A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10 Page 13

by Eve Newton

  “I miss him too,” she says quietly. My eyes snap to her sad face. “I looked after him. I made sure he was safe and comfortable.”

  Locked away in a dungeon.

  “I went to him every day, since I started working here,” she continues. “I wish I could have done more.”

  “You and me both,” I say to her just as quietly.

  In an abrupt change of mood, which she must have learned from CK, she says brightly, “Coffee?”

  “Err, yes, please. Black. Do you know where Cade is?” I ask her.

  “Yes, he and Mr. Abazia are training on the field,” she replies, handing me a big, delicious smelling mug.

  Mr. Abazia? Who the fuck? Oh, Nico. I think that is only the second time I have ever heard his surname.

  “Oh, thank you,” I say and pick up my papers to head towards the library.

  Who should be lurking around though, but the gorgeous Ramon. He is leaning casually against the wall outside the kitchen, hands in the pockets of his tight jeans.

  I appraise him as he smiles seductively at me and says in Italian, “Can I please you?”

  Hm, bold when his master isn’t knocking about. I return his smile but shake my head replying in Italian to him, “No thank you.”

  “You should feed,” he says, pushing away from the wall. “I am happy to oblige.”

  Oh, well, who the heck am I to argue with that?

  “Maybe just a quick bite,” I say, snapping my fangs down.

  He chuckles and pulls me to the big table in the Entrance Hall. He picks me up and sits me down. Gee, eager much?

  He stands close to me, putting his arms around me. I sink my fangs into his delicious neck and suckle slowly, driving him crazy in the process. I release the bite and swipe my tongue quickly over the wounds to help heal them and retract my fangs. “Thank you,” I say.

  “What, no kiss this time?” he says, bringing his mouth to mine and pushing his tongue into my mouth.

  Oh ho!

  I enjoy it for a few more seconds than I should but then push him away gently.

  “I am here to please you,” he whispers. “That is my only job.”

  “I am sure that Mr. D’Arcangelo has changed your job description since last year.”

  He chuckles again. “You should ask him.” He chucks me under the chin in an overly familiar gesture. “I will come and find you later. Mr. D’Arcangelo has been very specific that you feed regularly while you are here.”

  Humph, I’m sure. The man has the stamina of ten thousand men, and so wants me to be able to keep up, no doubt. I nod briskly and alight gracefully from the table. I head back towards the library. Again, I wonder where everyone is. It can’t just be us. This place is too well-kept to be handled by just Marguerite. I close my eyes and bring up the mental map and I see the rest of the staff dotted about. They are clearly here but obviously asked to stay out of the way. Curious. Anyway, I shrug and halfway to the library, I change my mind. This Lance thing being raised again is churning me up inside. Especially the whole fake life we had together in my dreams. I remember when he tried to take me to the tower room, calling it our bedroom and I shudder. I have a massive phobia, with good reason, of tower rooms. In fact, circular rooms in general freak me out. I am a big advocate of corners. However, a great leader shouldn’t have fears and I am going to conquer mine, right now. I set my mouth in a grim line and head straight for the nearest tower, which is the top left one. The place has four and I have never been in any of them. Not even before Lance, as they were always occupied, being the best guest rooms in the castle. Tucking my papers under my arm, I push open the heavy, studded wooden door and walk into the tower. A frisson of fear goes down my spine, but I square my shoulders and off I go, taking the stone steps one at a time, with both feet planted in case I change my mind and turn to run. Sometime later as there are quite a few steps, I reach the top and hesitate only for a second to push open the same style heavy wooden door to the turret bedroom. I hover on the threshold, staring into a room that is quite lovely. I note it has been modernized but some time ago. Clearly, it got left for some reason after the last renovation, which near as I can tell was only a few years ago.

  I step inside and close the door, leaning against it, breathing rapidly. I can bust my way out of this room in a second. Just keep remembering that, I tell myself over and over. I half expect the Lance impersonator to show up and taunt me, so I move quickly to the window seat to place down the mug and papers, so my hands are free. I relax a smidge as nothing turns up, so I take in the room a bit more. A feminine room, all whites and pastels, a bit of floral here and there. So not my style. Not CK’s either, but I assume that someone who stayed here decorated it this way, to my annoyance.

  But my jealousy doesn’t stop me from sitting on the padded window seat, as I am going to assume, rightly or wrongly, that I am invading Marguerite’s bedroom. It’s safer that way.

  I lean against the stone wall and stare out at the view. Absolutely stunning as always, positively hundreds of miles. I sigh in contentment but, still a bit wary, I pick up the pages and start to read. I, myself, am a proficient speed-reader but not up to CK’s standards. I read all ten pages thoroughly and I am dumbfounded. I reread it again and again. I could tell you every word from the first sitting, what with my photographic memory and all, but sometimes it is easier to glean more information to have it in front of you in print.

  “Pretty shocking, isn’t it?” Cade says from the doorway. “I have gathered this Tiamat woman is your mother. Please never introduce me to her. She sounds terrifying.”

  I snort. “Indeed. And it’s ‘Her’, with a capital.” He looks at me quizzically. I just shrug and add, “How did you find me here?”

  “Sixth sense,” he says mysteriously, to which I query with raised brows.

  “Well, sixth sense and an open door.” He points downwards.

  “Hm,” I say, still somewhat dazed by the info in my hands.

  “Want to talk it over?” he asks, indicating the pages and sits next to me on the window seat.

  “Christ. What is there to say? My mother is a badass and now this thing is gunning for me in revenge.”

  “Seems that way.”

  “Definitely that way. If it hasn’t bothered anyone else in the last three thousand years it seems to me it’s pretty pissed, but there are still questions this doesn’t answer.”

  “I know. There are definite blanks that need filling in. Perhaps going to see your mother about it could help you?” he ventures.

  I stare at him. “Maybe. She gets annoyed with me when I act like I don’t know what I am doing.” I shrug as he laughs at me.

  “Well, we can figure this out. Together,” he says. “Do you miss home?” he adds suddenly changing the subject.

  “Where is home?” I shrug. “England? Yes, I do. Sadly, there are too many memories.”

  “I would imagine that there are. I would like to hear more about your story…you know…when you have the time.”

  “You want to know about me? Bless you. I am more intrigued about you.”

  “You already know the highlights,” he says with a half-smile. “You, on the other hand, have centuries worth of stories.”

  “That I do. Maybe one day we can sit with a tub of ice cream, two spoons, and chat,” I say with a sassy wink and he laughs out loud.

  “I do like you, Mrs. O’Dell. You are surprising and funny. I am glad that we have this arrangement.”

  “I still want to know why you really chose my side over theirs.”

  “I told you before, I know when to pick a side. You truly don’t believe, or maybe you don’t want to believe, how powerful you are. Or, as your friend said, will be, once you accept it.”

  “Well, if I am to take on this thing,” I hold up the papers, “I had better get my shit sorted.”

  “I will help you,” he declares. “I would like to suggest that you take a regular time every day to train. Keep your senses honed.”

>   “I know how to fight, Cade,” I scoff at him.

  “No doubt, but it isn’t about the fight, it’s about the…”

  “Discipline,” I interrupt him, thinking of Jess.


  “So, you will take me on?” I ask him.

  “Err, maybe not. Although, I would also suggest a different sparring partner than a Vampire.”

  “Oh? Why is that?” I ask, genuinely bewildered.

  “You will know each other’s moves off the bat and more than likely be equal in tactics if not strength. Or at least any of yours that will be willing to take you on.”

  I ponder that. I guess he is right. “So, who then?”

  “Lincoln is very skilled in swordsmanship and I am pretty sure that Xane wouldn’t go down without a fight. A very, very, full–on-no-holds-barred-even-if-it-is-you fight.”

  “Yes, I see that you have been keenly observing.”

  “It’s my job,” he says with a smile.

  “Yes, it is. And one you are very good at. Did you sign that contract?” I ask, changing the subject abruptly.

  He laughs loudly and snorts derisively. “Did you read it? It’s quite insulting.”

  “No, I have to say that I didn’t. How so?”

  “Oh, the usual malarkey with your sire. He is a very jealous and overprotective man.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” I grump. “What specifically?”

  “He wants me to report to Nico any, and I quote,” he holds his finger up, “‘suspicious, secretive, sexual, abusive, threatening, harmful and/or self-destructive behavior’,”

  My mouth drops open in shock. But then I close it again in a grimace as I remember I shouldn’t have been expecting anything less. Self-destructive indeed. Jerk.

  “You won’t agree to that?”

  “No. I work for you. Plain and simple. I won’t be forced into an alliance without prior consent. And I don’t consent.”

  “Admirable, Mr. Sinclair. I definitely made the right decision,” I murmur, thoroughly impressed with his loyalty.

  “Glad you approve,” he mutters back to me. “Let’s just get this clear. I work for you. So, get the guard dogs to stand down, okay?”

  “Oh, have no doubt that I will. If you are happy to leave this as a verbal agreement, I have no qualms with that, otherwise I shall get another contract drawn up for you.”

  “Look, I think that I have proven myself to you. I don’t need it in writing and I certainly don’t need restrictions on me that may make me fail to do my job properly. I know what you want from me and you know what I will do to protect you.”

  “Agreed,” I say and shake his hand with a smile.

  I feel the familiar tingle go up the back of my neck and pull my hand out of Cade’s.

  “Aefre?” CK says from the doorway. He looks horrified and in total shock. “Liv. Get out of here.”

  “What?” I ask, perplexed by his attitude.

  “Liv! Get out. Liv! Go now!” he snarls at me.

  “Constantine,” I snarl back at him. “What is the problem?”

  “Cade, get your employer out of here right now,” he says quietly, deathly quiet, and now I am worried. Is he concerned because I am here in a tower room or here in this tower room?

  I don’t get much chance to ponder as Cade, sensing the threat, grabs my elbow and ushers me swiftly from the room, but not before I grab the papers on the research as I am not done with those yet.

  “What the fuck?” I pull my arm from him as he drags me down the stairs.

  “I have no idea, but I wasn’t sticking around for either of us to find out. Not then,” he says. “You can go and speak to him when he has lost his…” he waves his hand about, “… ancient Vampire menace.”

  What the hell was all that about? I think to myself as Cade lets go of me once we are back in the main hallway. He called me Liv. I don’t expect that from him now. Certainly, not to my face.

  “That was weird,” I voice out loud and Cade just nods.

  “All of you are just weird. Anyway, I need to go eat. I’m starving. You will be okay?”

  “Yes, fine. Go. I will catch up with you later,” I say absently.

  “Holler if you need me,” he calls back over his shoulder, hastily making his way towards the kitchens.

  I, on the other hand, look back towards the tower and wait for CK. I wait for about ten minutes and nothing. What the hell is his problem?

  Leaving him to his brooding over, whatever, I head back upstairs. Time to take a shower and head back to Toronto. I hate this time difference crap. It is so confusing. My phone starts to go berserk with notifications, and I stop on the second-floor corridor, pausing at the alcove just outside of CK’s bedroom door. Jess. Seems she is taking this job seriously, which is good news. I have reminders, emails, messages, and the such all popping up for my attention. I chuckle as she has added twice a day on my reminders: “Feed, The Vampire Way!” Trying to get on a certain ancient Vampire’s good side, no doubt. Well, I can happily tick off this morning’s and as I do so I sit in the alcove.

  I quickly send a message to my boys telling them I am fine and will be home shortly but decide to try something new with Lincoln. I reach out to him, having no idea if I can over such a long distance. I call him in my head, “Linc?”

  “Liv?” comes his reply. “Christ, woman, you scared the crap out of me! Ever heard of a phone?”

  “I wanted to do it this way.”

  “I am glad you did,” he says, and I sense his smile.

  “I will be home soon.”

  “Good. And its Thursday.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I don’t expect you to spend the whole day and night with me, under the circumstances,” he says in my head softly.

  “Oh, Linc. Have I told you how special you are?”

  “Once. Maybe twice. You can say it again if you like.” He chuckles.

  “You are so special to me.”

  “A guy could get used to hearing that. Erm, are you alone?” he inquires.

  “Yes, for now. Why?”

  “I am getting very turned on by having a discussion with you this way and I am thinking about all the things I can do to you later.”

  My heart skips a beat. “Oh, my. Now I am getting turned on, too.”

  “Are you wet?” he whispers.

  “Very,” I murmur.

  “I wish I could feel you,” he says in my head and sighs.

  “I can’t wait to feel your hands on me. I want my hands on you. I want to feel you rippling underneath me.”

  “Uh…” he mutters desperately.

  Enjoying this sexy Shifter-telepathy sex, I carry on knowing how much he loves me to talk to him. “I want to feel you tearing me open as you enter me. Oh, Linc, do you know how much I love the way that makes me feel?”

  He whimpers, actually Wolf whimpers, at me in my head and I grin wickedly to myself and continue, “Do you know how much I love it when you push yourself deep inside me?” I am getting highly aroused by this and decide to try something new again. I slip my fingers down inside my robe and rub them over my clit.

  I moan in delight in my head and he says, “Are you touching yourself?”

  “Yes, baby. I am imagining that it is you bringing me this pleasure.”

  “Oh, fuck, Liv,” he moans. “We should stop this.”

  “Oh no, baby. Don’t stop,” I say, rubbing small circles over myself.

  He groans. “I need you.”

  “Take your hand, imagine it is mine bringing you pleasure,” I murmur.

  “Oh, fuck,” he whispers. “Oh, fuck.”

  “I’m going to come baby. I can’t help myself. You turn me on so much.”

  “Oh, baby,” he breathes, “I want to feel you.”

  I come then and I try desperately not to make a sound out loud as CK would be pissed if he knew what I was doing on his time, but in my head, I am moaning with pleasure. “Oh, yes, baby.”

; “Oh, fuck,” he says again. He grunts softly as he comes too. “Oh, Liv. The things you do to me. I love you.”

  “I want to…” I hesitate, thinking of what CK said about not biting during sex.

  He chuckles. “You can say it seeing as I already know what you are thinking.”

  I pull my face. “All right, smart arse. Can I bite you next time?”

  “Yes,” he says instantly. “I have wanted you to since the first time.”

  “Oh. Why didn’t you ask?”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I wasn’t sure of your perspective on it. But I want you, in every way.”

  “I want you to take me in every way. I tried to clue you in, in New York, when I bit you,” he reprimands.

  “Oh, Linc, you know how I am. I need things spelled out for me.”

  “Yes, you can be a bit of a ditz,” he snorts.

  “Hey!” I snap at him and I feel the frown on my face.

  “I’m only kidding. You are the smartest, most beautiful, sexiest woman on the planet,” he appeases me smugly.

  “Humph,” I say, but good-naturedly.

  “I am getting turned on again by that thought. You probably should go now.”

  “Okay, baby. I will come and find you as soon as I can. I love you, Lincoln,” I say and shut down communications abruptly.

  “Want to tell me what that was about?” I ask out loud as I sense CK’s presence.

  “You shouldn’t have gone up there,” he says, coming to sit on the opposite side of the alcove, his toes touching mine in a familiar gesture.

  “A great leader has no fears,” I state to him, still looking out of the window. “I wanted to conquer mine, and what better place to do it than my own home?”

  His eyes snap to mine at my words “my own home” and he says, “Oh, my love. Is that what you were doing?”

  I look at him then. “Yes. It is the only reason I went up there.”

  “But why that one?”

  “It was the closest one to where I was standing when I made the decision,” I say, shaking my head. “What is the problem?”

  He looks at me warily and then closes his features down completely as I glare at him.

  Liv. He called me Liv in there and went all desperate on me. The thought is forming in my head and I shake it to get rid of it. No. No. It can’t be. Can it?


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