Love Survives: The BWWM Interracial Romance Collection (Volume 1)

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Love Survives: The BWWM Interracial Romance Collection (Volume 1) Page 47

by Dez Burke

  “I agree. I don’t want them to think me fickle. They should understand that I could not stay under the circumstances.”

  She stopped, reached up and kissed his cheeks. “What was that for?” John asked with a smile playing on his lips.

  “For making me happy. I was worried about what we would do should we get married.”

  “So you have been thinking about us getting married?”

  “Of course, silly,” she giggled and nudged him playfully.

  Chapter Seven

  Cotton Tree had come alive again. It was summer and the idea of rain spoiling any event was quite real, however that was nothing to worry about as the church building was complete and ready for services. It had been painted white with red wooden windows, and decorated with a red carpet running along the aisle, red drapes hanging behind the podium and quite a number of potted plants strategically placed in several places. The women of Cotton Tree Hill were expert decorators, for added to the natural décor of the church were decorations for the biggest event of that had ever been held there.

  Delegates from Canada, the United States, and Jamaica would be in attendance. In all, there would be close to three hundred people in attendance. Of course, there were lots more people who arrived without notice, for Cotton Tree Hill had a lot of children and many elderly folk who rarely left their homes. Some were already in the island and staying with several folks in the community. Everyone was preparing for this. Some bought new dresses and suits and Brother Thomas made sure the mule was very secure, as he wanted nothing to spoil the day.

  It was August twelfth, a Saturday, the most beautiful day of the year. Chevaine yawned, stretched and opened her eyes. Excitement enveloped her as she realized what day it was. She had been waiting for this day all her life…well, at least a year, and now it was finally here. It was summer break and she had returned from school just for this very day.

  “Chevaine, you awake?” Susan called through the bedroom door. They had become best friends and even when Chevaine was at school they would talk quite often.

  “Hey, come in,” she called.

  “I was thinking that we could go down to the river just us two and have a river bath,” Susan told her.

  “Mek mi put on some clothes,” she replied in dialect. Susan always burst out laughing whenever Chevaine talked Jamaican, for it sounded weird coming from her.

  “So how do you feel?” Susan asked as they headed out the door. The river was not far away, just about five minutes’ walk across the playground and through Brother Thomas’ plantain field.

  “Nervous,” she laughed.

  “So this was the man you didn’t want to tell me about, heh?”

  “You’re going on like you never knew,” she playfully nudged her friend.

  “Boy, almost everybody turned against your mother. They blamed her for everything,” Susan said. They had reached the river and found a nice cool spot to bath. “They said they didn’t want a new pastor and the girl in the office, they fired her because she wasn’t behaving right,” Susan added.

  “What you mean?”

  “She was a bad girl, sleeping around too much and you know how Cotton Tree people say, you can’t be sleeping with so many men!”

  “Gosh, I was the one who recommended her,” Chevaine was shocked to hear of the girl’s behavior.

  “So how it feels, you now to be with a white man?”

  “What?” Chevaine was taken by surprise by Susan’s question.

  “You know, how it feel?”

  “I don’t know. I never been with a man before,” Chevaine said embarrassingly.

  “Really? You mek mi feel like a ‘bad’ girl! We the same age and you a virgin still.” The two women burst out into a fit of laughter.

  “You tell me how it feels…you know…to be with a man,” Chevaine pleaded with Susan.

  “Good, it feels really good, you will see.”


  Excited voices could be heard inside the church and in the crowd that stood outside. There were not enough seats inside to seat everyone. No one was excluded from Chevaine’s wedding, for if they were it would have caused a huge uproar in the community. Everyone turned out to see their beloved Chevaine marry the white pastor from foreign. This was no ordinary wedding, as there was no way the Camerons could afford to cater for so many people. This turned out to be similar to potluck party where every farmer brought food from their vineyard. Two farmers brought in a goat each, another brought a huge boar, and the Camerons supplied the chickens which were raised specifically for the occasion.

  Others, who did not offer vegetables or livestock, brought rice and wine as gifts. All the gifts were brought in the day before so that the food could be prepared in time. No one intended to go to their farms that day anyway. There was only one sad face in the community and only one person who planned not to attend. He had come to realize that his approach was all wrong and that he would never win Chevaine’s heart, but it didn’t hurt any less to see her marry someone else.

  Susan was the maid of honor and they spent the entire day together from the moment Chevaine woke to the time she was ready to walk down the aisle. Susan was the one who helped her get dressed and put on her makeup. Her mother popped in every now and then but Mrs. Cameron was overseeing the food preparation and left Susan in charge of getting Chevaine ready. She came in to see her daughter one last time before the big moment.

  The vestry of the church was being used as the dressing room and it was determined that every wedding afterwards would follow the same trend. It was easier than getting dressed from home then walking to the church in your wedding garment. This way the bride could keep cool under the ceiling fan until it was time to enter the church.

  “You look pretty.” There were tears in her mother’s eyes.

  “Thanks, Mommy.” They hugged for a long time, until Mrs. Cameron pulled away.

  “Me so sorry fah di pain me cause you, me chile,” her voice broke a little in her patois.

  “Mommy, but you also brought me joy. If it weren’t for you, this day might never have happened. I love you Mommy.”

  “Now, you go marry that man and remember you always my baby girl,” her mother said as she kissed her and went to check on the food.

  Shortly after Susan came through the door, “Ready? You father coming!”

  She was dressed in a white dress with sequined bodice, long sleeves and a train that was a foot long. A crown of wildflowers was woven into the headdress like a tiara and sat on her dark hair, which was brought up in a coiffeur.

  “Let’s see, something old,” Susan said, checking to make sure everything was in order.

  “My mom’s pearls, they are old and also borrowed,” Chevaine touched her neck and looked in the mirror. She thought of her mother and smiled.

  “The blue I gave you which is the garter. What’s new?”

  “My earrings, Daddy bought me these,” she told Susan with a smile.

  “Your dad? He bought you earrings?”

  “I am sure he had some help….hehehe.” They laughed just as her father knocked the door.

  “Come in, Daddy,” Chevaine called.

  “I’ll see you in church,” Susan kissed her cheek and left.

  “Ready, baby girl?” Mr. Cameron asked.

  “Yes, Daddy, I’m ready.”

  “You are the prettiest bride ever!” he told his daughter, and took her arm.


  As the huge double oak doors opened, a hush came over the congregation. The organist started playing the traditional wedding march. John stood there, eyes peeled to the door, awaiting his bride. He was nervous and beads of sweat formed on his forehead, causing his hair to curl. Though nervous, he could hardly wait to see her. His best man, a friend from Canada, whispered something to him and he smiled.

  Chevaine was breathtaking, a vision of beauty which made his heart skip a couple of beats. Her father was patting her hand, which was looped in his arm as they walk steadily up
the aisle. John was surprised that anyone found time to decorate the church so well with all the excitement of having so many visitors and providing all that food.

  There were white rose petals scattered along the length of the red carpet in the aisle. There were arches made of bamboo and flowers attached to benches across the aisle as well. As Chevaine walked up the aisle, it seemed she was walking through a forest of flowers. There were about thirty rows of benches with the same amount of arches, which created one long archway. The arches were decorated with colorful bell flowers of all colors and kinds. There were no store bought decorations and this made inside the church seemed so enchanting.

  As she reached his side, John took her hand given to him by her father. He could feel her nervousness and gently gave her a squeeze. Noticing the hair curled on his forehead, she swept it away with the tip of her finger. You could hear the crowd’s approval of the loving gesture.

  The ceremony was performed by the senior pastor from his mother church, who was very distinguished looking with his white hair and mustache. When he asked if there were any objections to this marriage everyone looked around to see if anyone would object. Mrs. Cameron stood, turned, and glared at the congregation. No one dared say anything.

  Everything went without a hitch and the couple was married within the hour. When John and Chevaine were asked to kiss, there was a huge uproar, as the people were amused by this. Jamaicans always find this part of wedding ceremony the fun part. John was anxious to do the kissing part but Chevaine was not sure she was ready as she had never kissed a boy in front of her parents. Hesitating, she looked over at her mom and dad who gave her nods of approval and smiled.

  It was a soft kiss. They had talked about it, and thought it inappropriate to do a French kiss in front of everyone. Though no tongues touched, their lips tingled in pleasure, for every time they touched something electrifying happened and this was no different. The kiss only served to feed the anticipation of what was to come, which would have to wait until much later.


  The car left Cotton Tree Hill around midnight. They were on their way to the Wyndham hotel where they would spend the weekend. The couple had decided against a honeymoon and would have been happy with just the church cottage, but they were given a gift of a weekend for two from one of John’s friends. They had, however, decided on a holiday when Chevaine finished her studies at Columbia.

  By the time the car reached the hotel entrance, Chevaine was asleep and John gently nudged her awake. She had been dreaming of her wedding day. After the ceremony in the church and she and John had signed their document, she went back to the vestry and changed into a satin lavender dress. It was sleeveless with a high lace neckline. The lace met the satin at the bodice with an oval cut-out just revealing a bit of cleavage, not too much but enough to be sexy. The dress hugged her hips and then flared just below the thighs, the length just brushing the floor.

  There was not one moment where John left her side except when she danced with her father. She looked so spectacular that he was afraid someone would steal her away. They danced to some of her favorite classical music along with some vintage from Nat King Cole and Lou Rawls.

  Roasted pig, curried goat meat, jerk chicken, rice and peas, plain cooked rice and vegetable salad was served. Red wine, beer, and lemonade were the beverages, but some of the older men folk preferred rum so they had brought their own bottles. It was impossible for everyone to get a slice of the wedding cake so that was reserved for family and close friends. All in all, the day went extremely well and the Cameron family could not be prouder.

  Chevaine opened her eyes to find John watching her tenderly. “Mmm,” she murmured.

  “We’re here,” he whispered and kissed her, this time plunging his tongue in her mouth. He had been waiting all day to do it right and he could not wait until they reached their room.

  Hungrily, she opened her mouth and took his tongue in. With each stroke of the tongue, came ripples of current flowing through their bodies. Pressing against him in the back of the car, she twined her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. Chevaine could feel his heart beating and her fingers caressed the pulse throbbing wildly at his neck. The thought of John reacting to her that way made her feel very special and powerful.

  “Ahem,” the driver coughed.

  “Okay, were leaving,” John said, pulling away grudgingly from his wife.

  It seemed it took forever to confirm their reservations then to get to their room. They took the stairs as the elevator was full and they could not wait for its return.

  They were in each other arms and removing their clothes by the time the door closed behind them. It was far too long in coming. They had fantasized about this moment, anticipated it and even feared it a little. Now, it was all down to instincts. A man who had only ever been with one girl at sixteen was now holding the woman of his dreams in his arms, a bit uncertain but relying on the research he had done, his basic instincts as a man, and God’s guidance.

  John had his jacket, tie and shirt off by the time Chevaine could catch her breath. He undid her zipper at the back of dress and kissed her neck. She was standing with her back towards him and he placed an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. His lips trailed a path of kisses along her nape down to her shoulders and midway down her spine, which sent lightning bolts up and down her back. John’s fingers guided the dress off her shoulders and his lips followed suit. The lavender mass of satin fell around her feet and she stood there in her strapless black bra and matching lace panties.

  Her nipples could be seen beneath the lace of the bra and John plucked them from their barrier, stroking them with his thumb while nibbling her ear. Chevaine leaned back and rested her head on his shoulder, savoring the magnificent sensations brought on by his caress and kisses. She’d never seen a man this naked before, but there was no shame. Chevaine wasn’t naïve, she knew what would happen and she knew about sex, but there was just a small hint of fear.

  His fingers worked their way down her belly and between her thighs to brush against the tip of her clitoris, sending a bolt of voltaic charge up inside her. She felt her vaginal walls constrict then release, then begin to throb. His lips played on her nipples, bringing pleasure she had never imagined. Chevaine wanted to do something but her mind was fuzzy, as if she was floating on air. All she managed to do was caress his chest, exploring its chiseled contours.

  Gently his index finger stroked her love button and she gasped and a gush of hot fluid escaped her. Withdrawing his hand, he quickly unhooked her bra and pulled her panties down to fall at her feet. Shyly, she stepped out of them and turned to face John. Chevaine wanted to see his face and what he was thinking, feeling. She reached out and placed her hands on his firm pecs. His smooth skin twitched beneath her touch. Her eyes cast down to where his manhood lay hidden beneath the fabric of his pants and saw the bulge and this caused her breath to catch.

  John took a moment to look at his wife. He liked that thought of her as his wife. Her breasts were high and firm with dark button nipples which became hard at his touch. Long, slender thighs with a flat belly were complemented by her golden complexion. She glowed in the dim lights of the candles which were lit in anticipation of their arrival.

  They hadn’t taken much time to peruse the beautifully decorated honeymoon suite nor had their seen that there was a bottle of champagne on ice waiting for them. Their eyes met and in that moment it seemed their souls intertwined in an unbreakable bond. As if not wanting the moment to end, they slowly moved into each other’s arms. John had removed his pants and was wearing only his boxers. Chevaine looked at his crotch again and saw the bulge was bigger. A twinge of fear gripped her but as soon as their skins touched for the first time, she felt the fear disappear. He cupped her face and nibbled the corner of her lips. She ran her fingertips along his jawline.

  John bent and brought one arm under her knees and the other around her back and lifted, carrying her to the bed. He laid her gently down
and kissed her chin then licked it with the tip of his tongue. He continued a trail along her temple then down the side of her neck. He stopped only a moment to return to her lips with a tender kiss.

  He continued his assault on her chest and slowly moved towards her waiting breasts. Chevaine cupped his head and arched her body in anticipation of his lips on her nipples. Impatiently she guided his head towards her left mound and his lips closed around the tip, sucking gently. All too soon, he enveloped the next in his mouth while gently kneading the other.

  A groan escaped Chevaine at the intense pleasure which threatened to drown her. John’s lips moved along her torso and down to her belly button where it lingered for just a second. She jumped when she felt his lips kiss the V at the base of her pelvis. The warmth of his lips stoked the fires which burned deep in her belly. Slowly, John parted her thighs and touched her clit with the tip of his tongue. The salty, sweet taste kindled his senses as well. He then buried his face in her lushness and inhaled deeply before licking her once more.

  Rhythmically, he stroked her love button with his hot tongue, bringing a gush of warm, sticky moisture with each stroke. On instinct, he plunged his tongue into her opening and lovingly stroked her. Chevaine’s mind went into a tailspin and she was taken to heights of joy. Gradually, John increased the tempo of the caressing of his tongue and her hips moved to the new cadence, culminating in a huge eruption from an unknown depth within her belly. It was as if a dam broke and released all her pent up sensations. She could not contain it and a scream escaped her as her body stiffened, then writhed in pleasure.

  “Oh God!” Chevaine exclaimed.

  John moved and covered her body with his, sealing their lips in a kiss. Wrapping her legs around him she felt his prick automatically resting at the opening of her cunt. John reached between them and guided his dick into her, only to be met by a barrier. He withdrew and pushed again. He felt her stiffen and heard her gasp.

  “Are you okay?’ he whispered, not wanting to hurt her.


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