A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10 Page 97

by Eve Newton

  He lifts me up again and places me in the bath and I scream as the hot, bubbly water hits my lacerations. They both pull me back out again, unsure of what to do next. In hindsight, perhaps the bubbles were too much. “Too hot,” I say. Cole reaches down to run the cold tap and soon it is to my liking. I keep the bubbles though, as I stink, and after the initial sting, I settle back, keeping my left arm dangling over the side. No way am I getting that in here. I am sore enough without that agony.

  “No one thought to bathe me while I was lying comatose?” I must ask because it does seem to have escaped both of them.

  They look at each other and shrug. “We kind of had bigger things to worry about than your appearance, my sweet,” CK says.

  I scowl at him, but I suppose I should be grateful that even in my stinky, sweaty, bloody, oozy, greasy, hair-tangled state, they both still love me.

  “Where is everyone else? Where is Devon?” I want to ask about Cade, but I am not sure if they know of his betrayal, so I refrain for the moment.

  “Devon is with Corinne trying to rework a spell to heal you,” Cole says. “He was due back by now, so hopefully he won’t be too long.”

  I nod, as that is all I have the energy to do. After a few minutes of no one saying anything, I ask, “Can one of you please wash me?”

  As expected, they both leap forward and grab a sponge and washcloth. I am lathered up good and proper, hair to toes, and once rinsed off, I feel marginally better. Cleaner, if nothing else. I am helped out and wrapped in a towel and then accosted by Devon who comes hurtling into the bathroom, presumably as he saw the empty bed.

  “Lizzie!” he yells and slams into me, crushing me in a bear hug.

  “Oof.” My muffled cry goes unnoticed as he squeezes me even tighter.

  “Let go of her!” CK snaps and drags him away.

  “Oh, thank the gods you’re awake. We were at a loss; we had no idea what to do. How did he take you? How did he manage to get to you? What did he do to you?” He is rambling and firing all these questions at me. I am exhausted just listening to him.

  “Bed,” I say, and he picks me up and carries me over, placing me gently down. I shiver in the breeze again and now realize why. It is September. I have lost three months by being unconscious.

  “Cold,” I mutter.

  “I’m here, my love. I’m not going anywhere,” Cole says, sitting down next to me.

  “Huh?” I mumble.

  “She said ‘cold,’ you idiot,” CK snaps at him. “Go and get her something to wear.”

  “Not the frumps,” I say, meaning that hideous nightgown.

  After some bustling about, I am dressed in a camisole top and loose pajama bottoms that they pulled out from who knows where and tucked up under a nice warm blanket. I feel less sick now that I am lying down again, but then sit back up with a start, causing my head to spin.

  “My hair,” I say to Devon and he understands immediately what I want from him. He grabs a comb and starts to work it through, getting rid of all the tangles.

  Now I feel a hundred percent better. That’s not saying much though as I started off somewhere around minus a million on the scale of one to ten.

  “Try and stay awake for a bit, my love,” CK says, edging Devon out of the way so he can sit next to me. “I don’t want to lose you again.”

  I nod wearily and Devon says, “So what happened?”

  “I am sure she doesn’t want to recount that tale just yet,” CK says.

  “No, it’s okay,” I say. Clearly, they don’t know of Cade’s involvement so I can swing this any way I want. “First though, where is Cade?” I want to ask now about Lincoln and Xane and even Jess, but Cade is probably at death’s door with me being out of it for so long and I need to know. Disloyalty aside, he is still my charge and my responsibility.

  “He is on one of his walkabouts,” Cole says grimly. “Haven’t seen him for a few weeks.”

  “He needs me,” I say. “Find him.”

  They all nod at me, but none of them go to do as I ask. I sigh and say, “So I was in the library minding my own business and he just appeared behind me and clawed me before I could do anything about it. I was alone and he was prepared and quicker and that’s all there is to it.”

  Three angry faces stare back at me.

  “But why then?” Devon asks. “Why did he wait so long?”

  “He couldn’t find his head,” I say to them and start to laugh again as it does just sound too funny.

  The three angry faces turn into ones of complete un-amusement as I chuckle to myself.

  “Explain,” CK snaps at me.

  My laughter has drained me, so I gather myself for a few moments and then tell them the story. Leaving out, of course, Cade’s involvement in getting his head back.

  “So basically, he resurrected himself,” Devon says.

  “Yes, exactly that, my darling boy,” I say with a tired beam at him.

  He glows under the endearment and asks, “Well, where is he now?”

  “Fucked if I know. Been in a coma for three months,” I reply weakly, trying to be sassy, but failing miserably.

  They discuss amongst themselves, for a few moments, as to his possible whereabouts, but I don’t really give a damn and drift back off to sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Buckinghamshire, England, September 2013 - Liv

  Cole and I are staring into each other’s eyes just smiling at each other. We are nose to nose and he leans forward to kiss me. Just a soft peck on my lips.

  “I missed you so much,” he says.

  “I know, baby,” I say. “Are you feeling okay?”

  He sighs and says, “Don’t worry about me. You just concentrate on getting yourself strong again.”

  “I can’t do much for you, but I will do what I can,” I tell him seriously and he shakes his head.

  “I’m fine,” he says, and I frown at him. “Fine” around here means the exact opposite.

  I lift my arms to wrap them around him and he sighs again but contented this time as I roll over onto my back and he rests his head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat.

  “Can you take me outside?” I ask him. I need some proper fresh air.

  “Of course,” he says, but doesn’t make any move to get up. He is happy where he is and I leave him, stroking my hand through his hair.

  We lay like that for some time and then he gets up and takes my hand. “Do you want me to carry you down?”

  “No,” I say with a smile. “I want to try and walk. Just help me.”

  He helps me off the bed and I stand on shaky, aching legs and grimace. He whisks me up into his arms without another word and carries me downstairs. He pushes open the terrace doors and seats me on a sun lounger. It is mid-morning and bright as Hell, so I close my eyes against the sun.

  “Be right back,” he says and in a flash of Vampire speed he has left and come back with a pair of Ray-Bans and a blanket, which he wraps around me tightly. I feel like an old woman in a convalescent home. He sits next to me and takes my hand as CK arrives with Lincoln. We go through the whole crushing-hug process again and then he pulls up a sun lounger to sit next to me.

  “Pack?” I ask almost straight away.

  He sighs. Uh-oh, that doesn’t sound good at all.

  “Issues, but nothing I can’t sort out. You don’t worry about it,” he says, brushing it off, but I can see the strain on him.

  “Linc,” I start, but he shakes his head.

  “I said you don’t need to worry about it. You are back now and that is all that matters,” he interrupts me.

  I ponder that response for a moment. It was filled with more than just an expression of him being happy because I am awake and alive because he missed me. There was a far darker meaning to his words, and I start to worry about it. I pick at the blanket and he grabs my hand, stopping me. I look at him and ask him telepathically, “Dissension? Because of my absence?”

  He sighs at me in my head and says, “Yes. B
ut I will handle it. Please don’t worry about it.”

  Now I just feel plain awful. This situation not only resurrected a complete monster, it put me out of commission for three months causing my charges to slide downhill quicker than a sled down a snowy hill and also caused problems for Lincoln and our Pack. If they try to overthrow me, I am in no fit state to fight for my right to stay as Lincoln’s Alpha. I wonder briefly if I would be allowed a Champion? Someone to fight on my behalf.

  “Stop it,” he chides me out loud and I grimace and throw my blocks back up. That in itself is exhausting, and he sees the toll it takes.

  Meanwhile, Cole and CK are glaring at us in annoyance. Well, actually, resentment is probably more like it. They are obviously not big fans of the connection I have with my Alpha.

  “I will leave you to rest,” he says. “I will come back later and spend a bit more time with you.”

  I nod, not really wanting him to go, but not really wanting him poking through my thoughts either. I can tell he isn’t best pleased to be leaving either, but he goes knowing that I can’t hold my blocks up any longer.

  “Where is Devon? And Jess?” I ask, as CK takes Lincoln’s place and takes my other hand.

  “Devon is trying to find Cade,” Cole says in a tone that suggests he wishes he wasn’t, “and Jess has been swamped trying to keep the Underworld from finding out too much about your, uh, absence, and is having a rest.”

  “Oh,” I say, a bit surprised. “Good thinking,” I add.

  “Yes, well the less everyone knows about your business the better,” CK says, taking responsibility for this foresight. “We have been holding steady, but the girl is still young. I told her she could have a few days off now that you are awake.”

  “Okay,” I say, as I have nothing else to add. “Erm, could someone please tell me where Xane is?”

  “Who cares?” I hear Cole mutter under his breath, and I scowl at him. Not for very long though as Xane appears in front of me with a flourish.

  “At your service,” he says with a smirk and a gallant bow.

  I smile and hold my hand out for him, further pissing Cole off in the process. “One of these days, you are going to tell me how you do that,” I say as he bends down to kiss me.

  “Maybe,” he says with a laugh. “I can’t reveal all of my secrets to you.”

  Now I hear growling coming from both of my husbands, as they are no doubt wondering what secrets Xane has already been sharing with me. They should know, but I can’t tell them. They would go mental if they thought Hell was currently fighting over whose House I should be aligned with. Sadly, Xerxei’s word for it wasn’t quite enough for them and I don’t know how else I am supposed to prove I am a Dracul. Having said that, anything could have happened in the last three months. Xane did, however, say that Demon Trials can take years to resolve so I am not too worried.

  “Anything I need to know?” I ask swiftly.

  “Not yet,” he says conspiratorially.

  I roll my eyes at him and he sits.

  “Have you heard from or seen my mother?” I ask. “I am led to believe that She didn’t come to see me while I was laid up.” I am more than irked by that.

  “No, sorry, Xerxei. My mother hasn’t seen or heard from Her for quite some time.” His frown tells me that it is unusual and worrying him.

  “Is She still alive?” I blurt out into the sudden silence. “I mean what if Remiel’s first order of business was to exact his revenge?”

  “I don’t think even he has the power to kill Tiamat,” CK says. “If he did, he may not have ended up in thirteen pieces in the first place.”

  Well, true, but still, we know She can die.

  “Other Liv is Empress because Tiamat died. Other Lincoln said so on the jet,” I press. “CK, you were there, you heard it.”

  All eyes go to CK who shifts uncomfortably, no doubt remembering how awful that situation was. “Mm, well yes,” he admits. “It does seem to be the case over there, but,” he adds forcefully, “as we know, everything is different over there. We simply cannot base anything that happens over there with what happens over here.”

  Also, true. I give up. If no one has anything insightful to offer, then the mystery of Her whereabouts will have to wait.

  “As soon as you are strong enough you need to come to me,” Xane says. “We still have things that need sorting out, that need you there.”

  “I know,” I say. “I will let you know when I feel up to it.”

  He nods and says, “I should get back. I abruptly left a rather important meeting to come to see you.” He winks at me as he leans over to kiss me again.

  I snicker as I can picture the faces of the people he vanished from.

  “Soon,” he says to me against my lips and now I know he isn’t talking about work stuff, but something of a far more intimate nature. I nod once and he chucks me under the chin and Astraports out.

  “Well?” Cole says as I close my eyes and don’t say anything.

  “What?” I ask innocently.

  “What needs sorting out down there, Liv? What is so important that it requires your presence?” he asks.

  “Demon issues,” I say vaguely.

  “Obviously,” he snaps at me, but I am keeping schtum. No one needs to know what is going on just yet. I don’t have the strength to deal with the backlash. I yawn and feign fatigue. Well there is no feigning. I am tired and tell them both so.

  “I’ll carry you upstairs to bed,” CK says.

  “No, I want to sleep here,” I say. I am settled and comfortable and I don’t feel like being jostled. The pain isn’t subsiding at all and that is also a worry. But one for another time.

  “Blood first,” he says, “then sleep.”

  “Okay,” I say, and he disappears and returns shortly with a glass. I furrow my brow at him and then the glass. “Feeder,” I say insolently.

  “Oh no,” he says as he sits and hands it to me. “Get yourself used to it again, my sweet. You remember what happened last time.”

  “It’s only been three months,” I sulk at him. Last time I had been starved of human blood for over a decade. “You went three months and you were fine,” I remind him. His eyes freeze over, and Cole looks up interestedly. Oops, I guess he didn’t want me telling anyone about his punishing starvation hiatus.

  “I had not been mauled to near death by a poisonous beast,” he says, grinding his teeth.

  Whatever, I am not arguing about it. I snatch the glass off him like a sullen child and drink up like a good girl. He smiles at me indulgently and I return it before I close my eyes. Cole kisses my hand as does CK and I am left alone to nap.

  I shiver as I get up a few hours later. It is getting chilly and this blanket is not cutting it anymore. Must try and remember to go to the store and buy some proper English weather duvets and blankets. I hobble into the library and close the doors. I am still alone, and I enjoy the peace for a few minutes as I sit in my chair and spin to stare out of the window. I feel the pop behind me and hunch my shoulders in response. Whichever one it is, I don’t have the oomph to deal with either of them. Nevertheless, I spin around in my chair and come face to face with Other Liv as she sits and props her Louboutins up on my desk.

  “Whoa, you look a mess,” she says by way of a greeting.

  “Gee, thanks,” I say, bringing my hand up to smooth my hair.

  “No, seriously,” she says, putting her feet back on the floor and leaning forward with a curious look. “What in Hell happened to you?”

  Well, she is not one to mince words. I admit I haven’t looked in a mirror since I woke up. Not even in the bathroom. CK had turned me away from it and I never even thought to look. Oh, good grief! I think now as I bring my hand up to my face, what in Hell do I look like?

  Liv shakes her head at me and with a faux sympathetic smile says, “It’s not good, sweetie.”

  “What do you want?” I ask now, needing her to leave so I can go and look at myself.

�ll get to that in a minute,” she says still peering at me. “I want to know what happened to you.” She tilts her head and looks closer at my neck. I put my hand up to cover the bite and she raises her eyebrow at me. It is really annoying. I know I do it and seeing it on her face, that looks exactly like mine, I decide to try and give up the habit.

  “Remiel is what happened to me,” I say shortly, seeing no reason to not tell her.

  “Come again?” she says, confused. “You let him bite you?”

  “Hm, ‘let’ is not how I would put it,” I say wryly. “And by the way, I knew you knew more than what you told me about him!” I accuse her.

  She shrugs, unconcerned by my accusation.

  “Why didn’t you tell me everything?” I ask her.

  “I am certain that what happened over in my World is not what would have happened here, regardless of what I told you,” she says. CK had just said the same thing. “I gave you the information you asked for.”

  I think about that and realize she is completely right. I asked her how to get rid of him and she told me how. She obviously hasn’t got rid of him in her World. That I can see now plain as day. I had wondered about her choice of words when discussing him at the time and now it all completely makes sense. “Okay, fair enough,” I admit. “Tell me now though, what happened over on your side?”

  She settles back in the chair and once again props her feet up on my desk. She sees no harm in telling me now that events have occurred here. “Well, for starters, I didn’t let him bite me,” she sneers, and I growl at her.

  She snickers at me and continues. “I had avoided him for quite a while, I knew what he wanted from me and I wasn’t prepared to give it to him so he could live. Mother obviously killed him for a reason, right?”

  I am about to answer her when she carries on. Rhetorical then.

  “Anyway, as Mother lay on Her deathbed, She asked me to give him what he wanted. He needed my blood and She wanted me to give it to him. She was full of sorrow over what She did to him and Her last dying wish was that he be fixed.”


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