In Her Arms

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In Her Arms Page 80

by Gayle Keo

  “Not this technology it wouldn’t. Not to sound too condescending, but earth’s technology is pretty minor compared to the rest of us. I was sent here to survey and it was one of the first things I noticed. It does make it easy for me to get around, you must admit,” he said with a slight smile.

  “I would think looking so much like us would be a big asset too,” she told him. She did not like the reminder that she was dealing with someone from another planet. It went against everything she thought she had known, but the evidence was right in front of her and he could not bring herself to deny it. In the back of her mind, she wondered why that was.

  “Well yeah, but between glasses, colored contacts as well as a headband, it is a juggling act. Not that I mind much since it works so well in that respect,” he answered watching her reactions the same way she had been watching his when they met.

  “If you are a Surveyor, who did that?” She asked pointing to the crater in the desert. He glanced over and winced.

  “I am not sure. It could be one of several groups. I can’t know until I can get some communications up and running that won’t be traced. Once that is done, I can find out and deal with it. Fortunately, this is one of the places I set aside specifically for safety. No one knows about it and it is the last place anyone of my people would go looking for me. We are safe here for at least a few days I would think,” he said looking back at her with a handsome smile. It was annoying to her that an alien was so damned good looking. Frustrated, she took off her jacket and slung it over the back of a chair. It was too damn hot, she thought to herself.

  “So when can I go home?” she said to see his reaction. She was not ready to go anywhere until she learned more about what was going on.

  “That could be difficult. I have specific transfer points, just a small handful. Everything else is regular earth transportation and I hate to tell you this, but we are in India at the moment. Far from any village, I am afraid. I did not ever expect to have company when or if I ever had to come here. Once I find out how things look I will find a way to get us closer to civilization and get you back home, I promise. I won’t strand you anywhere,” he said. Gillian actually saw worry in his eyes for the first time since the whole adventure started. He was concerned for her and for a brief moment that gave her a warm feeling deep inside.

  “Okay then, we are stuck here for the time being. How long before you can get communications and find out what the hell is going on?” Gillian asked.

  “I am not sure; I am waiting to hear from…” he stopped as Kirkpatrick came into the room with a rolling cart of food.

  “It will be tomorrow morning. I set the programs to install but it will take until then for the system to be ready to go. I brought some food and drink for you both. I apologize Miss Johnson, but we do not have regular earth food in this safe house. I had the food design machines replicate American cuisine though and I think it is pretty close to what I was brought up on. I would be careful of the wine. It can sneak up on you,” he said with a kind smile. Gillian’s eyes widened.

  “You are from here?” She asked surprised. He seemed to know too much to not be an alien.

  “Oh yes. I am from Toledo Ohio. I learned my assistant trade and had a few pointers from an actual British butler. Mr. London had no idea that to do my job correctly I learn all I can about my boss, to better assist him. I think we were both surprised at how much I learned,” he said with a joking look in his eye as he glanced at Marcus. Marcus smiled and nodded.

  “Very surprised, especially when he decided to stay on as my assistant. He is a life saver, though, as you have seen. I am lucky to have him. Have you heard anything interesting?” Marcus asked.

  “Indeed Marcus. Social media is going haywire as usual. In this case, they actually have a reason. Some fans had been driving out to find your home and came upon a smoking crater not more than ten minutes ago. They Instagrammed the image and their shock was reported there and on twitter. Now, of course, theories abound and I believe the authorities are on their way to the ranch,” he said and bowed his way out. Gillian was not surprised at social media’s response but curious.

  “How are you going to explain that away?” She asked the sports star. He shrugged, starting at his lunch.

  “Not much I can do really. My agent and several others knew I was home so I guess I am out of the football game for good. Hopefully, you can convince everyone you had not arrived at the ranch yet and so avoided the explosion. I have no idea what they will blame it on, but I am quite hopeful you can avoid any fallout, my dear,” he told her. That had not occurred to her. Her stomach rumbled and she bent to her food, thinking and quieting her hunger.

  If she couldn’t come up with a story, she would be considered dead, she did not want that. Her job and acquaintances would be going ape shit trying to figure out what happened to her. She would like to say friends, but she really did not have any, work acquaintances were about as close as she got. Her parents had passed a long time ago, so at least there was no family that would be put through the worry. No matter how short lived she meant the worry to be. She began feeling better as she ate. If it was not American food she couldn’t tell and was glad for the familiarity of something that tasted of beef stew. A sudden thought came to mind and she voiced it.

  “Ok so how many innocents are going to be hurt in this confrontation do you think?” She asked. He was startled.

  “None, we are not barbaric. As far as I can tell those were fringe ships. They have a problem with surveyors, thinking we contaminate local species. In some cases, they had become militant. That is what I think has happened. Like I said, I will not know for sure until I can safely communicate. If that is the case, then I am the only target and harming a human being would be absolutely repulsive to them. They believe they are protecting you from me.

  “I would never have agreed with them before, but thinking about it… well, the world now has a mystery around a football player who got blown up. I have a human butler and a reporter who know what I am. Perhaps they are right and I have contaminated the population. It is something I will have to think hard about when I get you home and safe. As a surveyor, my one big mandate is to not harm any local sentient beings. I have been very sure about that.” He said. She could tell how sincere he was and believed him. It was a relief to her and she released some tension she had not known she had. She sipped her wine and then raised it as a toast.

  “Well, however it works out I appreciate you keeping me safe. You didn’t have to take me with you when you went into hiding,” Gillian said. He clinked glasses and drank but shook his head.

  “I did, though. Not only did my mandate demand it, I was serious when I said I was a fan of yours. You are a beautiful and talented woman and I could not leave you behind to die,” he said and Gillian was almost sure he blushed. She poured another glass to hide her surprise and her own attraction to him.

  What the hell, she thought, an alien has the hots for me. She was sure of it and could feel a response within herself. She took a large sip of wine. She had privately admitted to herself, even before meeting the man, she had found him incredibly attractive. Most women did, she knew. He seemed to want to change the subject as much as she did because he turned to the computers and brought up the social media. They sipped their wine and looked over what was brewing in the twitter sphere.


  No one on social media had a clue why the football star's home was now a smoking crater. Even the more fantastic explanations were nowhere near the truth. Not that Gillian would have expected them to be. Most people did not immediately go to an alien attack. There was talk of a terrorist attack but no one was buying that, not really. Why would terrorists blow up a football player?

  Marcus seemed touched by the worry and grief over his home being blown up. He decided to switch to other things on the computer, less depressing she guessed. Gillian began feeling the wine by the third glass and did not have another. She was, like most reporters, usually abl
e to hold her own, drinking. Kirkpatrick had warned her though, and she took it seriously. She was getting a good buzz after only three glasses. Marcus offered to show her the spare room she would be using. She agreed.

  Gillian followed him down the hallway that went further back than she would have suspected. They passed several doors until they came to the back of the building and he opened a door on the right side. It was a cozy little bedroom with a large bed and an attached bathroom.

  “Knowing Kirkpatrick he used the replicator to stock the closet with clothing for your use. He is an excellent Butler,” Marcus told her with a chuckle. Gillian looked in the closet and sure enough, there was a nice collection of clothing. They all looked her size and style. She decided to not ask how he did that. It was appreciated, though.

  She turned back to Marcus and stumbled into him. He caught her and she steadied herself with her hands on his chest. Touching his muscular body sent a thrill through her body that did not fade. That, and standing so close to him had a sudden and surprising effect on her body. She was immediately incredibly horny and due to the effects of the wine (so she told herself) she was not inclined to pass up the opportunity she saw in his eyes. After everything that had happened so far, she believed she deserved a break and he had an offer in his every move. She licked her lips and tossed her hair back. His smile was enticing and he leaned down towards her moist lips. She met them, wrapping her arms around his body with an urgency she had never felt or given into before. It opened a freeing feeling within her that was amazing as their tongues entangled and his hands were in her hair.

  As they kissed, she moved them closer to the bed. When they were standing next to it, her hands went to the waistband of his shorts and his went to her slacks. She felt like a high school student in a frenzy of new lust like she had never experienced it before. Yet she had and her experience led her hands on their own dance over him. She had both of her palms on his butt and held him tight while kissing his neck and them his amazing chest. The fact that he was an alien did not enter her brain, only that she desired him and he desired her. Nothing else mattered right then.

  They turned in place and essentially fell onto the bed. He helped her out of her blouse and bra, exposing her luscious chest for his examination. His hands explored as did his lips and as they closed around a nipple, she moaned arching her back into it. The fire within was burning brighter and stronger. She could feel his desire matching hers and even that sent her inner flames higher. She gasped when his hand went between her thighs, teasing the wet opening of her desires. The flutter of his fingers matched the movement of his tongue over her breasts and she squealed in a deep explosion of pleasure. He moaned as if he felt it too. She reached between his thighs and found his manhood growing with her touch.

  “Oh Marcus, oh…ah… I am ready…for…you ah yes…yes!” She gasped out.

  “Oh Gillian, I have admired you…from afar…for so…long…I can’t help it, oh yes…here I come!” He said in a breathless growl of lust and passion.

  Gillian stretched, wanting him so badly that she cried out when he lifted his hips above her deepest place of passion. His words matched the strong feelings that flowed from him to her so when he entered her desire it was like a completion of all of their lusts. She could feel his growing shaft go deep, deep into her innermost places with an urgency that was as surprising to her as her own desire. She welcomed it, holding him to her as their hips moved in the wonderful dance that caused a rush of feelings both physical and emotional within her.

  She felt wrapped in a closeness she had never felt with anyone before. As her pleasure increased, she could feel a long hidden desire for a connection with someone who cared as much as she could feel he did. Her whole body felt filled with love and lust she would never have felt possible and they both howled their pleasure in a repeated orgasm that shook them both. As his desire drained within her, she felt like she had reached a place of completion that would not be possible with anyone else. When he rolled off of her, she buried her face in his shoulder. Murmuring her joy at what they had just experienced together.

  “I don’t know…I don’t know what to say, beautiful Gillian. I had hoped, for so long, hoped…but you match me in ways I could never have anticipated. Whatever happens to us from here on you have given me a gift I will never take for granted or forget,” Marcuse told her to her surprise. She felt her eyes moisten as they lay together and against her will she felt herself drifting off into a slumber that was just as fulfilling as their sexual collision had been. Her last thought was a question: what had she just done?


  Gillian awoke the next morning having slept through the evening and night through without a break. She felt more refreshed than ever before and tried to make sense of things when she showered and got dressed. She felt like she was a different person and was not sure why. What was equally strange was she did not mind the changes.

  She did not know how, but she had felt Marcus’s feelings for her throughout their time together. She knew that he felt the same as she always did about him. She had always felt a desire for him from a distance but had told herself it was the same as every other woman on the planet. She had been wrong and was sure about that now. She had no idea what their relationship was but she knew about him now in a way she could never have learned from an interview. His passion and compassion for earth was enormous and vibrated through her as they filled themselves with each other. Gillian was not a very romantic person but knew she had experienced a romance that few could boast. She was looking forward to seeing where it led but knew she had to focus on the situation before she could grasp the new reality of her life. No matter what happened, her life would never be the same.

  Gillian dressed for the climate in a white one piece bathing suit with red jogging shorts and a loose red blouse she tied at the waist. She then tied her hair in a ponytail and went out to find Marcus. She had a few questions. As she left her room, she saw Kirkpatrick coming down the hall. He smiled when he saw her.

  “Good morning Miss Johnson. I hope you were able to get rested after yesterday’s excitement,” he said politely.

  “I did Kirkpatrick. You can call my Gillian if you want. Did you have a good night?” She asked.

  “Yes I did, thank you. Marcus is setting up communications right now and there is breakfast waiting as well. I did want to inform you about a few things you may have already noticed about Marcus. His people are very empathic. They keep it blocked most of the time but I believe he opened up to you last night,” he said. Gillian raised her brows.

  “What do you mean empathic?” She asked.

  “He...they, pick up people’s feelings and desires. Due to this, they broadcast their own and those can be felt by people from earth like us. Like I said, he keeps those feeling blocked. Even in championship games, he is able to make sure his drive and desires are not felt. I would guess, however, that he was unable to do so during his time with you. I hope he was not too overpowering. He tends to broadcast loudly when he does and it can be startling,” the Butler finished. Gillian realized that explained many things about the previous evening.

  “That makes sense Kirkpatrick. I was not startled at all, though I did not understand how I knew what I did about him. The startling thing is I accepted them as easily as I have,” she told the man.

  “I would suspect it is because you believe in the truth. You could feel the truth of his feelings and so accepted them. We are all wired differently, Gillian. It seems you are built in such a way that makes you a good match for our friend. This is good I think, for you both. I am sure he would be glad to see you so why don’t you go get something to eat,” he finished and Gillian agreed.

  “Thank you, Kirkpatrick. You are a kindness, as always. Talk to you later,” she said and he nodded as she went off down the hall. She could smell the odor of fresh baked bread and was that bacon? She wondered to herself, she did like her bacon.

  She walked in on a conversation in progress.
Gillian went over to the food cart and made a few bacon sandwiches and got some coffee. She remembered it wasn’t really bacon or even bread, but since it tasted the same she could ignore that right then.

  “Look, you are the ones that put local residents in danger. Not only was my butler present during your attack, so was a woman who had no idea about me beyond my earthly profession. So in essence, you have blown my cover and came very close to killing a local. You can rest assured my report on that has already been sent back to my base. The council will make sure Earth First is heavily censored. If you are still determined to destroy me, that too will result in further problems for you and your group. What is more, you know this so why are you doing this? You are creating more problems on earth than I ever have,” he said. Marcuse saw her and gave her a wry smile. He pointed at the computer and rolled his eyes.

  “You may believe so surveyor, but you are wrong. If our actions keep the Space Federation from contacting earth, we have succeeded. You own reports show they are an unstable people that would bring chaos to the galaxy,” Gillian could feel the shock that came off of Marcus when he heard that.

  “What are you talking about? I have never said anything of the kind. Sure they have their problems but over time they will overcome those and make a good addition to the community,” Marcus told the voice passionately.

  “You are not looking at your own evidence properly. We however are and as I said, if your destruction brings about the end of all contact with earth we will be pleased,” said the voice coming out of the computer.

  “Even if it means the end of you own organization. Come on, are you that short sighted?” Marcuse returned.

  “It is not shortsightedness surveyor. It is long sited and our demise will not matter if we succeed. You cannot hide from us forever so your time is limited. Enjoy this planet you have adopted because you have little time left,” There was a beep following his statement.


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