A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10 Page 135

by Eve Newton

  Devon stares at the bottle. “I don’t care about Jess,” he says again quietly. “She betrayed me and my sire. You will leave as soon as you are strong enough?”

  “Yes, things are about to get really ugly and I don’t want to stick around any longer than I have to,” Cade replies.

  “Fifty years, at least,” Devon says.

  “That long?” Cade asks miserably. He knew it would be a few years, but fifty?

  Devon nods. “Maybe less if you keep your hands off her.”

  “Done,” Cade says. “But fifty years is a long time to hate me.”

  “I’ll try to work on it,” Devon says and turns towards the kitchen. “Thanks for telling me what Jess asked you to do.”

  “No worries,” he says to Devon’s back and a part of him does pity the poor girl.

  He heads up the stairs, feeling better about having confronted Devon. They won’t be friends anytime soon, but maybe the animosity will die down a bit. Problem is, he still has a much, much bigger fish to fry.


  He needs to make things right with Cole if he ever expects to feel comfortable here. Forgetting about his blood bottle, he knocks on their bedroom door and waits for an answer.

  After a few moments, Cole answers it with a scowl on his face. “What do you want?” he asks.

  “To talk,” Cade says.

  Cole just shrugs at him and walks away, back over to the terrace where he sits down and gazes out onto the grounds below.

  Cade follows him. “I just wanted to say thanks for asking Devon to help me while Liv was gone,” he says.

  Cole grunts at him. “How do you know it was me that asked him?”

  “You knew what I was going through. No one else cared,” Cade says quietly, and Cole finally looks at him.

  “I don’t care,” he says, looking away again.

  “Fair enough,” Cade mutters.

  “I helped you because it is what Liv would have wanted me to do. I did it for her. Not you,” Cole adds.

  “Well, thanks anyway,” Cade says, trying to hold onto his temper. He is getting pissed off that everyone blames him for being Liv’s charge. He had no say in it, but no one seems to care about that.

  “Whatever,” Cole mumbles.

  “I’ll say to you what I said to Devon,” Cade says, and Cole looks at him again.

  “Yeah, what’s that then? That you plan to make a play for my wife?” he asks as he stands up and goes all aggressive.

  “Uh, no. The exact opposite,” Cade says. “As soon as I can, I am out of here.”

  That stops Cole in his tracks. He narrows his eyes and Cade goes through the motions of his explanation.

  “Humph,” Cole says rudely and sits back down to stare at the garden.

  Curiosity gets to Cade and he peers over the balcony. “What are you looking at?” he asks, but he sees the big burnt patch of ground in the middle of what passes for a garden in this place. “What happened there?”

  “Didn’t you hear it?” Cole asks bitterly. “That was a fight between Remiel and Constantine over my wife, which ended with her throwing herself into his arms.”

  “Whose arms?” Cade asks, as it’s not clear which one Cole meant.

  “The father of her dead baby,” Cole snarls at him and Cade steps back. The anger and resentment coming from the man is startling and Cade realizes that now probably isn’t the best time to come clean about how he miraculously got his strength back. If Cole has noticed, he hasn’t said anything, and it’s probably best to let sleeping Vampires lie. He wants to ask if Liv left with Remiel again, because he doesn’t think he will survive another one of her absences, but he thinks it’s wise to go and find out for himself.

  As he backs out of the room, he keeps his eyes on Cole. His attitude has him worried. He’s volatile and about to erupt. He looks like he is about to commit murder and Cade isn’t sure if that would be Liv’s or anyone else’s. He vows to keep a close eye on him, cursing his natural instinct to protect his sire at all costs.

  He is about to go in search of Liv when he remembers the blood bottle in his hand. It will be getting warm now and won’t last much longer at room temperature. If he’s going to do this, it needs to be now before he chickens out. He disappears into his room and closes the door. He takes in a deep breath and uncaps it. Closing his eyes, he takes a big gulp and then chugs it back until it’s empty. He can taste the copper, but thankfully he can taste the Scotch as well. He opens his eyes and lets out the breath he was holding. He disposes of the bottle and before he has left the room, he can feel a rumbling in his veins and a very distinctive thirst for more.

  Oh God, please don’t let me go on a rampage. He rushes out of the room and away from the lingering smell of the blood. Almost instantly the thirst dies down and his body feels stronger. He flexes his hands and a quiet calm that he has never experienced washes over him. Oh, he gets it now. He gets why everyone was haranguing him to drink. It has doubled his body’s efforts to heal from Liv’s absence and he finally feels the power of what he is. That feeling alone is enough to convince him to drink again. But not now. No, he has to go and see if Liv is still around or is back in the Dragon Realms squirting out another kid, this time one more powerful than anything any of them have ever come across. He wonders what their fate will be once the true heir is born. Everyone has been skirting around this issue, but it is time to face the facts.

  Once back in the foyer, he can hear arguing going on in the library.


  He strains to hear Liv’s voice, but all he hears is the men. He pauses to listen. He has never been one for eavesdropping, never having cared enough about what they were saying to bother, but now he stops to pay attention. This will probably be the only way he will ever learn anything around here. No one trusts him.

  They are arguing over who gets to claim Liv, no surprise there then, but he wonders where she is. He closes his eyes and tries his hand at that sensing thing they go on about.

  He waits.

  Nothing happens.

  He can’t sense her, but he doesn’t know if that is because it’s a load of BS or because she isn’t here. Suddenly, a map of the house pops into his head and he can see little dots of everyone who is currently here. Somehow, he is capable of knowing exactly which dot is who. His eyes fly open with a start. Nobody ever mentioned that before! What a handy trick. With this, he can quite successfully avoid everyone and tense situations for the rest of his fifty-year sentence and get out of here and back to Earth where a normal life is possible. He wonders now if all Vampires have this ability. The amount of times situations has been walked in on that shouldn’t, makes him seriously doubt it is a common thing. It must be another one of those abilities he has because Liv turned him after she got her Dragon Queen-slash-Faerie Power. Like being able to walk in the sun without the Silver.


  And most definitely something he plans on keeping to himself.

  Despite the power reveal, he didn’t learn much. Liv isn’t here in this house. Yet he doesn’t feel weakened, so that must mean she is still around this Realm somewhere. He breathes a sigh of relief as he comes to this conclusion.

  He pushes open the door and the conversation comes to halt. Not unexpectedly. He strides into the room with his old confidence and he can see the raise in Devon’s eyebrows at his renewed attitude. The other two, Constantine and Sebastian, ignore him as they glare at each other with what looks like something close to hatred. So much for “bros before hoes.” That woman has both of these whipped to within an inch of their lives. He really doesn’t get the fascination with her at all.

  “Where is she?” he barks out and it gets their attention.

  Constantine slowly turns towards him. Cade really hopes that he doesn’t ask why he is suddenly up and about walking around like he owns the place.

  “She’s not here,” he says shortly.

  “Not here as in not here, or not here as in the Dragon Realms?” he asks. />
  He doesn’t flinch when he ends up on the receiving end of one of Constantine’s most ominous stares.


  “Not here as in not in this house,” Constantine finally says.

  Cade nods and leaves it at that, but Devon asks, “Where is she then? I can’t sense her.”

  “Neither can I,” Sebastian says and that interests Cade. He didn’t know siblings could sense each other or is it some Faerie thing that he is out of the loop about. Probably.

  Constantine doesn’t look happy to hear that, but before he can say anything Devon asks, “Has she gone to her father’s?”

  “No,” Constantine says. “I can’t say for sure, but I know my wife. She has retreated to where no one can follow her. Or at least none of us,” he mutters the last sentence.

  “And?” Devon presses, getting pissed off.

  “Further into Hell,” Constantine says. “It is my belief she is at the Castle.”

  “What castle?” Cade asks.

  “The Castle,” Constantine says, as if that is supposed to mean something to him.

  “So Xane can still get to her,” Devon states.

  “Yes,” Constantine replies shortly.

  Cade looks between the two who are in the know about this Castle. At least Sebastian looks as confused as he does.

  “If he touches her…” Sebastian growls and doesn’t get to finish his sentence because Constantine whirls around to face his first charge with his fists clenched.

  “No longer a King,” he snarls at him before he holds his hand out flat and Sebastian buckles.

  Whoa, mama. What the fuck is that?

  “You will bend,” Constantine says and Cade backs away.

  Devon on the other hand steps forward to diffuse this potentially disastrous situation. “Let him go. Now isn’t the time for petty fights.”

  Cade sees the effort it takes for Constantine to release his hold on Sebastian, but he does and with a death stare, Sebastian puffs out of the room. Cade kind of wishes he could do that because his only way out is blocked by an angry, ancient Vampire.

  “He has no right,” Constantine says. “No right to say things like that.”

  The room goes silent, as what can anyone say?

  Cade suddenly feels Constantine’s eyes on him, boring a massive, burning hole right through his chest. “You!” he exclaims.

  That one word says it all. He knows.

  Cade has no idea what to say to the man who can kill him in an instant, probably without even having to touch him after that little display of raw power. When Devon comes to his defense, he tries to mask his surprise.

  “He’s drinking human blood now,” he says. “Has been for a few days now.”

  Cade watches as Constantine turns his gaze to his sibling. “Oh really?” he says. “And what pray tell changed his mind?”

  “His sire,” Devon says, and Cade nearly freaks out when Constantine’s eyes turn red.

  Holy motherfucker. He is a dead man.

  “His sire,” Constantine sneers.

  “Yes,” Devon says, standing his ground in a way that makes Cade think he has no fear of being beheaded. Mind you, Liv would probably kill her own sire if he ever touched her precious charge. He blinks when that sense of jealousy rears up and he pushes it away. It’s a Vampire thing, he tells himself. Nothing more.

  “She told him to drink and he did.” Devon says the lie like a pro, and Cade hopes he can keep up the ruse when Constantine inevitably returns his gaze to him.

  “And the reason you wish to please your sire?” Constantine asks him.

  Thankfully his eyes have returned to normal, but the threat level hasn’t dropped an inch.

  “Not to please her,” Cade says with as much strength as he can. The best lies are formed in truth so here goes nothing. “I was sick of being on my back like a weak-assed fool. When she came back and I felt my strength returning, I wanted more. She said human blood would help, and it has.”

  Whether or not he believes this remains unclear as the three of them stare at each other in absolute silence for what seems like hours, before something so unexpected happens it makes them forget what they were saying.

  Chapter 19

  The Castle, March 2014 – Liv

  I came here because I knew one else could follow me. Except Xane. But right now, he is probably the only one I can stand to be around. There is no drama there for a change. I sigh and push open the heavy doors to the meeting hall where the Trial was held. It is completely empty and my footsteps echo as I make my way to the platform at the front. Can I sit on the throne that Xane put me in that day? I suppose I can. We are married and he is Overlord, that must make me Overlady or something. I jump up onto the platform and take a seat. I feel very regal sitting here. This is where I am supposed to be, I think suddenly. Not necessarily with Xane, but here in this Castle, asserting my authority over my subjects. A blinding pain goes through my head, making my eyes water and go blurry. I cry out softly as I put my head in my hands and wonder what the fuck?

  It goes as suddenly as it came and then I sit up straight and realize something is missing. I blink, trying to put my finger on it. My heart feels heavy as I know what it is. Lincoln has broken his bond with me. I can no longer feel his presence in my head, trying to push at the barriers I have up. That can only mean he has Paired with Chrissy. In a way, it is a bit of a relief. I let go of the mental blocks and the tension in my neck eases instantly. I rub it feeling sad, but knowing that I did the right thing, for everyone.

  I can’t say for sure how long I sit there. The last candle flickers out and I am left in darkness. It is well into night and it has been a really long day. I am exhausted. No surprise there really. I take a moment to see if I am having any food cravings, but there is only the never-ending thirst for blood. I feel kind of sad about that too. I know CK would be so happy and that in return would make me so happy. I belatedly remember that I also had sex with Sebastian and while it wasn’t during the Heat it was after our union and things might have occurred then. I can only hope not. Not this time. Surely Rosalina wouldn’t have done the ritual if she suspected I was already pregnant. In fact, surely, I wouldn’t have been able to have my Heat if I already was. That makes me feel a bit better, before I crease my brow as something suddenly lands on my shoulders and pushes down on me. It’s that feeling of dread that I find so familiar. I should have known something would come and blow me to Hell and back. I giggle as I remember I am already in Hell and perhaps the awful thing has already happened. Doubtful, though. The feeling of foreboding worsens, and I want to get out of here, as if I can run away from it. And I need to sleep, so I get up and walk slowly to the doors, pushing them open and making my way to the stairs. I take them slowly, one at a time, needing something mundane to focus me. My brain has suddenly gone all over the place and I can’t get it back under control. All sorts of thoughts are popping up of all the things that can go wrong and the bad things that can happen.

  My grounding force has always been Lincoln and he is no longer there. Of course, thinking about him brings its own set of unpleasant thoughts about what he is up to at this moment. It’s not a great leap to assume he is at it with Chrissy, and probably in Wolf form, as she was so quick to point out to me that is what he craves. I try to push all these miserable thoughts away. I have to get my head sorted. There are a lot of things about to happen and I need to be prepared for what is coming. Not the least of which is going to be a united front of Tiamat and Remiel once they find out I’m not going to be giving them what they want. I am still in shock over the fight between CK and Remiel earlier.

  CK said he was strong enough to beat him, but I wasn’t sure I believed it. I do now. But something threw him off his game. Remiel did something to him and he stopped fighting. I have to find out what that something was, as it can’t happen again if we are going to war. And I do believe that is what this is going to come to. I have already told my father this. I whispered it to him in his office
on the day of my wedding to Sebastian. He gave me his full support and I know that he is capable of, if not beating the Dragons, at the very least he is capable of keeping me and the ones I love safe.

  That brings Devon to mind and I wonder if he has done anything about his charge. I knew the girl wasn’t my biggest fan, but that betrayal still hurts. I tried to do my best for her. It’s not my fault that she was so jealous over my relationship with Devon that she tried to get rid of me.

  I reach the top of the stairs and hear a hushed conversation coming from Xane’s bedroom. I pause to listen, but I am straining even with my Dragon Powers to overhear.

  The room is heavily warded, but that shouldn’t be a problem for me. I wonder what magick this is that is keeping me out. I am tired and I just need some rest and arsing about out here in the hallway trying to listen to conversations that aren’t my business suddenly loses all of its appeal. My nosey nose is just exhausted.

  I push open the door and I am not that surprised to see it is Xane and his mother. They both stop speaking as soon as I enter the room and Xane gives me a wide smile and tight squeeze. He is in a jovial mood and it lightens my load a little.

  “Hi,” he says. “I didn’t expect you here.”

  “I know, I’m sorry,” I say, making it a point to ignore Xanthe. I am still so mad at her. “I needed to get away from everyone.”

  “And yet you come to the place only I can get to you?” he asks with a twinkle in his eye.

  I smile at him and Xanthe clears her throat. I suppose now is as good a time as any to confront the woman. I fix her with any icy stare.

  Before I can say anything, she starts. “I owe you an apology, Your Majesty,” she says. “I was only doing what the Empress asked of me.”

  Humph. Of course, she dropped the word 'Empress' into that sentence to remind me I am not the highest on the totem pole.

  “Did you help him, or did you just let it happen?” I ask.

  She peers at me, probably wondering why it makes a difference, but to me it does.


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