Broke and Famous

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Broke and Famous Page 40

by Elizabeth Gannon

  “Can think of worse ones though.” He teased, winking at her. “But you’re the boss, Miss Sasha. If you wanna leave and do this at home, that’s what we’ll do.”

  She pulled away, looking stricken. “You… you don’t understand, do you? We’re trapped here now!”

  Thraex’s eyebrows shot up. “Wait, what!?!” He gasped, looking around at the nightmare which surrounded them. “How can…”

  She let out a bark of laughter. “No, I’m just messing with you.” She pointed down at the device in her hand. “There’s a button.”

  He pulled her closer again. “Ohhh, are you gonna get it when we get home, chère.”

  “Promises, promises.” She pressed the button on the side of her device, opening up the portal again, then took his hand to lead him through.

  Thraex took one last look at his father, oddly both glad that that monster was dead and that it was an ending that had brought the man peace.

  Then Thraex stepped through the portal, leaving his past as a betrayer behind and taking his first step into his future. As a Westgate.

  Chapter 22

  “Latavius Westgate. Died 1928. Killed by the machine he helped invent, which automatically cut bread into equal slices. Funeral home made out like bandits that day though, they say it took a dozen equal sized coffins to bury the fella, one slice at a time.”

  – Thraex, Damn Fool Ways Westgates Ended Up Graveyard Dead: Vol. 1

  Two Weeks Later

  Sasha lowered her goggles, feeling like something was wrong.

  At the moment, she was working in the Westgate Foundation’s lobby, simply because she liked this room more than her lab on the 34th floor.

  Thraex looked over at her from the little lunch counter area, which he was polishing as if he expected it to reopen any day. “Noticed that, didja?”

  She tilted her head to the side, trying to figure out what that odd feeling was… then she heard what was playing over the building’s interior speakers.

  “Thought it was maybe time we tried something a little more modern.” Thraex explained casually. “Gotta change with the times, Darlin’.”

  She leaned back in her chair, smiling at him in amusement as Sam Cooke’s Wonderful World continued to play, rather than the slow jazz which normally filled the room.

  “This song was released in 1960.” She reminded him, still laughing. “How is that ‘modern’?”

  “If it works, no need to change it.” He sat down on one of the vintage stools, and took a sip of coffee from his new Westgate mug. “That’s part of having a legacy.”

  “That’s a very positive attitude, Thraex Westgate.” She praised, using his new surname.

  “I’m a very positive guy, Miss Sasha Westgate.” He raised his mug to her in toast. “Appreciate you noticin’.”

  She put down the tool in her hand and pushed away from the table, rubbing at her eyes. “Did you take care of that debt yet?”

  He nodded, swallowing another mouthful of coffee. “I explained the situation to The Farm, about Triumph Industries being behind the warehouse explosion…”

  She frowned. “Not quite accurate, but…”

  “Figure them super-powered types should really be fightin’ each other, rather than bringin’ their problems to Reichelt Park.” He nodded to himself, obviously pleased with that idea. “Neater that way, chère, don’t you think?”

  She simply stared at him for a beat, then started laughing. “No, but that’s fine. As long as we’re not in danger anymore.”

  “We’re Westgates, Darlin’, we were born in danger.”

  The elevator bing-ed and Zhanna exited it, heading for the front door. The woman seemed to enjoy taking the elevator up and down now, just for fun. Sasha had no idea that the elevator wasn’t recognizing them as Westgates. She thought it was perfectly obvious. Thraex and his mother were as much Westgates as any Westgate ever born. “Good morning, Zhanna.” Sasha called to her.

  The woman continued towards the front door, then paused. “Belle-fille.” She said softly bowing her head in greeting, then left the building without another word.

  Sasha looked to Thraex for a ruling on that.

  “’Step-daughter.’” He translated, taking another sip from his mug. “And also ‘daughter-in-law.’ Which… is an oddly perfect word in this situation.”

  Sasha thought that over for a moment, then smiled. This was really a breakthrough in her relationship with the woman.

  Thraex casually continued running through his daily review of the lobby, checking off his inspection on his clipboard.

  He used a comb to straighten the hair of The Horror of Crater Isle, making sure the taxidermied monster looked orderly.

  He used his shirt sleeve to clean off his glass “Man of the Year Award,” which the Lady’s Auxiliary had given him, partially due to keeping them all from being sucked into a hell dimension forever. The voting committee had been at the festival when it was sealed away in a force field, and they’d been overjoyed with Thraex when Sasha finally deactivated the wire and freed everyone.

  Then he moved on to making sure the support brackets for both of the thirteen inch bronze Eater of Joy statues were in place and secure.

  Sasha had returned the stolen statue to the building yesterday, never having the heart to sell it. She’d kept it in a locker, where memories of stealing it had tortured her like the damn Tell-Tale Heart.

  She had re-attached it to the wall this morning, and it felt so good to put it back into place. The night she’d taken it… hadn’t been her best. She’d embarrassed herself, to say nothing of what she’d done to Thraex. That night had been one of the worst of her life, but seeing the statue back on the wall helped her feel like she was healing.

  Like… even if you damaged something seemingly beyond repair, you could still make it right if you tried.

  She got to her feet. “Nash gets out of the hospital tomorrow, and she’s requested that under no circumstances are we to allow Colby to drive her home.”

  “That’s fine.” Thraex nodded seriously. “We’ll let Zoe do it. Giraffes love drivin’, I’m told.”

  Sasha chuckled in amusement, pointing to the device on the table in front of her. “I’m just about finished with my prototype for the machine which I think might help Baxter get his mind back. I’ve got Colby working on the ultra-diode ray for it, and once she’s finished, we can test it.”

  Thraex nodded. “Sounds good.” He reached under the counter and pulled out a bag of something, ripping it open. “And… and the other matter?”

  Sasha looked down at the ground for a moment. “Kurtz isn’t dead.” She insisted.

  “Didn’t say he was.” Thraex assured her calmly. “Boy’s too suicidal to go out that easy. He’s got too much of his daddy in him; his end would be much bigger than just turnin’ up missin’.”

  She gestured to the street outside. “He sent them somewhere. He took them with him, using some kind of transporter he cooked up in his lab.” She brushed a strand of hair off her face. “But I haven’t figured out where he went or how to get him back.” She pointed towards the upper floors. “I’ve got the computer running the numbers now.”

  “The one on the 35th floor that can’t even play Pong without shortin’ out?”

  “No, I built a new one.” She explained. “But I’m going to put it in the same room, just for tradition’s sake.” She raised her finger to make a vow. “Next up: modern day maps for the Giant Map Room!”

  “Now you’re goin’ overboard, Darlin’.” He made a face. “The ones in there are classics.”

  He looked down at the metallic bag in his hand, chewing thoughtfully on something and making a soft “Mmm” sound.

  Her brow crinkled in curiosity. “What do you have?”

  “’Atomic’ Ice Cream.” He ate another piece. “Turns out, your grand-mama had it all freeze-dried. There’s a whole mess of it on the 4th floor.” He turned the bag over to look at something. “Says it’s good for 40 years.”

  “It’s been longer than that.”

  “I live in Reichelt Park, Darlin’, I like a little danger.”

  She let out a long breath. “So… I guess I have,” she checked her watch, “an hour where there’s nothing pressing I could be doing. All of my projects are as far along as I can make them right now.”

  “Oh be joyful.” He ate another piece of freeze-dried ice cream, meeting her eyes. “And how will you fill your afternoon, chère.”

  She walked towards him, reaching up to close the gate as she past under it, sealing off the lunch counter from the rest of the lobby and giving them some privacy.

  “I thought,” she licked her lips, her heart beating faster in excitement, “I thought maybe since I still work for you… you could tell me what to do?”

  “I got some notion of some things you could do for me, Miss Sasha.” He agreed, his voice flirtatious but still practically dripping in lust and power. “Why don’t you come on over here and we’ll discuss it some…”

  She closed the distance between them immediately, leaning in to kiss him.

  His lips devoured hers, sending shockwaves through her already excited body. His lips were soft, but thrillingly demanding. Making her slant her head back and accept him, as he sent her blood thundering through her veins.

  She instinctively grabbed hold of him, running her fingers through his hair and then down the powerful muscles of his back.

  He tasted hot and loving, and she wanted more.

  Her hand slid lower and she could feel the tightness of his erection as it pressed against his dark pants.

  He reached down to grab her rear with both hands, pulling her against him. His mouth continued to take ownership of hers, leaving her no option but to submit.

  She met his eyes, working to loosen his belt.

  He sat up a bit and she ripped his pants off a second later, tossing them aside.

  She looked down at the full, rigid length of him, then met his eyes. “That the job you have for me today?” She licked her lips. “It looks pretty hard…”

  He chuckled, his amusement cutting through his lust for an instant. “I think you can handle it, Miss Sasha.” He assured her. “I believe in you.”

  She sank to her knees in front of him, reaching out to take him in her grip.

  His breathing was tight, his eyes now showing no trace of the amused lilac color. Now there was only a deep, lusty purple. He grabbed her by the back of her head and pulled her down on him, pushing his body into her mouth.

  She made a moaning sound, feeling his body throb in desire against her lips.

  He swore, his voice almost pained with desire.

  Sasha smiled, tightening her grip on him.

  He let out a yelping sound, not expecting that. Then pushed his body further into her mouth as punishment.

  She pulled free a moment later, curling her tongue around his shaft, teasing him. Enjoying watching the bioluminescence of his body as she made him more and more excited and the colors shifted. “Am I doing a good job, Thraex?” She asked innocently, licking him. “I wouldn’t want you to fire me.”

  But Thraex was far too gone for sex games, it seemed.

  He grabbed her head again, holding her in place and thrusting into her mouth. She almost smirked in victory, but her lips were stretched around the circumference of his cock.

  He started grunting, pushing himself deeper and deeper into her throat, while Sasha looked into his eyes.

  He exploded a moment later, his fingers gripping her scalp almost painfully. He let out a growl of desire, as she tasted him.

  He leaned back on the stool, breathing hard. “That’s a fine mornin’s work, Miss Sasha.” He praised, panting. “A fine bit of work.”

  She rose to her feet, swallowing. “I try.”

  He placed one of the pieces of freeze-dried “Atomic” ice cream into her mouth, his fingertips brushing against her tongue. She ate the treat and was surprised that it was actually… good.

  “Mmm… sweet.” She got out, chewing on it and letting it mix with the taste of his body.

  “I reckon I know somethin’ sweeter…” he teased, then effortlessly lifted her up and deposited her on the countertop in front of him. He flipped the hem of her skirt out of the way and then tore her panties off.

  He looked down at her folds, which were wet for him. “Heaven...” He remarked softly, then put his head under her skirt.

  She let out a gasping sound, not expecting that.

  He gently kissed her hip, tongue teasing the skin. His arm positioned itself under her rear, lifting her up so that he had easier access to her body.

  His other hand played with her intimate flesh, as if preparing her for more. Sliding over her skin, moving through the curls, gently rubbing at the nub of her core.

  Then his mouth was there, hot and wet and demanding. Taking everything her body would give him.

  Making it his.

  She reached down to press his face into her, wanting him deeper. Wanting him everywhere. Wanting him to never stop…

  His hands tightened on her rear, fingers digging into her flesh like he was an animal hungry for the taste of her.

  She let out a choked cry as his tongue quested deeper, followed by his lips closing over her.

  She came violently, bucking off the countertop in an effort to fuck the man’s mouth, holding him in place, right where she wanted him. He let out a growl of pleasure, keeping his mouth on her as she rode out her climax, greedily lapping at her.

  She collapsed backwards onto the counter, breathing hard and feeling lightheaded from the intensity of that.

  He reappeared a moment later, crawling up to lay beside her. “I was right.” He kissed her cheek, hand moving to cup her breast. “Sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted…”

  She kept her eyes locked with his as she helped him remove her top and bra.

  She was now nude on the lunch counter, before him like a meal. He was naked from the waist down but still wearing his shirt and tie, which had the Westgate logo on it today.

  She absently took the tie in her fingers and raised a questioning eyebrow. “Why do you wear such weird ties?”

  “I like color.” He explained simply. “I just don’t understand how to match them, since my world was greyscale. So I just go with bright ties and then all black, and hope that works.”

  She considered that, then nodded. “Huh.”

  He put his hands on her shoulders and gently turned her around, whispering soft loving words into her ear as she pressed her back against his chest. “I love you more than life itself, you know that, chère?”

  She nodded, so in love with the man that a tear traced down her cheek. “I know.” She assured him breathlessly, feeling his hard body press against her as if to back up his claim. “I love you too, Thraex.”

  He ran his hand down her leg worshipfully, then pushed it forward, spreading her wider for him. She let out a soft sound as he impaled her with his body from behind, moving slowly so as to prolong the sensation of his entrance.

  He pulled her back against his chest, wrapping his arm under her, while the fingers of his other hand reached down to where they were joined.

  Her body all but melted against the contours of him, like she was a liquid which had no purpose other than moving against him as closely as possible. Feeling him. Wanting him to make her feel good and to share with him how much she loved him.

  He started kissing her neck, one hand caressing her breast, while the other was still nestled between her legs, stroking her core while his body moved inside her.

  He was so hard and so hot that it seemed like she could feel it all the way to her soul.

  She put her head back, resting it on his shoulder, feeling his breath and looking into his eyes as he took her. His movements were gentle and slow, both of them enjoying it too much to rush.

  She moved with him, wanting it to last forever. Feeling his love and his sweat and his desire for her. Hearing his breath soundin
g in her ear, whispering her name and telling her how tight she was and how beautiful she looked.

  Finally, she just couldn’t take it any longer, and she climaxed again. It was a deep shattering orgasm, even bigger than the first, which left her screaming his name and feeling utterly spent. Her head fell back against him again, and she moved her hands over his, holding them against her damp flesh.

  She gently ran her hand over his cheek, which was slick with perspiration, his jaw clenched tight. “Thraex…” She whispered, looking into his eyes and feeling so loved and loving him so much in return. Wanting him to lose himself in her again. “I want you… I’ve always wanted you. And I love you so much, Thraex.” She reminded him. “I’ll always be yours.”

  Thraex came, choking out her name and holding her against him so tightly that she lost her breath.

  They stayed that way for a long time, both unwilling to let the moment end.

  “I… I have to get back to work.” She finally whispered, kissing his chin.

  “Okay,” he nodded, “but I’m pretty spent right now, so don’t take offense if it takes me a bit…”

  She chuckled in laughter and kissed him again. “I mean real work, Thraex.” She sat up on the counter. “I’ve got one brother to heal and one brother to find.”

  He nodded, absently playing with her nipple, which was still tight for him. “If anyone can do it, you can.”

  “I’m done being a failure.” She agreed. “We’re going to be Westgates again.”

  “Some of us for the first time, chère.”

  “You were always a Westgate.” She assured him, running her fingers over his body and noticing that despite his claim to the contrary, he was still plenty hard for her. “When my brothers are back, we’re going to run this damn town again.”

  “And get married.” He reminded her. “You already agreed. I got your promise on that, and you’re an honorable woman, so I don’t expect you to back out.”

  “I will marry you the second I get Kurtz back.” She promised again, as he kissed her hand. “Step one is actually getting Kurtz back. He’s probably just trapped in another dimension. That’s the simplest thing in the world for us. We’re Westgates. I’ve been to more dimensions than I can count, it’s just a matter of figuring out which one he’s in.”


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