In Her Arms

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In Her Arms Page 105

by Gayle Keo

  The base was closer than Aileen anticipated—they had landed surprisingly close to the small, tan stone building. That’s not a base, Aileen thought, that’s a hut.

  “How many do you think are guarding this place?” she asked.

  “Exactly two,” Raegnor announced.

  “How do you know that?” she wondered.

  “It’s kind of his thing,” Bearyan said. Raegnor pointed to his blue eyes.

  “Right,” she said. “That’s convenient. What’s your thing?”

  Bearyan didn’t have an answered prepared.

  “I don’t know how to explain it,” he said stubbornly.

  “Sshhh,” Raegnor whispered, ducking low to the sandy surface. “We can enter unseen, but Bearyan, I’m afraid you’ll have to hang back here.”

  “Wait, what?” Aileen asked. She was relying on his brute strength.

  “Too big, they’ll see him coming as soon as we clear this dune,” Raegnor said.

  “I’ll wait here,” Bearyan said, “and when you return, run as fast as you can. I will stop anyone coming after you.”

  “That’s kind of our dynamic,” Raegnor joked, tapping Aileen on the arm. She tried to smile back but found it difficult in the tense moment.

  Without notice, Raegnor started toward the small base. She could barely see it in the sand—thinking whomever they were stealing from had done an impressive job camouflaging it. They both kept close and low to the sand, dashing toward the hut. Raegnor guided them around the rear of the base where there were no windows.

  How can there be digital data in a place like this? Aileen wondered. It looks like there is zero electricity.

  In back there was a secret door that would appear invisible were it not for a small crack indicating a rectangle. Only Raegnor could see something as miniscule as that. He looked over to Aileen, no grin this time, just the serious demeanor of a man on duty. “Are you ready, Captain?” he lipped.

  She nodded.

  He knocked on the back of the door. Aileen flanked left, Raegnor flanked right. Aileen felt her heart swell in her throat, waiting for a response.

  The secret door latched open, sliding sideways, and two guards appeared, both clad in dark gray, chitin armor. Raegnor leapt into the air, wrapping his tail around the neck of the guard on Aileen’s right, and his legs around the neck of the guard on the left.

  Snap! Snap!

  The bodies of both guards collapsed to the ground, followed by a graceful landing from Raegnor.

  “Wow,” Aileen said, “that was amazing.”

  “No, that was nothing,” Raegnor said with a cocky gleam in his eyes. She followed him into the base where there was nothing but electra-pistols and a lone computer inside.

  “Stand guard,” Raegnor said.

  “Copy,” Aileen answered.

  She looked at the two dead men—soldiers—aliens—whatever they were laying in the sand before her. He killed them just like that, she thought. Could she have done the same thing?

  “Got it,” Raegnor called from inside.

  Aileen heard the rapid fire from his electra-pistol, and smoked blistered out of the hut’s window from its wake.

  “Run,” Raegnor said, hustling out of the door.

  The ground beneath them began to shake. Was it some kind of aftermath from Raegnor’s gunfire? Did he go and do something stupid?

  “Raegnor, what is that?” she asked.

  “From the sound of it,” he said, running parallel to Aileen, “that just might be a Lysthaurus.” Over the hilly sand dunes Bearyan’s massive frame came back into view. In the empty space between Bearyan and the other two, the sand started to sift in a downward spiral, like the world beneath them had just opened a drain.

  “Run, run, run,” Raegnor yelled, picking up the pace.

  “I’m going as fast as I can,” Aileen called back.

  “Go faster!”

  From the vacuum of sand spouted an enormous black and red worm bigger than most buildings she’d seen on Earth. In mid-air the parasite spun toward them, opening its endless mouth lined with hundreds of jagged teeth. The Lysthaurus’s body remained in the sand, and Aileen didn’t want to imagine how much more was left of him.

  “Get to the ship!” Bearyan called out, leaping into the air and landing his sharp claws into the Lysthaurus’s mid-section.

  The closer Aileen and Raegnor got to the ship, the further the Lysthaurus carried Bearyan away from its hole in the ground.

  “We can’t leave him!” she cried.

  “We won’t,” Raegnor said, leaping into the open door of the Tower Cadet. Aileen waited on the open platform, watching as Bearyan wrestled with the worm. The Lysthaurus had the upper hand, all of its weight bearing down on Bearyan, his hands on either side of the beast’s mouth.

  “Come back, Bearyan!” she yelled, hoping he could hear her.

  Should I go to him? she asked herself. No, there’s nothing I could do against that.

  And with that Aileen heard a thunderous Clack!

  Bearyan dropped the beast into the sand, its jowls cracked open, the Lysthaurus dead where it lay.

  He looked over to Aileen, his mane blowing in the hot wind.

  He had saved her life. She owed him everything.

  Things were silent for a moment in the battle won against the Lysthaurus, until Aileen jumped back at the sound of a BOOM! in the distance. It was an explosive—some type of missile or bomb. There must have been more than just the two guards.

  Bearyan ran toward the ship, and behind him she saw a white ship rising over the horizon. The ship was much larger than the Tower Cadet, and obviously had much more fire power.

  “The Armada,” Bearyan said, entering the ship. “This is not good, Raegnor!”

  Raegnor didn’t respond. The ship started to lift from the desert sands with the hatch still open. Aileen could barely hang on to the hatch door, and from behind her Bearyan reached out his hand and pulled her inside.

  In the cockpit, Raegnor had the music turned up to full blast. “I hope you’re ready to see how fast this puppy can go! I’m talking V-speed! Your father was something else, Captain.”

  V-speed? Aileen had never heard that term.

  Damnit, dad, she thought, why didn’t you leave an instruction manual with this thing?

  The ship started to vibrate and rock in every direction, and in a blink they were high above the planet looking down on the gray desert.


  When the Tower Cadet launched from Woes Ëan, Aileen guided the ship far away from the planet, somewhere the three of them could be alone. Raegnor was going over the bio-nanodevice in the computer chamber; Aileen and Bearyan were alone in the cockpit.

  “Thank you,” she said. “You don’t understand how important your actions are to me.”

  “I couldn’t stop myself,” Bearyan said. “I saw it coming for you, and there was no way I could let that disgusting creature get you.”

  “Because I’m your Captain, and your loyalty serves you?” she asked, wishing she’d kept her mouth shut.

  “No, because I have strong emotional feelings for you,” Bearyan said. He reached out and placed his large hand on her arm, brushing her gently.

  “I was going to tell you on the first night,” he continued, “But I didn’t get to you soon enough.”

  Aileen’s heart sank.

  “Take me right now, Bearyan,” she said, wanting to erase what happened that night. She felt the same way for Bearyan, and the adrenaline from having her life saved was pulsing in every inch of her body.


  The only place on the ship where Bearyan could get comfortable was the cargo bay, and even there his body was contorted in strange ways. Aileen made sure that the ship was safe to fly on autopilot for a while—she didn’t know how long this would take. With everything looking fine on the control panel, Aileen looked at her reflection in the front window, let her hair down with a swing, and pursed her lipstick evenly across her lips.

sp; Breathe, Aileen thought. Whatever happens, just know that you can handle it. Be strong, Aileen.

  She walked through the cockpit door and down the hall to the cargo bay. The closer she got, the more she could discern the sound of Bearyan and Raegnor arguing. Bearyan’s voice growled, while Raegnor yelled callous taunts. Aileen picked it up to a run down the corridor and when she got inside, Bearyan had Raegnor by the neck, and Raegnor had his electra-pistol at Bearyan’s head.

  “Stop this, right now!” Aileen screamed, rushing toward Bearyan’s spire of an arm. In the panic, she couldn’t make out Bearyan or Raegnor’s words—they were blurred sounds blaring together. She reached Bearyan’s arm and gave it a tug with both of her arms, and in one quick tap Aileen was sprawled on the floor.

  “Aileen!” Raegnor called, trying to shake free from Bearyan’s grip. Bearyan had knocked Aileen to the ground—it was an accident, Aileen could see that from the blank stare on Bearyan’s face—and finally Bearyan dropped Raegnor to the ground. He slowly walked over to Aileen, his face contorted in horror from what he had just done to her.

  “Aileen,” Bearyan whispered, his hoarse voice vibrating like a purr. “I’m so sorry—I don’t know what I’ve done…” He reached his trembling hands toward her body.

  “You monster!”Raegnor shouted, leaping into the air to deliver an assault on the giant.

  “Stop it!” Aileen squealed, stuck on her knees, reaching out to the extraterrestrials. “That’s an order.”

  Bearyan and Raegnor lowered their limbs. Each of them took a step toward Aileen to help her up—and each ceasing once they saw the other doing the same.

  “You didn’t hurt me, Bearyan,” Aileen whimpered. “But I could use a hand standing up.”

  Bearyan went to her, lifting her with ease.

  “I knew you were coming to me, Aileen,” Bearyan said. “But he wouldn’t keep his mouth shut, the rat.”

  “It was nothing, Bearyan,” Aileen pleaded.

  “Nothing?”Raegnor begged. “I gave you my venumbre—Ůndradandrůan men never give their tongue to another species. I thought you were different.”

  “Raegnor, I—” Aileen didn’t know what to say. She honestly didn’t think that Raegnor felt those kinds of emotions, especially for her.

  “I’ll leave you both to it then,” Bearyan sighed, trying to make his way around Aileen.

  “Listen, I’m not letting things end like this,” Aileen said, putting her hand out to stop Bearyan. “I meant what I said, Bearyan. I feel something very strong for you. I won’t let you walk away.”

  “Then I’ll walk away,” Raegnor grunted, starting for the doorway.

  “Raegnor, no,” Aileen said. On her left stood Bearyan, and on her right stood Raegnor.

  “I can’t believe you took him inside you,” Bearyan said. She could feel how bitter he felt.

  “Bearyan…” she trailed off.

  Aileen looked from Raegnor’s glowing eyes to Bearyan’s deep, dark ones, dropped to her knees, and unfastened the buckle of Bearyan’s belt with one hand.

  “Oi,” Raegnor said, looking away. She still had her hand out to him, hooking his fingers with hers.

  “Aileen, this isn’t necessary,” Bearyan said with a soft grumble. She could feel his knees shaking, parallel to her head. Reaching up with her arm stretched full, Aileen felt foolish at Bearyan’s feet. She hoped it would hang down far enough, but if not then she would stand back up.

  Raegnor tried to pull his hand away but she hooked him tighter.

  “I will decide what is necessary,” she said solemnly, “and for the last time—you will both address me as Captain Miroki—or I will personally have Agent Hendricks terminate you from the EIT.”

  With Bearyan and Raegnor sharing a look, taking heed to the bass in her tone, she worked every muscle in her left arm to get his enormous trousers down to the ground.

  The long, pale shaft had a mane of its own. The hair was silky and groomed, like a soft bed for Bearyan’s massive package. Aileen’s right hand made its way to Raegnor’s waist. His pants were much easier to get undone.

  With Bearyan hanging down upon her, Aileen was conflicted—she needed to give Raegnor pleasure, but Bearyan’s cock was bigger than a baseball bat—maybe a baseball bat and a half. This dick needed both hands. With both of their stiff penises in each hand, Aileen glanced to Raegnor and demanded, “You will not leave this cargo bay, do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Captain Miroki,” Raegnor mumbled.

  She released him, leaving his erection isolated in the air. In order to take Bearyan’s large dick she needed both hands free. With her ten fingers stretched out as far as they would go, she wrapped her hands around his member and stroked Bearyan’s skin in a downward motion.

  “Oh, Captain,” Bearyan said, his eyes shut tight. She thought he was ashamed.

  “Why won’t you look at me?” she demanded.

  He opened his eyes and turned her head to stare down at her.

  “You said that you can’t believe I let Raegnor inside me?” she asked, his dick now rock-hard. “Well now it’s your turn, Bearyan. I command you to enter my mouth.”

  “It won’t fit,” Bearyan said, his cheeks going blush.

  That’s it, she thought, he’s embarrassed about his massive size.

  “Make it fit, Bearyan,” she said. The look on her face demanded adherence—her jaw was firm, her teeth clenched. She opened her eyes wide so they could both see the fire behind them. “And Raegnor, I command you to release your venumbre and insert it into my vagina. Now.”

  Raegnor was silent. Aileen was certain that they would need no further guidance. Bearyan had saved her life, and in that moment she saw in him the man she could surrender herself to. Raegnor, on the other hand, smoldered like tinder insider her thoughts, craving his tongue since the first day on the ship.

  Aileen opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue. As Bearyan guided his solid cock into her face, she moaned with the taste of his milky flesh. Behind her, Raegnor worked on getting her pants off. She needed to hang on to Bearyan’s shaft while moving her knees to assist Raegnor in the process. Once the pants slid all the way off her legs, she felt the warm creep of the venumbre up her calf and thigh.

  With both hands, Raegnor slid her panties down and threw them aside. The tongue caressed her bare ass cheeks and slowly found its way back to the lips of her bud. It flicked the bell of her clit like a pendulum and, as she coped with the palpable high that the chemical of his tongue gave her, she simultaneously struggled with the mouthful of Bearyan stretching her mouth, grazing her throat.

  Bearyan placed one gargantuan hand on Aileen’s back—the heat from his sheer size alone caught to the rest of her body. With Raegnor’s tongue centimeters from the opening of her pussy, Aileen could barely think straight. In fact, it felt like she couldn’t think at all. Her body and the overwhelming senses of pleasure coursing through her were enough to keep her happy and occupied. Here she was with her two men, the Earth saved, and on her way home. It was time to relish in the natural sensations she’d been waiting for.

  The venumbre dove into her soaked pussy without hesitation this time. It writhed in and out—Aileen could hear Raegnor’s terse moaning, his hands clasping at either of her ass cheeks. She dug her knees into the floor beneath her and wrapped her hands around the juggernaut. Bearyan pressed his hands against the ceiling as Aileen raked imperviously at his rod. She was full on both sides—an ecstasy brand new to Aileen—something not possible with humans.

  Bearyan’s fist pounded against the roof of the cargo bay and a gush of heat radiated from his sack where her hands cupped one large orb of a testicle. A wave of hot, syrupy liquid filled Aileen’s mouth—it was sweet, and reminded her of taking a can of whipped cream straight from the fridge—only warm, and thick. There was simply too much—and once it spilled out of Aileen’s mouth, it collected in puddles on the ground where her hands struggled to maintain balance.

  Behind her, Raegnor re
leased the venumbre in flash and extended his cock, preparing to put it inside Aileen. Bearyan yowled above her, and she reached up to lace his hair in her fingertips, rotating it tightly like a harness once Raegnor plummeted into her core.

  At first Aileen was terrified of what Raegnor’s penis would feel like—judging by the rest of his body, which was rough and platy, she imagined a sharpness tearing through her—but the sensation was quite the contrary. As Raegnor thrust rapidly, he tied his tail around Aileen’s left ankle to give him extra leverage. The dick inside her was surprisingly soft—like the venumbre.

  Maybe his body isn’t entirely covered in those weird scales, she thought. The muscle within her canal was not as large as the venumbre, but what it lacked in size it made up for in precision—somehow pinpointing its way to her G-spot. The cum instantly splashed out from the cracks between Aileen’s lips and Raegnor’sshaft. With her cum leaking out, and Bearyan’s cum still hot in her mouth, Aileen closed her eyes in pure bliss.

  “I have another load ready, Captain Miroki,” Bearyan said, withdrawing the anaconda-large penis from Aileen’s mouth. “Please allow me entry into your chamber.”

  “Raegnor!” Aileen screamed, ooze dripping from her mouth. “Rotate positions with Bearyan. Right now.”

  Raegnor pulled is soft tissue out of her, and for a moment Aileen was empty while the two aliens walked around her. She took a deep breath—Bearyan’s dick would be a different story than Raegnor’s entirely. Could she survive such a large object inside her?

  Bracing herself, Raegnor put his hands against her temples and massages them gently before inserting the new muscle into her mouth. It was much different than she’d imagined—it was the same pink-flesh tone as the venumbre, but much smaller—still larger than the average penis. It snaked around in front of her face, teasing her as she tried to place her mouth around it. He had complete control of it—and then she felt the familiar feel of his tail fur wrap around her neck again.

  With Bearyan now behind Aileen, he grabbed her entire ass with one hand, jostling it softly. Using his other hand, Bearyan spread her legs open with the flick of his index finger and thumb. Simultaneously, Raegnor guided his slithering cock into her mouth while the tip of Bearyan’s mammoth’s one began pressing into her pussy.


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