Radio Sass TSU After Dark: Sassy Ever After

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Radio Sass TSU After Dark: Sassy Ever After Page 3

by Tl Reeve

  Shelly nibbled on her lip. “Yeah…um…”

  Natasha had seen that look before. The bewildered, how do you tell a “human” about mates fucking. She got it. “Say no more. What about Zoe?”

  “Oh, thank the goddess,” Shelly said with a sigh. “I thought we’d have to have the ‘talk,’ —She made air quotes as she spoke— “and I’m not good at the ‘talk.’”

  Natasha laughed. “No. I’m good. Promise. How about Zoe?”

  “If she’s not outside, I think she’s with Rocky and then they’ll be…you know.” She bumped her hands together.

  Natasha bit the inside of her cheek so not to laugh. She was really going to like being in this house. Everyone was so different and amazing. “Thank you, Shelly.”

  “You’re welcome.” Shelly touched her arm as Natasha turned to go outside. “If you need someone to talk to…”

  “I might just take you up on your offer.” She smiled before continuing on.

  Outside, Bodhi and Emma were still in the pool cuddled together. A younger girl sat on a chair not far from there. Over by the barbecue stood Utah, who looked to be on dinner detail. Poor guy. Another girl and a guy she hadn’t met yet sat at the table having an animated conversation while their school books sat open. No Zoe or Bell. She let out a breath. Damn.

  “You look lost,” Hayden stated, joining her. “It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, tons. I shouldn’t feel so lost, but I do.”

  Hayden laughed. “It’s different than home. I agree. I’ve never been to Blue Creek, but if it’s anything like Window Rock, it’s a small community with a mixture of shifters, humans and psychics?”

  “Demons, witches, vampires and shifters,” Natasha answered. “No psychics.”

  “Interesting.” The girl laughed. “So, are you settling in?” Hayden led them over to a small sitting area away from everyone.

  “I have a class at seven tonight, and I can’t find the class. Worst part? I saw an advertisement for a job at the radio station, and the weirdest part was the guy… shifters don’t sniff necks in greeting. Well they don’t with me, anyway.” She looked down at the application she still held in her hand. Keiji’s actions should have set her on edge. Instead, she wanted to go back.

  “Zoe works at the station! You should talk to her when she’s available.” Hayden’s brows scrunched together. “Night classes? I thought you were human?”

  “I am. I thought it was due to me being an underclassman. I didn’t realize it was when all the night dwellers went to class. This is all a little weird.”

  “I can talk to the—”

  “Dean of Students? Bell said the same. I told her it’s okay. This guy though…” She couldn’t explain Keiji properly.


  Definitely hot. Like top ten. “More so. I can’t explain it. He’s not my usual type, but he got me.” Natasha rubbed the back of her neck. “Anyway, he flustered me so much, I forgot to ask for directions.”

  “What’s your first class?” Hayden glanced over at her campus map. “There’s nothing different about the night schedule, so you know. I had art at twilight.”

  Natasha sagged. “Oh, good to know.” She hadn’t realized she’d been worried about it, until Hayden voiced it. “I have Intro to Philosophy. Gordon is the teacher.”

  “He’s good,” Hayden answered. “Strict on homework but totally worth it.”

  “It says he’s in Williams Tower.”

  Hayden grabbed her map. “Right. So, follow this path.” She pointed to the trail Natasha had been on when she found the poster for the radio station. “You were almost there when you stopped at the radio station.”

  “Crap. Of course, only I would be right there and not even see it.” Natasha sighed. “At least tomorrow I can sleep in.”

  “That’s the spirit. I’ll have Utah keep your dinner warm if you want to get ready.” Hayden gave Natasha’s arm a reassuring squeeze.

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  When she left for her first lecture, Natasha felt a little more centered. She still couldn’t explain everything with Keiji or why he’d affected her so, but while she’d been eating her dinner, she filled out the application. She’d been saving money for years, but having a backup plan would help her be able to concentrate on her school load more than worrying about making a payment on time. As she came up on the radio station, she popped inside and dropped her information in the basket next to where she’d grabbed the application. Then she followed the directions Hayden gave her to Williams Tower.

  She approached the building, and a sense of foreboding washed over her. It was as if the shadows watched her. She shifted her gaze back and forth across the grassy area trying to find where the feeling came from. She shivered. Not even being around vampires gave her this kind of sensation. She rubbed her arms while walking up the stairs to the building. It wasn’t like her to be paranoid. Nothing scared her, yet the fear making her heart pound and a bit anxious said differently. Natasha picked up her pace. Her class wasn’t far from the door, and when she shoved into the space, she let out a breath of relief.

  The class was mostly empty, so she took a seat near the front and waited. As the door opened, she gasped, drawing Keiji’s attention. He smirked at her. Instead of finding a seat somewhere around her — because let’s face it, she’d been that conceited— he placed his bag on the counter in front of the class and then stood off to the side. He kept his gaze on her. Goosebumps flared to life on her arm, the back of her neck and her thighs. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Sorry about earlier,” Keiji said, finally sitting beside her. “I’ve been working more hours, and I treated you rudely.” He also didn’t know a thing about personal space, nor much care for people staring at them.

  “It happens,” Natasha muttered. “I meant to ask you for help finding this place and—why did you sniff my neck?”

  His eyes widened. “You’re different.”

  “Human.” She pointed to herself.

  “Sure you are.” He grinned. “Anyway, I wanted to apologize. Enjoy class.”

  “Thank you and there’s no need to apologize. I…” She contemplated telling him she filled out the application, then thought better of it. “I’m sure I will.”


  Keiji shifted in his seat. He’d been rock hard since the minute he caught a hint of her tantalizing scent—vanilla and something succulent. Natasha. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. His gaze traced every inch of her lithe body. From her multi-colored hair to her bright blue eyes, he couldn’t get enough of her. She had full lips and creamy flesh. Usually he didn’t go for the bumbling girls. He liked them self-assured, yet with her, he found her quirks enduring.

  He also shouldn’t pick her for the job. She had no idea what she’d be getting herself into. Plus, she wasn’t even a broadcasting student. When it came to jobs at the studio, they at least wanted students who knew their way around a sound board. It would save them several teaching hours and allow Keiji or the morning DJ, Stefan, to take a much-needed break. However, the thought of not being close to Natasha made him anxious. It left a bitter taste in his mouth and twisted his guts.

  As Gordon droned on and on about what Introduction to Philosophy would consist of, Keiji spied a glance at the seating chart passed to him once it’d been filled out. Nemescu? He glanced at the girl driving him insane with lust. When she came into the radio station, nothing about her screamed royalty. Everyone demon or vampire or fae learned the name at an early age. The Nemescu clan were ruthless. They killed to instill fear among those who might fight them. They’d built an empire in Romania and were now reaching out to other countries around the world. Could it be why Natasha was there?

  Interesting… He leaned forward slightly and grasp his bottom lip between his fingers. He lightly plucked at the flesh while he continued to study her, this time with a critical eye rather than one hazed by desire.

  She appeared so… clueless. />
  Did she not know who she was? He gave an internal snort. There’s no way she can’t know. So, it begged the question again, why was she there? Nemescu offspring had the best education money could buy, including private tutors. They also didn’t attend school alone. They had bodyguards, kind of like his friend Maël. Already, his friend had guarded some of the most powerful vampires stateside and one vampire at TSU. Yet, as he watched her enter Williams Tower before class began, she’d been afraid. Vampires like most demons weren’t afraid of the dark. On the contrary, they craved it. She didn’t. In fact, she relaxed the minute she stepped into the light. He’d tasted her fear on his tongue as she drew closer to him. Her heart rate increased as she sensed the shadow demons lurking among the trees near the entrance.

  Keiji tiled this head to the side. None of this made senses. All of the evidence indicated she was vampire. But, her body language coupled with her scent, said something else. So, what could she be? Of course, she’d been quick to point out she was human and lived in a shifter community with her human grandparents and human brothers, but it didn’t fit. None of it did.

  “And this is; Keiji. He’s my Teaching Assistant. If you need anything outside of my office hours, you can e-mail or setup meet times with him. He will be here when it comes to all tests, while I will administer midterms and final exams.”

  Keiji’s gaze locked with Natasha’s as she gasped. He gave a small smirk. He had a feeling this would be an interesting semester. As he stood up, he straightened his shirt then waved. “I’ll also be taking over lessons when Professor Gordon can’t.”

  The girls situated around Natasha began to giggle, but he paid them no mind. He only had eyes for the girl sitting almost directly in front of him. In a short amount of time, she’d crawled under his skin and he had to know everything about her. The minute Gordon ended the class with an assignment of reading the first three chapters of Plato’s Five Dialogues, he gathered up his things and followed Natasha out.

  “Hey,” he said, coming up beside her. “Have any more classes?”

  Natasha jolted. “Whoa. Sorry. Hi. No. I’m going home—er the Co-Ed house across campus.” She flicked her gaze toward him while clutching her book to her chest. Her steps quickened as she stepped outside.

  “Can I walk with you?” His protective instinct rose as the smell of her terror intensified. “You seem a little…”

  “Nervous?” She gave a soft chuckle. “I am. I didn’t realize the campus was this dark at night. Where are the lights?”

  “Towards the quad.” He guided her down the path back to the lights. For every step they took away from the building, the more she relaxed. “If you’d like, I could walk with you, you know, whenever you needed me.” He didn’t know why he made the offer, it just seemed like the right thing to do.

  She let out a breath. “You’d do that?”

  “Of course,” he answered without hesitation.

  She stopped in the middle of the quad. “Why? You don’t even know me, and we’ve barely met.”

  Keiji tucked a strand of her multi-colored hair behind her ear. “I’m Keiji Nomura. I’m also a red demon.”

  “Next, you’re going to tell me you like long walks on the beach, candle light dinners and deep conversations.” She bit her bottom lip, as her blue eyes sparkled with playfulness.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  She laughed. “You’re smooth.” She turned before continuing on her way.

  Keiji caught up to her. “Thanks.”

  A small smile drifted across her lips. “So, you’re a junior, huh?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re a little older than some of the freshmen here.”

  “Yeah. I spent some time helping my grandmother.” Unlike earlier, her strides slowed to a sedate pace. “My brothers are here too—have been for a couple of years now, so it’s easier. With my grandfather’s butcher shop, it’s, you know… We tried to stay to help, but we all got the urge.”

  “Your grandfather has a respectable job, and I can only imagine how much time he spends away from home. Your grandmother must be proud of you.”

  “She wanted me to go to school closer to home.” Natasha shrugged. “I wanted to get out. I’ve been in Blue Creek my whole life or, for as long as I can remember. When I started researching colleges, my brother Sebastian told me about this place. TSU kind of stands out on its own, you know? I liked the campus. I liked the Co-Ed house. It almost feels like home. I guess I kind of like the familiarity of it.”

  “So, you’re staying at the Co-Ed house? Can I let you in on a little secret?” He found himself enjoying her company. He even liked learning the little bits about her she gifted him with. You’ve got it bad.

  “Sure.” She glanced over at him.

  “I helped design the add-ons there.” Pride filled his tone. Bell and Hayden could have gone to anyone in the architecture department to help them with the design, but they came to him. Their ideas were bombastic and pretty unique. Bell’s father, Rapier, joined them on a couple of trips to University Diner for checkups and to examine the finer details Keiji added. The man read the blueprints and with each change Keiji made, Rapier incorporated it into the build. They actually worked well together, and Rapier offered him a job once Keiji graduated next year.

  “Shut. Up. Seriously? The house is amazing.”

  Heat filled his cheeks. Am I blushing? Demons don’t fucking blush. “Thanks. It’s all Bell and Hayden. They let their imaginations run wild, I transformed them into reality.”

  “Well, all the same. The house is incredible. Did you design the outside?”

  He shook his head. “Utah did. He built everything while Rapier and his crew built the house. The guy has an artistic eye. He’s cool people too. Have you met him?”

  “I have,” she said. “He’s not very talkative.”

  Keiji laughed. “He’s deaf.”

  “Doesn’t mean he can’t talk,” she replied.

  “He stays to himself mostly from what I’ve seen. Not my business, you know?” They walked across the lane separating the main campus from housing.

  “Totally.” She pointed to the house. “Looks like everyone’s still awake.” Several lights were on in the house.

  “Seems like it.” He held the gate for her as she stepped through, then followed behind her. “So…”

  “So?” She turned to face him at the base of the stairs. “Thanks for this. I guess it’s first night jitters. New school and all.” She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

  “No problem.” He ran the pad of his thumb along her jaw. “Have a good night, Natasha.” It took all of his willpower to not gather her up in his arms and kiss her. The whole time he walked beside her, her intoxicating scent swirled around him. It clawed at his senses, turning him inside out.

  She leaned into his touch. “You too.” Then, she did something he hadn’t been expecting. She licked the tip of his thumb.

  For a second, he stood there dumbfounded, wondering if she’d really done what he thought she had. In the next second, he gathered her into his arms and kissed her. It was all tongue and clashing teeth. He swallowed her moans as his heart hammered. Who the fuck is this girl? Keiji palmed her ass, pressing her body flush to his. He sank his other hand into her hair, tilting her head to the side a bit, allowing him to deepen the kiss. She tasted as good as she smelled, maybe better.

  The door opened, and a soft squeak broke them apart. Natasha panted for breath while touching her lips. Her cheeks were a pretty shade of dark-pink. His dick throbbed behind the confines of his jeans. His heart hammered as he tried to catch his breath. A petite red-head—Shelly—appeared. He remembered her from coming by a few times. Keiji raised his hand to wave.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt your …erm …thing.” Shelly stepped back inside the house, pushing the door to.

  Natasha laughed once they were alone again. “Wow. Okay. So, goodnight, Keiji.” She climbed the sta
irs to the porch.

  He chuckled too. “Goodnight, Natasha. You’re welcome. Catch you in class.”

  She nodded before opening the door. “Yep.”


  Keiji waited for her to enter the house before leaving. He’d never done that before—just kissed someone for no reason. He strode back across the campus to the station. Taichi would be on duty for the evening. He had to tell someone about what happened, and he might as well tell the one person he trusted the most. He and Taichi were bound by their demons. Where his was the bringer of destruction, Taichi’s could prevent it. In being opposites, bound together, it also led to some incredibly hot make out sessions and more. Over the last few years, their encounters had escalated to full on sex. Being with Taichi … He couldn’t adequately explain what he felt or experienced with the guy. Plus, he’d never cum so hard in his life. The whole situation had been more than he’d expected.

  He entered the station as his lover pushed away from the table. He stood and glanced out the window. His features lit up when he saw Keiji. After holding up a finger, he flipped a couple of the switches on the main board before exiting the booth. He closed the distance between them then cocked his head to the side. Leave it to Taichi. The guy could smell Natasha on him.

  “Her name is Natasha,” he said before his lover could ask any questions. “She’s not anything she says she is.”

  “Did you learn this from kissing her?” Taichi quirked a brow. There hadn’t even been a hint of jealousy in his voice, it’d been of a curiosity.

  Keiji stepped to him, knowing the truth of Taichi’s scent, he teased him. “You jealous?” He invaded Taichi’s personal space, dipping his chin to rub his nose across his lover’s. “You’ve never been jealous before.”

  Taichi whimpered. “I’m not.” He let out a tremulous breath.

  Keiji palmed Taichi’s nape. “No.” He tilted his head to stare into the man’s brown eyes rimmed with violet. Since walking away from Natasha, the bolt of adrenaline continued to wreak havoc on him. His heart pounded. His dick ached. “What is it?” He grabbed Taichi’s hip and rubbed against him.


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