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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

Page 40

by Eve Newton

  I hear Cole’s muffled rasp at that. It would be the first time he has ever heard Lincoln say that directly to me. I feel his hands go to my back, to stroke my Dragon, causing her to ripple in delight.

  “I love you,” I whisper. Cole’s hands still on my back for a moment, but then he fists one into my hair tightly, turning my head so that he can kiss me.

  Lincoln shoves himself inside me. I muffle my gasp in Cole’s mouth and his hand tightens in my hair.

  “Fuck, Linc,” I moan as Cole releases me and I start to move my hips, creaming Lincoln’s cock with my utter desire for them both. If I thought a three-way with Devon was hot, this is coming a very close second. I imagine briefly of all four of us in a hot, sexy tangle and I come suddenly, my eyes closed in ecstasy. “You make me feel so good,” I murmur to Lincoln, knowing he needs to hear it.

  Cole is quiet next to me. I open my eyes to smile at him and he gives me a questioning look.

  “I like her to talk to me,” Lincoln growls at him, as he grabs my hips, forcing me to ride him harder. “Get over it.”

  “Carry on,” Cole says, coming up behind me now and grabbing hold of my tits, peaking the nipples roughly making it impossible for Lincoln to resist sucking one into his mouth.

  “Oh yes,” I cry out. “Your mouth is so hot. I want to feel you sucking my clit until I thud against your tongue, filling your mouth with my juices.”

  He whimpers with need, lifting me off him to do precisely that.

  “Oh, fuck, Linc,” I moan, as I run my hands into his hair, as he sucks on me hard. I come again, gasping in delight at his efforts. “I love the way you make me feel.”

  Cole is staring at me in amusement. So, maybe I’m overdoing it a little bit for my husband’s benefit. He doesn’t seem to be complaining though and neither is Lincoln.

  “Jesus, Liv,” Lincoln mutters as he comes up for air, falling on me as he kisses me. “You are so perfect. I just want to be inside you forever.” He impales me hard, grabbing my hips to stop me from jerking backwards.

  “Get in line,” Cole grumbles as he laces his fingers through mine.

  I giggle at his good-natured barb, letting Lincoln come violently inside me before I wiggle out from underneath him and take Cole in my mouth. I know Lincoln needs a minute, so I’ll give it to him. I suck Cole from base to tip, using my tongue to circle him enticingly.

  “Fuck, Liv,” he groans, looking down at me. “You look so fucking sexy with my cock in your mouth.”

  I narrow my eyes at him as he teases me, and suck him even harder, cupping his balls in my hand and squeezing gently.

  Lincoln is parting my legs slightly so that he can pulse his fingers in and out of my pussy. His thumb pushes down on my clit and I shiver.

  My moan makes Cole gasp and he comes in my mouth, grabbing my wrist so that he can clamp down and feed from me as he does so.

  Lincoln grabs my other arm and bites down, much to Cole’s surprise.

  He pulls back. “You drink her blood?” he asks.

  “Nuh-uh,” Lincoln mumbles, but then releases me to say quickly, “She likes me biting her,” before he goes back to doing it.

  Cole gives me a knowing look. He thinks it’s because I am trying to recreate Vamp sex with my Wolf lover. Maybe he’s right. Who cares? Lincoln’s bite is sharp, and it hurts because he isn’t a Vampire. He doesn’t have the ability to make me feel pleasure from his bite because Wolves don’t need to bite to survive. But it is the right kind of pain. I revel in it as he chomps down harder. They both let go of me, shortly thereafter and I take full advantage. I turn around so that Cole can fuck me from behind as I take Lincoln in my mouth.

  We all come at the same time, enjoying the intimacy of the moment, that is over all too soon.

  I turn to Cole and drop my fangs. He drags me onto his lap, and I bite down hard. He doesn’t have the will power to resist me and I once again find myself skewered onto his cock as I ride him into oblivion.

  Lincoln is watching us with narrowed eyes, enjoying seeing my pleasure.

  As Cole and I come together, I pull back from my bite and collapse next to Lincoln, taking his hand as Cole flops down on my other side.

  “I love you,” I say to Cole.

  He kisses me and says it back.

  Then I am out for the count.

  Chapter 13

  I awake a bit disorientated. I am in Cole’s arms, but my hand is still entwined with Lincoln’s, who has turned over to face me. This is so strange. I quietly untangle myself and, thirsty beyond belief, creep out of the bedroom, closing the door quietly. I go to the bar and jump a mile when Sebastian steps out of the shadows. “About time,” he says. “I’ve been here for ages.”

  “What?” I say to him.

  “Waiting for you to wake.”

  “How did you know I would?” I ask, confused.

  “I willed it,” he says, standing on the other side of the bar, clearly waiting for me to also make him a drink.

  “You willed it?” I ask, my voice going a bit higher.

  He nods and takes the drink I hand him and sniffs it. “Really?” he says, “A bloody Bloody Mary?”

  “What? It tastes delicious.”

  He shrugs and takes a sip.

  “So, what other Fae powers are you hiding?” I ask him casually, going to sit on the sofa, really not caring that I am naked. Although I should be as his eyes fire up, raking over me in a heated gaze that makes me tingle all over.

  “Oh, wouldn’t you like to know,” he says.

  “Yes, that’s why I am asking,” I say, exasperated.

  He chuckles at me. “Need to know. You don’t need to know.”

  “You are a very frustrating Fae-pire,” I say to him and he salutes me with his beverage.

  “So are you, little one. Interesting set-up.” He points to the bedroom.

  “It’s a one-time thing, I think,” I say with a frown. “And nothing to do with you.”

  “I am starting to think that everything to do with you is to do with me,” he states with his own frown.

  “So, you think that we are then? Fated?”

  “Maybe. It’s hard to tell. I guess the only real way, apart from Drake showing up, is if you go back to the future and see.”

  “I can’t do that; Tiamat was very specific.” I lower my voice to an almost whisper.

  “Then we wait,” he says and takes a sip.

  “Why exactly are you here in the middle of the night?” I ask.

  “Only time to actually get you on your own without a big deal being made of it.”

  “Oh. Sebastian, did you tell CK about me? About my F.H.?” I say in code.

  “F.H.? Oh, Fae Heritage,” he whispers. “No, I told you he wouldn’t hear it from me. Why do you think I did?”

  I push aside the vision thing. Dream thing, whatever it is. “He is acting stranger than normal. Being cagey and asking about my father, telling me to let it go. I just wondered is all.”

  “He is acting strange because he is curious as to why you suddenly changed your mind about me.”

  “Well, blackmail aside,” I glare at him. “I can’t tell him. Not yet.”

  “You have to.”

  “No, not yet.”

  “When then?” he asks exasperated.

  “When, or even the very big if, Drake ever shows up looking for me.”

  “No, Liv. You can’t leave it. He has to know what we are to each other.” He takes my hand and I let him, only because I want to feel the electricity between us.

  “I can’t, Sebastian. It would kill him if he knew. We have our own plans and I need him happy and secure. Especially now.”

  “I know about your plans. Even more reason he should know. Why especially now?”

  “You know about our plans?” I repeat. “How do you know?”

  “We have no secrets. Well, I suppose I have secrets from him now. Which I do not like,” he says sternly. “But I know about your baby plans. I have never seen him so happy

  “Then why do you want to ruin it?”

  “Because he has to know. If you end up having mine instead, a bit of a heads-up would be preferable, don’t you think?”

  I gape at him, “You said it was less than zero chance I would.”

  “Who knows, Liv. Maybe you will, maybe you won’t. This is why a trip to the future would be useful. You didn’t answer my question. Why especially now?”

  “What? Oh, he’s getting that way. Erratic and volatile.”

  “Yes, I had noticed. I wondered if you had. You know this is something you can fix.”


  “By telling him it is okay to be who he is.”

  “He knows that already,” I say carefully.

  “No, he doesn’t. He has it in his head that he must be ‘good’ and ‘perfect’ and ‘worthy of you,’ otherwise you won’t love him. He is a killer, Livvie. We all are. Suppressing that is driving him crazy. Not to mention the other thing.”

  Killer. He is a killer.

  “What other thing?” I ask in dread.

  “That he is being completely faithful to you and doesn’t unleash his…other side. I thought it noble at first, but it is anything but.”

  “Seb, what are you saying?”

  “That you have to tell him it is okay to be who he is,” he says again. “That you will love him and still want to be with him, even if he does those things you disapprove of. Christ knows you put him through the ringer on a daily basis.”

  “Yes, well what goes around, comes around,” I say mutinously, and he laughs softly.

  “Well, I don’t suppose I can argue with you for thinking that. But you have the upper hand now. Tell him it’s okay.” He squeezes my hand and I shake my head.

  “I’ve told him it’s okay, that I hold no demands on him. He says I do. I can’t force him to do something he doesn’t want to do. His guilt over whatever it was you did with Vivienne is what started all this time jumping in the first place. And he won’t do it with me,” I add so quietly that I don’t think he heard me at first.

  “You’ve asked him to?” he asks after a few minutes.

  “Yes. But he won’t.”

  “Of course he won’t,” he snaps at me and I glare at him to shush. He lowers his voice again, “He would rather rip his own head off than hurt you like that. Are you insane for even suggesting that to him? No wonder he has taken such a firm stance on this. You must take it back. Tell him you don’t want him to do it to you, but he can do it to someone else.”

  “I don’t want him to,” I admit sheepishly.

  “This isn’t about you. It is what is best for him.”

  “Why do you care so much?” I ask suddenly. “This is more than just charge-like concern.”

  “I love him,” he says. “He isn’t just my sire. He is my friend. My best friend.”

  Interesting, but I can’t resist the dig, “Yet you want what is his.”

  “You aren’t his,” he says shortly. “Not yet, anyway.”

  And that sounds all too familiar.

  “You know, if you were mine, I wouldn’t object to your other lovers joining us regularly. I’m quite partial to seeing a woman’s pleasure,” he says conversationally.

  I flick my eyes to his. He is being completely serious. About the whole thing. If I were his, indeed.

  He clears his throat and changes the subject, holding up my hand, wrist facing out. “What’s with that? I thought you said you were trying to break it. Looks like it is getting stronger.”

  “I am unable to break it,” I say.

  “Because you can’t or don’t want to?”

  “Both,” I admit defeat and he sighs.

  “Liv, I can’t bear another secret on top of the ones that are already piling up. I know I have my hand in some of them, but it is getting too much.”

  “Then just forget it. You never saw us, I never told you, we didn’t come to an agreement. It’s all redundant now after next week because we will be together properly, and that agreement will be null and void.”

  “But I will still know something about you that he doesn’t.”

  “You know lots of things about me that he doesn’t. And you won’t tell him because if you do then I will leave, and you will never see me again.”

  “That threat is a fate worse than death,” he says sadly. “And I won’t tell about that, but this brings me back to the fact that you need to tell him about your Fae…err, F.H.”

  “Not yet,” I say and we both make noises of frustration.

  “Look,” I say. “I will go to the future and see what is happening there and then I will come back, and we can make the decision, together. Okay? It might be that it is best kept quiet, or maybe it is best that we come clean. And by we, I mean both of us.”

  “Me? I have nothing to hide.”

  “Really? So, he knows about the prophecy and the Chosen Two and the baby?” I fish, looking for anything to suggest he did tell him about that, like in my vision dream.

  “Well, maybe not the baby part,” he admits, looking away.

  “Oh grand, so you were just going to leave it to me to tell him. Thanks a lot,” I snark at him and don’t learn anything from his neutral expression. Damn him.

  “Not intentionally. I told him thousands of years ago. It didn’t seem to matter after I was turned and banished.”

  Well, I suppose he has a point.

  “When will you go?” he asks, breaking the moment of silence.

  “I don’t know. Whenever I get the chance. In case you hadn’t noticed, I barely get two minutes to myself, even when I am sleeping,” I say dryly.

  “Sorry,” he says sheepishly. “I needed to talk to you.”

  “Berate me, more like.”

  “No, just to talk to you. To see you. To be able to speak freely. It is going to be harder than I thought not being able to be with you whenever I want.” He takes my face in his hands. “I don’t think I can wait until Tuesday,” he says against my lips before he kisses me. I pull away abruptly as a prickle goes across my shoulder. I rub at it but don’t see anything. Weird.

  “Liv?” Lincoln asks.

  “Err, yes,” I say as he steps closer and eyes up Sebastian. “Sebastian needed to speak to me about…our sire.”

  He nods in agreement.

  “Naked?” he growls.

  Damn, forgot about that. “Oh, err.”

  He rolls his eyes at me. “You should come back to bed.”

  I nod at him. “Seb, we’ll talk again later.”

  “Yeah,” he says and Teleports out sullenly.

  “Anything you want to tell me?” Lincoln asks.

  “No. Nothing to worry about.”

  “Do you think we could have a quickie before you go back to sleep?” he asks wickedly.

  “Definitely,” I say and let him ram into me without another word.

  Cole wakes up and joins in, leaving me highly satisfied and very sleepy.

  Chapter 14

  Cole kisses me awake a few hours later. “I need you,” he whispers. “Alone.”

  I stretch and look around for Lincoln, who pops out of the bathroom freshly showered and changed. Mm, too bad I missed out on jumping in with him.

  “I told Lincoln he has to go now as I haven’t had sex with my wife for a couple of hours,” he tells me.

  Lincoln snorts and says, “Well, neither have I.”

  Cole laughs. “I would share again but I’m not in that giving of a mood today.”

  “Hey,” I say punching him lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t I get a say?”

  “Not today,” he says. “You are all mine. You still owe me favor.”

  “Indeed, I do. Linc, sweetie, I want to leave here tonight. Can you ask Jess to let everyone know and get Jim to sort it, however he can? I’m not fussed how, but I want wheels up ASAP.”

  “Why the rush?” Cole asks as Lincoln agrees.

  “I want to get to London. The sooner the better.”

bsp; “No probs. I’ll catch up with you later. Thanks for last night. I feel marginally saner than I did yesterday,” he says to Cole who just nods once, as men do.

  When he leaves after a quick kiss, Cole turns to me and says, “I am not looking forward to this.”

  “To what?” I ask.

  “Going to London.”

  “Why not?” I ask, sitting up.

  Eyes focused on my tits and not my eyes, he mutters something I don’t quite follow.

  “Stop mumbling, I can’t understand you.”

  “I said, it is because it is where you met Constantine. You have all these memories, everywhere you turn.”

  I burst out laughing much to his un-amusement. “Baby, it looks nothing like it did back then. I wouldn’t be able to tell you where my cottage stood or where the marketplace was or anything.”

  “I bet he can,” he says darkly. “And I am sure he will swan you off to all your little private spots.”

  “Doubtful. I think he has better things to do with his time than figure out where an old bell tower was.”

  “Well, whatever, don’t say I wasn’t right when it turns out I am.”


  “Forget that. I thought I was supposed to be owing you,” I say.

  “I don’t want anything except you,” he says, flopping back to the bed.

  What’s got his mood on now?

  “Liv, when you were human, did you ever want kids? Does it sadden you that you never will?”

  “Erm, what makes you ask that?” I ask cautiously.

  “When you were talking about Xane’s baby sister, you looked so happy,” he says, sitting up and looking at me.

  “Well, she is sweet. But no, I never wanted kids.”

  “What about if you could now?” he asks seriously.

  “Cole, what are you asking me?”

  “Nothing, maybe. I don’t know. I’m just saying that there are options, we could adopt,” he says in a rush.

  “Are you saying you want to have kids?” I ask hesitantly.

  “I thought I did. It is kind of redundant now I guess but I just thought, if you did, in the future want that with me, we could, you know.”

  “I…I, erm…this is kind of sudden,” I blurt out, a bit panicked.

  “Liv, don’t get your panties in a bunch. I’m not saying I want it now. Just if you did in the future, it’s something to think about.”


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