Big Bad Daddies: A MFM Romance

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Big Bad Daddies: A MFM Romance Page 6

by J. L. Beck

  “Where’s my mother?” I ask skipping the pleasantries. I’m not here to talk to or be ogled by Greg. I’m here for my mother and her slimy husband just gives me more confidence that what I’m about to do is the right thing.

  “Oh she’s around…” He continues looking at me as if I’m nothing more than a piece of meat that he can devour whenever he chooses. I swallow past the lump in my throat and look at anything but him. People pass by, unaware of the things that the man in front of me has done. Unaware of how horrible he is, how corrupt he is.

  “Well if she’s not here right now then I’m leaving. I came specifically to talk to her.” Anger laces my words and I take a step back, wanting to escape Greg’s presence all together. I’m seconds away from walking away when Greg grabs me by the arm with his meaty hand, his fingers digging painfully into my arm.

  “You’re hurting me.” I growl pulling out of his grip. He’s guided us to a more closed off corner of the room, and anxious butterflies erupt in my belly because I know this is wrong, and bad, so very bad.

  “I saw you outside with those men. Two of them Maddie? Hell, if I’d known you put out so easily I would’ve fucked you a long time ago.” Greg sneers, a sinister look in his eyes. My hand twitches with the desire to slap him, but before I can two very large, very familiar bodies step in front of me, pushing me back behind them.

  They’re shielding me. Protecting me.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” Caine asks first. I peek between their arms looking at Greg’s flabbergasted expression.

  “First who the hell invited you, and second did you think I would just leave town without knowing where my stepdaughter was staying?” Greg takes a drink of the brown liquid swirling around in his glass. He’s unfazed, and completely uncaring to the fact that Knox and Caine could, and probably will fuck up what he thinks is a handsome face.

  Caine laughs at his audacity, but Knox is the one who speaks. “We don’t need an invite to some shitty party where you try and force Maddie to have sex with some young asshole that’s one of your friend’s sons.” Knox growls venom filling his voice.

  Greg chuckles, “I think it’d be best if you two left, seeing as you’re housing and most likely sleeping with the little slut.” I gasp, shocked, but not really that Greg would talk about me in such an unkind manner while I’m standing right here. “I wouldn’t have to ‘force’ her, clearly. She’s giving it up to you two neanderthals easily enough.” He’s so smug. I don’t know how he knows so much about what’s happened since he and mom went on vacation, but I don’t get a chance to ask.

  “Who the fuck do you have watching us?” Caine growls, taking Greg by the throat, the glass in his hand falling to the ground and shattering. Caine’s reaction to Greg’s comment only proves that I’ve been staying with them, and most definitely sleeping with them. I’m not ashamed about it, but I don’t want Caine and Knox to be hurt or get in trouble because of me.

  “Alright, what the hell is going on!?” My mother’s firm voice has me whirling around as she rushes through the crowd and in our direction, her eyes going wide when she sees Caine holding Greg by the throat. Knox wraps an arm around me protectively, pushing me behind him.

  “Seems your ex-husband has a thing for your daughter…” Greg chuckles, even as Caine seethes with anger, his eyes never leaving Greg’s face. I can tell the moment the words register in my mother’s mind, and within seconds she’s opening the doors behind us and ushering us into the room.

  Caine releases Greg with a shove, causing him to trip over his own feet and land hard against the leather sofa. Greg starts to get up, but Caine’s growled, “Don’t,” makes him freeze in place, halfway between leaning against the sofa and standing upright.

  I start before anyone can stop me knowing if I don’t I’ll never get the words out, “It doesn’t matter if I’m sleeping with Caine or Knox, or even both of them. I didn’t come here to discuss that. I came here to tell you that I’m not going to do this anymore. I’m old enough to make my own choices and I’m not required to be with a man that you choose for me.”

  My mom scoffs, and I turn to face her. Before I can reiterate my words, she steps up to me, pointing her razor-sharp nail tipped finger in my face. “You might be nineteen, Maddie, but as long as you live in my house, you’ll live by my rules.” I open my mouth to tell her that’s fine because I won’t be living here anymore, but she talks right over me. “And trust me when I tell you, if you go through with this...this...thing with these two men, you can kiss any tuition help goodbye.”

  “She don’t need your fucking money. I’ll pay for her to go to school. I’ll house her and I’ll take care of her like you should’ve been doing all along.” Knox speaks but he’s cool, calm and collective while Caine is barely containing his anger.

  “When you say care you mean fucking her right?” Greg chuckles once more, and Caine unleashes on him, his fists slamming into Greg's face, the crunching sound of knuckles against bone filling the air and yet he continues to slug him, one punch after the other.

  My mother’s voice pierces the air as Knox tries to separate Caine from Greg. Panic gripping me from moving even moving an inch.

  “If you don’t want to live by my rules and standards, dating someone acceptable that will help further your stepfather’s career instead of being with your ex-stepfather…” Her face sours, “and his friend then you can leave right now. I will not have such a disgraceful child mare my precious appearance.” She crosses her arms over her chest and I see the distaste in her eyes. She really means what she’s saying and if I’m being honest her words hurt more than I thought they would.

  It’s not that I thought she would be accepting of our relationship, but I didn’t think she’d be so upset and basically disown me. She’s my mom. Isn’t your mom supposed to love you no matter what you do? Apparently not when it might make people talk.

  Though I prepared myself for this response, knowing all too well that what other people think will always outweigh her love for me.

  “If that’s what you want, so be it.” I hide the pain in my voice, moving towards the door without realizing that I am. I need to leave, to get out, to be free of my mother’s precious world, with her so-called perfect husband and appearance.

  She never loved me, not really. I was never anything more than an item she could parade around to make her look better for her friends and husbands.

  “It’s what I want.” Her words pierce my heart and I’m running from the room, hate igniting a fire deep in my belly. I don’t slow down until I reach the truck and I realize then that everything’s going to be okay. I’ve got Knox. I’ve got Caine.

  They’ll protect me.

  They’ll provide for me.

  They’ll love me.

  And I’ll always be good enough for them, even though I wasn’t good enough for her.

  She cries the entire way home, her tears staining mine and Caine’s heart, while anger and rage simmer deep inside our bellies. Caine is pissed over the things Greg said about Maddie while I’m enraged that he had someone spying on us.

  I’m going to need to up the security on the house and make sure Maddie is with Caine or I at all times. We’ll no longer be leaving our girl alone in the house, no matter what we have to do. We snuggle Maddie between us on the couch, undressing her and leaving her in nothing but her bra and panties with a blanket wrapped around her.

  I never knew love could feel like this, not until tonight when I watched Greg guiding Maddie away from us. The instinct to protect, and maim any man who touched her nearly consumed me. She’s ours and no man will ever touch her, or talk to her in a disrespectful tone again.

  “Make me forget about it. About my mom. About Greg. Remind how much you love me, and let me show you how much I love you too.” Maddie whimpers, standing from the couch and shrugging out of the blanket leaving her nearly naked in front of us.

  I palm the front of my sleep pants, my gaze shifting away from Maddie over to C

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this? Both of us? Together? Fucking you at the same time into sweet, sweet oblivion?” Caine rasps, reaching out and skimming his hand across her creamy white skin. She nibbles on her bottom lip while thinking, then nods her head yes, her big doe eyes gazing down at us.

  Innocently she slips her bra off, letting the black lace fall to the floor. A groan escapes my lips as her perky tits come into view, my eyes honing in on the pink pebbled nipples.

  “We want to take you together…” I growl, reaching out, and taking one of the pink colored tips between my fingers. I roll it, watching with amazement as a soft sigh falls from her sweet fucking lips. I am rock hard and ready to fuck her until she feels nothing but Caine and I between her legs.

  “We need to take you together….” Caine leans forward, sucking the other nipple into his mouth. I smile watching as her eyes roll to the back of her head.

  It won’t be long until she’s in orgasm heaven, forgetting all about her shit mom and the things that were said tonight. We’ll be sure of that.

  “Come on, princess.” I hold out my hand for her to take, and once she does she holds out her other hand to Caine.

  Together we lead her up to what will now become our room, not just Caine’s. Leaving her with him, I let him lead her over to the bed while I go around the room lighting the candles I set up earlier knowing this moment would come sooner rather than later. We’re getting ready to do some pretty dirty fucking, but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be any romance.

  Once the room is lit to my satisfaction, I go over to the bed and join them. Caine helps her get situated in the middle so we can lie on either side of her. It takes only seconds for us to both shed our clothes and we cuddle up to her together, almost like we’re in sync. Maddie purrs at the feel of our skin against hers, arching her back so she can get closer.

  Caine cups her cheek in one hand, using it to turn her head so he can take her lips with his. The sounds their mouths make have my already hard cock lengthening further. I trail kisses down her jaw to her sensitive earlobe, biting down gently and making her gasp into Caine’s mouth. We both cover a breast with one hand, me kneading gently while he handles her roughly, like we’re two sides of the same coin. I continue kissing her sweet-smelling skin, alternating between light kisses, gentle licks, and hard bites from her shoulder to her collarbone.

  I’m not paying much attention to what Caine is doing, but I know he’s abandoned her mouth to do much the same thing I am. We reach her firm breasts at the same time, and while I suck light marks into the skin around her nipple, he sinks his teeth into the underside of the breast closest to him. The two contrasting feelings have Maddie writhing on the bed between us, one arm wrapped around Caine’s shoulders, the other gripping my arm, her sharp little nails leaving half-moon indents in the muscle.

  Looking up her body, I meet her eyes as I pull her nipple into my mouth. It stiffens more the harder I suck, and I can’t resist scraping the sensitive bud with my teeth. Her mouth drops open at the sensation, but when Caine’s hand travels down her flat stomach to delve between her thighs, her head drops back against the pillows and she moans loudly.

  This time, I’m the one watching as he abandons her tit to kiss his way down to her pussy, lifting one of her legs so he can get between them. I use my hand to roll her neglected nipple while he runs a finger from the top of her slit down to the spot we’re both going to be fucking soon.

  “You’re so damn wet,” he groans. “Damn, baby girl, you’re soaking my hand already.” Caine looks up at her, studying her face so he knows her true answer. “You really do want this, don’t you?” Maddie nods, but that’s not what we need and she knows it. As soon as Caine smacks the inside of her thigh, she yelps out a, “Yes Daddy,” making both of our control fray at the edges.

  He doesn’t give her any time to change her mind before his mouth is on her. I turn my attention back to her breasts because if I keep watching what he’s doing I’m going to blow my load against her silky smooth skin, instead of deep inside her like I want to.

  “Please,” Maddie whimpers, pulling at my arm, the one she’s been digging her nails into all this time.

  Dropping a kiss on her lips, I grin down at her. “Please what, Princess?” I love the nickname I picked out for her. It fits her well, and is something I love using in and out of the bedroom.

  Her small hand trails down my abs to wrap around my dick and when I lift my eyes to her again she's looking up at me, licking her lips. “Can I suck it, Daddy?”

  The innocent way she asks has me thrusting into her grip. I don’t know if I’ll be able to last in her warm, wet mouth, but now that she’s asked, it’s all I can think about.

  I move so I’m straddling her chest, my cock resting between her perky tits. I’ve been dreaming of doing this to her since the first night she was here, and I’m about to make it a reality. “Press your pretty tits against me, Princess. Squeeze me tight. I’m going to fuck them.”

  Maddie looks up at me trustingly as she does what she’s told, a small pout on her lips. “But...what about what I wanted?”

  “Trust me.” I grin.

  She smiles brightly at me. “I do, Daddy.”

  My hips flex at the word, sliding through the valley she’s made for me. I push until the head of my cock presses against her pillowy-soft lips. Her smile widens for just a second before she opens for me, taking the head of my cock into the cavern of her mouth.

  I thrust between her breasts and into her mouth over and over her tits squeezing me tight while her wet mouth beckons the tips of my cock.

  Six strokes in and I can tell she’s about to orgasm from Caine’s mouth and tongue eating her pussy and the pleasure she can see on my face from what she’s doing to me. One more swipe of his tongue and she loses it, convulsing around his fingers while her mouth sucks me harder, her moans vibrating around my hard flesh.

  Looking back over my shoulder, I meet Caine’s eyes and he nods, straightening as he wipes his arm across his mouth. Now that’s she come and Caine’s worked her over, we can get to the dirty stuff. In seconds he's moving off the bed while I move to her side.

  “Scoot over, honey,” he tells her, nodding towards the other side of the bed. Once we’re out of the middle, he climbs on, lying flat and holding his arms out to her. “Straddle me.”

  Maddie wastes no time, crawling over and resting her hands on his chest while his are under her arms, helping her balance herself above his cock.

  As soon as she feels the head brush against her flesh, she drops down on him, impaling herself and taking him as deep as he can go. They both groan deep in their throats at the feeling, and I’ll admit I’m a little jealous. I want to be inside her now, but I know we have to work her up to it. This needs to be a completely pleasurable experience for her or none of us will enjoy it.

  She starts to move, lifting herself up slowly until only the head of his cock is inside her, then dropping down fast again. Caine stops her after a handful of thrusts, guiding her so she’s lying on her chest and making it easier for me to join in.

  Positioning myself behind them, I run my hand across her pussy when she lifts up, gathering her wetness to help lube myself. I love how wet she gets with us. That tells me more than anything she could say that she’s as into it as we are.

  Caine’s hands on her hips keep her still the next time she pushes down, keeping her up just enough I can positing my cock behind him at her entrance. She stiffens when I nudge against her, and I stop to kiss the back of her neck.

  “Relax, Princess. You can do this, and you know I’d never do anything to hurt you.” Her body sags forward at my words, opening her up further for what I’m about to do.

  Wrapping one hand around my base, I hold myself steady and push against her tight entrance, one that’s made even tighter by the fact that Caine’s already inside her. My cock slides against his when I push harder. Maddie whimpers the moment my tip enters her, stretchi
ng her more than she probably ever thought was possible.

  Caine helps hold her steady while I inch inside her slowly, giving her time to acclimate with each push further. I don’t think either of us breathe until my hips press against her ass and we’re both as far inside her as we can be. Maddie’s breath is coming in pants, her hands fisted on either side of Caine’s head and I almost feel bad about causing her discomfort. But then, her pussy clenches us both and my eyes roll back in my head at the feeling. I thought she was tight before, but it’s nothing like now. There’s absolutely nothing that could compare to this feeling.

  I slide out carefully, my cock sliding against Caine’s, and when I push back in, he pulls out. It only takes a few thrusts before we’ve got a rhythm going, and even though I can’t see it, I know he’s rubbing circles around her clit with his thumb by the noises she starts making. Her cries are getting louder and louder the longer we fuck her, and I can feel her body start to quake against me as she tries to keep herself together.

  “Let go, baby,” I whisper in her ear. “Caine and I want to feel you come around us. We want to feel your pussy milk the come out of our cocks at the same time.”

  She moans loudly at the picture my words put in her head, and she starts to shake harder when her orgasm begins. Her head drops back to rest on my shoulder and she screams out her pleasure. Most of what she yells I can’t understand other than my name and Caine’s, but when I feel Caine’s cock start to pulse, I let go of the orgasm I’ve been holding back since we walked into the bedroom and both of us flood her pussy with come as she squeezes us both rhythmically.

  Once her orgasm subsides, Maddie collapses forward onto Caine and as much as I’d like to stay inside her forever, I let my cock slip out of her body and lay down on my side of the bed. We both stroke her back lightly as the aftershocks from her orgasm cause her to shudder every few seconds, and when she’s finally still, Caine rolls over so she’s lying between us. She cuddles into my chest when he leaves the bed, coming back a few minutes later with a wet cloth, cleaning her gently between her legs.


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