Brooklyn Bound

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Brooklyn Bound Page 7

by Jenna Byrnes

  “Find a rhythm, now,” Tucker slapped Gabe’s ass again. “Fuck that pussy while I’m fucking your hot hole. Move with me, ride with me, fuck her with me… And when I give the word… Come with me. You got that?”

  “Oh yeah,” Gabe panted. “Fuck yeah.”

  Another slap, another grimace, followed by more pounding and pressure than Brook had ever felt in her life. She came twice before Tucker demanded that the men come in unison and they did, grunting and groaning and spilling seed into every available hole.

  They collapsed in a heap on top of her. “Can you breathe?” Gabe whispered.

  “I’m fine,” she answered dreamily. “Don’t even think of moving yet. Feels too damned good.”

  She watched Tucker kiss everywhere he could reach on Gabe’s back and neck, at the same time that he smoothed a hand through her hair. “You two are simply amazing. Thank you for letting me be myself with you. I know my language is somewhat coarse during sex, but I believe that adds to the pleasure. I hope you feel the same way.” He pulled out and went to dispose of the condom.

  Gabe kissed Brook gently then rolled off to her side and settled there.

  Tucker returned and she patted her other side. He curled up with them on the big bed.

  Wrapping an arm around each of them, she sighed. “It is coarse in the light of day, but when it’s happening it feels so right and sounds so natural. I mean, I don’t think I’d be cool with someone calling me a slut outright. But when you said it…”

  He chuckled. “It was all part of the role-play. I told you I’m not bound to the Master/slave stuff, but sometimes I really get off on the down and dirty of it.”

  Gabe grinned. “I never thought I’d get off on a spanking, either. But fuck me if that didn’t add something to it.”

  Tucker smiled over Brook at him. “I’ve got lots more little tricks I’d love to show you both. To share with you. You’re both so expressive and willing. God damn if I’m not as happy as a pig in shit right now.”

  She glanced at Gabe. “I guess I’m willing, as long as we don’t get too far out there. I mean, this was great.”

  “It’ll all be great,” Tucker assured them. “I promise you’ll love it, or we won’t do it again. Deal?”

  She nodded and saw her husband do the same.

  “Tucker…” Gabe planted his chin on her shoulder to see the man. “Why aren’t you with someone? You’ve got so much to offer. I can’t imagine guys aren’t beating down your door.”

  He guffawed. “Not hardly, but then I haven’t really been looking, either. I was with someone, but it ended about a year ago.”

  Brook ran a hand through his hair. “What happened?”

  He inhaled then slowly blew the breath out. “I haven’t talked about this with anybody for a long time.”

  “You don’t have to,” Gabe advised.

  “No, it’s okay. You guys are special. I want you to know.” He lay back and stared at the ceiling. “Mason and I dated for five years. He was a gifted pianist and just a truly special guy. I loved him very much.”

  Brook watched his face. She was dying to ask what had happened, but knew he’d get to it in his own time.

  “It was his thirtieth birthday. Mason loved a party. About forty of our friends were getting together at his favorite restaurant. He was coming straight from work, so we took separate cars. He was late, but that happened a lot—he’d get caught up in his music and lose track of time. The last of our friends to arrive came upon an accident and texted me.” He stopped talking.

  “Accident?” Brook held her breath.

  He nodded. “Mason had been hit head on by a drunk driver. Fucking six o’clock at night, can you believe that? The guy must have really been loaded because he was driving on the wrong side of the road. Mason was killed instantly. I really wanted to hate that other driver. Really wanted to let him have it. You know how they say the drunk driver always walks away unharmed? Not this time. Guy killed himself and a passenger. And my Mason. That was the end of the best five years of my life.”

  “Oh my God!” Brook pulled him into a hug and felt Gabe behind her joining them.

  “I’m so sorry, man,” her husband whispered, his voice thick.

  Tucker pulled away and swiped his eyes. He nodded. “Thanks. As I said, it’s been almost a year. When his birthday rolls around I’m gonna have a tough day. But otherwise, I’m doing okay. It took me a damned long time to get here, but I’m finally doing better.”

  Gabe leaned over Brook to place a kiss on Tucker’s lips. “We’re glad you’re doing better. We’re glad you’re here.”

  He clasped Gabe’s neck and kissed him back. “I’ve been a dead man walking for the past year. A few weeks ago I returned to the social club we frequented, thinking maybe I could get back into the swing of things. I couldn’t do it, it was too difficult. It wasn’t until I saw you that I felt any sparks of life at all.”

  Gabe smiled. “I felt the same sparks.”

  Tucker sat up. “You don’t understand.” He pointed to both husband and wife. “This is huge for me. A couple months ago I couldn’t think about sex. I’d jack myself off in the shower just to make sure the parts still worked, but there was no joy in it.” His gaze darted back and forth to them. “This is where I found the joy again. This is what I’ve been looking for all this time.”

  Brook leaned up on one arm. “It’s nice of you to say so, but you weren’t looking for me. You were after my sexy stud of a husband. Unfortunately for you, he brought with him the old ball and chain, so to speak.”

  “Brook!” Gabe started to protest.

  Tucker waved her off. “That’s so far from not true I won’t even dignify it with a response. Other than to say, sometimes we don’t know what we want until we get it. Being with you two is amazing. Thank you for allowing me into your lives. I’m incredibly honored, and kind of thirsty, and pretty horny again. What do you say we get something to drink and discuss our next plan of action? I’ll be the submissive this time, and one of you can be the Master. I promise to behave, no switching. If I forget, you have permission to spank me.” His eyes twinkled.

  Brook gazed at him. “Or we could just have sex. There doesn’t have to be a ‘Master’, does there? Can’t we all just have fun?”

  Tucker blinked. “You didn’t think what just happened was fun?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  Gabe rose. “I thought it was damned fun. You call it, Brooks. Either you’re the Mistress or I’m the Master. Either way, Tucker is sucking my dick here in a few minutes. After he brings us the pitcher of margaritas I stuck in the freezer.”

  She shrugged. “He wants to be a slave, let him be one. Bring three glasses, too, slave. And make it snappy or I’ll seriously consider paddling your ass.”

  Tucker grinned. “Yes, Mistress!” He hurried from the room.

  She glanced at Gabe. “Sure, it’s fun, but it’s kind of kinky, isn’t it? Kind of weird?”

  “Kinky doesn’t have to mean weird. I’m pretty turned on by the whole thing.”

  Brook wasn’t sure what to think. “So you’d be content living your life as someone’s slave? That’s fucking weird, Gabe.”

  He leaned down and nuzzled her neck. “I didn’t say ‘my life’, babe. Just a short segment of my life, like for the next few hours. I think we should let go and relax, see how fun it can really get.”

  He sucked a spot on her neck, and she shivered. When Tucker returned he carried the pitcher in one hand and three glasses in the other. He clutched a flat wooden spoon between his teeth.

  Gabe pulled the spoon out and said, “They don’t have to be stirred, silly.”

  Tucker turned and presented his bare ass. Over his shoulder he said, “Not for stirring, Master. I felt some naughtiness coming on. Thought it might be useful.” He wiggled his bum.

  Brook glanced at Gabe’s wide eyes and they both laughed.

  Chapter Five

  Gabe opened one eye and yawned. It’d been a h
ell of a night. They hadn’t gotten too kinky but there had been some spanking with the wooden spoon on each of their asses. There had also been some of the most amazing climaxes he’d ever experienced or witnessed. His lovely wife’s pussy had gushed when Tucker had paddled her as Gabe had pumped his fingers in and out. She’d come hard lying across his lap, he had no doubt about that. Now, in the light of the new day, he wondered how sore her ass was going to be. His own tingled, but every last swat had been worth it. He’d come with the intensity of a freight train, and more than once.

  Rubbing his eyes, he leaned up to check Brook’s ass for himself. She wasn’t in bed, though, only Tucker, sound asleep with one arm thrown over his face. Gabe stared at him for a minute. He was seriously in lust with the man, and seeing him sleeping like that caused Gabe an immediate lift to his morning woody.

  He rose and padded naked to the bathroom to pee, then washed up and headed to the front room to see what Brook was up to. She was nowhere to be seen, and for a moment his heart thudded. He finally spotted the note on the counter.


  I’m going to visit Mom and Dad for the day and thought I’d spend the night. Have fun with Tucker and I’ll see you tomorrow.



  What the hell? He opened the door to the garage to verify that her car was gone. Her parents lived two hours away. They went about once a month but usually went together, and she never took off like this.

  He grabbed his phone and punched the speed dial for her number.

  “Good morning,” she answered after a few rings. He could hear road noises behind her.

  “Are you driving?”

  “I’m using the hands free, it’s okay. How did you sleep?”

  “Good, until I woke to find you gone. What’s going on, Brook? This isn’t like you.”

  She laughed. “Nothing I’ve done in the past twelve hours has been ‘like me’, now, has it? I needed to get some distance, Gabe.”

  He frowned and his gut churned. “Distance? What the fuck? This is not what we do. We talk out our problems, always have.”

  “Who said this was problem? I’m fine, honey. Honestly, I thought you and Tucker might like some time to yourselves. You’ve been very gracious to include me, but I’ve seen the looks between the two of you. Almost animalistic, like you could devour each other.”


  “Don’t argue with me, I was almost a lawyer, remember? I want you two to spend some time getting to know each other. When we talked last night, Tucker seemed like he might be getting serious. If that’s the case, you and I need to decide how we feel about him, too.”

  “Agreed, but I need to do that with you here. You’re my partner, Brooks. I’m not doing this without you.”

  “Thank you. I’m not asking you to. I’m merely giving you some time to spend with him one on one. He’s a little kinky, babe. You need to decide if that’s what you want. ’Cause honestly, if there’s one Tucker out there, there’ll be another.”

  “Excuse me?”

  She chuckled. “We don’t have to go along with his dominance bullshit if we choose not to, Gabe. If you want a man in our lives, we’ll find a great guy who wants regular sex like we do. Somebody out there would be happy to join us in a normal three-way relationship—something more vanilla, more our tastes. I’m sure of it.”

  Gabe rubbed his temples. “Brook, I don’t know about this.”

  “I’m turning off the freeway, babe, and I need to go. Quit worrying and have a good time. I’ll see you tomorrow. We can talk more then. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” He ended the call and set his phone down.

  A normal three-way relationship? Was there really such a thing? His heart had lurched when she’d said ‘more to our tastes, more vanilla’. Were those really his tastes? He’d gotten off on the sex they’d had last night, and there’d been nothing vanilla about it.

  He glanced down the hallway to where Tucker still slept. Tucker was not a ‘vanilla’ type of guy, Gabe was sure about that. He just wasn’t sure about himself.

  Strolling down the hall, he felt a tingle zip down his spine. They were alone, with his wife’s blessing. They had all day to do whatever they pleased. Vanilla did not appear at the top of his mental list. It didn’t make the top twenty. Gabe’s thoughts ran to the down and dirty, naughtier side. This was his chance to explore, and he intended to make the most of it.

  Leaning against the doorway, he watched his handsome lover sleep. My lover. My male lover. Gabe’s cock was now fully erect and already had a tip of pre-cum in the slit.

  It’s going to be a great day.

  He tossed the sheet off Tucker and smiled at the semi-erection he discovered. “A good start, but we can do better than that.” Leaning in, he flicked his tongue over the crown and watched the cock react. Another lick had the shaft extending, lengthening and burgeoning forth. He licked base to tip on each side until the skin had grown taut and the cock was full and hard. “Mmm.” He sucked just the bulbous head into his mouth.

  “Mmm is right.” Tucker hadn’t moved, just lay there watching him. “Nothing like waking up to a gorgeous mouth wrapped around my cock.” He looked from side to side. “Where’s our other gorgeous mouth? It looks like your dick could use some attention too.”

  Gabe pulled up and reached for the lube on the headboard. “Sorry, you just get me today.” Squeezing the bottle, he watched the slick oil slide over Tucker’s shaft.

  The man blinked. “What do you mean?”

  He rose on his haunches and poised the slick cockhead at his anus. “Mind if we fuck and talk at the same time? Because my ass feels awfully empty, and I need something to fill it.”

  Tucker still appeared confused, but horniness was obviously winning out. “Of course I don’t mind.”

  “Then why don’t you ask me nicely, slave, if I’d mind doing all the work? Impaling myself on your smoking hot rod is going to take an awful lot of effort. I do hope it’s worth my while.” He rose up as if he was having second thoughts.

  “Oh please, Master!” Tucker nearly blubbered. “I’ll do all the work. Please, do it! I promise, it’ll be worth it.”

  Gabe grinned. “I was planning on it.” The slick tip of the cock nudged his hole and Gabe pressed his ass down. A stinging sensation struck as the thickness stretched his outer ring but he pushed onward. With no preparation, his ass continued to burn. Gabe wasn’t worried. He’d drenched the cock in slick lube and knew it would only take another moment before his ass accepted the huge member.

  His puckering hole fluttered open, and he sat firmly on Tucker’s lap. “Aw, God.”

  “Yes, oh yes.” Tucker tried to buck his hips, an impossible chore with Gabe’s full weight on him.

  “Slow down, you ass slut,” Gabe chastised. “I’m calling the shots here, and don’t you forget it.”

  “I won’t, Master. Thank you, Master, for allowing my body to pleasure you.”

  “You know what else is going to pleasure me? Paddling your flesh with that wooden spoon. When I’m done and you’re skin is bright red, I might take the handle and shove it up your hole. I’ll bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you, slut?”

  Tucker’s eyes rolled back. “Yes, Master. Thank you, Master.”

  Gabe leaned in and pinched one of his nipples. “Such a sweet submissive.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  His body had adjusted to the intruder and Gabe was ready to fuck. But first he had something to say. “Brook went to her parents’ for the rest of the weekend. She thought you and I could use some time to get to know one another.”

  Tucker blinked. “Seriously? She was really okay with this?”

  “It was her idea. I got the impression she was good with it. She thinks you’re a little kinky, and wants to make sure that’s what I really want.” He smiled.

  “I guess I am kinky. I love cock, and I crave a Master who’ll lord over me, sharing or withholding his cock as he desires.�

  Gabe leaned up and eased his body down, sending a shiver up his spine. “Anything else I should know? I mean, the truth is finally coming out now that I’ve got you in, shall we say, a precarious position. You don’t want to be the Master. You want someone to dominate you.”

  Tucker gritted his teeth. “It’s true. I was trying to break you both in gently, showing you how it’s done. I didn’t want to scare you off.”

  “I’m still here. But you need to come clean. Is there anything else I need to know?”

  Tucker gazed at him. “I like to have sex in public. Going to the Rose & Thorn Society playroom allows me to do that and not get arrested, which my father would surely frown upon.”

  “Surely.” Gabe rose and lowered himself again. “Sex in public, huh? Sounds hot.”

  “Brooklyn wouldn’t think so.”

  “Brooklyn definitely wouldn’t think so. But she doesn’t have to do everything we do. She told me she wants vanilla.”

  Tucker held their gaze. “And what do you want?”

  “I’m more of a ‘rocky road’ kind of guy. Brook gave me this time to figure it out for myself, to see if I really like you and if we want to move forward together. I already know the answer to that.” He pulled out, leaving just his lover’s cockhead inside, then slammed back down, inflaming his stretched anus.

  “Oof!” Tucker groaned. “Keep doing that and I’m going to come.”

  Gabe leaned forward. “You will not come until you’re allowed, do you understand? I told you that I’m calling the shots right now.”

  A mischievous grin spread over Tucker’s face. “Maybe I’ll come just so you’ll feel the need to paddle me.”

  “Oh, I’m going to paddle you anyway for keeping secrets from me, slave. And then you may have to spank me, for all the nasty thoughts I’m having.” Gabe drew Tucker into his arms and they kissed. Their tongues mingled and batted one another until they each finally drew back and gasped for breath.

  “What kind of nasty thoughts?” Tucker panted.

  “Everything I’ve ever heard or read about. I want to try it all with you, starting today. I’ll be your Master, but keep in mind I’m learning as we go. You may have to teach me some things.”


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