Brooklyn Bound

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Brooklyn Bound Page 3

by Jenna Byrnes

  That was why this job was so important to him. The Dryer and Stokes office building was the biggest undertaking his company had done to date. If they pulled it off, the law firm would be a great reference for them and they’d potentially have more work than they could handle.

  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. He pulled onto the freeway, keeping to the right with the slower traffic. The job was important, vitally important to his company and his finances. But there was another reason he was so anxious to get to work, and his name was Tucker Gleason.

  Gabe hadn’t met a man who made him feel the way Tucker did since Drew had left. He’d chalked the fling up to college experimentation and hadn’t looked back. But now, seeing Tucker in that suit jacket and tight white shirt, he couldn’t think about anything except seeing Tucker out of the suit jacket and tight white shirt. When he’d heard the man say he was gay, Gabe had had to cover himself so that no one would notice the bulge in the front of his slacks.

  He’d never cheated on Brook and didn’t plan to start now. But a little harmless flirtation wouldn’t be considered cheating, would it? Deep down Gabe knew he was deceiving himself, but he didn’t want to think about that yet. He wanted to see Tucker again, talk to him, and maybe get to know him better. What happened after that remained to be seen.

  It was already hot outside at six a.m. He worked on the site until his phone buzzed in his pocket, and Gabe pulled it out to read the text.

  He’s here.

  A tingle ran down his sweat-slicked spine. Gabe pocketed his cell and told his crew, “I need to run up to the office. Be back shortly.” He headed for the trailer they used as the job site office, noticing the dark blue SUV parked out front. He chuckled, comparing it to his truck for a quick second. Tucker’s car probably cost as much as their house.

  Wiping his hands on his jeans, he entered the trailer. Tucker and Evan were looking over blueprints, and they both glanced up at him.

  “Good morning.” The lawyer’s smile was captivating.

  Gabe felt as giddy as a schoolgirl, and tried to keep himself together. “Hey,” was all he could manage.

  Evan picked up the conversation. “I was just explaining to Tucker what’s been done as far as pouring the fittings, and where we’re at now.”

  “Fine.” Gabe winced. He sounded like an idiot, but couldn’t seem to put two words together to form a coherent sentence.

  Still smiling, Tucker pulled out his cell phone. “I thought we should exchange numbers, so if we needed to text or phone we’d all be in the loop.”

  “Great, sure.” Evan grabbed his phone.

  Gabe did the same and they all entered the new contacts. His heart thudded so loudly, he hoped the others wouldn’t notice.

  “You look wiped already,” Tucker commented. “It’s going to be brutal out there today. Can I get you something to drink?”

  Gabe waved him off. “I’ve got my cooler, I’m good.” He reached for a bottle of water and chugged half of it.

  Evan smacked his head. “I meant to bring up the window catalogs. You’ll have some decisions to make. I thought you could take them with you and make sure your choices were okay with everyone.”

  “Sure.” Tucker shrugged.

  “Let me go get them. Take me ten minutes, tops. I’ll be right back.” Evan hurried out.

  “Take your time,” Tucker called after him, then turned to Gabe. “He seems a little high-strung.”

  “He’s a good man. Don’t worry about Evan.”

  “You, on the other hand, seem totally laid-back and easy-going. You two complement each other nicely.”

  He inhaled. The man had given him an opening. Should he use it, or ignore and focus on the job at hand? As much as he knew he needed to ignore the feelings in his gut, that was the last thing Gabe wanted to do. He looked at Tucker. “I’m not feeling that laid-back right now. I’m, uh, feeling something else. I get the sense you’re feeling it, too.”

  The lawyer’s eyes widened. “Are you freaking kidding me? I felt it the first time I set eyes on you. I’ve been trying to convince myself not to act on it, what with you being married and all. Not that I could tell by looking at your left ring finger.”

  Gabe glanced down. He had a wedding ring, but didn’t wear it to work. “Yeah, that’s an issue for sure. How about you, Tucker? Is there anyone special in your life?”

  “There hasn’t been for about a year, now. Just me, myself and my hand.”

  Gabe grinned, then grew serious. “Brook means everything to me. I could never do anything behind her back, or take a chance on losing her.”

  “I figured.” Tucker took a step closer to him. “But you’re thinking about it, right?”

  Gabe’s gaze went from the man’s eyes to his soft, pink lips, then back again. “I haven’t thought about much else, damn it!”

  Tucker leaned in so they were almost touching.

  He held up his hands. “I’m sweaty already.”

  “I know, and it’s turning me on like crazy.” The lawyer reached for his hands and moved them down to his sides. He cupped Gabe’s neck and drew him in for a gentle kiss.

  Gabe’s eyes rolled back in his head before they closed. The rough scrape of Tucker’s face against his had his cock springing to attention. The musky scent of masculine cologne filled his nostrils and he thought for a second that he’d died and gone to heaven. He’d missed this. He loved Brook like no man had ever loved a woman, but by God, he needed this. Sighing, he opened his mouth and moaned when Tucker’s tongue batted his.

  Forgetting his sweat-slicked skin, he grasped Tucker’s waist and slid his hands beneath the suit coat to clasp his ass. They had matching hard-ons, and pressing them together made both men groan.

  Neither seemed to want the kiss to end, but Gabe finally had to breathe. He pulled back and they stared into each other’s eyes.

  “Want you,” Tucker mumbled, gaze filled with lust.

  “Need you,” he replied, then shook his head. “But I can’t do that to my wife. I love Brook, and I pledged her loyalty in our vows.”

  Tucker smiled. “Bring her along.”

  Gabe blinked. “Excuse me?”

  The man shrugged. “Seth, Carla and Michael do it. They seem to make it work. I doubt they would have had a child if any part of their relationship was rocky.”

  Mind racing, Gabe thought of the architect’s unusual family. Tucker was right—whatever they were doing seemed to work for them. They’d appeared very happy each time he and Brook had gone over for dinner. “I don’t know. We like them well enough, but it’s a long leap from where we are to where they’re at.”

  Tucker shoved a stray strand of hair behind Gabe’s ear. “So take it one step at a time. See if you can get Brook interested in inviting me into your bed.”

  He laughed. “That’s still a pretty big jump!”

  The handsome lawyer ran a finger over Gabe’s forearm. “I’ll make it worth her while, believe me. What woman could resist two men taking care of her every desire?”

  Gabe cocked his head. “When you put it that way…”

  Tucker leaned in, sucking one earlobe between his lips. “While I’m at it, I’m going to see to your every desire as well.”

  He groaned. “Sounds pretty hot.”

  “Sounds like fucking heaven to me. I want you, Gabe, but you’re going to have to find a way to make it work.”

  He savored the lips playing against his skin and decided that, at that moment, he’d do whatever it took to make it happen. “I will. I want you, too.”

  A car pulled up outside, and they looked at each other. Tucker gave him one last kiss, then cupped Gabe’s crotch for a quick squeeze before pulling away.

  Gabe faced the wall, desperate to think of the un-sexiest thing he could so his erection would deflate. Smelling Tucker Gleason next to him made that damn near impossible. He’d talk to Brook tonight. He had to find a way to convince her.

  * * * *

  Brooklyn Conner hurried in
to her house after work, frantically trying to come up with an idea for dinner. She was later than usual and had forgotten to thaw anything out that morning. When she opened the door from the garage she smelled garlic and onions, and something fragrant she couldn’t quite place. “Hey,” she said to her husband, standing behind the stove.

  Gabe smiled at her. “Hi there. How was your day?” He’d obviously been home for a while since he’d showered and changed into jean shorts and a T-shirt.

  She blinked. He usually got done before her but spent those extra hours working with Evan in the office. He never made dinner, unless it was a special occasion. “It was fine, nothing unusual.” Glancing around, she noticed that the table had been set, and there was bouquet of pastel carnations as the centerpiece. “Did I forget something? It’s not our anniversary or my birthday.”

  “Aw, come on. I don’t only cook on special occasions… Do I?” He winced.

  She shrugged. “Getting the construction company up and running has taken time, I understand that. But you almost never bring me flowers.”

  He waved a hand. “Well, maybe I should. Go get changed and we’ll be ready to eat in a few minutes.”

  She looked in the pan he stirred and saw pasta bubbling with cheese and meat sauce. “That looks great.”

  “Go.” He swatted her butt affectionately.

  In the bedroom, she changed into her jean shorts and a soft pink cashmere pullover. She spritzed some perfume over her chest and checked her hair in the mirror before returning to the kitchen, where Gabe plated the food and poured them each a glass of wine.

  “We’re ready.”

  They sat and ate. Brook savored every bite of the meal, especially since she hadn’t had to cook it. Yet something niggled in the back of her mind, wondering what her husband was up to. He didn’t say much, just told her about his day and listened as she talked about hers while they polished off the pasta.

  There wasn’t much to clean up so they worked together and when it was done, each carried a glass of wine to the living room.

  She sat on the sofa next to him and put her glass on the coffee table. “So, spill it.”

  “Spill what?” He sipped his wine.

  “Gabriel, something is up. The dinner and wine was amazing, but it’s not you. So tell me, what’s up?”

  He set down his glass and turned to face her. “God, this is hard.”

  Brook’s heart sank, and she blurted out the first thing she thought of, “You’re leaving me?”

  “Oh, hell no! I just want to talk to you about something.”

  She patted her chest. “Thank heavens. You had me going there for a minute.”

  He reached for her hand. “Remember this morning when you were talking about that gay guy we knew in college?”

  “Sure. I couldn’t think of his name. You couldn’t either.”

  “Drew Smith,” Gabe supplied.

  “Oh, you thought of it. Drew, yeah, that was it. He was cute, if I recall.”

  “He was cute.” Gabe took a breath and added, “We dated before you and I started going out.”

  She stared at him, trying to process what he’d said. “You dated…Drew?”

  Gabe nodded. “Pretty hot and heavy for a while. Then his old man found out and blew a gasket. He pulled Drew out of USC and enrolled him in a school back east. Said a change of scenery would do him good.”

  “Oh my God!” She couldn’t believe what he’s told her, and had trouble deciding which was more shocking. The fact that her husband had had a gay lover, or that a father would think changing schools might make his son not be gay. “Oh my God. I’m stunned.”

  He smiled sheepishly. “About which part, or the whole damn thing?”

  She gathered her thoughts before speaking. “That a man in this day and age would react that way to finding out his son was gay. His reaction was appalling and pathetic. Now, having said that, I can’t very well be shocked that you had a gay lover, can I?”

  Gabe chuckled. “Thank you. He was the only one. I figured it was typical college experimentation, until recently.”

  Her breath caught. “What do you mean? What happened recently to change your mind?”

  He squeezed her hand. “I met a guy, Brook. It wasn’t anything I was looking for because I’m perfectly happy with you and our lives, and God knows I’m too busy with work to spend any time thinking about it. But this guy, when I met him, it was like fireworks and sparks shot off in my head and my belly. I don’t know, I can’t explain it.”

  Tears welled in her eyes, threatening to overflow. “You are leaving me.”

  “No! No, a thousand times no.” Gabe pulled her into his arms and cradled her. “Nothing has happened, and it won’t if you don’t agree to it. But he excites me, babe, and God knows why but I excite him, too. I’d like you to consider bringing him into our bed for a night.”

  She shoved him away and jumped up. “Are you out of your fucking mind? Bringing him into our bed? I don’t know this guy, and I don’t want to know him. I can’t believe you’d even suggest such a thing.”

  He swallowed. “You do know him. It’s Tucker Gleason.”

  Brook’s jaw dropped. “One of my bosses? Oh my God, Gabe. Now I know you have lost your flipping mind. You actually think I could sleep with someone from my office and just act all normal about it the next day? And what happens when the excitement wears off? I’ll tell you what happens. I lose my job. He’s set to inherit the law firm, so he won’t be going anywhere. I’ll be out on my ass.”

  “Okay, I’ll admit I hadn’t thought it through to that possible ending.”

  “I don’t think you’ve thought this through at all.” She reached down for her glass and tossed back the rest of her wine. Stomping into the kitchen, she then poured herself a tall refill and downed that too.

  “Look.” He followed her. “I realize it’s a lot to process. We might have to work out some of the details with Tucker, but if I could get him to agree your job is safe would you consider it?”

  “Consider what?” Her voice screeched. “What exactly am I accepting here? Watching the two of you have sex while I sit on the edge of the bed waiting for my turn?”

  “Of course not. Tucker said we’d absolutely make it worth your while. Two men, available to satisfy your every desire. Doesn’t that sound hot, Brooks?” He reverted to his old nickname for her, from when they’d been young and falling in love.

  Which was all just a myth. “The only reason we’re together now is because Drew’s father ended your relationship, is that what you’re telling me?”

  “Forget about that. Drew was the past. You’re my present and future.”

  The wine clouded her head. “Me and Tucker Gleason, right? You get to decide what you want on any given day, an innie or an outie, and then you choose who you’re going to sleep with? Is that how you think it’s going to be?”

  “Of course not! Look, Seth and Carla and Michael have a similar relationship, and they seem very happy, don’t they?”

  “I am not Seth or Carla or Michael. I am me. I married you. That used to be enough for you, until that goddamned Tucker Gleason came along and turned your head. He’s going to pay for this.” Her words slurred and she stumbled as she walked.

  “Brook, calm down. It’s not his fault. It’s mine, all on me. If you can’t wrap your head around the idea then it won’t happen. It’s as simple as that. I love you. I took vows with you. Nothing is going to change that.”

  She paused. “You mean it?”

  He nodded. “I love you. I won’t lose you.”

  Brook pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. A quick flick of her wrist sent her bra flying, and her breasts were exposed. She cupped them, one in each hand. “You like these, don’t you, baby? You always have.”

  Gabe licked his lips. “I love those. You’re right, I always have.”

  “He can’t offer you these.” She kicked out of her shorts and panties, and spread her pussy wide. After inserting two
fingers, she dragged them out and ran them over his lips. “And you love this. Suck my fingers and tell me you don’t love the taste of me.”

  He did as she’d directed, drawing her fingers into his mouth. “I love the taste of you,” he murmured, licking them clean.

  She clasped his neck and pulled their foreheads together. “You want to fuck an ass? Fuck my ass. You’ve never tried it. It might be everything you’re looking for.”

  “I’d like that.” He captured her mouth in a kiss, tongues batting back and forth.

  Brook fumbled for the snap of his shorts as they kissed, shoving them down along with his briefs. She cupped his balls and stroked the shaft that was rapidly firming under her touch.

  “You can fuck my ass whenever you want, baby. But right now, I’m calling the shots. Sit on the sofa so I can ride your nice, hard cock.”

  “Brook, I’d like that, but you’re drunk, sugar. I don’t want you doing anything you might regret tomorrow.”

  She pushed him backward and tugged his shirt over his head. “The only thing I could ever regret was bringing another man—my boss, for God’s sake—into our bed. Besides that, I’d do anything for you. Now get on the sofa.”

  He sat and she straddled him. “Watch this.” They both looked as she worked her pussy over his fully erect shaft. Her knees on either side of his, she pressed on his chest as his cockhead disappeared into her channel. “See how pretty that was? We don’t need no stinkin’ condoms or messy lube. You’d need all that with him, you know.” She rose up and sank down again, a thrill racing up her spine. “I’m all you really need, Gabriel.”

  “All I need,” he panted in agreement as he clutched her hips, guiding her up and down.

  Brook leaned in for a kiss. “And if you want to be fucked, we’ll buy me a strap-on. Would you like that?”

  “Maybe,” he agreed, his breathing labored.

  Rising up and down, she squeezed her inner walls and milked his cock for all it was worth. She could tell by his demeanor that he was close. “Tell me I’m all you need, Gabriel.”

  He licked and sucked each of her nipples as her tits bounced in his face. “Aw, God…”


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