sex toy, every night,” he was trailing his lips across her clavicle as he spoke, “we make you strip slowly in front of us, then we both kiss every part of your beautiful body. All out attention is focused on you…all of it.”

  His mouth was on her breasts now, his hand snaking between her legs to rub her clit. Sailor shivered at the sensations flooding through her body. Bodhi was enjoying himself, running the tip of his tongue around her navel.

  “Imagine that’s Soleil’s tongue on your belly, and she’s stroking the soft flesh inside your delicious thighs…I’m behind you, running my tongue down your spine, then, as Soleil takes your clit into her mouth, I slide my cock deep inside your cunt from behind…”

  Sailor moaned, trembling underneath his touch and Bodhi, grinned, flipped her onto her stomach and thrust into her from behind finding her wet and so turned-on that she came at once, then again as they fucked, Bodhi gripping the headboard and slamming his cock deep inside her.

  Later, when Soleil returned home, Sailor couldn’t help grinning to herself. It had really done it for her, imagining being fucked by both Solly and Bodhi. Her body still buzzed with arousal, but she saw Soleil was serious as she came into the room, and pushed her more erotic fantasies to the back of her mind. Soleil, for once, did not look in the mood for flirting.

  Soleil told them about Hedda and Bodhi’s face was grim. “It certainly sounds suspicious. And yes, I think it’s a good idea to go to Seattle.”

  Sailor agreed. “I want to see Bay and if we can scare Hedda into giving something away, even better. Jesus, if she let Lawson into the hospital, I want to get her ass fired.”

  “That was my initial reaction, but she may be more useful if we stick a P.I. on her. I can use visiting Bay to cover for my presence, act surprised Hedda is there, maybe intimidate her a little.”

  Bodhi was reaching for his phone. “We’ll find out where she lives and stick bugs on everything. If she’s working with Foy, we’ll find out.”

  Sailor felt relief flooding through her. “A lead, at last,” she said, beaming. “Thank you, Solly. That’s the best news.”

  Soleil grinned and high-fived her. “You two look happier. Can I assume you made up?”

  Sailor colored and giggled. Bodhi looked smug. “We sure did. And, um, in an interesting way.”

  Sailor shot him a horrified look and Bodhi laughed. “Sailor’s worried I’m going to tell you about her fantasy.”

  “Bod-hi!” Sailor moaned, and Soleil chuckled.

  “Oh, this must be good. Tell me.”

  “No!” Sailor clamped her hand over Bodhi’s mouth. He pulled it down and while laughing as Sailor tried to shut him up, “Sailor wants a threesome with you, Solly.”

  Sailor could have died, but Soleil just laughed out loud. “Well, about damn time.”

  Sailor was mortified. “I cannot believe you told her.”

  Bodhi was unrepentant. “Nothing to be embarrassed about, Sails. How else did you think we should invite Solly into our bed? By Morse code?”

  Soleil got up and came to sit next to Sailor. “Sails…is this something you really want to try?”

  Sailor was panicking a little as she looked between them both. “Is this really happening?”

  Soleil and Bodhi shared a look. “It can be. Do you want to talk about it?”

  Sailor didn’t know whether she was going to freak out or go along with what she was pretty sure was a rhetorical conversation. She chose the latter. “Maybe…how would it work?” She didn’t know if she could take seeing Bodhi fuck Soleil. Soleil read her mind.

  “If we do this, it’s all about you, Sailor. I don’t fuck men and Bodhi would never cheat on you.”

  Bodhi nodded. “No, I wouldn’t. Solly’s right, if we do this, it’s all about your pleasure, baby. Is this too much?”

  Slowly Sailor shook her head. Soleil glanced at Bodhi who nodded, his eyes riveted at the two women. Soleil took Sailor’s face in her hands and pressed her lips to Sailor’s. She tasted of honey and Sailor sank into the kiss as she felt Bodhi stroke her back. She reached behind her and cupped his cock through his jeans, feeling it already hard. So, Bodhi would enjoy this too? It seemed so. Soleil’s hands were under her t-shirt now, and between them, she and Bodhi stripped Sailor, both of them kissing her exposed skin.

  Sailor shivered with anticipation as they moved to the bedroom. She lay on the bed as Soleil and Bodhi caressed her body and when Soleil’s mouth found her clit, she gasped. Bodhi caught her mouth with his, his thumb finger-fucking her navel.

  Soleil was skilled at what she did, bringing Sailor to orgasm swiftly, smiling up at her. “You taste wonderful, Sails.” She looked at Bodhi. “Swap places? I want to watch you fuck her.”

  Bodhi thrust his engorged cock into Sailor’s red and swollen cunt as Soleil, her beautiful face glowing with arousal, kissed Sailor thoroughly. “I admit,” she said, “I have thought about this since I met you.”

  Sailor felt a swell of affection and of pleasure that she, Sailor, could turn on a staggeringly beautiful woman like Soleil.

  “Solly, look in the cupboard…we have some toys you might like.” Bodhi’s gorgeous eyes were intense with desire as he fucked his lover, who was crying out and gasping, completely at their mercy. Solly went to the closet and in seconds she was back, carrying the riding crop and wearing the strap-on they had yet to use.

  “Well, look at that,” she grinned. The sight of her, the large silicone dildo protruding from between her legs, was strangely beautiful. She waved the crop. “Where do you like this, Sailor?”

  “Across her belly,” Bodhi said, his climax near, and Sailor nodded, giving a sharp intake of breath as Soleil cracked the whip across her belly, leaving a red welt.

  “Harder,” Sailor gasped, Bodhi’s cock plowing deep into her. Solei bent and pressed her lips to the first welt before striking Sailor again, harder. The sting was sweet agony. The third strike broke the skin slightly, and Soleil put the crop down, kissing Sailor’s belly.

  “I’ll make it better, Sailor girl,” she whispered. Bodhi came, watching the women interacting and then pulled out, gasping for air.

  “I want to suck your cock,” Sailor told him, and he nodded, smiling.

  “Solly, fuck her from behind with that thing while I suck her clit.”

  With Bodhi’s cock in her mouth, his mouth on her clit, and Soleil thrusting the dildo into her from behind, Sailor thought she might die from the pleasure. In her life, she had never dreamed that being fucked by the
se two beautiful people would be so good, and so uninhibited. She wanted Bodhi and she wanted Soleil just as much at this moment.

  She sucked on Solly’s nipples, then took her turn with the strap on, straddling Solly as Bodhi fucked Sailor in her perfect little ass. She came over and over as they made love for hours, before all three of them collapsed, exhausted.

  Sailor lay panting in between them. “Wow, just wow.”

  Bodhi and Solei, both chuckled. “You can say that again,” Bodhi said. He kissed Sailor tenderly. “I love you, boo.”

  She grinned at him. “And I love you, baby.” She looked at Solei. “Love you, Solly.”

  “And I like you as a friend,” Solly shot back, grinning and Sailor laughed.

  “Seriously, though, both of you. You have shown me a world I never knew existed. I’m glad we did this.”

  Soleil chuckled, and Bodhi kissed Sailor’s lips. “Me too, baby.”

  Soleil pulled herself up. “Well, loves, I’m hitting the shower then I think I need to do some work today. I’ll be in the guesthouse if you, um, need me again.”

  She tugged her dress around her and grinned as she left them alone, blowing them both a kiss on the way out.

  Sailor wrapped herself around Bodhi, whose arms held her tight. “That was…thank you, Bodhi. Thank you for your generosity.”

  “Hey, it was my pleasure.”

  Sailor kissed him, then looked worried. “I hope that wasn’t me cheating on you?”

  “No, baby,” Bodhi grinned, “that was consensual three-way sex.”

  “But you and Soleil…”

  “Like she said, we both wanted to fuck you, and I’m only human, Sails, the thought of you and Solly together…that was hot. And I got to experience it, first hand and in a loving way, so we all win.” He soothed her damp hair away from her face. “When you think you were still a virgin a few months ago.”

  Sailor grinned. “I know. I got the best education.”

  Bodhi laughed. “Yes, you did…now, what shall we do now?”

  Sailor grinned, and reaching over, picked up the strap-on. “Well, Mr. Creed, since my ass is still aching from your huge cock, I think it’s time we had a little role-reversal. You up for this?”

  Bodhi laughed. “Hell, yes. Just make sure you lube up really good, baby.”

  “Oh, I will.”

  Sailor felt the power of her own body as she fucked Bodhi, feeling sexy and uninhibited and above all else, loved. When she made him cum, hard, and knew he was feeling ultimate the pleasure because of her, her heart soared. Afterward, Bodhi flipped her on her back and thrust his diamond-hard cock into her ready cunt and they fucked until they were both weeping.

  Later, Sailor and Soleil made plans to travel to Seattle while Bodhi and Tim played Red Dead Redemption on Tim’s PlayStation.

  Soleil was on the phone booking them a hotel as Bodhi looked over to them. “Don’t forget to book the extra rooms for the security team.”

  Soleil rolled her eyes and Sailor grinned. “Surely we’ll be okay?”

  “That’s what Bay thought.” Bodhi gave her a stern look.


  Bodhi turned back to the game as Tim got impatient and Soleil stuck her tongue out at him.

  Sailor looked around at her little family and again felt so lucky. She was also glad there was no awkwardness between her and Soleil, who greeted them both with “Hey, slut” and a huge grin as she came in for dinner earlier and high-fived Sailor. Sailor watched her now. That mouth was on my nipples, those lips on my clit. Soleil winked at her. Sailor had never been attracted to a woman like she was to Soleil, but she wasn’t in love with Solly. Sailor got up and went over to see what the men were doing. Tim grinned at her. “Dad’s terrible at this game.”

  Bodhi looked despairing. “He’s not wrong.”

  Sailor sat on the arm of the chair, her arm around Bodhi’s shoulders as she watched them play. Soon Soleil joined them. “All arranged. We fly up on Thursday, stay overnight at the Four Seasons. Our bodyguards will be staying in style, and you’re paying, Bodhi,” she said cheerfully. Bodhi shrugged good naturedly.

  “Anything for my girls.”

  Sailor leaned her head against his shoulder, and Bodhi handed Soleil his game controller. “Here, see if you can make anything of this damned game.”

  Soleil settled in beside Tim, and soon they were yelling and laughing as they played. Bodhi kissed Sailor’s forehead and gazed down at her.

  “I love you,” he mouthed, and she smiled.

  “I love you too,” she whispered and pressed her lips against his.

  Bay wrapped Sailor in a huge hug then ushered her into the seat next to her bed. Sailor was glad to see that her friend looked better than Sailor had expected, just a little pale. Her post-baby body was already slimming down. Bay grinned when she saw Sailor’s scrutiny.

  “Breast feeding. Best diet in the world.” Bay winced a little, favoring her left leg as she sat on the edge of her bed. Sailor squeezed her hand.

  “Are you in pain?”

  “Some. Could have been a lot worse.” Bay nodded over to her son, sleeping soundly in his crib. “The terror of Stu being in the same room as Buddy…Sailor, I would have happily died to protect my son, I was damned if Stu Lawson was going to get away with it.”

  Sailor swallowed. “I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am. I’m sorry you got dragged into my crap, Bay.”

  “Don’t be silly. Stu would have come after me anyway. Some men, god, some men think they have a God-given right to say whether a woman lives or dies. Scumbags.” Bay sounded angry and hurt and Sailor’s eyes filled with tears.

  “I know. I just don’t know what to do.”

  Bay rubbed her belly unconsciously as she chewed on her bottom lip. “Me either. It’s a bigger problem than either you or me, girl. We just have to deal with this situation. I suspect you feel the same as me, no ivory towers and twenty-four-seven security details, they don’t help with feeling safe.” She sighed. “Honestly, I’m just exhausted of everything. I just want to go away with Tom and the kids and disappear for a while. Kym and Pete are desperate for a break too. Maybe we should go on hiatus for a year or so.”

  Sailor nodded. “I know Bodhi has benefitted from not working for a while so maybe it is good. Not like you can’t afford it.”

  “Well, exactly.” Bay smiled at her. “I was never someone who wanted to be famous, you know. It was the music, that’s the thing I loved, and playing for people. The other stuff can go like, the fame, the press, the ridiculous pedestals people put us on. We’re just musicians, not gods.”

  Sailor grinned at her. “Speaking from the other side of the fence, you were all gods to me.”

  Bay laughed. “Well, I can relate. I still can’t get used to having Pearl Jam on speed dial.”

  Sailor’s eye widened. “Really?”

  “Really.” Bay was slightly smug, and they both laughed.

  “Hey.” Tom Meir stood at the door, watching them. Bay’s smile spread wider.

  “Hey, baby. Look who’s here.”

  Sailor’s heart thumped as she stood to greet Tom, scared he would rebuff her. Instead, his eyes softened, and he hugged her.

  “I’m so sorry, Tom,” Sailor whispered to him as he kissed her cheek. Tom nodded, half smiled, then turned to his wife.

  “Scooch on over, beauty,” he said, and sat down next to her, his hand on her thigh. “How are you this morning?”

  Bay leaned into him, and Sailor’s chest hurt at the love between them. She hoped that she and Bodhi would still look at each other when they had been together as long as Bay and Tom had. She got up, meaning to give them privacy but Bay shot her a look.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  Sailor smiled timidly. “I don’t want to take up all your time.”

  “Girl, sit down. You only just got here and you haven’t met Buddy properly yet. Tom, tell her.”

  Tom took Sailor’s hand. “Stay, Sailor. It’
s early. Please, stay.”

  Hedda Shaw grabbed the adult diaper pads and turned to walk out of the maternity ward’s huge supply closet. She was startled when she realized someone was standing in the doorway. With the light behind her, she didn’t recognize the figure at first, until she spoke.

  “Hey, there.”

  Hedda shielded her eyes. “Soleil?”

  Solly smiled and stepped into the room, letting the door swing shut behind. “I thought I saw you…I didn’t realize you transferred.”

  Soleil was smiling, but Hedda heard the edge in her voice. Soleil stepped forward, and Hedda swallowed hard. “Um, yeah, sorry, it was last minute…why are you here, Soleil?”

  “Visiting a dear friend. Bay Tambe…you know her?”

  Hedda nodded slowly. Oh fuck… “Of course, she just had a baby.”

  Soleil put her head to one side. “And was just nearly murdered. That’s surely worth a mention, right? In a secure hospital…guess someone really dropped the ball on keeping the patients safe, huh?”

  “It’s unfortunate, but it happens.”

  “In a locked ward?”

  Hedda looked away from her gaze. She knows…Hedda’s eye drifted to the boxes where they kept scalpels. Could she get to one before Soleil went for her?

  “I wouldn’t, Hedda.” Soleil’s voice was like ice. “Now, I think it’s strange that Stuart Lawson was able to gain access to Bay’s room so easily…and just after you transferred, too. Coincidence? I don’t think so.”

  Hedda risked it and lunged for the scalpels, but Soleil was too fast and too strong. Hedda squeak in terror as Soleil pushed her against the wall, gripping her throat and got in her face.

  “You little bitch…how long have you been working for Bartholomew Foy? Before we fucked or after? How much is he paying you to help Lawson kill Bay?”

  Hedda shook her head, terrified. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…”

  “I don’t give a crap about your apology. I care about the people I love. Bart Foy is going down, Hedda, and you can either go with him as an accessory to murder or you can help us. Because believe me, there’s no way I’m letting you get away with what you did. Think about it. You have my number. And one last thing…you’re being watched so don’t try to run. If you do, you’ll have to deal with me.”


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