Undercover With the Earl

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Undercover With the Earl Page 1

by Robyn DeHart

  To capture the most eligible bachelor in London…

  London, 1838

  The handsome Earl of Somersby may just be the most eligible bachelor in London, but has no interest in a wife. As a member of the Brotherhood, Bennett Haile is far more vested in his undercover duties for the crown and protecting the Queen from would-be assassins. For now he has the perfect tool with which to lure out the villains—a young woman with an uncanny likeness to the queen.

  The spirited Evelyn Marrington is about to live out every country girl’s dream—becoming royalty overnight. Under the tutelage of the arrogant Earl of Somersby, she’ll have to fool the entire court that she is, in fact, the queen. But as danger threatens from every side, Bennett realizes that his lovely little protegé isn’t just placing her life in his hands… She’s stealing his heart.

  Undercover with the Earl

  a Brotherhood of the Sword novel

  Robyn DeHart

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 by Robyn DeHart. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.

  Entangled Publishing, LLC

  2614 South Timberline Road

  Suite 109

  Fort Collins, CO 80525

  Visit our website at www.entangledpublishing.com.

  Scandalous is an imprint of Entangled Publishing, LLC.

  Edited by Alethea Spiridon Hopson

  Cover Design by Heidi Stryker & Liz Pelletier

  Cover Art by The Killion Group Inc.

  ISBN 978-1-63375-372-3

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  First Edition August 2015

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author

  Discover more from Robyn DeHart… Misadventures in Seduction

  For Her Spy Only

  No Ordinary Mistress

  A Little Bit Scandalous

  A Little Bit Sinful

  A Little Bit Wicked

  Don’t miss out on more Scandalous romance… Lady Scandal

  A Spy Unmasked

  The Highlander’s Choice

  Engaging the Earl

  To my brainstorming buds: Emily, Shane, Anne and Margo. Y’all are always available when I’m in a pinch and I so appreciate all the help and ideas!

  Thanks to Alethea and Kevan, you make the business part of this writing gig a pleasure and I love working with both of you.

  And to Paul, for everything.

  Chapter One

  Essex countryside, just outside of London, 1838

  It is a truth universally known that a girl entering her twenty-first year must be in want of a husband. But it was not a truth that Evelyn Marrington took to heart. She had no desire to marry now or any other time. Instead, she wanted to hole herself up in a sweet little cottage and write adventurous novels until her hair grayed and no one cared if she was a spinster.

  Due to her family’s financial straits and their middling social standing, Evie’s chances of doing just that seemed rather good. However, her two older sisters had recently made very advantageous matches, thrusting their entire family into a more elevated social sphere. Flush with that success, Evie’s mother was now determined to land an equally impressive husband for her middle daughter. Never mind that Evie’s own wishes were modest and veered away from marriage. Her family obviously saw things quite differently, a fact she could not ignore with her mother pointing to every eligible man in the vicinity.

  At the moment Evelyn longed to have a book in her hand. She could close her eyes and imagine the sound of the paper turning, the bold print of the words beckoning her into their adventure. Instead, she stood at the edge of the small ballroom doing her best to blend into the tapestry behind her while the rest of the guests of this house party danced merrily.

  “Evelyn, dear, if you continue to sink yourself into the background, how are any of the men to see you and ask you to dance?” her mother said, placing a forceful hand on Evie’s back, effectively shoving her forward.

  “I do not care for dancing,” Evelyn said, knowing full well that her protests would fall on deaf ears.

  “Nonsense, what girl doesn’t care to dance?”

  There wasn’t much that she and her mother agreed upon, except for the fact that they didn’t agree on much. They were as different as the morning from the night, and though Evelyn did her best to refuse, her mother still worked her hardest to squeeze her middle daughter into the pretty package that was a perfect debutante. One might think that already achieving success with her first two daughters would have been enough to appease the Marrington matriarch, but she was not so easily pacified.

  Evelyn sat precisely in the middle of the Marrington children. Portia and Jillian were her elder sisters and then came Catherine and Meghan. The two eldest Marrington girls were beautiful, lovely, poised, and had made a splash in Society. Portia was already married to the handsome and kind Viscount Handlebrook, and the Earl of Bellview had recently asked for Jillian’s hand. This left Evelyn uncomfortably in the center of attention as the next Marrington daughter to find herself a good match.

  If she had her sister’s temperament, grace, and beauty, no doubt she would make such a match. Unfortunately, she was too quick-witted for simpering flirtations, too practical for ethereal grace, and, worst of all, her hair was an unpleasantly violent shade of red. In short, she did not currently have her sisters’ options when it came to marriage.

  In fact, her most promising suitor was the Viscount Edgerly, a portly widower sixteen years her senior. Not that she particularly minded the kindly Lord Edgerly, because, after all, beggars could not be choosers. It was his eleven children she minded. Based on his frantic desperation to find a wife, she suspected he was no more eager to parent them than she was.

  While she was sure the Edgerly children were perfectly lovely, the fact that there were eleven of them meant marriage to the Viscount—no matter how advantageous in the eyes of her mother—was simply out of the question. She would have no time to write. Nay, she would have no time to breathe or eat or sleep. In short, she would do anything to escape that fate. Unfortunately, her other options were not much better.

  “Didn’t you dance with Sir Winters at the last Brighten soiree?” her mother asked. “I believe I see him across the room now.”

  Evelyn caught a glimpse of the man and winced. “And my toes are still bruised.”

  Portia smiled and linked her arm with Evelyn’s. “Mama, Evie is right. That poor man should not be allowed to dance, especially when he wears such heeled boots.”

  “He’s quite obviously trying to mask the fact that he is shorter than a man ought to be,” Jillian said.

  Not to mention at least thirty years her senior, but Evelyn refrained from adding that. She slid behind her sisters so she would not be so easily visible to the older gentleman. He’d already been standing up on his toes, searching in their direction. He’d made it quite clear to her during their last dance that he was taken with her and interested in courting her. She’d come home from that ball and told her father, in no un
certain terms, that she was not available if the man came to call. Fortunately for her, her father did not seem too eager to marry her off to a man closer to his age than Evelyn’s, and he’d artfully dismissed him when he’d paid a visit midweek.

  Their mother laughed, but caught herself and placed her fan in front of her mouth. “Be that as it may, Sir Winters has a decent annual income and I don’t believe our dear Evie can afford to be quite so selective when it comes to picking a suitor.”

  Because she wasn’t as pretty as her older sisters. Or as gregarious. Her mother would never come out and say those things, but Evelyn felt certain that was what was missing.

  “If you are smart, you will do what is necessary to trap that man into marriage this very weekend,” her mother said.

  “Honestly, Mother! I have no intentions of trapping any man into marriage,” Evelyn said.

  “Evie, you won’t have to. You shall find the right man for you, just as Portia and I have,” Jillian said.

  She was so kind. She wasn’t even trying to pander to Evelyn, she actually believed that, believed that Evelyn would be able to find a love match just as her perfect, beautiful sisters had. But Evelyn knew the truth of her reality, and she had done her part to prevent from being put on the marriage mart. She’d begged her parents to not make her come out and they had agreed, but only partly. They did not have a ball to introduce her, but they had seen to it that she was properly introduced, and she obliged them by attending parties with the family and dancing at least once per evening.

  It wasn’t that she couldn’t abide people, but rather couldn’t stand to have people look at her, compare her to her sisters, or even her mother, who after five children was still quite the beauty. Evelyn looked more like her father’s side of the family. She was short and because of that her body stubbornly held on to curves. So instead of her sisters who were delicate and graceful, she felt clumsy and stout.

  Her two younger sisters ran over to them, all giggles and grins, whispering excitedly to their mother.

  “What is it? Stop hissing in my ear. You know that drives me to distraction,” Mother said, swatting at the air by her ear.

  “Two new gentlemen have arrived,” Meghan said breathlessly.

  “They are drenched from the rain and stand dripping in the corridor,” Catherine said.

  Their mother clapped her hands once and leaned in. “Of course Evelyn shall have first choice among them.”

  It was more than enough for Evelyn to simply fade into the background and step away, but she knew her mother would find her. Two new gentlemen indeed.

  “It is only Ellis,” Jillian said from beside her, standing up on her toes. “Our dear cousin.”

  “Yes, but it does appear as if he has brought a friend,” Portia said. “A very large and handsome friend.”

  Evelyn glanced out into the corridor and saw the man in question. He was tall, impossibly broad, and rain dripped from his fair hair and into his face.

  “Isn’t he dashing?” Catherine said dreamily.

  “How could you possibly tell if he’s handsome?” Evelyn asked before she thought better of it. “He’s scowling.”

  Whispers scurried through the ballroom; the hushed words didn’t take long to reach their ears, as the room was smaller than those public balls in London.

  “‘Tis Bennett Haile, the Earl of Somersby,” the woman next to her mother said.

  “An earl,” her mother said eagerly. She looked over at Evelyn and smiled, that sort of secret, conspirator smile.

  Another woman nodded approvingly. “I’ve heard he’s some manner of a spy.”

  Two more women walked over to join the conversation. “All I’ve ever heard about him is that he jilted some poor girl, left her to marry a penniless viscount.”

  “Scandalous,” the other whispered.

  “Indeed, he’s quite the rogue,” the first woman stated.

  “Good heavens, but he is a large man,” her mother said.

  “What is he doing here?” Jillian asked.

  “It would seem that Ellis has brought him,” her mother said.

  “Whatever he’s doing here, he seems to be staring directly at you, Evie,” Portia said.

  Evelyn glanced again at the stranger and he did, indeed, seem to be looking pointedly at her. Beneath the weight of his stare, she felt every bit the dowdy mess her mother had accused her of being earlier that day. Ellis said something to the hulking earl and the man gave a nearly imperceptible nod.

  Her mother chortled delightfully. “Oh, it would seem that our dear cousin has finally answered my requests and brought Evelyn a suitor. And an earl, no less. Positively splendid.”

  Would that she could disappear into the floor, but Evelyn had never been that fortunate.


  Bennett Haile, Earl of Somersby, looked around at the ballroom. Granted, it had been ages since he’d attended a ball in London, but he didn’t recall them being quite so overrun with people. No matter what room he entered, he always towered over everyone around him, both in height and breadth. Here in this small ballroom in Essex, it was no different. Perhaps it was even more pronounced. It certainly didn’t help matters that he and Ellis had gotten stuck in a rainstorm and were soaked.

  The couples twirled gracefully on the ballroom floor; Beethoven’s waltz accompanied their dance. He loathed dancing, had never been particularly skilled at it. He exhibited nothing but speed and precision when in the boxing prize ring, but in a ballroom, it did not translate. His feet were too big, his hands like a couple of hams, and his instincts muddled when so many bodies swirled about him.

  Why was Potterfield meeting them here? Bennett had not quite so many questions when Ellis had requested he ride along with him to his cousins in Epping. But as they’d journeyed and he’d learned that Potterfield was to meet them, Bennett knew this was official Brotherhood business.

  Bennett had been recruited into Custos a Vesica, the Brotherhood of the Sword, when he’d graduated from Oxford at the tender age of eighteen. He’d eagerly accepted the invitation to become a member of the elite security agency dedicated to protecting the monarch of England, expecting a life of danger and adventure. Over the last ten years there had been a good deal of that, and he was grateful he’d had an excuse to avoid society and the machinations of marriage-minded maidens. He was no more inclined to follow the rules and dictates of marriage than he was to follow the orders from his superiors to the letter. But he believed in the mission and the discipline required to fulfill it.

  “Where is Potterfield?” Bennett asked Ellis. “Why the devil would he ask us to meet him here?”

  Then as if the mere mention of his name summoned him, the man appeared. Sir Percival Potterfield entered, and obviously had travelled by coach as his person remained dry. Unlike Bennett and Ellis who still dripped on the rug. He was an unassuming man, shorter than most and thin with a balding head and nondescript features. Perhaps that was what made him so effective in his leadership of the Brotherhood. People weren’t threatened by his humble appearance.

  “Excellent, you both made it,” Potterfield said as he came to stand beside them. He looked out into the ballroom and nodded. “Is that her?”

  “Yes,” Ellis said.

  “I dare say, Ellis, the resemblance is quite remarkable,” Potterfield said.

  “Would either of you care to let me in on your little secret?” Bennett asked, keeping his voice low. “I’m beginning to worry you’ve brought me here to rusticate in your uncle’s little village.

  “Not at all, Somersby,” Ellis retorted with a hint of a smile.

  “Then what?” He had a sinking feeling as he followed his companion’s gaze to the woman Potterfield had referred to. “Be so good as to tell me what the young lady has to do with anything.”

  Despite the fact that Ellis had pointed out the girl, Bennett had spotted her as soon as they’d entered the ballroom, as she stood out from the crowd. A wild poppy amidst a field of perfectly groomed rose
s. Her vibrant red hair, though tamed in a coiffure, fought against the constraints of the pins and several curls had sprung free, framing her fair face. There was no possible way for this woman to pose as Queen Victoria. Yes, there was some similarity in features, but while the Queen was a handsome woman, Miss Marrington was captivating. She was easily the comeliest of all the young ladies present, and Bennett could not fathom what Potterfield’s interest in her was.

  “Lady Fenwick!” Ellis said to the matron who approached them.

  “My dear Lord Ellis. You are positively drenched!” the woman said. She managed to keep her distance from the puddles they were creating, and silently summoned servants to take away their sopping greatcoats.

  “I apologize for intruding upon your good hospitality,” Ellis said. “We should have stopped—”

  “Nonsense! I have readied rooms for each of you,” the lady said. “I am certain they will not be as grand as you are accustomed to, but I can assure you they are clean and well tended.”

  “That is very good of you, my lady,” Potterfield said with a quick bow. “But a room for me won’t be necessary as I am heading back to London tonight.”

  “In this weather? Are you certain? ’Tis no problem at all,” the lady said.

  “Pressing business, my lady, but I appreciate the hospitality.”

  Bennett barely heard the exchange. His clothes were dry enough now that his greatcoat was gone, but the young miss who’d garnered Potterfield’s attention earlier held his gaze. She was so small and graceful, far too small for a colossus like him.

  Bennett tore his eyes away from the flame-haired vixen. This whole night was becoming increasingly more curious, as well as uncomfortable. He could not figure what in blazes they were doing there.

  He and the others followed a servant up the stairs and onto the third floor where they were shown to their bedchambers. All three men entered the room intended for Bennett and he surveyed the surroundings. Considering this was a smaller country estate to the one he was accustomed to, the accommodations were more than acceptable, from the large framed bed to the window seat. The rain still beat a rough staccato against the window.


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