Muffled Milfs_Damsels Anonymous_Volume 3_Part 2

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Muffled Milfs_Damsels Anonymous_Volume 3_Part 2 Page 1

by Valereya James

  Muffled Milfs

  Damsels Anonymous Volume 3

  Part 2

  By Valereya James

  Cover Photo courtesy and copyright


  On the surface, Marston's Pointe seems like an idyllic, beach community, but a seedy underbelly of crime and corruption rules just beneath the calm exterior. Busty, intrepid red haired reporter and single mother Tanya Donnelly has made it her personal mission to clean up crime in her home town, even to go as far as to strike a deal with her neighbor and femme fatale, Shelly Arnold.

  Shelly has designs on taking over crime in Marston's Pointe, and has already enacted part of her plan by manipulating Tanya into helping her kidnap the gorgeous women of the Sheriff's Department by convincing Tanya that they were corrupt. Next, Shelly dupes Tanya into going undercover at a brothel, leading to Tanya being bound and gagged in her lingerie at the hands of The Queen, the kinky dominatrix that runs the brothel.

  The next step in Shelly's plan is to seduce Joseph “The King” Kingston, the head of Lady Luck Casino and public face of Ace's crime organization. Shelly believes that Tanya is out of her way, but unknown to her, Tanya cracked under The Queen's sexy interrogation techniques and revealed her alliance with Shelly...


  Shelly smiled, satisfied with how the night played out, as she and Lisa drove back to her place. Lisa was behind the wheel, also smiling and shifting glances over at her employer.

  “Keep your eyes on the road dear.” Shelly cooed and stroked Lisa's thigh as she spoke. Lisa gasped and Shelly noticed the woman's large breasts heave up and in with excitement. They would have to do something extra sexy tonight to celebrate, maybe sex in the jacuzzi?

  Shelly giggled at the thought, and Lisa looked over at her.

  “What is it?”

  “Oh nothing, keep driving.” Shelly continued to stroke Lisa's thigh as she spoke. Tanya was gone, part of Shelly still couldn't believe it, and soon Felicia, Gina, and their bimbo gang would be gone too. If her plan went off well at the pool party tomorrow, then she would start to wrap King around her finger and then Ace would go too.

  The town sped by them as they drove, and Shelly's gaze fell to Lisa's massive cleavage. Visions of her burying her face between Lisa's breasts ran through her head, and Shelly found herself getting wet.

  Oh yes, this is definitely a night for celebration!

  Another turn, and they were on her street. Shelly realized that if Tanya was truly gone, then they would have to do something about her brat son, who would no doubt be asking questions.

  I'll just give him some money and tell him to split. Or call child services or something.

  Shelly guessed that Ian would be sent to live with his dad, wherever that was. It seemed that Tanya didn't keep up with her ex-husband all that much, besides a few weeks in the summer when her son went to stay with him.

  But as they pulled closer to Shelly's house, all of her erotic thoughts of passion in a jacuzzi vanished.

  “What the hell...” She muttered, glaring at her house. Lisa's eyes were wide with concern as she looked at the house, and then back at Shelly.

  It looked like every light in the house was on, loud music blasted from within. People, men and women, seemingly in their early twenties, milled about her front yard, and she could see more in the back yard. Silhouettes from inside told Shelly that people were inside as well. All of them had an alcoholic beverage of some kind in their hand.

  Did Jeremy throw a party? Her son was in his teens, and starting to get rebellious, but this didn't seem like him, firstly because all of these people seemed way too old to know him.

  Lisa parked and shared an ice cold look with Shelly. Neither woman had to say anything to the other, they both knew what to do. In almost perfect synchronization, they undid their seat belts and stormed out of the car. The sounds of the party hit them as soon as they left: People laughing, talking, loud hip-hop music.

  One of the partiers, shorter than the others, turned towards them, swaying as they moved. Shelly recognized him almost immediately: Ian, Shelly's son. Ian's eyes were bleary, and he had a can of beer in one hand and a joint in the other. He squinted at the woman through a drunken haze. Shelly and Lisa strolled right up to him. His eyes widened as they did.

  “Oh... he...hey!” Ian slurred.

  “Ian.” Shelly said flatly.

  “This... this um....” He stammered. Lisa strolled forward and ripped the beer out of one hand and grabbed the joint out of the other and tossed it away.

  “Hey!” He cried, stumbling forward but then stopped, his eyes falling squarely on Lisa's breasts. Shelly sighed and stepped in between them.

  “Ian, who is responsible for this?”

  “Umm, I don't know. Some guy.” He spat.

  “Some guy?” Shelly folded her arms.

  “Some guy, came over and invited me over. He's cool as shit!” He spat out the last word.

  “Mom!” A male voice shouted from the porch. Upon hearing the word, Shelly's blood turned to ice in her veins. Her eyes narrowed and she gave a look that could turn rock to molten lava. Ian noticed and stepped back.

  “Would that be him?” She asked Ian. He nodded.

  “Mom!” the voice said again, closer. It didn't come from her son, Jeremy. Shelly sighed and turned to face the speaker.

  Stumbling down the porch steps towards her was a tall, athletic, dark haired boy, roughly in his mid-twenties. He wore a pair of board shorts, flip-flop sandals, and nothing else. Being shirtless was an excuse to show off his physique: particularly his six pack abs and large pectoral muscles. The young man also had cans of beer in each hand.

  “Mom!” He cried again, arms out to his side. Shelly just folded her arms tighter over her chest.

  “Bradley...” She sighed. Bradley, her step-son... or should she say ex-step-son. Her ex-husband came with a child from a previous relationship, a spoiled, attention starved brat named Bradley. For whatever reason, Bradley had latched onto her during the marriage, and seemed to delight in harassing her at every chance he could.

  When her ex-husband went to jail and Shelly initiated divorce proceedings, she hoped that would be last that she would have to deal with Bradley, but he still attempted to have a relationship with her. During her darkest days, Shelly wondered if he harbored some sort of sick crush on her, intensified now that they technically weren't family, but she always dismissed that notion and told herself that he was just a lonely boy desperate for a mother.

  “Mom!” Bradley cried again, his breath reeking of booze. He stumbled forward and wrapped his arms around her in an awkward hug.

  “Bradley...” She sighed again.

  “Hey, that's enough.” Lisa said in a warning tone, and pulled Bradley back.

  “Hey, whoa!” He cried, turning to face Lisa. Upon seeing her, his eyes widened.

  “Whoa, who are you?” He asked, and turned to face Shelly. “Mom, you've made some hot friends!”

  Shelly sighed again. Bradley only called her “Mom” to annoy her.

  “What are you doing here Bradley? I thought you were at college.”

  “Here, hold these...” Bradley slurred, handing his drinks to Ian. Lisa immediately grabbed the drinks from the underage boy's hands and tossed them aside.

  “Whoa, those weren't finished!” Bradley cried.

  “What... are... you... doing... here?” Shelly said through gritted teeth.

  “I... well the school thing didn't work out.”

  “Didn't work out?” Her eyes narrowed.

  “Yeah, something about bein
g a dry campus... whatever. I didn't know where else to go.”

  “So you show up here and get a minor drunk?”

  “Whoa! Whoa! Who's a minor?” He asked. Shelly pointed to Ian. Bradley turned to him and shrugged.

  “It's not my job to card.”

  A dark cloud settled over Shelly. This day was going too well, of course something had to go wrong. Fucking Bradley. She glared at him, a thousand scenarios racing through her head on how to get rid of him... permanently.

  “This party is over. Now!” She ordered. Bradley recoiled as if struck.

  “What? No, it's just getting started.”

  “It's over, and then you are gone in the morning.”

  “Mom, no!” He whined.

  “I'm not your mom! And yes! I'm too busy to deal with this!”

  “Wait, let's work something out!” He held out his hands in a pleading gesture, but Shelly wasn't having it.

  “Go inside and turn off that music.” Shelly motioned to Lisa. The well endowed woman moved to walk up the porch stairs when Bradley intercepted her.

  “Wait! Wait!” He reached out, grabbing her by either shoulder.

  “Get out of my way!” Lisa ordered, tensing up.

  Shelly stepped back, sensing that things were about to get intense, when a set of high beams shown on her from down the street. No sooner did Shelly shield her eyes and turn to face the beams when she heard an engine and saw a car speeding down the street towards her. She froze, watching as the black car bore down on her.

  This is it! They're after me! A thousand thoughts raced through her head. Tanya had talked, she talked and now Ace had sent someone to take care of her.

  Do something! Run!

  But Shelly stood frozen, and the car raced towards her. Both Lisa and Bradley rushed forward, grabbing her by either arm.

  One of the back doors to the car opened up, and Shelly braced herself, knowing that in a second a masked man would lean out and point a gun right at her. Everything unfolded in slow motion around her, and Shelly could only watch.

  I may as well face my executioner. She thought morbidly.

  Instead of an armed man, Tanya leaned out the back door. A white cloth gagged her, her bare breasts bounced as she stared at Shelly wide eyed.

  “MMMMMMPPPH!” The naked captive cried, and a moment later Tanya's nude body was flying through the air towards them.

  “UMMMMMMMMMPPPH!” Tanya screamed through her gag, and a moment later she crashed into Shelly, Bradley, and Lisa.

  All three tumbled back under Tanya's impact, and Shelly's face was planted directly between Tanya's naked breasts.

  “Mmmmph! Mmmmph! Ummmm!” Tanya squirmed and struggled on top of Shelly, who fought to get out from underneath the bound woman.

  “Mmmmeet moofff offff mmmmee!” Shelly blubbered into Tanya's breasts. A moment later, Tanya was pulled off of her and Lisa was pulling Shelly to her feet.

  “Are you okay?” Lisa's eyes were frenzied with concern.

  “I'm...” Shelly stuttered, attempting to find words.

  “Mom...” Ian said in a hushed tone.

  “Mmmm! Ummm! Llllmmmph!” Tanya moaned. Shelly looked down and saw that Bradley was cradling the bound woman in his arms, her bare breasts pressing against his chest.

  “Oh... hey...” Bradley flashed her a cheesy smile.

  “Mmmmmmph! Ulllluggghmmm!” Tanya wriggled and squirmed against him. As Shelly took this in, she noticed that Tanya was bound hand and foot, and there was something else...

  When Shelly noticed it, all she could do was cock her head in morbid curiosity. A popsicle stick stuck out from between Tanya's ass cheeks.

  What did they do to her?

  Bradley continued to stare at the naked, bound woman in dumbfounded confusion.

  “So...uh... what's up?” He smiled.

  “Mllllummmmggph! Mmmmmph!” Tanya continued to wriggle, her face turning as red as her hair.

  Shelly turned towards the house and saw that a crowd had gathered. No, it wasn't just a crowd, the entire party now stood on her front lawn, gawking at the bound and gagged nude woman that had just been thrown out of a moving vehicle.

  I need to diffuse this, and fast.

  But there was more that she needed to know. Had Tanya talked? Shelly could only assume that she did, and that's why she was dumped in Shelly's lap: as a warning.

  If she talked then that ruins everything!

  Let's not panic yet! Shelly told herself. It was very possible that they just wanted to humiliate Tanya, that they meant to dump her on her own yard but saw the party and couldn't resist. Well, there was only one way to find out.

  “Bradley, could you help our new guest to her feet?”

  “Wha? Oh...” Bradley was busy gawking at Tanya's nude form, but snapped out of his stupor and rose, pulling Tanya up with him.

  “So uh, I'm Brad. What's up?” He flashed a cheesy smile at his literally captive audience.

  “Ummmmmmph! Grrrrummble! Ummmmumm!” Tanya mumbled, struggling against her bonds.

  “Mom...” Seemed to be the only words Ian could muster as he stared at Tanya. She turned to him and glared.

  “Mmmmeeeum! Meeeeum! Hmmlllp!” She motioned him over towards her with her head, but he only retreated.

  “Now Tanya, what a display you put on! What exactly is the meaning of this?” Shelly chided, striding towards Tanya and pulling down her gag. Tanya let out a breath and glared at Shelly.

  “You bitch! How could you leave me like that! Do you know what they did to me! Of all the-UMMMPH!” Tanya was cut off when Shelly pulled the gag back up over her mouth.

  “Now, now Tanya. If you are going to talk like that then I insist you be muzzled.” Shelly smiled at her. Tanya only glared daggers.

  “Grrrmmmm...” Tanya grumbled.

  “You see,” Shelly began, strolling around the bound woman. “I only have one question, and how you answer that will dictate how quickly you get out of this predicament.” Shelly stopped directly behind Tanya, pressing herself against the woman's nude body.

  “Urmmm hmmm...” Tanya nodded, listening. From behind her, Shelly leaned forward and slid her hand down, grabbing the popsicle stick that protruded from Tanya's ass.

  “What did you tell them?” She whispered in Tanya's ear, tightening her grip on the popsicle stick.

  “Eeep...”Tanya squealed and went still. Shelly responded by twisting the popsicle stick ever so slightly.

  “Mmmmeep!” Tanya cried.

  “Did you tell them about me?” Shelly whispered.

  “Umm hmm!” Tanya shook her head.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Ummm hmm!” Tanya nodded her head.

  “Good!” Shelly smiled, and with a forceful tug, yanked the popsicle stick out from Tanya's asshole and tossed it aside.

  “MMMMPH!” Tanya cried out in surprise.

  “Of course,” Shelly said, circling back to in front of Tanya. “You know this means that you're out of the game.”

  “Mrrrmm grrrph!” Tanya screamed, eyes wide.


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