Radio Sass TSU After Dark: Sassy Ever After

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Radio Sass TSU After Dark: Sassy Ever After Page 13

by Tl Reeve

  “Perfect,” Keiji said. “The dress fits you beautifully.”

  “You’re going to get so much ass tonight,” Taichi added. “Henry is going to be a jealous wolf.”

  “He is stupid not mate you,” Maël stated. “I will keep you safe.”

  Even though she wore white makeup, Natasha could still see the pink tinging Shelly’s cheeks. “I bet you win the contest.” Natasha hooked her arm through Shelly’s. “Henry is going to be so jealous, you’ll have him eating out of your hand.”

  “That’s kind of gross. I mean, germs and all. Dogs ... wolves even, have a bad habit of licking their butts and balls.”

  “God, you’re so weird.” Natasha snorted.

  Natasha didn’t know what she was expecting when she walked into the area where Taichi and Keiji had performed the night before. A large dance floor had been setup along with a D.J. stand and speakers. As they entered the area, they kept Shelly between them. The magic surrounding the area rippled across Natasha’s skin and caused the bonding marks across her chest to warm. The feeling was interesting to say the least and for a second, she worried if Shelly would be able to get through. The barrier didn’t budge when Shelly tried to go through. She stared at Natasha for a second, fear-filled her features. She held her hand out to her friend and this time helped her through.

  That was close.

  Maël, Taichi and Keiji followed behind them, then joined them on the other side. At a desk hidden from view, Natasha and Shelly signed up for the costume contest. Keiji and Taichi decided to stay clear of it. She didn’t mind. Either way, it was going to be fun, she could feel it. Like at the other events, several different stands were setup around the area along with the face painting tables. Natasha took Shelly’s hand and guided her around the area.

  Since the first time her senses awoken, she could tell her friend everything she saw and who was there with them. Shelly surprised her. Before Natasha could wash away any fear by telling her friend about the shadow demons and spirits, Shelly pointed them out. It was as if the unicorn belonged there, something Natasha hadn’t been expecting.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “It’s amazing,” Shelly answered before taking a bite of her sugary treat. “Everyone at the school should be able to experience this.”

  Natasha agreed. “Should we go check out the competition?”

  “Yes, please.”

  They wandered through the crowds, hand in hand. The guys stayed a good distance back, giving Shelly the chance to explore everything. Though Natasha probably wore the same expression of wide-eyed wondered that was on Shelly’s face the first couple of nights, it was as if she saw this new world in a whole new light. Shelly only saw the darkness as death and destruction, but this ... Fuck, Natasha loved TSU for this right here.

  “Excuse me,” a tall, bleach-blond, blue-eyed boy said. His eyes were like Natasha’s, flecks of red colored his irises. “I couldn’t help but notice your dress.”

  “Oh, thank you it’s—”

  “Not yours,” he replied sheepishly then pointed to Shelly. “Yours.”

  Shelly giggled. “Thank you. You’re ... you’re, Spike?”

  He nodded. “Only if you’ll be my Drusilla.”

  “Because Buffy was always trying to stake Spike ...” Shelly mumbled to herself. “I like it.”

  He stepped closer to Shelly. “My name is Cyril. What’s yours?”

  “Shelly,” she replied.

  “Cute name for a cute ...” He inhaled. “I don’t know what you are, but you smell amazing.”

  “See, I told them I didn’t have bad B.O.”

  Cyril laughed. “We should hang out sometime after class, if you want.”

  Shelly lifted her chin a little. “I’d like that, Spike.” She winked.

  “You can always find me in Will— Hey, Keiji, Taichi and Maël what are you guys doing here.”

  All three of Natasha’s bond stepped behind her. “We’re here with them, but especially our bonded.” Keiji wrapped an arm around her chest, a total possessive move. “And, supporting Shelly.”

  “Well, I was just telling Shelly here that if she wants to hang out, I’m always in Williams Tower.”

  “I’d like that,” Shelly replied.

  “Awesome. Well, I’m helping with the costume contest, so I better be going. It was nice to meet you, again, Drusilla.”

  “Same to you too, Spike.” She waved as Cyril headed back into the crowd. “He didn’t know I was a unicorn!”


  As the night wore on, the throng of people thickened. Natasha’s palms were slick with sweat. The more people that gathered around them, the more she worried Shelly would be found out. Yet, no one messed with them and if Shelly had been worried, she never said a word either.

  A tap at the microphone drew their attention to the stage a few feet in front of them. Shelly and Natasha stared up at the girl dressed as zombie Barbie. In her hand were three cards. This was it. The moment Natasha and Shelly were waiting for. She took her friend’s hand and gave it a squeeze. Shelly returned the gesture. Her eyes sparkled with excitement. Her body hummed with energy.

  “Good evening everyone. My name is Dalilah, and I am going to announce the winners of the costume contest!” A cheer rang out through the crowd. “We have three categories. Each one will have two winners, male and female. So, let’s get started. Drum roll please!”

  A hush fell over the group gathered around the stage. Keiji, Maël and Taichi stood behind Natasha and Shelly shielding them from anyone who might get a little too close to their friend. She glanced over at Shelly, who waited impatiently for the announcement. A figure she recognized from the house appeared beside her, Henry.

  “How did you get in here?” Shelly whispered when she spotted him.

  “Long story. We’ll just say a witch owed me a favor. How did you get in here?” He snuggled up to her, draping his arm around her waist.

  “I walked in,” Shelly replied. “I’m glad you came.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Henry answered.

  “And the winners in the extravagant costume contest are: Shelly O’Rourke and Taichi Goto!”

  Natasha cheered as Shelly stood there, dumbfounded. She looked to Natasha then back to Henry then to Taichi. She covered her mouth with her hand. Surprise etched her face as she slowly made her way to the stage, Taichi holding her hand the whole way up. Spike aka Cyril appeared on the stage and presented both Taichi and Shelly a crown and a sash.

  Her friend stood there with tears tracking down through her makeup. Thankfully, it was thick enough to keep her identity hidden, but also made her a bit creepier looking. Keiji wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck as the other winners were announced.

  “You did good,” he whispered across the shell of her ear.

  “I did, didn’t I?” She rested her head against his shoulder and cut her gaze to Henry who looked ready to snatch Shelly off the stage and drag her home—especially after the way Cyril paid special attention to her. “I think it was one of the best decisions I’ve made today. But, who signed Taichi up?”

  Maël placed a kiss to her neck. “I did. I had a feeling she might win, so one of us needed to be with her.”

  Natasha sighed, and a pang of love filled her. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, princess.”


  “Need help?” Maël asked from the bedroom door.

  Natasha sat on the bed, struggling to pull her favorite black boots on. Today they didn’t seem to want to go.

  “Yes.” Natasha yanked on the zipper which finally gave, and she was able to zip her boot. “No,” she said before standing up.

  “Ready now?”

  “Yes.” Natasha nervously wiped her damp palms over her dark jeans. Tonight was it. The hunt. She remembered what she’d been told. No one would force anyone to comply. No one had to do it if they didn’t want to. However, if they did, the sex would be amazing and out of this world. She’d b
een trying to prepare for the event, but until she saw what she was getting herself into, she didn’t have a clue.

  She’d been coming up with all sorts of scenarios when it came to her bonded. They had done and been involved in things she never thought possible. Yeah, her imagination had become way more extensive since she bonded with her three guys. Whatever they had up their sleeves, she trusted them to protect her and give her a night she wouldn’t forget.

  Even if they were keeping it secret. Annoying much?

  Maël placed a protective hand on her lower back, guiding her out of the bedroom and down the hall to an empty living room.

  “Where are Keiji and Taichi?”

  “They went ahead and are waiting for us,” Maël said before opening the front door for her.

  “Last time that happened, I ended pinned up against the wall with your dick inside of me,” she teased.

  Maël chuckled. “True. I think both Keiji and Taichi would beat the shit out of me if I did that tonight.”

  Wrapping her hand in his, they made their way over to the roped off area where, for the last several days, the festival had taken place. It was a beautiful night. A cool breeze rustled the rapidly changing leaves. The moon was tucked behind big, fluffy clouds, providing minimal light. It gave the night an eerie feeling. Thankfully, with everything going on in her body, she could see perfectly.

  “Were you okay with last night?” She looked at him out of the corner of her eye to gauge his reaction. As usual, the vampire gave nothing away.

  Last night, Maël, whom she had always thought was completely heterosexual, allowed Taichi to blow him. Taichi being who and what he was, pushed the vampire and ended up playing with his asshole at the moment Maël came into the demons waiting mouth. She had been fucking Keiji, who had been kind enough to position her in reverse cowgirl, so she could see what they were doing. Maël then returned the favor. It was hot, it made her horny and she had ridden Keiji’s dick hard, until they were both panting from their orgasm.

  “Which part? You fucking Keiji, or Taichi giving me head?”

  “Definitely the second,” she said, hating the telltale warmth filling her cheeks.

  “Well, yeah, of course, I was. Otherwise I wouldn’t have let Taichi get his mouth near my junk.”

  She giggled. She had learned to enjoy all three guys’ directness. She never wondered what they were thinking, because they always told her.

  “Did you find it hot?” he hedged.

  “Yes, it made me really hot and wet. Keiji can confirm it.”

  Maël laughed. “I don’t need him to confirm shit, I could see how hard you came last night, but I wanted to be sure.”

  “It’s just—”

  “Just nothing. I know you’re still getting used to being dhampir and you tend to still think like a human. Paranormal beings don’t label themselves as hetero or gay. Our bonded or mates are just that.”

  “I got that. Honest. It’s just, before I came into the picture, I know there was nothing going on between the guys and you. I just want to make sure it’s for the right reasons.”

  “We didn’t have that connection because you weren’t in our life. Once you appeared, all the rules changed. I’m okay with what happened last night, and I might be comfortable with going farther, or I might not. All I know is, if we’re all enjoying it and no one is getting hurt, why do we have to label it? All three of us are in your life until the end of our days. Let’s just live, laugh and love.”

  His explanation was so simple and made perfect sense. She just didn’t want him to ever feel he was doing something because she got pleasure from it. “Okay.”

  “You gotta stop over thinking this shit, it’ll drive you nuts and make it so you can’t enjoy tonight’s festival or life.” Maël stopped and pointed to the grounds.

  Natasha blinked, taking it all in. Every single night the area had been decorated differently. Tonight, it gave off a hedonistic vibe. Small fire pits were strategically positioned to provide some warmth and light. Around the pits were massive amounts of pillows where some groups of people already rested, conversed or in the case of the couple to the right, made out.

  Red covered lights were suspended on an invisible wire, or by magic, she wasn’t sure. It gave the entire area a warm, relaxed feeling. Natasha felt all the stress she’d been holding onto since last night evaporate.

  “Nice, huh?”

  “Beautiful,” she whispered.

  “You’re beautiful,” Taichi said, coming out of the darkness.

  “Agreed,” Keiji added, joining them. “I got us a spot.”

  Natasha followed the Keiji and Taichi to the spot they’d picked out. Big, soft fluffy pillows were scattered about in the small circle. The brilliant shades of purple, red, orange and yellow shimmered in the light of the flames emanating from the small fire pit. “So, beside what you told me before, is there anything else I should know before we get started?”

  “It’s just best, we think, for you to experience it as it happens,” Keiji said. “Sometimes being too prepared can take away from the experience.”

  “Asshole,” she muttered under her breath.

  “We have a surprise for you,” Maël said from his position to her right. “Once they reveal themselves to you, they will participate in the activities.”

  She wasn’t very good with surprises. She wanted to know everything, then and there. Waiting … well, she hated it.

  “Relax,” Taichi stated. “All will be well.”

  Natasha rolled her eyes at her bonded, who simply laughed.

  “Here.” Keiji handed her a cup filled with a muted orange-colored liquid. She sniffed it. Keiji laughed. “It’s safe. It’s juice.”

  She took a tentative sip. A mix of strawberry, mango, and pear with a hint of orange juice had her taste buds jumping. She could literally drink whatever this was by the gallons.

  “It’s a secret recipe. Only the druids know it and they only make it once a year, during Beltran. Get your fill of it while you can,” Maël told her.

  “First the candy, now the juice. Is there anything those druids can’t make?” she asked.

  “Shhh. You don’t want them to hear you. It’ll give them a big head,” Maël said.

  “With how fabulous this drink is, I’m pretty sure they already know it,” Natasha replied, before tipping back the large red cup and downing the remaining contents.

  “Your surprise is here,” Keiji said.

  Natasha glanced over her cup. Wait a minute, was she really seeing who she thought she was? Stumbling to her feet, she dropped her cup and took off toward the small group heading their way.

  Erik, her older brother but the younger twin, caught her first, giving her a big hug, swinging her around in a circle before kissing the top of her forehead and passing her off to his fraternal twin, Sebastian, who was the older twin and more reserved. He gave her a small hug and placed a kiss to her forehead.

  “Surprise!” Taichi called from his pillow.

  “You two.” Natasha gestured between her older, protective brothers. “Have a lot of explaining to do.”

  “Sounds like someone is in trouble. Thankfully, this time, it isn’t me,” said the red-headed girl who stood between her brothers. Natasha had been so surprised she hadn’t even noticed the other woman, till she spoke.

  Sebastian cleared his throat. “I’m sure before the night is over, Greer, you’ll be up to no good. You simply can’t help yourself.”

  Greer gave a husky laugh, smacking her brother’s arm playfully. Sebastian, in turn, rubbed the offended appendage like the slight woman had hurt the big lug. Natasha could sense an intimacy between the woman and her sibling.

  “It’d help if you’d introduce everyone,” Erik chastised his twin before putting his arm around the woman between them.


  “Right.” Sebastian straightened to his full height. “Introductions first, ass-kicking to follow and then having some fun at the festival. Natasha
this is Greer.” He gestured to the female who was now cuddled up against Erik and then to the man who stood off to her older brother’s left-hand side. “Jacob. Our bonded.”

  “Our?” Natasha inquired.

  “Yes. I didn’t stutter, did I?”

  “Guess neither of her brothers can get pissed off when they find out Natasha is bonded to the three of us, huh?” Taichi joked.

  “Oh, shut up,” Natasha muttered under her breath watching her older brothers stiffen at the demon’s words.

  “Technically two,” Maël interjected. “She hasn’t bonded with me yet.”

  So not helping. “Wait ... don’t I know you?” Hadn’t she met a guy named Jacob the first day of school?

  The guy gave her a sheepish grin. “Yeah ... your brothers said you were coming, and I kind of wanted to scope you out.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Kind of been watching you too, to be sure you were safe. Turns out, I didn’t have to.”

  “Wait…what did you say?” Sebastian demanded, pulling them back to the subject at hand.

  “He said,” Natasha made sure to enunciate each word so she didn’t have to repeat herself with her stubborn brothers. “I’m bonded with the three of them.”

  Erik’s eyes bulged. Greer giggled. Jacob snorted, and Sebastian, her poor older brother looked as if his head was about to explode.

  Natasha held her hand up, preventing any outburst from her older sibling. “This conversation isn’t going to be about who or how many guys I’m bonded to. This conversation will be about the fact that you both have lied to me for years. I want to know why.”

  “How about we go sit down, stop drawing attention to ourselves and speak like adults?” Greer suggested.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Natasha agreed before making her way back to their spot and dropping her body down on one of the pillows she had just recently vacated.

  Erik, Sebastian, Greer, and Jacob followed, although she noticed Greer and Jacob along with her three guys sat on the other side of the fire, giving the siblings some privacy.

  “Believe it or not, we’re happy to see you, Natasha,” Erik said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.


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