Gangsta Bitch

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Gangsta Bitch Page 11

by Sonny F. Black

  Cos backed out of the gambling room, with the shopping bag tucked under his arm and another looped around his wrist. If need be, he could fire the Uzi with one hand, but it wouldn’t be as accurate. Thor and Duce covered his escape in case anyone else felt like they wanted to die. The gamblers they had just robbed were too scared to move let alone try something, but there was no need to take chances.

  Duce moved on shaky legs almost slipping in a puddle of blood. His heart pumped so fast that he was lightheaded. Killing Marsha and Tic had been sweet, but not like this. It had been years since he had felt the rush of the kill and the junkie side of him wanted more of it. There was something about playing God with other people’s lives that made his dick hard. Seeing Cowboy standing in the middle of the room giving orders brought a disgusted look to his face. Luckily, the stocking cap kept anyone else from seeing it.

  He had expected Cowboy to be alone, but there was a female in the room with him. Something about the shape of her body and the way she moved was familiar to Duce, but he couldn’t place her behind the disguise. She must’ve felt him staring at her because she turned around to face him. For a second, he thought he saw her body tense, but she quickly regained her composure.

  “You got an eye problem?” she asked in a gruff voice.

  “Nah,” Duce turned away. Seeing her standing there holding two pistols both excited and frightened Duce.

  “How was your first day on the job?” Cowboy asked.

  Duce looked from the bodies in the gambling spot to the woman making her rounds and said, “Enlightening.”


  When they left the Doll House, the five robbers split into two cars. Thor left with Cowboy and the familiar woman in the Navigator, while Duce rode in Cos’ Honda with him. They were supposed to meet back at Cowboy’s, but take two different routes to get there. Cowboy and his bunch hopped on the Major Deegan Expressway while Cos and Duce took the Cross Bronx. Cos fumbled with the radio leaving Duce to his thoughts.

  “You did good, kid,” Cos finally broke the silence. He coasted the Honda Accord at an even 60 miles per hour.

  “Thanks,” Duce said. “Ya man Cowboy knows how to plot.”

  Cos chuckled. “That’s his M.O., master schemer. He puts the plans together and we execute with precision.”

  “So, I see. I’m just glad I didn’t get my fucking head blown off in there.”

  “You handled yourself well in there, Duce. Like a true vet of this game.”

  “So, what was with the broad?” Duce asked innocently.

  “Frankie? She’s our wild card. That girl knows how to handle herself.”

  “Frankie?” Impossible, his brain screamed. Duce felt all the color drain from his face. Of the millions of criminals in the city, why’d it have to be her? He tried to keep the expression on his face neutral, but Cos had already peeped him.

  “Fuck is wrong with you, you know her or something?” Cos asked looking at Duce suspiciously.

  “Nah, I just didn’t expect another player in the game, especially a female,” he lied.

  Cos moved to the far left lane to pass a slow moving car. “Let me tell you something, Duce, I’m bull shit proof. I saw the way you were staring at Frankie and whatever you’re thinking, un-think it.”

  “What’re you talking about, Cos?” Duce asked.

  “You know what I’m talking about. She’s a sho-nuff fox, but off limits. She belongs to Cowboy.”

  “Is that right?” Duce asked sarcastically.

  “Yeah, that’s right. Duce, you’re a good dude, but poking your nose around another man’s woman is a sure way to get yourself killed.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” Duce mumbled.

  Duce was silent for the rest of the ride, because he didn’t trust his mouth not to betray his soul. Cos made small talk, but Duce only half listened. He occupied himself by looking at the passing scenery and tried not to think about Frankie. After about an hour of driving, they pulled the car over on 147th between Lenox and 7th in front of Espinard Gardens. Duce and Cos walked into the lobby of the building without a second glance from the security guard and boarded the elevator. They got off on the 8th floor and made their way to an apartment at the end of the hall. Before Cos even got a chance to ring the bell, Thor opened the door and waved them inside. The apartment was nice. Not too flashy or overly decorated, but just nice. There was a sofa, love seat and an entertainment system in the living room and four folding chairs, two of which were propped against the wall. Sitting on the love seat in front of the balcony was Cowboy. He had traded his black on black outfit for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. On the table in front of him were stacks of money.

  “Looks like we hit pay dirt,” Cos said, taking a seat on the sofa. Duce didn’t take the empty chair next to Thor, but leaned against the far wall watching Cowboy and the money.

  “Nigga, we caked off. Between what we ripped off from the Doll House and what we got off the suckers in it, there’s about 90 grand. That’s over $18,000 a piece. Not bad for a few minutes work.”

  “Shit, I’ll take jacking niggaz over a job any day,” Thor said in his gravely voice. He was perched on one of the folding chairs with his hammer resting against his leg. The poor metal chair looked like it would give at any minute under the behemoth’s weight.

  “You and me both,” Cos said, eyeing the money.

  “Yo, kid,” Cowboy turned to Duce. “You did good in there,” he tossed him a bundle of money.

  “I only did what you brought me in for,” Duce said, fanning through the money before stuffing it into the inner pocket of his bubble coat.

  “Spoken like a true G,” Cowboy smiled. “Not for nothing, kid, that’s small potatoes compared to the job we’re gonna pull off on Christmas Eve. Them armored trucks are always lousy with cash.”

  “Bout how much you think we’re gonna make off with, Cowboy?” Thor asked greedily.

  “They’ll be rounding up the bread from at least four check cashing spots, plus the stores in the shopping area that night. I’m guessing there’ll be at least a half a mil or better.”

  “That’s what the fuck I’m talking about!” Cos gave Thor a pound.

  “Duce,” Cowboy turned to him. “This was a test to see how you handled yourself, the next run will really determine if you’re built like that, or if I’m kicking you the fuck outta my gang.”

  “Don’t worry about me, son. When the time comes my hammer will ring the loudest,” Duce said seriously.

  “I told you my nigga was the real deal. Cowboy you should’ve seen this nigga on his Rambo shit inside the joint!” Cos said proudly.

  “Why don’t you say it a little louder, I don’t think the neighbors heard you,” Frankie said coming out of the bedroom.

  She too had traded in her black on black outfit for something more becoming of her. She was now dressed in a tight fitting black sweater that drew attention to her ample breasts. She strutted across the room in a pair of gray wool slacks that hugged her ass and hips, but were cuffed at the bottom. Frankie had worn a wig and a wool hat for the robbery, but now her real hair was visible. It was a chocolate colored mane that she wore wrapped around her head with pins holding it in place. Her eyes lingered on Duce for a minute, but not long enough for anyone to catch the exchange her soul was making with his. For as much as she wanted to rush to him and embrace him, it would be a death sentence for both of them.

  “Frankie Five, what da deal, ma?” Cos winked at her.

  “Doing my part and then some,” she replied.

  “Yo, this is my boy Duce, the one Cowboy was telling you about,” Cos introduced them.

  “Nice to meet you,” Frankie said, not looking at him. She didn’t trust herself not to fall apart.

  “Lighten up, baby, we nailed a big score,” Cowboy pulled her down onto his lap. “We’re gonna party our asses off!”

  Frankie pushed herself up and looked at him, “After we come back, right?”

  “Come back from
where?” Cowboy asked, having no idea what she was talking about.

  “Come on Cowboy, I know you didn’t forget that I have to go to my brother’s house in Mt. Vernon tonight so I can watch my niece in the morning? We were supposed to spend the night up there together.”

  “Tonight? Come on, baby we just pulled off a score. Don’t you wanna enjoy the spoils for a while?”

  “Cowboy, you know I can’t shit on my brother like that. Unlike some of us I follow through when I say I’m gonna do something,” she said with an edge to her voice.

  “Frankie, you better watch your fucking mouth,” Cowboy said in a deadly tone.

  He didn’t take kindly to her trying to style on him in front of his crew, and wasn’t above slapping a female around to remind her of her place, but he knew with Frankie it would be an all out brawl.

  Duce watched the exchange on edge. He hoped that Cowboy didn’t get crazy, because if he did then he’d have to be put down sooner than expected, fucking up his whole plan. Thankfully he didn’t.

  “You know what, forget it,” she stormed back into the bedroom, making a point to shoot Duce a nasty look as she went.

  “Fucking females,” Cowboy huffed.

  “You better be careful, Cowboy. Frankie might fuck around and try to kill you in your sleep,” Thor joked.

  “That bitch is crazy, but she ain’t stupid. I’m trying to party and she’s on some old Adventures in Babysitting shit.”

  “You a cold dude, Cowboy,” Cos teased him.

  “Ice cold, my nigga!”

  Cowboy got off the couch and walked over to the makeshift bar in the corner of the living room. He grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and filled four shot glasses. Moving back into the center of the living room, he handed each man a glass. “Yo, I wanna propose a toast. Here’s to new blood in the family. Duce,” he looked at the young man, “may your pockets be forever lined with cash and your hammer never jam.”

  The four men clinked glasses and downed the liquor.

  Before the burning sensation from the drink had completely faded, Frankie came out of the bedroom. She was wearing an ankle length bubble coat and a wool hat with the brim flipped up on one side. Over her shoulder, she was carrying a gym bag. On her way out she kissed Cos and Thor on their cheeks, but shot Cowboy a scornful glare before slamming the door behind her.

  “Well fuck you, too,” Cowboy mumbled. “Well, since Frankie’s ass is gone for the night I might as well call up some entertainment,” he pulled out his cell phone.

  “What we getting into, son?” Thor asked.

  “We, is French, nigga. I’m gonna call that little freak bitch I met at the club last week.”

  “You mean the big butt hoe from 114th?”

  “Yep,” Cowboy said, grinning. “Shorty has been practically begging to come through here and suck me off.”

  “Ain’t you worried about your girl doubling back and catching you?” Duce asked, hoping that he sounded more concerned than mocking.

  “Nah, she’s pissed at me so it’ll be at least a day or two before I see her again. Besides, if she do come back and find my dick jammed in this bitch’s throat she can either join in or wait her turn,” Cowboy said like he was the man.

  “You need to stop hoarding the pussy and share,” Cos joked.

  “And what you need to do is get yourself some game so you can get your own bitches. Cowboy is a one man show. Now, y’all niggaz get the fuck outta my pad so I can handle my business.”

  Everyone laughed except Duce. Though he and Cowboy didn’t know each other very well, he couldn’t stand the man. He was loud, arrogant and sneaky. If it had been up to him, he would’ve just popped him and been done with it, but he knew he couldn’t carry it like that. If he made a move against Cowboy he’d have to move on the whole crew. If it came down to it, he wouldn’t lose any sleep over killing Thor, but Cos was his man. And when he did get at Cowboy what would Frankie do? Would she seek revenge for her murdered lover or would she thank Duce for freeing her?


  When Duce, Cos and Thor got outside, it had started snowing again. The temperature had dropped but it was nowhere near as cold as it could’ve been for December. Cos and Thor got in the Honda while Duce walked down Lenox to where his Eddie Bauer was parked. He had his hands tucked deep into the pockets of his coat, fingering his pistol. There was something about committing mass murder that put him on edge.

  It was a short walk to 141st street where his truck was parked, but the slick snow made it a pain in the ass. He bleeped his alarm and jumped behind the wheel, glad to be out of the element. Duce put his key in the ignition and the truck roared to life. He had just put the truck in drive when he felt something cold against the back of his neck. He glanced up at the rear view mirror and could see Frankie’s fierce brown eyes staring back at him. When he opened his mouth, she pressed the gun deeper into his neck.

  “Shut the fuck up and drive,” she hissed. Duce nodded and pulled into traffic.

  Cos and Thor cruised through the silent night in the Honda. The sounds of The Isley Brother’s Between the Sheets played softly through speakers, while Cos hummed along. He was a stickler for the oldies. Thor sat beside him bobbing his head. He was more into rap music but like with most savage beasts, the music soothed him. He was squirming in the passenger seat trying to get comfortable. Even though he had the seat pushed back as far as it would go, his legs still felt cramped. He cursed under his breath, wishing for the hundredth time that he hadn’t left his truck at home.

  “Cos, when are you gonna get rid of this tiny ass car?” Thor asked.

  “When you buy me another one,” Cos shot back. “I’ve had this car for years and it’s always held me down. It’s a good ride.”

  “Yeah, if you’re a fucking circus midget,” Thor teased him. “Say, what you think about Duce?” he changed the subject.

  “I think the young boy handled himself pretty well for it to be his first job,” Cos said.

  “That’s just it. He handled himself a little too well.”

  Cos cut his eyes at the big man. “Why are you so fucking paranoid?”

  “You can never be too careful, Cos. Look at what happened to Ace.” Ace was a dude that they both knew from around the neighborhood. He was getting money on the streets until he gave his cousin a job. Six months later when the Feds rushed his spot, he discovered that his cousin had been a Confidential Informant.

  “Thor, you’re bugging. Duce ain’t no rat.”

  “I ain’t saying he’s a rat Cos, but there’s more to that kid than he’s telling. He gunned that dude down without batting an eye.”

  “Well, he was locked up for a body so I know he ain’t no stranger to murder,” Cos informed him.

  “Speaking of which, did he ever tell you what went down with that? How the fuck does a nigga go down for a body and come home in five?”

  “I felt a little funny about it too, so I had him checked out. His government name is Melvin Bernard.”

  “Bernard,” Thor scratched his head trying to figure why he felt a chill at hearing the name. “Why does that name sound so familiar?”

  “Maybe you fucked his girl,” Cos joked. “From what I read in his jacket, he blew trial on a double murder and the judge gave him the long walk. A lot of niggaz scream that they’re innocent in the pen, but there was something in his eyes that almost made me believe him. Son fired his trial lawyer and handed over every penny he had to that slick talking Israeli cat who got that rapping nigga outta that rape shit. The odds of him getting the conviction overturned was so slim that I made him show me the original copies of his paperwork before I even agreed to talk any business with him. It reads just like he’s giving it up, he’s good.”

  “Well, I ain’t so sure and I’m gonna keep my eyes on that sneaky mutha fucka.”

  “Thor, let that boy alone. He saved our asses in there; I think he’s proven himself.”

  “Not to me, Costello. The average mutha fucka just moves off su
rvival instinct in a gunfight, but home boy was on some real Matrix shit, so that means he’s a pro and if he’s a pro then why haven’t we ever heard of him? I’m telling you, this shit is like trying to stuff triangles into squared holes.”

  “Whatever, nigga,” Cos waved him off. “You need to get your mind off Duce and on this heist we’re gonna pull on Christmas Eve. This will be our biggest score ever!”

  “You think there’s gonna be as much cake as Cowboy says?” Thor asked.

  “More than likely. Cowboy does his homework on regular jobs, so I know he’s checked this front, back and sideways. Even if it’s close to a half mil, we’ll be straight for a while. Say, what’re you gonna do with your portion of the money?”

  “Buy your ass a bigger car!” Thor laughed.

  Frankie directed him down Lenox Avenue to 132nd where he made a left. They continued another three blocks until they reached Park Avenue and hung a right. Frankie told Duce to pull the truck under the L and kill the engine. For a long while there was complete silence. Duce thought about saying something, but the fact that she still had the gun pressed against his neck deterred him. Finally, Frankie moved back and allowed him to let go of the breath that he hadn’t even realized he was holding.

  “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t smoke yo creep ass,” Frankie hissed. Her voice was cold, far colder than he remembered.

  “Frankie, if you’d just put the gun down we could talk about this.”

  “Talk,” she cocked the hammer back with her thumb. “I ain’t heard a fucking word from you in five years and now you wanna communicate? Nigga, you gotta come better than that.”


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