A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10 Page 124

by Eve Newton

“Completely,” she replies, and he believes her, for two reasons. One, she is telling him the truth. He knows that. He can see no sign of deception on her face or in her body language. And two, by the gods, if he pursues this, she is going to climb off him and he won’t get to experience where this now very delightful evening is headed. He nods swiftly and she accepts it. She leans down to press her lips to him and starts to slide her wetness over him again. She is driving him crazy. He wants to be inside her so badly, but no way is he taking back control. He wants her to do all of the work. This time.

  “I have a question for you,” she says against his lips. She doesn’t stop what she is doing, and it is distracting him. She sits up and his eyes go straight to their parts squashed together in a juicy heat that almost has him coming all over his chest as he sees it. She circles her hips and he groans out loud. He can’t stop himself.

  “I won’t be angry or upset, but I want the truth,” she says.

  “About what?” he mumbles, his eyes still focused on his cock. She has drenched him; he can see the glisten in the firelight, and he loves that she is that wet for him and he hasn’t even touched her yet.

  “Did you have other women while I was gone?” she asks, and his eyes zoom straight to hers.

  “What?” he snaps at her.

  “Did you? Just tell me so I know, and a secret won’t come out and kick me on my arse,” she says, putting her hands on her hips.

  He laughs at her. He wants to be angry with her for suggesting it, but he loves that she cares so much. She says she won’t be upset, but he knows it will hurt her if he has been with another woman. However, he has nothing to worry about. “No, I have told you several times that I will never be with another woman again,” he says, and she narrows her eyes at him.

  “Six and a half months is a long time without sex, Constantine, especially for Vampires. Especially for you. I already know about Cole,” she says, and he stops himself from biting his lip.

  He thought he had worded it carefully enough, but she missed his meaning. “I said, that I would never be with another woman and I haven’t,” he says meaningfully, and she stops the erotic circling of her hips and stares at him, eyes wide.

  “Oh,” she says softly and then her eyes light up and a fire burns in them.

  She is completely turned on by the thought of him being with a man and his heart swells with love for her. She is a little vixen, his little vixen, and that turns him on in return.

  He loses a bit of that, though, when she leans forward eagerly and whispers, “Sebastian?”

  He doesn’t want to admit it and put that thought into her head. He would rather it be some anonymous character that she doesn’t have feelings for. But he can’t lie to her. “Yes,” he says.

  Her lips part and her fangs drop. She digs her claws into him and rises up to slip him inside of her. She grinds down on him and he desperately needs to get the picture out of her head. There is no room for Sebastian in any form in this moment for him. He needs her full attention, so he takes back some of his control and sits up, pushing himself further into her. She gasps as he roughly kisses her, dropping his own fangs and slicing her lips open as he laps up her blood. She throws her head back and he bites her throat, viciously tearing at her and she moans as her orgasm takes her over. She clenches around him, massaging his cock to get even harder. He has completely taken over her senses. He knows without a doubt that he is the only one she is thinking about now, and to make extra sure, he pulls on her hair to get her to arch her back and he gives her what she hungers after. He bites down on her peaked nipple sharply and suckles from her breast as she detonates around him again. He can’t hold back after the force of her pleasure and he shoots his seed deep into her, hoping and praying that somehow the gods are on his side and that she gets pregnant with his child.

  “I love you,” she murmurs to him as he settles her on the hearth by the roaring fire. It had been dwindling, ready to be stamped out, but by their passion it has come back to life as bright and as strong as his love for her.

  “I love you, Aefre,” he says and lies down next to her, pulling the throw over them and tucking her up against his body. “I do need you,” he whispers in her ear. She turns her head with a smile so full of joy that he wishes he had said the words a thousand years ago, just so he could see this happiness on her face. “Thank you for coming to me tonight. I…” He stops, unsure of how to continue.

  “I know,” she says, and he is grateful she didn’t need to hear him say how desolate and empty and dead he felt without her here by his side. She snuggles into him and they fall into a comfortable silence. He ruminates back on how he lived without her in his life for years, decades, centuries even. The mere thought of a second away from her now tears at him and he brushes it aside. She isn’t going anywhere. He will make sure of that. He knows he is powerful enough to protect her completely now and he will do that or die trying.

  Aefre is falling into a doze, but he isn’t ready to let her sleep yet. He needs more of her body, just the two of them here like this. But he needs to feed her first. He slices his wrist open and places it against her lips. Her hands tighten around his arm and she drops her fangs into him, lazily feeding from him like a contented cat. She pulls back and rolls over onto her stomach thinking she is getting sleep, but he has other ideas. He presses his body against hers, pushing her into the rug. She chuckles slightly and puts her arms down at her sides and tilts her head to give him access to her neck. He drops his fangs and, moving his body over her, he takes his weight on his elbows and leans down to gently feed from her. His cock is already stirring against her and she wiggles her backside as she feels him. He groans and wriggles his hand underneath her and onto her breast. He is feeding slowly, and he wants to feel her wet softness with his fingers as he does so. She turned him down once before, but he isn’t taking no for an answer now.

  He snakes his hands down in between her legs and she gasps as his claws nick her sensitive skin. He doesn’t want to hurt her, but he needs to coax an orgasm out of her this way. He shuffles and shoves his cock into her, feeling with his fingers as he slides into her. Oh, the gods it feels just as he knew it would on his sensitive fingertips. Like heaven. As carefully as he can, he circles her ripe nub, catching her every so often with his claws. But the feeling of his member deep inside her and his fangs in her neck take over and she groans softly and moves against him. He speeds up, needing to taste her release. She doesn’t let him down. She ripples against his fingers and the blood rush is the best high a Vampire can have. He releases his fangs but doesn’t retract. He keeps his hand on her mound, needing to feel where they are joined. He cups her, parting his fingers around himself and he lets go with a cry of pure fulfilment that he muffles in her soft hair. He rolls off, taking his weight off her and she reaches for him, not wanting him apart from her. He gathers her up in his arms and whispers a hoarse, “thank you” to her.

  She turns in his arms and shakes her head. “Don’t thank me. I am not some whore doing you a favor. I am your wife. My body is yours to do with as you please.”

  The unshed tears sting his eyes as he hears everything, he ever wanted her to say to him. Oh, the things he wants to do with her body. She would take it all back if she knew his darkest desires, if she knew what he dreamt of doing to her, what he has done to the Substitutes pretending it was her. If she even knew that much, she would hate him. He sugarcoated his involvement with them, he had to after Lance told her his secret. Her look of disgust had nearly killed him, and he doesn’t blame her. It is disgusting. He is a disgusting monster and he doesn’t deserve her, but he is too far gone now to care or feel guilty about what he has done. It’s over. She truly belongs to him now and that is all he ever really wanted.

  She looks at him, confused by his silence. She reaches up to touch his face and he kisses her hand.

  “Oh, my sweet, sweet wife. My body is yours; my heart is yours; my essence is yours. My love for you grows ever deeper and I am in your
service for eternity, my love. Everything I have is for you and you alone,” he says to her.

  She blinks back her tears and wraps her arms around him. “Mine,” she says as she starts to drift off again a few minutes later. “All mine, forever.”

  He smiles smugly to himself. They have exchanged more than just bodily fluids here tonight. She has given herself over to him completely. Yes, he still has to share her for now, but when the time comes, he is confident that she will choose him, and the time is coming, he can sense it. He has given her exactly what she wanted. There is nothing that anybody can give her now that will mean more to her than him giving up his heart and his body to her and his undying love and eternal service to her will seal the deal. Everything he has given her before, everything he has said and done has led up to this one moment. It was perfect. It couldn’t have gone better if he had meticulously planned it. Now, all he has to do is wait and watch the rest of her relationships be destroyed from within. He entwines his arms and legs around his only reason for being and falls into a deep sleep. It has been centuries since he slept so well, and he wakes knowing it was because his life’s mission is coming to an end and he is about to get everything he ever wanted.

  Chapter 10

  The Underworld, March 2014 - Xane

  Xane Astraports into Liv’s library and then wishes that he hadn’t. He should have checked the spying orb first, but he thought she would be upstairs in her bedroom, hence why he came in here. He glares down at her and her sire tangled around one another on the hearth, obviously naked and obviously spent, as neither one woke up when he arrived. He clears his throat and Constantine wakes first, sitting upright, already on the offensive. He sees Xane and relaxes. For some reason that just annoys him that he isn’t perceived as a threat.

  “Do you mind?” Constantine sneers at him. “My wife and I would prefer not to be gawked at while we are sleeping.”

  Xane watches him tuck the blanket even tighter around Liv’s naked body. “Well, my wife and I are due at a function shortly. Wake her up,” Xane barks at him, thoroughly pissed off.

  Constantine glowers at him and stands, unashamed of his nudity, and slowly pulls on his pants. He bends down and gently shakes Liv and she rouses with a startled, “What?” and sits up, the blanket dropping from her, exposing her naked tits. Xane’s mouth starts to water at the sight of her. God, he missed her. Even in this form, he is strongly attracted to her and he cannot wait to get his hands on her.

  “You are needed, my sweet,” Constantine says to her and her eyes roam over to find Xane standing there with his arms crossed.

  “Oh shit,” she exclaims. “What time is it?”

  “Just before eight,” Xane informs her.

  She leaps up and grabs her robe, wrapping it around her tightly, but not before he got an eyeful of her luscious body. “I’ll be right back,” she says and, fluffing out her hair, she Astrals off.

  Xane waits impatiently. He has been waiting impatiently since she sent him away yesterday. He wanted to fight her, demand that she come with him, that it is her duty, but she looked battered. It tore at his heart to hear about what she went through, and he knows he is treating her differently. He doesn’t like it, but he has to accept it. She doesn’t fall into the same category as other women. She isn’t just a fuck toy or an appropriate potential match. She is his wife, and godammit he wishes she would start acting like it.

  “What’s taking so damn long?” he asks. “She can just click her fingers and she’s ready.”

  Constantine wanders over to the desk and starts rifling through some papers. “You clearly don’t know her very well,” he says smugly and Xane wants to pull out his sword and finish that duel they started last year. “She has a charge to feed, amongst other things,” he adds.

  Xane growls at that.


  His martyr act is really starting to get up Xane’s nose. Why Liv can’t see what Cade is doing frustrates him. He is leading her on a merry dance with his whole only-you-can-feed-me bullshit.

  “You disapprove of her helping her charge?” Constantine asks idly as he sits.

  “I disapprove of his methods,” Xane says and Constantine, to his surprise, chuckles.

  “Indeed,” he murmurs.

  Xane watches him look up towards the door and he knows Liv is on the other side. She opens the door and steps in looking like a goddess. His Demon goddess. His mouth drops open as he takes her in. She is as Xerxei, with her dark hair swept up on top of her head, dressed in a royal blue satin halter dress that doesn’t leave her curves under wraps.

  “Too much?” she says, doing a little twirl.

  “Just enough,” he breathes like a fool and steps forward to take her hand to kiss it.

  “My sweet,” Constantine says and holds out his hand to her.

  Xane is filled with rage when she lets go of him and walks towards her sire.

  “You look ravishing,” he whispers to her and kisses her in a blatant show of disrespect. Xane watches as she kisses him back, not realizing that she is stabbing him in the heart. She can do whatever she likes when she is Liv, but she is Xerxei now. She is his Demon wife, and no one gets to touch her like that expect him. He clenches his fists as Constantine lifts his index finger and runs the back of it inside her dress and over her nipple. She gasps and then steps back, flustered. Constantine smiles at her and Xane knows deep down that he has been there with her like this. He steps forward to do some serious damage now that she has been defiled. All he wanted was this one thing that was just his, and that has been taken away from him by a Vampire. He wonders who else has had a turn with her and his vision goes blurry. Xerxei takes his hand and links their fingers together.

  “Shall we?” she says, oblivious to his near meltdown.

  He can’t speak. His throat is so tight, so he just nods grimly and Astraports them off.

  She looks surprised when they land in his office at home. “What are we doing in here?” she asks.

  “This,” he growls at her and pushes her up against the desk in a fierce kiss that leaves her breathless.

  “Oh,” she gasps and doesn’t resist him when he lifts the long skirt of her gown up above her hips. As expected, she is free and his fingers go straight into her, feeling the hot, wet softness fold around him.

  “Yes,” he says and struggles to undo his damn pants. They fall heavily to the floor, his sword clanging loudly, and she reaches for him. As soon as her fingers touch him, he starts to come. He can’t help it. He hasn’t been touched in months and he feels like he is going to die. He manages to get himself inside her before he ruins her dress and he finishes with a loud groan. He hears her stifled chuckle and he glares down at her, but he can’t be angry with her for laughing at him. He is a desperate loser and he doesn’t care.

  “Sorry,” he says with a devilish grin. “Couldn’t help myself.”

  “No worries,” she says easily. “In fact, it’s rather flattering.”

  “Oh?” he asks archly. “Fancy yourself there a bit, don’t you?”

  “I fancy you,” she says seductively, and he takes her again, this time ensuring she is well and truly satisfied before he lets go.

  “Better?” he pants in her ear before he withdraws and bends to pull his pants back up.

  “Mm, much,” she says as she summons up a royal blue pair of lacey panties. He watches her with interest, as she has never been bothered with underwear much in the past. But then she says something so erotic he thinks he is going to come again in his pants.

  “I want to feel your wetness against my pussy for this entire party,” she says as she wiggles into the panties. He drops to his knees in front of her and presses his mouth against the damp, lacey fabric already saturated with the product of both of their pleasure. “Fuck me, Xerxei. You bring me to my knees.”

  “Good,” she says with a wicked smile. “Now, let’s get this show on the road.” She helps him rise and he kisses her hand. “Oh,” she adds. “Your mother had be
tter not be out there or I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  “Don’t worry about her,” he says. “I tore strips off her. She won’t be attending.”

  She blinks once, then twice, and he sees her visibly swallow. “Do you mean…?”

  “Literally? Yes, I do,” he says and watches for her reaction.

  “Oh,” she responds faintly, but he won’t apologize. His mother betrayed him, and she had to pay. He takes her by the arm and then like the weak-assed fool that he is, adds, “She will be fine in a couple of days.” He could curse himself. Since when does he ever defend his actions to anyone?

  Xerxei relaxes, though, and that is why he said it, but it doesn’t stop him from feeling like a stupid little lamb. He leads her out of the office and across the foyer to the ballroom. The doors are open, and they step into a crowded room filled with Demonic High Society.

  Their names are called, and they grin at each other as there is a short round of applause. And then it begins. She isn’t left alone for a second and she takes it all in her stride. She is a pro at working the room and he watches her with pride. He has noticed that she is avoiding his father and he wonders if that has something to do with his mother. Either way, it won’t do to snub him, so he goes over to her and guides her in Xerxes’s direction by her elbow.

  When she realizes who they are going to see, she blushes furiously and lowers her eyes. It takes him now, all of two seconds to figure out why she is avoiding him. She hasn’t seen Xerxes since the witnessing of their consummation six and a half months ago, but to her it will seem like last week.

  “Sorry,” he mutters, and she shrugs and raises her eyes to Xerxes who, to Xane’s surprise, is looking as embarrassed as Xerxei is. She holds her hand out to him and he takes it for a kiss and then they smile awkwardly at each other.

  “I’m sorry for your loss,” Xerxes says and Xane cringes. He saw her cold attitude towards losing her baby yesterday and he doesn’t really want a scene caused. Not to mention reminding her of Xanthe’s involvement.


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