A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10 Page 37

by Eve Newton

  Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer (which by the way almost made me choke) join us and we get a glass of wine each and then just stand there.

  “So? What now?” I ask and Cole looks at me in question.

  “Never been to one of these parties, have you?”

  “Well, yes,” I say. “But you arranged this, I don’t know what your plans are.”

  “Hm, I think my plan starts upstairs. We’ll be seeing you two later,” he says to Devon and Jess and they wave us off as Cole pulls me towards the staircase.

  “Eager, aren’t you?” I murmur.

  “Definitely,” he mutters back as he pushes a door open and pulls me inside.

  “Oh, yes, this is our room,” he says to me quietly, as he eyes up the girl blindfolded and tied up spread-eagled on the bed.

  Gee that looks familiar, I think wryly.

  He closes the door and I feel a thrill go through me, which passes to him as I place my hand on his back. I look up at him and he looks slightly uncertain now that he is here, and I take pity on him and move forward, taking my dress and mask off as I go. That lights a fire under him, which I knew it would, and he too moves further into the dark room, lit only by several candles scattered about.

  I kick my shoes off and climb onto the bed with a seductive look back at him. “Where do you want me?” I breathe at him and he pulls his mask off and moves quickly to my side.

  He turns me around to face the girl. “Here,” he says quietly. “I want to watch you please her.”

  Well, fair enough. I haven’t been with a woman for a long time, but it is not like I have never done it before, I just prefer the company of men, obviously. But if this is what he wants then I will oblige. I crawl over her and whisper to her what I am going to do before I kiss her softly and I hear Cole’s sharp intake of breath and feel him lie down on the bed to watch us. I smile against her lips as I move my hand down lightly over her breasts, tweaking her nipples before I move slowly down and take one in my mouth, squeezing her heavy breast as I tug gently. She gasps and Cole rumbles softly. I am reveling in this, pleasing them both in very different ways. Spurred on, I trail soft little butterfly kisses down her stomach as I lower my hand and circle her clit as she writhes against the tethers holding her in place. I sense Cole hovering and look up at him, he is desperate to touch and I smile my permission and he lowers his hand to her and caresses her gently as I continue to make my way slowly down her body until my mouth reaches her, wet and wanting. Cole hesitantly dips his head to her breasts and sucks on her nipple. I lick her. She is squirming in pure pleasure as we both attend to her. I can sense him watching me now as I pulse my fingers in and out of her. He sits up, shedding his shirt in the process. He moves behind me and thrusts his fingers into me as I am doing to her and it doesn’t take me long to come, moaning against her, causing her to spasm around my fingers and thud against my mouth.

  “Oh, baby,” Cole whispers. “I want you.”

  “Not yet,” I whisper back. “This is your fun time. Play with her,” I say as I turn around and undo his pants. “Or do you want her to play with you?”

  He nods at the latter and I quickly untie her wrists and ankles and position her where she needs to be as she is still blindfolded. Cole lies down in the middle of the bed and I push her head down to him. She takes him hungrily in her mouth as I shuffle up the bed and kiss him. Matching my rhythm to hers, it drives him crazy as I slide my hand down his perfect chest and rock-hard abs. I climb onto him facing the girl as she continues to lick him and he traces his hands down my back, causing V.A. to flutter rapidly which makes me shiver in delight. I lean forward and whisper to her what I want her to do and she nods and speeds up her actions on him as he cries out, “Wait.”

  I shush him as I shuffle back up his chest and rise to my knees. “Oh, Christ,” he says quietly as he plunges his tongue into me and just before he comes in quick spurts, she pulls back and I drop my mouth to him taking it all in as he orgasms intensely, all the while fucking me with his tongue, causing my own orgasm to be of epic proportions as I pull back from him, then the girl kisses me, tasting him in my mouth.

  I push her back and turn to Cole, whose eyes look almost black in this light. “Do you want to feed?” I ask him and he nods. I pull the girl towards him and he rises to his knees facing her. I push her hair away from her neck and sniff her delicately, AB Neg, mmm. I lick her and my own fangs drop, but I don’t touch her. She is for Cole and I whisper to him, “How much do you want her?”

  He doesn’t answer me, but his own fangs drop, as his breathing speeds up.

  I whisper to the girl, eyes firmly on Cole, “I don’t think you have pleased him very well. I can see he wants to drink from you, he wants to take it all, he wants to kill you.”

  Her heartbeat jumps erratically at my words and at my sweetly menacing tone. Cole’s eyes go wide in a mixture of disbelief and lustful hunger. The fear is rolling off her as she struggles uselessly in my tight grip and we both breathe in deeply. Fear is intoxicating.

  I hadn’t planned on doing this, it was something that just came to me in the heat of the moment. Cole has never experienced the sweetness that fear brings, and I know deep down I am being irresponsible and possibly setting off a reaction in him that could be destructive and damaging, but I can see how much he wants to drain her.

  Don’t get me wrong. I have no intention of letting him kill her, but in order to have the fear she needs to think that he will. I am also pretty sure that Cole knows I won’t let him.

  She is sweating with the effort of her useless struggles and I lick her again, pushing her roughly towards Cole, who spins her around and with a tight fist in her hair sinks his fangs into her. He growls as he can taste the spike in her blood and slaps his hand over her mouth as she tries to scream. I have maybe ten seconds to get him off her before she becomes useless to us. That won’t do, so I lunge forward and pull his hand away from her mouth and kiss her to quiet her down as I push my other hand towards where his fangs are deep inside her. It will hurt for all of a few seconds, but I push him away with a firm hand on his forehead, ripping his fangs from her neck. With a howl of frustration, he tries to get back to her, but I now have him by the throat as I slowly lick her wounds to soothe them and heal them and let her slump to the bed to regain her composure as I pull him in for a kiss to distract him.

  It works briefly then he pulls back with a scowl. “No fair,” he says, and I smile sweetly at him.

  “You should know I wasn’t going to let you kill her,” I murmur. “I just wanted you to enjoy her panic.”

  “Hm, I know. You are too good,” he says before he kisses me again.

  “Now, what do you want to do with her?” I ask conversationally. “Do you want to fuck her?”

  “No. I want to fuck you, while she watches,” he says wickedly.

  Well, I have no qualms with that plan, so I grab my mask off the floor and hand him his.

  “No, first, I want to watch her give you pleasure.”

  I nod and position the girl where I want her. She smiles gratefully at me for having “saved her life” and I pat her hands in reassurance that she will be fine.

  I lie back and she is quite thorough in her attentions to me, clearly wanting to keep me happy with her now, her protector. It is the oldest trick in the book. One I have used many a time in my life to get people to think they are indebted to me. It is cruel and beneath me now, but that teeny, tiny part of me that I squash deep down every day enjoys it still and I relax completely as she licks me and Cole kisses me, my lips, my neck, my breasts, inching his hand closer to my clit where he plays with me, while she gives me a good seeing to with her fingers and tongue. I am all for this but the idea of this was fun for Cole, so I sit up suddenly and guide her hand back to him. He closes his eyes as she hesitantly touches him, afraid of him now. I know he is loving the feeling of power and that is what I wanted to give him (my own selfish reasons aside, of course). He said he didn’t want to fuck her, but I don’t h
ave a problem with it, so I push her head to him to take him in her mouth again. “Take her,” I whisper close to his ear as he gasps.

  He shakes his head.

  “Take her,” I say again more insistently. “You will be in complete control of her.”

  I see the flash in his eyes, and I know he wants it, but still he refuses.

  “She already has you in her mouth,” I say. “Just turn her around.” I grab her by her hair and pull her away from him, turning her around. He grabs her hips, eyes never leaving mine and with a look of triumph that turns to anguish almost instantly, he slides into her. I part my lips and pull his head down to kiss him as he pushes himself further into her.

  “No,” he murmurs. “This doesn’t feel right.”

  “It’s okay, baby,” I tell him as I stand up behind him and bend down, dropping my fangs. I sink them slowly into him and he groans. He pulls her back onto him as he stays still while I feed and as soon as I release him, he pounds into her unable to stop and with a cry of frustration, anger, and regret–but most of all revenge–he comes inside her before she has even had a chance to get warmed up.

  He shoves her away in disgust and turns to me still standing behind him and pulls my legs out from under me so I fall down to the bed and before I can say anything, he is inside me, fucking me hard and fast as he kisses me desperately, hands all over me as he mutters, “I love you” over and over. We come together quickly, crying out into each other’s mouths as I wrap my legs around him to force him deeper into me.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I’m sorry.”

  “No,” I say taking his face in my hands. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You wanted her and you took her.”

  “But she doesn’t mean anything to me,” he drops his forehead to mine. “I have no bonds with her.” And I see he is trying to make a distinction between what I do and what he did.

  “Baby, I wanted you to take her. I wanted you to see that it is okay. New male Vampires need this kind of release. I was here and you didn’t do anything wrong.” I kiss him and then add with a slight smile, “I know you feel vindicated somehow.”

  He looks up at me startled, but as he can see I don’t mean harm, he smiles as well, “Well, maybe just a little.”

  The girl clears her throat and we remember her then, having forgotten while we had our private conversation.

  The door opens and in comes Devon and Jess. “Told you it was this one,” he says to her as Cole flicks the covers over us. Me and him, that is, leaving the poor girl to her own devices.

  “Do you mind?” Cole snaps. “Boundaries, remember?”

  Devon closes the door and leans against it and shrugs, “Fairly sure you aren’t up to anything I haven’t already seen. Or done.”

  Cole rolls his eyes at Devon and then gives a pointed look at Jess, who is giving Cole a look of such lust, it fires up my green-eyed monster. “How did you find us?” Cole asks, sensing my annoyance and grabbing my hand.

  “She’s my sire, I can sense her. Although, it took a moment. The sexual energy in this place is killer. Tends to block most other things out.”

  “What are you doing in here?” I ask.

  “Oh, yeah, time to go. This isn’t exactly a legal set-up. Cops are on their way.”

  “Oh, fuck,” I scramble off the bed and pull my dress over my head. I throw Cole his clothes and he gets dressed quickly despite Jess staring at him as he does so. Her eyes widen as I kiss the girl, letting it linger for a few moments longer than necessary and I tilt my head to Cole, who does the same as Devon’s eyes go wider. He looks at me in question and I shrug. It’s not for me to say anything about what went on in here. The girl flinches as his lips touch hers and he grabs her by the throat to hold her in place. She is still afraid of him and I know he is loving it. He pulls back with a wicked smile and I grab his hand and run down the stairs. If we got caught in here it would be bad. I think briefly of Astralling us out, but I have never taken three passengers before and it is always best to go back the way we came. If we run out of time, then I will fall on Plan B.

  Moments later, we all tumble into the limo and Grayson has us on the road before we have even shut the door. Panting with the excitement and thrill of nearly being caught, Jess is clinging to Devon and I am intrigued about what they got up to. She has clearly fed on fresh human blood as her eyes are sparkling, but I refrain from asking as it isn’t my business. She catches my eye and smiles at me and lets go of Devon to climb onto the seat next to me, eager to share her experience. I go with it as I can sense that Cole is eager to share his own experience with Devon. It warms my heart that they have such a friendship. Jess whispers to me and we end up giggling like two teenage girls (well, I suppose we are two teenage girls) as she tells me what she and Devon did. I don’t share mine and Cole’s story with her as it is too personal, and she doesn’t ask.

  Chapter 11

  Cole leaves for work at the crack of dawn on Friday morning in high spirits after our adventure yesterday. “I love you,” he whispers to me as he kisses me goodbye and I snuggle further under the duvet. “Thank you.”

  “I love you. What for?” I ask.

  “For being the best wife ever,” he chuckles, and I snort in amusement. “No really,” he says. “Last night, you gave me something I was craving. Power.”

  “Don’t let it go to your head,” I mock frown at him, and he grins.

  “I’ll try not to, but I need now more than ever to go out,” he says seriously.

  And this is what I was afraid of. My hasty decision to give him what he wanted ended up being exactly what I didn’t want for him. I sigh and mutter, “Speak to Devon about it later.”

  He nods. “I’ll call you later.”

  “I’ll be in The Underworld. No cell reception.”

  “Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.” He doesn’t look best pleased but smiles at me anyway. “I guess then I will just see you tonight.”

  “I still need to fill everyone in on what other me said. I guess it’s another Friday night meeting. Seems to be a regular thing now. Oh, by the way, we need to leave here on Sunday night,” I say, suddenly remembering the full moon on Monday night.

  “Okay, I’m not needed until Tuesday though.”

  “I know, but I promised I would run with Lincoln on the next full moon and that would be Monday night.”

  “Oh. You are going to Shift into a Wolf?” he asks, surprised. “Have you ever done that before?”

  “Once. I must embrace it, especially as we have a Pack now. Sort of.”

  “Sort of? I thought it was a done deal?”

  “It is, but they are all in L.A. and I am still a bit nervous about this whole fighting over it thing.”

  “You said that Lincoln said it won’t be a problem because of your Queen status.” He frowns at me and says, “You think it might be?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. I hope not.”

  “I’m sure it won’t be, but I am equally sure you can kick all of their asses if you do have to fight them.”

  “Thank you, baby,” I say.

  “I have to go now. Take care later. I worry about those Demons. They seem far too invested in you. I fear they will kidnap you and adopt you by force,” he says it with a smile, but I know he is concerned. I was only half joking when I told him about Xerxes and Xanthe’s reaction to Xerxei, but he clearly is worried about it.

  “I will be fine. Now kiss me and go so I can go back to sleep for an hour.”

  He kisses me on my forehead and says as he leaves, “Do not ignore Ramon when he comes up at 6:30. I will be pissed if I find out you didn’t feed and get Constantine to kick your ass.”

  I chuckle at him and as he closes the door. I drift back off and get startled out of my slumber by my sire leaning down over me to kiss me.

  “Morning,” he says with a smile.

  “Hi.” I look at the clock. It’s 6:00 AM. “You are too early.”

  “I’m not here with Ramon. He will join us prom
ptly at half past. I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Shoot,” I say as I curl up on my side and put my hand on his leg. He takes my hand and frowns at me.

  “Aefre. Is there anything you need to tell me? Something I should know?”

  “About what?” I ask with a yawn.

  “You,” he says.

  “Not that I can think of. Why?” I ask, suspicious now.

  He studies me for a few moments but then shrugs and says, “I have missed you. I have missed being with you and talking with you.”

  “Well, you haven’t missed much,” I say, scooting over and patting the bed for him to lie down next to me.

  “I have missed so much,” he says, going all melancholy on me as he lies down. “I am so sorry for being such a stubborn fool. We lost out on six months’ worth of being together because I was an idiot.”

  “It was hard,” I say softly. “Promise me that you won’t ever be like that with me again. I couldn’t bear it.”

  “I can, with absolute certainty, promise you that,” he says and pulls me to him, and we lie in silence for a few minutes. “Have you thought any more about trying to find out who your father is?” he asks casually as he strokes my back. I go still and I remember the dream I had before The Thirteen showed up. He keeps insisting it is a vision of things, but I know that CK wouldn’t hurt me by getting Sebastian to spell me and I know that Sebastian wouldn’t betray me, even to our sire. Or do I? Yes, I do know. The Thirteen is playing with me, causing me to doubt those I love, and I won’t do it. I won’t play into its hands. Sebastian didn’t rat me out, it was just a dream.

  “Not really, no,” I say carefully, playing with his tie.

  “Oh,” he says flatly. “I think perhaps you should leave it alone.”

  Curious. Does he know something? I shrug. “I have bigger issues to deal with anyway.”

  “Indeed,” he mutters. “Sebastian and I worked out what we are going to do next week.”

  I look up at him. “What did you decide?”

  He sighs. “He will follow us to Ponte on Tuesday morning and have you for two hours. Then he will leave.”


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