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Radio Sass TSU After Dark: Sassy Ever After

Page 12

by Tl Reeve

  Oh no. Natasha groaned. “Oh man.”

  “She’s important, isn’t she? I’ve learned these things over the last few years.”

  Natasha sighed. Instead of finding Keiji or Taichi, she headed in the opposite direction, toward the Co-Ed house. If Barbara was there, something was up. “Jordan’s with her too, you said?”

  “Yeah. What do you want me to tell them?”

  “I’m on my way. They’re good people, just a little...loud. Barbara mostly.” She hit end on her phone then shoved it into her back pocket. Shit. Not today. I don’t have time for this.

  She quickened her pace. Left to their own devices, Barbara would try to hook the whole Co-Ed house up with dates, especially if they didn’t tell her they had mates, like Bell, Emma, and Hayden did.

  She felt like a salmon trying to swim upstream as she pushed through the crowded quad. Everyone was talking about the costume contest later that night. Some were pissy because they couldn’t attend, others were gushing about what they had planned. She, on the other hand, still had to go shopping. Natasha figured she had about nine hours to find a costume, get dressed and join the guys.

  Her phone beeped, announcing someone texted her. She sighed. Today just wasn’t her day. She slid her finger across the screen and grinned.

  Shopping and early dinner. My treat? ~K

  Of course, he added a bunch of emojis at the end that made her laugh. She answered him with a thumbs up then jogged across the street to house. From the porch she could hear the ruckus laughter and conversation going on inside. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hand on the door and opened it.

  “Well, there you are.” Barbara’s bright cheery voice, surprised Natasha. “I thought I was going to have to call the boys to come find you.”

  By boys, she meant her sons. “Hey Mrs. Wolfe, how are you?” Natasha dropped her bag by the door.

  “What have I told you about being so formal around me?” She pursed her lips and gave Natasha a haughty look. She hadn’t changed a bit. Her blue eyes sparkled with intent and amusement.

  “Habit,” Natasha murmured. “So, what brought you here today?”

  Jordan tilted her head. “Something’s changed with you.” She elbowed Barbara. “Don’t you see it.”

  The woman played with the short ends of her blonde bob. “I did, the minute she walked through the door. Do you think she’ll tell us what happened?”

  Hello! She was standing right there.

  “We said the same. It happened almost immediately,” Bell said. “I made tea and finger sandwiches.”

  “But they’re not made from real fingers,” Shelly added. “Unless, you know, you need that. In which case, I’m not sure I want to know how they’re made.”

  Barbara snorted.

  “You’re so weird, Shelly.” Natasha laughed.

  Shelly shrugged.

  “I was just commenting on the house,” Barbara said, drawing her attention back to older woman. “Hayden said a gentleman by the name of Keiji rendered the blue prints and Bell’s father and his brothers remodeled the place.”

  “Keiji is her boyfriend.” Shelly took a sip of her tea, her pinky finger fully extended. “So is Taichi. She doesn’t talk about it though, because there’s a vampire sniffing around too.” She looked up at Natasha. “He is a vampire, right?”

  Natasha groaned. “Yes. Maël is a vampire. Yes, we’re all involved.” Wasn’t the way she had planned on announcing it, but Shelly let that cat out of the bag.

  Shelly shivered. “I could tell. I could feel it in my blood. All the little platelets shrieked in terror.”

  So weird.

  “Ay dios mío,” Jordan murmured.

  “And, guess what?” Natasha plopped down on the couch between Hayden and Emma. “I’m a dhampir.”

  “Come again,” Barbara muttered, sitting forward in her chair.

  “Dhampir. I guess it’s a long story. Something I am hoping my brothers can enlighten me on, if I ever see them again.”

  Jordan pulled out her notepad. “This is getting juicy, can I use this for a book idea?”

  “I’m sorry, dear. I don’t think I understand.”

  Natasha sighed. “I don’t either. Gran and gramps never said a word about our mother and father. We, or well, I, don’t even remember how old I was when we came to live with them.”

  “You were three,” Barbara croaked. “Your brothers were eight. Jenny and Tom came to us a few days before your family moved to Blue Creek and said something happened. They were going to pick you and your brothers up. But that you three needed the shelter of an other community.”

  “Gran never told us much. I don’t blame her. I guess whatever happened was tragic. But, on the other hand, it’s hampered me. Look at me.” Natasha motioned to herself. “I found my bonded and the next thing I know, I’ve got amazing eye sight. I can be out in the day. I can eat still and, as a nice how do you do, I drink blood.”

  “Maybe we should learn how to make those real finger sandwiches,” Shelly mumbled while taking a bite of her food. “Or she needs a Snickers bar.”

  Jordan covered her laugh with a cough. “Is that when your eyes changed?”

  Natasha nodded. “Talk about freaking me out. If it wasn’t for Keiji, I’d have thought I was dying.” Over the past few days, the red flecks in her eyes had darkened to a shade lighter than blood. Being in Keiji’s apartment had also been a reprieve for her. Maël explained her light sensitivity wasn’t because she was becoming a vampire, but more so due to the fact that she’d been around them at night more than the day. Slowly, but surely, she’d become a creature of the night without even realizing it.

  Barbara sat there for a moment, her gaze locked on Natasha. She wanted to squirm in her seat but thought better of it. “Well, congratulations are in order. I am sure your grandparents will be so proud.”

  “I haven’t even told them yet. Gran didn’t want me leaving Blue Creek. She thought I could find someone there. Fall in love with a shifter. Go through the whole scenting ceremony.”

  “I would have paid good money to see that,” Jordan said with a laugh.

  “You’re such a perv,” Natasha replied. “I should call your mate and tell him what you said.” It was well known how Aric snagged Jordan. However, she wasn’t sure if Jordan tamed Aric or the other way around. The girl had a hard life, and like Natasha, came to a town not really knowing anyone except for the Wolfe family.

  “Call him, I don’t care.” Jordan winked at her.

  “You two ...” Barbara shook her head.

  Natasha cleared her throat. “Anyway, I’m not sure taking a stroll down memory lane is why you’re both here. I’m thinking it might have something to do with Gran?”

  Barbara nodded. “She’s been worried about you. I told her I’d come check on you, see if anything was out of place.”

  “As you can see, I am right as rain.”

  Barbara narrowed her eyes. “Almost. You’ll get there. Now, who here is single. You should all know, I have fantastic mingling skills.”

  “No,” Jordan said. “Don’t answer that question.”

  “I am,” Shelly answered. “I’m in love with a beautiful wolf, and he doesn’t even know it.”

  Natasha groaned. “This isn’t going to end well. I should be going.”

  Barbara cleared her throat. “Sit there. I drove all this way to see you. You can afford me another hour or so.” She gave Shelly her full attention. “Why do you say that?”

  “He too cool to be seen around me.”

  Bell shook her head. “He’s in love with her. They’re both ... weird. Henry isn’t going to say much to you unless you open up to him.”

  “And, who is this Henry to you, Bell?”

  “My adopted brother.” She placed her cloth napkin on the coffee table in front of her. “He’s very quiet. Both him and Tate are. We didn’t have what you would call a normal life. So, they’re more apt to stick together. But, if I know my brother as well as I do, he
likes Shelly very much.”

  “Come with me tonight,” Natasha blurted. “You can do the costume contest with us. We’ll have fun.”

  “Is that wise?” Hayden said. “There are reasons why our activities are separate.”

  “She’ll be surrounded by us and I’ll protect her,” Natasha answered. “Besides, what could go wrong.”

  “Those are famous last words,” Jordan stated.

  “I’ll do it,” Shelly said. “I’ll be in a costume. No one will know who I am.”

  Barbara tapped the side of her nose. “Oh honey, they’ll know.”

  Shelly blanched. “I showered this morning. I swear.”

  Natasha laughed. “You smell like sugar and happiness.”

  “With a hint of rainbows, if rainbows had a scent,” Barbara added.

  “Wow. Who knew.” Shelly shrugged. “I’m sure surrounded by demons we can cover up my unique B.O.”

  “We’ll figure it out later,” Natasha assured her. “Now, we should go shopping. We both need a costume.”

  Shelly hopped up. “I have an idea!” A small impish smile tugged at her mouth. “Make me a vampire.”

  Barbara choked.

  Jordan nodded. “Perfecto.”


  Natasha couldn’t believe she was doing this. Before she and Shelly went shopping, she shot off a text to Keiji, letting him know there was a change of plans. She didn’t know why she made the offer to bring Shelly with her, other than it felt right. The girl was so ... introverted, she never went anywhere from what Natasha saw and she didn’t talk much either. Add in the fact she looked like a throwback to a bygone era, and the girl needed some help. If anything, she hoped it forced Henry to step up to the plate.

  “Shelly,” Natasha said, drawing the girl’s attention. “Are you sure you want to be a vampire?”

  “Oh, very much so.” Shelly grinned. “Did you know vampires hunted us?”

  “See, that statement makes me feel a little squeamish.” Natasha frowned. She didn’t know much about unicorns only that they were the rarest of all, besides dragons.

  “Don’t let it bother you. I’ve been around this school for a while now and so far, so good. I can’t keep hiding, right?”

  No, she couldn’t. Nevertheless, coming out in a group of demons... Natasha made a horrible mistake. “Right.”

  “Hachidori,” Keiji said, wrapping his arm around her from behind. “We have a guest?”

  Shelly grinned. “Yep. I’m going to be a vampire.”

  Keiji stilled. “Okay.”

  “I’ll explain on the way, for now, we need to find costumes for everyone.” Natasha lead them to her car. Since she knew the costume contest was coming, she’d been exploring the area via the internet and found one gigantic costume emporium. If they couldn’t find what they needed there, they wouldn’t find it anywhere.

  Three hours later, Natasha had a costume. So, did Shelly, Keiji and Taichi. She called Maël to see what he wanted, but the prim vampire didn’t want to dress up. When he found out about Shelly joining them, he went into protector mode, instead of playful bonded mode. It didn’t surprise her, Maël had been raised to take care of those who needed it, and, in this situation, Shelly would need him.

  After stopping by the local drug store to buy Halloween makeup, they went back to Keiji’s apartment. Shelly stepped inside the space and wrapped her arms around her middle. Her eyes darted from left to right and the stink of her fear wrinkled Natasha’s nose. She glanced at the girl, who looked more like a wounded animal than anything.

  “You’re safe here,” Natasha said. “No one will hurt you.”

  “Maël won’t hurt you,” Keiji added, “Plus if this is how you’re going to be at the costume party, everyone will know.”

  “You’re right.” Shelly stood a little taller and pushed her shoulders back. “I can’t cower. You’re my friends. It’s only a smell. An emotional/biological reaction. I know better.” She took a deep breath and nodded. “Let’s do this.”

  “That’s the spirit,” Keiji said. “I’ll put out our dinner while you two get dressed. Then we’ll eat.”

  Natasha took Shelly’s hand. “We’ll use Taichi’s room.”

  Keiji grunted. “Good call. It’ll drive him insane knowing two females including a unicorn were in his space. It’ll get him primed for later.” He winked at Natasha.

  “Why would he be vexed by us being in his room?” Shelly quirked a brow.

  “I’ll explained after we’re dressed.” Natasha took Shelly’s hand. “You know, you’re really brave doing this. I mean, you could have told me no.”

  “I need to stand on my own sometimes and I can’t keep being scared.”

  Natasha grabbed the garment bags off the couch then led her down the hall to Taichi’s room. “Right. Let’s get you into this dress, then I’ll do your hair and makeup.” She closed the door behind them.

  “What made you choose the pink dress?” Shelly asked as she pulled off her shirt, exposing the small scars along her stomach and shoulders. If Natasha didn’t know any better, they looked like claw marks. “I don’t remember what happened. I woke up one day and there they were, and my family was dead.”

  Natasha could kick herself. Here she was pushing the girl into doing something dangerous. “Shelly, I—”

  “It’s not a big deal. Someone was bound to see them.”

  Natasha frowned. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Since being here, I have made new friends, and I’ve learned to blend in. I’m a regular chameleon.” Shelly slipped out of her jeans, exposing more scars. She crossed to where her bag hung on the back of the door, snatched it from the hook and opened it. She removed the dress she picked out and stared at it. “It’s a little daunting, isn’t it?”

  “What?” Natasha said, placing their makeup on the desk across from them.

  “Being someone else. You did it your whole life. You came here and found out who you really are. Me, I’ve always hid because I don’t remember what happened to me.” She stepped into the dress. It hugged Shelly’s curves perfectly and changed the nerdy girl into a princess. “Can you zip me?”

  “Of course.” Natasha pulled the zipper to the top and hooked the clasp together. “There we go. Have you thought about how you want your hair?”

  Shelly grinned. “Yes. My hair is frizzy curly so nothing I ever do to it fixes it, but if you think you can work your magic, maybe we can do it in ringlet curls?”

  Natasha stared at the girl for a second. She had everything she needed. “Let’s do it.”

  By the time she was finished, Shelly didn’t look like Shelly. The ringlet curls came out perfect and hung three-quarters of the way down Shelly’s back. Natasha thought about going heavy with the makeup, but it would make everyone suspicious. Instead, she went with a soft coat of white paint, blackened Shelly’s eyes and went for a ruby red lip. At the corner of her mouth, Natasha applied a dribble of fake blood.

  “So, what do you think?” Natasha nibbled her lip, hoping the unicorn liked her new vampire look.

  “Pictures. We need pictures. It’s amazing. I don’t even look like me.” Shelly giggled as she bounced in excitement.

  A knock came at the door. “Are you almost done?”

  “Yep, give us five more minutes.” Natasha picked up her mirror and applied her peach colored lipstick.

  “You know, I find your costume ironic,” Shelly said. “You’re a girl playing a boy who is playing a girl.”

  Natasha laughed. She was doing exactly that. The pink pinstriped dress fell to the floor in ruffled layers. The black wig she wore came to her waist. She parted it down the middle and gave herself two pigtails on either side of her head. She also had a pink and white ruffled umbrella to use as a walking stick. It’d been the first thing she saw when she stepped into the emporium. “I think it’s why I love this manga so much.”

  “I’ve never done anything this exciting before. I think I’m going to faint.” Shelly clasped
her hands in front of her.

  “Don’t do that, you don’t want to wrinkle your pretty dress do you?”

  Shelly ran her hands down the front of her dress. “No.”

  “Relax. You’re going to knock everyone’s socks off.”

  Natasha couldn’t believe they found something as exquisite as the piece Shelly wore. It must have taken hours. The hem and about two inches above it, had been tie-dyed black that faded into blue as it seeped into the bridal gown. The bodice and back were also dyed black, but close up it looked like a forest at night, with small crystals mimicking a starry sky. A black satin ribbon wrapped around her middle and, instead of tying it into a bow, Natasha made it a sash, to give it a more elegant look. This was not the same Shelly who walked into Keiji’s apartment a few hours ago. This was the new and improved Shelly.

  Natasha placed her finger under Shelly’s chin and lifted it. The girl stood a little taller. “Never let them see you’re frightened.”

  “Right.” The corner of Shelly’s mouth curved upward. “I’m ready.”

  Natasha opened the door to Taichi’s room and was greeted by all three guys. Keiji was dressed as Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist. He tugged at his glove showing the alchemy symbol. His soldier’s uniform fit him perfectly, and the blue of the uniform set off the purple in his hair. Beside him, Taichi wore a black tailored suit with a grey button-down shirt. At his hip a squirt gun made to look like a revolver used in Black Cat. His eyes glittered with intent and arousal. The horny demon seemed to always have his switch flipped since they bonded. Hell, all three of them looked like they were about to pounce on her.

  “You both look amazing,” she said then glanced at Maël. “And you’re handsome as ever.”

  “Thank you.” He glanced at Shelly who’d be a little too wide-eyed. “Tonight, I will be both of your bodyguards.”

  “Speaking of, where is Shelly? I don’t see her,” Taichi teased.

  “I’m right here.” She waved her hand and motioned to herself. “Well, what do you think?”

  The guys gazes softened as they smiled at her.


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