Anthology - Threefold

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Anthology - Threefold Page 32

by Desiree Holt

  He pulled her closer, closer, and breathed in her amazing Ellie smell. All her soft skin, suddenly under his hands—the slight curve of her upper arms and the expanse of her shoulders. If he stroked beneath her hair, he could feel so much of her back above the tiny vest.

  When she said—

  “God, Evan, Evan. I’ve wanted this for so long.”

  It didn’t seem like such a bad idea, to pass his hand beneath the flimsy stretch of material. Not such a bad idea at all, and Lord her back was warm and silky smooth and her tongue appeared to be curling around his earlobe.

  When she suddenly pulled him down on top of her, he didn’t protest. Their friendship was likely in ruins, and maybe she was just doing this because of weird earlier antics but Jesus, who cared? He landed right between her legs. Right between them!

  And she said—

  “Oh that feels nice.”

  As his hard dick ground over all the places she obviously wanted it. It made him want to rut, mindlessly, while their mouths blundered together again and her hand sank deep into his hair. He tried to recall other girls, other fucks that had been like this—so frenzied and tangled yet somehow arousing simply because of those two elements—but nothing and no-one came to mind.

  And especially not, when she slid her hand under the waistband of his pants, and over the curve of his bare ass.

  It took him a moment to realise she was trying to push them down. But once that idea had settled, other things settled, too. Like the idea that maybe it was okay, to remove her clothes. She might actually prefer to have them off, for the thing they were definitely about to do.

  Only somehow his hand just wound up underneath her top, rather than performing this vital service for her. He slid it seamlessly inside, then nothing else existed but the feel of her soft, warm flesh against his palm—the little bead of her nipple, tight and so sensitive that when he squeezed over it, her mouth went slack over his.

  Not to mention her hips rocking up against him, and something warm and excessively hot passing over his erection, and God, it was all just too much.

  He simply had to drag himself away. Just a little—just enough to get his hard cock away from that space between her legs. And get his hand over her heated sex, instead.

  He tried it through her cotton shorts, first, pressing and rubbing until she squirmed and cried out and even better—informed him that he was going to make her come. But things got really good when she took his hand and…Jesus. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a girl push someone’s hand underneath the waistband of her underwear.

  However, Ellie seemed to have no qualms about it, whatsoever. She just shoved him right inside, and pushed against his tentatively stroking fingers until wetness engulfed them.

  He attempted slow, at first, running his thumb through her slit while thrusting, gently, inside her. But that didn’t seem to satisfy on any level, and when she cried out it wasn’t for care and consideration. She rocked against his hand, firmly, and when he twisted his fingers just right, and thrust them back and forth at a good, strong pace, her whole body bucked for him.

  And when he found her clit with his thumb… He couldn’t even think of the racket she was making, because that same racket spent all its time, sending dirty messages directly to his groin. His cotton pants began to feel like torture against the swollen head of his cock, and really—would it be too much to just take it out? Would she mind so much, if he just jerked off left-handed, while seeing to her with his right?

  Or maybe she’d simply take to jerking him off with her completely free hands, the minute his cock hit air.

  Which she absolutely did. Her little hand circled him greedily, testing its length out a little before—oh, how kind God was!—bringing her palm up to her mouth, to lick, wetly. She was actually thoughtful enough to provide that extra bit of slickness—and in as lewd a way as possible—before rubbing his already gleaming cock.

  She was amazing. An angel. She—

  “I could go grab some lube, if you like. He loves it as slick as you can get it.”

  Jimmy. Fuck. Jimmy.

  His first instinct was to cover whatever might have been showing on Ellie. After all—

  Jimmy had seen his cock. But he hadn’t seen most of Ellie’s right boob and some of the dark hair that covered her mound.

  Unfortunately, his valiant efforts to do so were quickly thwarted, by Ellie’s sudden and violent desire to finish coming. In fact, so sudden and violent was this desire, that she clamped his hand between her legs and said what may or may not have been— don’t you dare fucking stop, oh fuck, don’t stop, Evan, Evan.

  It definitely sounded like it. And while she spoke such heavenly words, she paid absolutely zero attention to Jimmy. Despite the fact that said dickhead was leant against the back of the couch, at the time of her tremendous orgasm.

  He didn’t even have chance to feel smug, about that fact. Which was just a crying shame, because though it felt as if she gushed all over his hand and the whole thing definitely went on for some time, he just wanted to hug her. And maybe come on her. He didn’t want to hear Jimmy say things like—“Wow. Fuck me that looked awesome. You okay, doll?”

  Evan kind of loved her, for replying—

  “You just like watching people, don’t you?”

  But Jimmy just held up his hands, grinning like an ass. “Hey—what can I say? You got me.”

  Chapter Three

  What shocked her most was the lack of surprise on Evan’s face. Though she had to say, the anger more than made up for it. He rarely let himself get anything like mad—his frustration with Jimmy over the whole wanking thing was the closest he’d ever come—but he sure seemed cross in that moment.

  Even if some of the lust definitely remained. She’d never seen anyone give in so easy to desire—like a folding deckchair. Whoomp! Slack faced and big eyed and groaning just because she’d licked her hand and wrapped it nice and slick around his frankly gorgeous cock.

  Which made Jimmy’s timing sort of unfortunate, and sort of…oddly arousing. It certainly hadn’t stopped that tidal wave of an orgasm—the one she could still feel in her thighs and her twitching clit and in that second bloom of arousal, hot on its heels.

  She watched Evan’s cock jerk and glisten, while he made mad and hugely frustrated eyes at grinning—but clearly turned on—Jimmy. All of it made her not want to move, ever again.

  Even if this was insane and probably bad for all three of them.

  “You’re a dick,” Evan said, but apparently it made his cock leap, to say it.

  “I know. But—I do also know what you need.”

  She dreaded to think what he was leaning to the side of the couch for. Was there a guide to gay sex on the end table that she just hadn’t noticed before?

  “Lotion! Hold out your hand, Ellie.”

  Good God, he had balls. And likely he was about to be punched and never talked to by his best friend, ever again. Or at least, it seemed that way until some insane power moved her to actually hold out her hand.

  Then he just seemed shocked, and turned on. The combination looked extremely pretty, on his dark, dazed face.

  “See? Everybody loves lotion, for a hand job.”

  It almost made her laugh—but not quite. Not enough to draw focus away from what it felt right to do. It felt right to wrap her hand around Evan’s stiff cock and pump slowly, working in all that slippery liquid until he no longer seemed aware of Jimmy at all.

  Or at least, he refused to look at his friend, and kept his gaze on her tits, and did nothing but flinch, when Jimmy suggested that she do it faster.

  It felt like nothing at all, to obey him. Mainly because him speaking did something quite unexpected—it sent little shivers of pleasure, direct to her sex. As though what she’d secretly been wanting her whole life was some sort of mad hand job master class.

  “A little harder. Rub near the tip—that’s it. He loves that.”

  And though Jimmy was absolutely right—she fe
lt Evan jerk forward into her grasp, the minute she did as suggested—he found the sense to reply—

  “You don’t know what I love.”

  Though in truth, she didn’t think the resentful-little-kid-in-the-playground tone to his voice took anything away from his clear enjoyment of her firm grip, and her thumb sliding over and over his slit. He bucked forward, roughly, when she carried on regardless, squeezing and rubbing and delighting in the slick firm feel of him against her palm And when Jimmy snorted—

  “Sure I do. I’ve watched you jerk off, enough.”

  Evan’s thighs definitely trembled. And they trembled harder, at the sound of Jimmy informing everyone that he knew Evan was close. Apparently he could tell, by the way Evan kept holding his breath.

  At which, he blurted out—

  “Ellie, I’m going to come. I’m almost—lift your top.”

  He seemed somewhat conflicted, however, when doing so meant she exposed most of her breasts to his friend’s utterly gleeful gaze. Though not conflicted enough to stop himself spurting, thickly and in long ribbons, all over her stomach and chest.

  Nor did it stop that sound she felt sure she would remember forever—a guttural grunt that melted into a high, tight moan, as he orgasmed hard enough to hit the underside of her chin with those lovely streamers of cum.

  He didn’t flinch, the next time Jimmy touched him. In fact, he just leaned right against the back of the couch, and let his friend run a hand down his back—a soothing hand, a friendly hand, a hand that said that was good, huh?

  She couldn’t tell for certain, but it almost looked as though Evan nodded, in response to a question that wasn’t actually asked.

  But then the moment was broken. Whatever spell had been cast slipped away, and she felt him move to clamber off her. She recalled Jimmy’s comment about his need to shower and thought about grabbing him, or telling Jimmy to leave—and probably would have done, if it were not for the cum that was actually all over her.

  Something which Jimmy did not fail to notice.

  “Where you going, bro? You’re not going to leave her like this, are you? Be a gentleman.”

  There was such a tease in his voice—it left her giddy, and breathless. Of course there was some leftover concern for Evan, but mostly just those other two things— and especially when he looked so dazed and not exactly angry. It made her consider all of Jimmy’s

  “playful” ribbing and teasing in an entirely new light.

  One in which Evan was constantly hard, and Jimmy always ready to rev him up.

  She watched him hesitate, one foot almost on the ground. Mouth ever so slightly open, as though he just couldn’t believe anyone would suggest that he wasn’t a gentleman. Why, he always went the extra mile, for a lady.

  “Okay—pass me the tissues,” he said, and held out his hand.

  Unfortunately, in his efforts to be valiant he made a fatal mistake. One which she saw immediately, but he continued to not see until Jimmy had almost let him take the box of tissues from his hand. Almost.

  So close! Then snatched away, at the last second.

  “Come on, man—just give them to me!”

  She watched in what was by that point almost morbid fascination, as Jimmy crooked one innocent baby blue and made an almost perfect hang on a minute sort of face. Whatever this game was, Jimmy had apparently mastered it. Over what could well have been years, without Evan even knowing it.

  “But I thought you said you liked the taste of your own cum. Isn’t that what you said?”

  He sounded like a game show host. An evil one, who enjoyed naughty sex games.

  Evan’s face fell, but thankfully—not all the way.

  “I never,” he said, though as usual, the lie stood out obviously on his handsome face.

  “Yes you did—you said to me that you liked tasting your own cum, while imagining…what was the last part?”

  “I was drunk. I didn’t mean it.”

  Evan appeared very breathless, suddenly. And not half as angry as he had been, at first—which seemed odd. Surely he should be angrier, now that Jimmy was busy revealing his weird secrets?

  “You said—especially when you imagined licking it up off of Ellie’s nude body.


  “I didn’t say nude.”

  Oh Lord. This was worse than the whole erection thing. Had he actually just denied the nude part, while failing to address the whole “licking up cum” thing? It was getting crazy and appalling, the amount of things he seemed to be admitting by default. Next he was going to tell her he’d definitely never imagined having both of them sucking his cock at the same time, before anyone had even suggested he had.

  And though she chastised herself for letting such thoughts inspire her, it just couldn’t be helped. This was all just too mind blowing to pass up.

  “What else has he said, while drunk?”

  Both of them flicked their gazes back down to her—Evan vaguely hurt but still somehow horny looking, Jimmy gleeful as fuck.

  “Oh, stuff you wouldn’t believe. He told me he thinks about you fingering his ass. Can you believe that?”

  “Jimmy!” Evan yelped, which made her want to stop, stop, before he started crying over his probably confused sexuality. Even as his still erect cock told her to carry on, carry on. “I didn’t. I didn’t say that, Ellie.”

  She shifted her weight. Propped herself up on her elbows—and felt his now cooling cum slide tickling trails over her skin, for her troubles. It made reaching him for him difficult, and sort of deliciously gross.

  God, was she really getting horny again? Or maybe it was just as it was with him—the horniness simply hadn’t dissipated. Instead, it poked at her belly, every now and then, and made his face form a perfect hollow of desire.

  “It’s okay, if you did—it’s fine, it’s fine. Jimmy—stop being a dick.”

  “I’m just sharing information. Information that he should have told you, months ago.”

  “I don’t think I would’ve ever wanted to tell Ellie things about…asses…or cum.”

  Sadly, his admission only made her mouth turn down at the corners. Why, it was practically criminal, that idea—Evan Jacobson, never talking about asses or cum! And apparently, Jimmy felt the same way.

  “Which is exactly your problem. You just sit there and listen to me tell stories about how good it feels to have something in your ass, and then you get all flustered but definitely turned on—and then you never want to do anything about it.”

  A moment of clarity definitely passed over Evan’s face. She could see it, even in the darkness.

  “You want to fuck me, don’t you,” he said, but Jimmy just laughed. In a way that completely didn’t deny it. “Do you want to fuck Ellie, too?”

  Again, no denial. She felt something inside her twang, as though her entire body was somehow connected to the pair of them.

  “Think you’d better start by cleaning her up. She’s all messy, Evan, seriously. Go on and clean her up.”

  It seemed almost certain that he wouldn’t. He just continued to kneel over her, gaze locked on Jimmy’s, expression utterly unreadable. She knew his anger should have lasted longer, but somehow it hadn’t, and now there was just this.

  Just him leaning down, to lick all of the places where he’d marked her.

  His tongue felt unreasonably hot, against her skin—perhaps because the liquid had cooled, perhaps due to her sudden skin like ice. Then like fire. Then like ice again.

  Was he really, honestly doing this? Obeying such a lewd demand—and from Jimmy, of all people? It didn’t seem real or possible, and yet she could feel his slippery tongue working over her belly, over her breasts where he’d probably left nothing, before finally searching out her throat.

  It felt much too close, by that point. His entire body spread over hers, covering trails of saliva that cooled as quickly as his cum had. His mouth on her throat, kissing and licking and suddenly very greedy indeed and—

  When he kissed
her, she could taste him. That musky, salt-sweet tang flooded her mouth before she could properly think about what this might mean, on any level. Instead there was just the insistent press of his cock, suddenly between her thighs, again. It kissed her clit through the material of her panties, and everything in the world went white.

  It went whiter still, when she noticed the hand on the back of Evan’s head, carding through his feathery hair. Around the soft stroke of his mouth, she could see Jimmy staring down at them—tongue poking up into the edge of his upper lip, eyes almost as lust-blown as Evan’s. She could practically see the erection he was surely nudging against the back of the couch, as the hand on Evan’s head disappeared down, down.

  It was somehow an incredible turn-on to only know that Jimmy was touching something on Evan that he probably shouldn’t be, because Evan moaned and whimpered into her mouth when it happened. And when Jimmy stroked, she knew that too—entirely through the medium of Evan’s body, suddenly rocking over hers.

  His cock pressed down too tight, too close, and the urge to fondle him the way that Jimmy was overwhelmed her. She let her hands smooth down his sides to his hips, just to hold him close—at first. But such good intentions soon progressed to entirely inappropriate pulling at him, until he gave in and thrust hard against her.

  He was surprisingly easy to operate—like he’d just been waiting for her to guide him.

  Or maybe like he’d just been waiting for Jimmy to guide him, because God he moved fast when Jimmy whispered something she wasn’t sure she wanted to hear.

  It definitely sounded like take her panties off. And it sounded like permission, too, as though Jimmy had hold of her strings as tightly as he seemed to have hold of Evan’s.

  Not that she had any urge to complain, when she felt Evan’s fingers fumbling at her hips, for the elastic of her underwear. The only regret came with the loss of his mouth on hers, as he struggled to first wriggle, then shove them down, body lifting to get the access he needed.


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