Brooklyn Bound

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Brooklyn Bound Page 10

by Jenna Byrnes

  “Do you think Gabe is capable of that? If I wasn’t around, would you be worried about his faithfulness?”

  “Of course not. But you are around. And suddenly, his loyalties are split. Oh, he says our marriage comes first, but he’s been subdued all week and I’ve come to realize things can never go back to the way they were before you.”

  “Why would you want them to? Gabe is happy as hell with you and me both. Neither one of us will ever have to worry about him straying. He’s got the best of both worlds.”

  “I’m still scared, Tucker. I don’t understand the BDSM stuff. It intrigues me, sure, but it scares the beejeebers out of me. When the two of you make love to me, I nearly go out of my mind. If other people are in the same frenzied state, couldn’t someone get hurt? I mean, a little pain is sexy. But too much would terrify me.”

  “The lifestyle isn’t about pain, Brook. It’s about trusting someone so much you know they would never really hurt you. I feel that way with Gabe already. I think I could feel that way with you, as I hope you could with me.”

  “I think I could. If only I could be sure—”

  “There are no sure things in life, sweetie.” He looked at the headstone, then back at her. “When you find a good thing you need to grab it and hang on with all your might.”

  She reached a hand out to him. “I’m grabbing.”

  Tucker studied her for a moment, then clasped her hand. “I’m hanging on.”

  They drew together in a chaste kiss, then a tight hug. “I’m going to need your help,” she admitted. “I really don’t know what to do.”

  Tucker pressed his forehead to hers and smiled. “Let me tell you.”

  * * * *

  Brook knelt, naked and blindfolded, at the foot of her bed. Her hands were bound behind her back. Tucker put himself in the same position next to her.

  “I hope he comes straight home from work,” she whispered.

  “We’ll wait however long it takes,” he replied.

  Anticipation caused her to squirm.

  “Hold still,” he commanded. “The perfect submissive can kneel for hours without twitching a muscle. If you can learn to do that, you’ll be richly rewarded, I guarantee it.”

  “Rewarded how?”

  “A slave’s usual reward is an orgasm.”

  “What? I can come right and left with you guys. That’s no big deal.”

  “It is when you’re a submissive. Slaves don’t climax unless they’re allowed. I’ve gone whole weekends participating in hour after hour of sex, and not being allowed to come. It’s tough, but when you’re finally given permission—holy smokes! Watch out.”

  “Humph,” she snorted. “I’m not sure I want to be a slave. I think I’d rather be the Mistress and come whenever I want.”

  “The best Masters and Mistresses have experienced both sides of the role-play. You may end up as my Mistress, and I’d welcome that. But first, you need to experience this.”

  “If you say so.” She heard the garage door open and giggled. “He’s here!”

  “Shush! Don’t speak again unless given permission.”

  Brook had never felt more nervous energy. Her pussy was already damp with excitement.

  “Brooks, I’m home! Is that Tucker’s car out there? Where are you guys?” Gabe’s voice grew louder and footsteps sounded as he entered the bedroom. “What in the flying fuck is going on?”

  Neither of them uttered a sound.

  He whooped with glee. “The two people I love, naked and bound next to my bed? Damn it, have I died and gone to heaven?”

  She stifled another nervous giggle.

  “Somebody care to explain this to me?”

  Tucker finally asked, “Permission to speak, Master?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Brooklyn and I had a talk today. She’s anxious to experience the lifestyle, and see if it’s something she can live with.”

  She felt a hand on her head.

  “Brooklyn, is that true? Are you here under your own free will?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “I’d like to know what changed.”

  “Tucker changed my mind, Master. He asked his father to put me through law school and give me a job when I get out. I realized what a generous person he really is.”

  “Law school? Were you going to discuss this with me, slave? Don’t you think I might have something to say about it?”

  “Of course, Master. Just like you were going to mention to me about the new truck.”

  She heard him gulp, and fought the urge to smile.

  “I haven’t agreed to keep the truck. You said it was a bribe. I guess it’s not considered a bribe when the money is used to put you through law school?”

  “No, it’s still a bribe, sir. And I want it as much as you want that new truck. I just figured someone needed to keep Tucker in line, and it might as well be us, Master.”

  Gabe chuckled. “Fair enough. But, Brooklyn, you need to know that I don’t want Tucker because of the truck, or the things he can buy me. I love him, much the same as I love you. Can you live with that?”

  “I’ll be happier living with it than without it, Master. And I really want to tell you, I’m not convinced I’m the perfect slave material. I still think I’d rather be the Mistress who gets to come at will. But Tucker insisted I start with this so I can see what it’s like on this side.”

  “Tucker’s a very smart man. And this first time, both of you are free to come whenever you please. You’ve done this for me, it’s the least I can do for you.”

  “Thank you, Master,” Brook and Tucker said in unison.

  “I’m going to shower, and then we’ll get started. I think I’d like you both to suck my cock for a few minutes, until I’m so close I can’t stand it. Then we’re going to experiment with double penetration. If it’s all right with you, Tucker, I’ll let you take her pussy so I can have first dibs in her virgin ass.”

  “It’s more than all right, Master. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “What about you, Brooklyn? Do you like the idea of two hard cocks stabbing you, filling both your holes?”

  She could barely contain her excitement. “Oh yes, Master.”

  Gabe bent down and cupped her crotch, inserting a finger into her pussy. “Damn, she’s dripping wet already! Taste this, Tucker.” He removed his hand and Brook couldn’t see it, but she heard him stick the finger in Tucker’s mouth.

  “Mmm,” he slurped noisily.

  “I’ll be right back. Face each other and kiss while I shower, will you? Make it good. I want to see flushed red lips when I get back.” He left the room.

  Brook heard the shower water running. She squirmed around to face Tucker, hands tied, still on her knees. “You heard the man.”

  “Kiss me, wench.” His breath was hot on her skin. “I taste musky, like your honey.” He pressed his mouth against hers.

  Brook opened her mouth and his tongue darted in. She’d kissed him gently before, had licked and sucked him and even fucked him, but they’d never French kissed. The sensation caused shockwaves right to her core. Moaning, she opened her mouth wider to deepen the kiss.

  “Such a slut,” Tucker murmured, his mouth against hers. “I fucking love that about you. Kiss me like you mean it, so our Master can see we followed his orders.”

  Another wanton moan escaped from her mouth and she pressed against him hungrily. The rough scrape of his five o’clock shadow bruised her lips but she welcomed it. She wanted to be flushed and pink and ripe for her Master when he returned.

  She never heard the water turn off but suddenly Gabe was there, next to them, smelling of fresh soap, skin damp with moisture. He rubbed both their heads and pressed them together tighter. “That’s it, kiss deep. Devour each other like you’re going to devour my cock in just a moment.”

  Brook did her best to oblige. Cream ran down her thigh but she didn’t care. She wanted this more than anything she’d ever wanted. Just as her tongue ran over
Tucker’s teeth, she was yanked away by a sharp tug of her hair.

  Gabe cupped her chin and she sensed that he did the same to Tucker. “Beautiful. Puffy red lips on both my slut subbies. I’m satisfied your mouths are warmed up. Now suck my dick, and balls, both of you, and don’t stop until I pull your hair again.”

  “Yes, Master!” Tucker nearly shouted with lusty enthusiasm.

  Brook grinned and repeated, “Yes, Master.” Without the benefit of sight, she had to feel her way around. Tucker was already licking and sucking Gabe’s cock so she went below to nuzzle his balls. When they traded places Tucker captured her mouth and kissed her for a long moment before returning to the task at hand.

  “Nice.” Gabe’s voice was throaty. He held their heads in place, encouraging them to go deeper and take more.

  A sharp yank to her hair told Brook when to stop. Tucker yelped and she knew he’d received the same treatment.

  Gabe reached down. “I can see my male slave is excited. There’s a ribbon of pre-cum leaking from the slit of his cockhead. What about my female slave?” He cupped her crotch again, inserting two fingers this time. “Oh, my. She’s wetter than ever before. I believe it’s time to get this show on the road.”

  He untied her hands, and it sounded like he untied Tucker as well. “Tucker, on your back in the bed. Brooklyn, find a condom and roll it on him.”

  “Please, Master,” she whispered.


  “May I remove the blindfold? I’d really love to watch.”

  “Of course. Both of you.”

  She tugged it off and smiled at Tucker, who’d done the same. Grabbing a foil packet from the nightstand, she then ripped it open and wasted no time rolling it over Tucker’s thick shaft.

  She stole a glance at Gabe and was shocked. He looked powerful, masterful, and sexy as hell. The role suited him perfectly. As much as she imagined she’d like the role of Mistress, the role she was playing now would be hard to beat.

  He motioned to the bed. “Climb up there and straddle his cock. Impale yourself slowly so I can watch. Then lean forward. I expect Tucker would enjoy sucking those tits while I prepare your anus.”

  Brook did as directed, but found it hard to lower herself slowly. Her pussy was drenched and his cock was like hot steel. She sank over him in a matter of seconds.

  “What a slut,” Gabe muttered. “You couldn’t wait to fuck him, could you?”

  “No, Master.” She winked at him over her shoulder.

  He squeezed some lube into one hand and coated his fingers. “Now, for the good part. Hold still while I stretch your opening.”

  She tried to oblige, but between Tucker’s suckling of her nipples and the fingers reaming her ass, she was close to coming. “Aw, God,” she panted.

  “Try to hold out, Brooks.” Gabe’s voice was his own again. “I’d love to be seated in your ass when you come for the first time.”

  She could tell he was as overcome with emotion as she was, given what was about to happen.

  “I’ll try, Master. It’s hard.”

  “It sure as hell is,” he snorted, greasing up his cock. He nudged the tip to her opening. “You took three fingers just fine. I’m going in, now. It’s going to burn at first until I get past the outer ring.”

  Tucker released her nipple and came up for air. “And then it’s going to feel heavenly, like nothing you’ve ever felt before.”

  “Do it,” she encouraged. “Fuck my ass.”

  Gabe pushed forward.

  She felt the burn and for a moment thought she was being ripped apart. She screamed when her tight ring succumbed to the pressure of his huge cock.

  He sank in fully after that and froze, gripping her hips. “You okay?”

  “It hurts,” she whimpered. “Feels too full.”

  “You are full, baby. Full of rock-hard cock. Show her, Tucker. Make her remember you’re there.”

  They began a see-sawing rhythm and she wailed again, until something flickered and the pain became more tolerable, welcome. She rocked with them, against them, however she could move with her body so wholly pinned by the two massive rods. An orgasm shot through her and she didn’t have a chance in hell of stopping it. “Aw, God!” she could only scream, couldn’t think, couldn’t speak, couldn’t imagine anything that would complete her more.

  Gabe whooped. “Did you feel that, Tuck? Hot damn, her body is gripping me like a glove!”

  “Me too.” Tucker panted against the cleft of her breasts. “Aw, fuck, I think I’m coming. Don’t want to, but there’s not one thing I can do to stop it.”

  “Come on!” Gabe hollered, reaching down to squeeze the man’s leg.

  Tucker’s climax was as loud as hers. The pained expression on his face soon turned to joy as he bucked, filling the latex in her pussy with moist heat.

  She spotted him clasping Gabe’s hand and smiled. “Come on, Gabey. Last man out. I’m desperate for your hot cum to fill my ass.”

  He nuzzled the back of her neck. “Only if you come again, with me. Let’s have it, Brooks. I know you’ve got it in you.”

  Tucker reached a hand between their bodies and rubbed her engorged clit. “Let me help. Bring it, Brooks. Come one more time and feel your Master’s powerful release.”

  She leaned her head back and allowed her mind to feel and not think. Pain and pleasure merged and she didn’t complain when Tucker pinched her nub and Gabe sucked so hard it had to leave a hickey on her neck. It all added to the experience, one that she never wanted to end. “I’m coming,” she groaned, unsure if she might not actually pass out.

  “Fuck yeah!” Gabe slapped her ass cheek and shattered, his own body twitching and shuddering over hers. Spurts of warm, wet spunk coated the inside of her sensitized anus and Brook closed her eyes, accepting the most welcomed gift she’d ever received.

  It hurt a few minutes later when Gabe eased his cock from her hole and flopped to the bed next to her. She had already lost Tucker’s deflated cock, so she moved to the side of him and they cuddled on the mattress.

  Gabe rolled up on one arm. “Gabey? Really?”

  She shrugged. “It felt right.”

  “Somewhere, there’s a BDSM rule book that says a slave shouldn’t call her Master ‘Gabey’.”

  Tucker leaned up on her other side. “Yeah, the same book that says a Master shouldn’t break protocol to ask his slave if she’s okay.”

  Gabe grinned. “What the fuck ever. We might not be perfect Masters and slaves, but I think we’re going to have one hell of a good time.”

  Tucker raised one finger. “If Brook agrees. This was a trial for her, to see if she could handle the lifestyle.”

  “Well?” Both men looked at her.

  Tucker’s already spiked hair was messier than usual, and his lips were still puffy and pink from their fervent kissing. Gabe’s ponytail was askew, face flushed, with a glow of satisfaction like she’d never seen before. She knew her answer, but needed to clarify some things.

  “Tucker, if we do this, we’ll need to figure out living arrangements. I can’t imagine you not being with us all the time.”

  He glanced at Gabe and smiled. “I think that can be arranged.”

  “And you have to promise to stop buying us stuff. We want you here because of you, not for what you can give us. Okay?”

  He shrugged. “No promises. I have money and I like to spend it. I’ve always been one to shower the person—or people—I love with gifts. It’s something I enjoy, almost as much as waiting on my knees in the dark for my next command.”

  Gabe ruffled his spiked hair. “You’re a crazy son of a bitch, you know that?”

  Tucker beamed. “But I’m your crazy son of a bitch, right? And you’re my hot mess.” He looked at Brook. “And you are my sweet, wet cunt.”

  She gazed at the ceiling. “We’ll work on that nickname.”

  Gabe and Tucker both said in agreement, “We’ll work on that. For sure.”

  Brook grinned. “Then why
not? Let’s do this. And, Tucker, maybe you could get us applications for that Thorn place.”

  Gabe gaped at her. “The Rose & Thorn Society? Seriously?”

  She shrugged. “Two cocks felt great, but my mouth was empty and sad. I might be willing to experiment a little more. This one turned out pretty damn good.”

  Gabe’s and Tucker’s grins stretched both of their faces. Brook leaned back and sighed. She’d just earned herself the right to come at will for the whole weekend long. She had no doubts about it. In fact, she had no more doubts about anything. With each man sucking one nipple, she closed her eyes in complete and utter happiness.

  Coming Soon from Totally Bound Publishing:

  Clear Blue Sky

  Jenna Byrnes


  Chapter One

  “No one will ever love you as much as I do.” The ominous words echoed in Sky Warren’s head as he tossed and turned. The shadowy figure stood directly in front of him, reaching for his arm, and once again he felt the painful snap of a broken shoulder. Sky groaned and sprang up in bed, sweat pouring down his face.

  He glanced around the dark room, trying to get his bearings. It was just a dream. He was used to them. Sleep was tenuous most nights, with nightmares just a whisper away from his consciousness.

  Sky’s bedroom door opened and his cousin Billy moved in front of him, a beer in one hand and a plastic bottle of water in the other. “Bad dream again?” He held out both drinks.

  Sky accepted the water and chugged down half of it. He wiped his mouth with the back of his arm and looked at Billy. Curly blond hair gave his cousin the perpetual appearance of bed head, no matter what time of day. A soul patch below the lower lip was his only facial hair, and there was usually a cigarette hanging from the edge of his mouth. Tonight was no exception.

  “I’m okay.”

  “I know.” Billy twisted off the beer cap and, after removing his smoke, took a swig. “Ruby and I were kickin’ back for the night. Checking if there’s anything I can do for ya before we go.”


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