In Her Arms

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In Her Arms Page 38

by Gayle Keo

  When she looked at her clock, she realized that she had been inside the office for more than an hour. She stood up and looked around at the other cubicles. Everyone in the office appeared to be hard at work, deeply focused on their particular tasks. No one seemed to be paying attention to her. But Olivia knew better. She knew that they must have been talking about her. It was certain. It wouldn’t be long before someone finally confronted her. And it would probably be a woman.

  There was no way that the other women in the office would tolerate Olivia, the newest and youngest employee in the office, receiving special treatment. She smiled triumphantly. The idea of being the chosen woman in the office greatly excited her. She had never held such a privileged position before. No man had been able to spot her latent submissive nature.

  Maybe she was conscious of it, maybe she was not, but all her life she had waited for a man to bring out this side of her. Unfortunately, most of her boyfriends had been nice sensitive guys who were capable of romance but none of them understood her need to be dominated and treated like a prized submissive. And that’s what she had finally become: the prized submissive.

  As her mind raced through the events of the last two days, Olivia caught a glimpse of her co-worker Janet out of the corner of her eye. A chill came over Olivia’s body. Janet radiated an icy coolness. She was the office bitch. Olivia knew that she would have to look out for her.

  Olivia tried to focus on the stack of briefs in front of her but she couldn’t help noticing that Janet was approaching her cubicle. An intense fear rushed through Olivia’s body. She had a feeling that Janet was on the verge of doing something unpredictable or violent. There was no telling what jealousy could drive a woman to do.

  “Hey, Olivia,” Janet said, looking down at her with an intense fake smile. “You want to grab some lunch?”

  Her eyes, filled with rage, bored a hole through Olivia’s skull but her mouth formed a smile. At least it tried to. Her lips began to quiver as she stared down at Olivia.

  Olivia slowly turned towards Janet and looked up into the woman’s eyes. She looks like she might kill me, Olivia thought. I have to get out of here, at least for a little bit until things calm down. Her first instinct was to decline the offer but she thought that might be too dangerous a strategy. She figured that it was probably much better to play along, to play the office politics. Lunch with Janet might provide her with a great opportunity to learn more about how things functioned in the office. Or it might lead to a complete disaster. Either way Olivia knew that she was in a difficult situation and would have to be careful.

  “Sure, I would love to get something to eat,” Olivia said.

  Janet smiled with satisfaction. It was clear that she had something planned. Olivia just hoped that it wouldn’t be too late when she found out.

  “Great,” Janet said with a snarl. “Let’s go now before the big lines.”

  There was a moment of silent tension between the two women. Olivia knew that everyone in the office was probably listening to every word they exchanged. Maybe they all had put Janet up to this. Maybe they had chosen Janet to send Olivia the message that they were not happy with the way she was being treated.

  Carter was the only person that she could rely on in the office. She figured that everyone else was against her. She wasn’t used to being so isolated. She had always been good at integrating into different work environments. She did work well and punctually and she treated everyone with respect. That was usually enough to get her on good terms with most people. But this job, her first in the legal profession, was proving to be much different than anything she had ever experienced.

  She took several deep breaths and tried to calm herself. She was afraid of what would happen if she found herself alone with Janet but she didn’t want to show any fear or hesitancy. If people sensed that she was afraid, they would feel emboldened to come after her in more direct ways.

  Right now everything was happening just below the surface. It was clear that there was plenty of tension in the office. But everyone was doing their best to pretend that they didn’t notice anything.

  Once Olivia had calmed her nerves, she got up from her seat. The two women walked towards the elevator. As they moved between the cubicles, several pairs of eyes turned in their direction. Olivia scrutinized the faces of her co-workers, especially the women. She sensed anger and jealousy in their eyes. They wanted revenge and they weren’t going to wait for it.

  Olivia felt her legs begin to wobble beneath her. Maybe this was a setup. Maybe a group of her co-workers were just waiting for the perfect opportunity to corner and confront her, to let her know that the best thing for her would be to find another job.

  They stepped into the elevator. A sly smiled played on Janet’s lips. It was the most frightening smile Olivia had ever seen on a woman’s face.


  The two women stepped out of the elevator and walked down a long hallway to the building cafeteria.

  Without turning her head towards Olivia, Janet began speaking. “You think you’re the only one who’s ever been chosen by Carter?”

  Olivia didn’t know how to respond so she kept her mouth shut and waited for Janet to continue. She figured that letting her talk, no matter what she said, was the best strategy. No matter what happened she would be sure to gain some insight into what exactly was going on in the office.

  No more words were exchanged between the two women before they sat down at a table and began eating. Olivia cast her eyes around the large cafeteria. There weren’t many people in there and that worried her. What if Janet began threatening her? What if Janet attacked her?

  Olivia did her best to calm her nerves. She would have to defend herself. That would be her only option. No one was going to save her, not even Carter.

  “You never answered my question,” Janet said. “Do you really think that you’re the only one?”

  Olivia swallowed and struggled to make eye contact. She knew that it would be dangerous for her to reveal any sense of fear but she couldn’t help herself. Janet’s angry, bitter energy was just too intense.

  “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about,” Olivia said.

  Janet glared at her without saying a word. She didn’t have to. Her eyes blazed with contempt and disdain.

  “Don’t try to bullshit me,” Janet said between clenched teeth. “You know exactly what I am talking about. Do you think you’re the only one?”

  Olivia sighed. She realized that there was no point in feigning ignorance. She wouldn’t find out anything that way. But there was no way that she would admit to what precisely had gone on inside Carter’s office.

  “You saw me on my knees yesterday,” Olivia said. “So why are you wasting time asking me questions that you already know the answer to.”

  Janet’s eyes were about to pop out of her head. She had probably thought that she would be able to easily intimidate her younger co-worker. Olivia’s refusal to back down both surprised and infuriated her.

  “I was in your position once but then someone new and younger came along,” Janet said, “and I was replaced.”

  Now Olivia could see more than anger in Janet’s eyes. There was clearly pain there as well. She had the feeling that she was the younger woman who had replaced Janet as Carter’s chosen girl. The thought filled her with satisfaction but she did her best to control her emotions. She didn’t want Janet to think that she was mocking her, or reveling in her pain.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Olivia said. “But I don’t think that has anything to do with me.”

  Janet slammed her fist into the cafeteria. Olivia jumped up, terrified. She looked around the cafeteria. A few heads had turned their way but most of the people seemed to be ignoring them. Once again, Olivia couldn’t be sure whether or not some elaborate game was being played on her—a game that everyone understood except her.

  When Olivia realized that no one was looking at her anymore, she slowly sat back down. But she needed
to get out of there and fast. She didn’t feel safe being around the angry, jealous women even if they were in a public place. She feared that Janet would make a scene that could end up getting both of them fired.

  There was no telling how far a scorned woman would go to exact her revenge.

  “Thanks for eating with me today,” Olivia said, as she prepared to leave the table.

  “Where are you going?” Janet asked. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  But Olivia was done. She wouldn’t endure one more minute of this treatment. Carter was the only person that she would submit to. She wouldn’t allow her co-workers to push her around. If she had been chosen by Carter to be his number one girl, then there was no reason to tolerate any disrespect around the office. If Carter told her that she had no choice but to put up with the jealously and contempt of her colleagues, she might have viewed things different. She might have accepted the disrespect without complaining. But Carter had made no such demands of her. He had only specified that he expected her to submit to his will. He hadn’t said anything about other people in the office.

  “I’m sorry but I have to get back up to the office,” Olivia said. “I’m really sorry.”

  As she got up from the table, she felt Janet’s hand gripping her wrists. Her skin was still sore and bruised from the handcuffs that Carter had put on her. Janet’s tight grip made her grimace. But she did her best not to show any pain.

  “You better watch yourself,” Janet said. “It might not be me, but someone will come along and take your place. You just wait and see.”

  Olivia didn’t respond. Instead she pulled herself free from Janet’s tight grip and walked out of the cafeteria.


  She was relieved when she stepped into the elevator. Her entire body tingled with excitement. She had been chosen. All the other women in the office would have died to be in her privileged position.

  When she walked back through the office doors, she felt a new sense of power. She was beginning to understand how things worked in this firm. She didn’t worry about whether or not another woman would come along and replace her as Carter’s preferred submissive. She figured that Janet had probably done something to upset or disappoint their domineering boss. She was determined to never let that happen to her. She would do whatever she had to. She would do whatever he asked.

  For the next couple of hours, Olivia did her best to concentrate on the stack of briefs that she had to complete. It wasn’t easy because her mind and her eyes kept drifting. Every few minutes she would lift her head and stare towards Carter’s office. She knew that he was in there because she had caught him staring at her through the blinds.

  His intense eyes set her body on fire with lust and fear. She was anxious to feel his strong hands all over her body. But she was afraid of how far he would continue to push her past her limits.

  All she wanted was to please him.

  As the end of the workday approached, Olivia worried that Carter would not call her into his office. This immediately made her insecure. Had she done something wrong? Had he already become bored with her?

  The thought that he was already losing interest was too much for Olivia too handle. She suddenly became very anxious. This wasn’t the way that things were supposed to go. He should have already summoned her to his office. She should have been bending over his desk while he yanked on her hair and slammed his cock into her.

  When the clock struck five, most of the employees began leaving the office. The door to Carter’s office was still closed. Out of the corner of her eyes, Olivia could see Janet gathering her things. Both women seemed to be moving very slowly and watching each other. Something was bound to happen between them. The animosity and the tension were too thick.

  It was Janet who made the first move, slowly approaching Olivia’s cubicle. Olivia could feel her colleague’s jealous energy. She looked quickly towards Carter’s office. What would happen if Janet attacked her? Would Carter come rushing to her defense? There was no way to know. She would have to be brave and get through this alone. That seemed to be her only option.

  Janet stared down at her for a few moments without saying anything.

  But this time Olivia didn’t look down or away, she stared directly into Janet’s fiery jade black eyes. She was refusing to submit or back down.

  “Don’t worry,” Janet said threateningly, “Your day is coming.”

  Olivia kept her eyes locked on Janet’s. She was waiting anxiously for her to say something else. But Janet must have sensed that the young, paralegal had a lot more backbone than she had expected. She lowered her eyes and stomped away from Olivia’s cubicle and out the office doors.

  Olivia was shaking. She had never been threatened by a co-worker before. She was proud of herself for not backing down but she wasn’t sure how much more abuse she would be able to tolerate before she reached her breaking point and lashed back at her colleague’s. There was only so much mistreatment that she would be able to endure.

  Just when she had given up all hope of being called in to Carter’s office again that day, she heard his door opening. Waves of excitement rolled through her body. This is what she had been waiting for all afternoon. The moment was finally here.

  “Olivia!” Carter yelled. She had never been so happy to hear her name called. She quickly straightened up the papers on her desk and hurried to her boss’ office. What could he have in store for her? She couldn’t wait to find out.

  But when she walked into Carter’s office, she had the distinct impression that something was wrong. He seemed agitated and a bit upset. All of her excitement drained away and all her fears and insecurities came rushing back.

  Carter was standing up and staring out his large window that looked down on the entire city. He sighed deeply and turned toward Olivia. She was anxious to hear what he had to say, so anxious that she nearly leaped out of her seat.

  “Olivia, do you have any plans for this weekend?”

  She shook her head no. She had always hated working on the weekends but she would be glad to come into the office if it meant that she would have the opportunity to spend time alone with Carter.

  “That’s good,” Carter said. “Because I’m going to need you to work this weekend.”

  “Anything you want,” Sir Carter. “I can come into the office on both Saturday and Sunday.”

  Carter smiled. He clearly seemed satisfied with her answer.

  “Excellent, but I don’t want you to come into the office,” he said staring at her suggestively.

  Olivia was confused. What was he asking of her? So many questions swirled in her mind but she knew that it would be best to keep her mouth shut and let him continue.

  “I want you to come with me to my summer home in Connecticut. You will be pampered and treated with the utmost care by my staff but you will remain my submissive. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir Carter. That sounds wonderful.”

  And there’s one more thing…Carter paused and fixed his eyes on her. She could feel her entire body trembling with anticipation. “I’ve finally made a decision about which woman in the office that I would like to have my firstborn.”

  Olivia swallowed hard. Was he really about to say the words that she’d waited to hear for so long, the words that she wouldn’t dare repeat to herself because it just seemed too far-fetched. Had he really chosen her out of all the other women? That would almost be too much for her to handle.

  Carter sat down on his desk directly in front of Olivia. He leaned towards her and took her chin in his hand. He kissed her tenderly on the lips and then brushed a tangle of hair out of her face. It was an exhilarating kiss that set her body on fire with desire. She hungered for more of them. And she wanted them all over her body.


  Months Later…

  Olivia looked down at her belly, rubbed the prominent bulge and smiled.

  She still couldn’t believe that she was carrying this powerful man’s seed. She’d never f
elt so honored. She’d never felt so proud and confident and sure of herself. She loved walking around the office with that beautiful baby bump. The other women could only smile and look away, wondering what they'd done wrong, wondering how she'd become the chosen submissive. But Olivia didn't care about those other women.

  The only thing that mattered was that Sam’s baby was inside of her and they were going to build a life together, a life beyond anything she could have imagined.

  Over the next several months, Carter continued to invite Olivia into his office for his dangerous games of submission and domination. Each session was more intense than the previous one. Whenever Olivia informed Carter of the harsh treatment that she was receiving from her colleagues, he stepped in and quickly fired them. Janet, the woman who had been Carter’s chosen submissive before Olivia arrived, was one of the first to be fired.

  His willingness to defend and protect her, made Olivia feel that she had finally found the love that she had always been searching for. And after two years of working at the firm, she was more thankful than ever to have finally found a dominant man capable of turning her into willing submissive. It was delicious feeling—one that she wanted to hold onto forever.


  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 12 of 36

  Sharing Seals

  "I can't believe your room looks exactly the same," Kevin said, walking into the small bedroom at the top of the old house and reaching up to tap the bunkbed wall with one palm.

  He turned around and tossed his canvas duffel bag to the floor. The clothing inside made a dull thump when it hit the worn, aged wooden boards and the canvas sagged as if it was as tired after their long trip as he was. Patrick stepped in and looked around the space with a nostalgic sparkle in his eye. He sighed, one hand clasped around the woven strap of the identical canvas duffel bag looped over his shoulder and Kevin saw a soft smile touch his best friend's lips.


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