Her Little Black Book

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Her Little Black Book Page 11

by Brenda Jackson

  He walked over to the bed. “I’m full of surprises, like this,” he said, dropping the airline ticket on her naked chest.

  She scrambled up, and her eyes widened when she saw what it was. He watched her face light up with excitement. “So I am going?”

  He laughed. The happiness on her face was pure delight. “Yes, you’re going. I’m flying you in a day early, so you’ll be there when I arrive.” His features then took on a serious note. “There will be rules, Ashira. Rules I expect you to follow. Under no circumstances is my wife to find out about this.”

  “Hey, don’t worry, I can keep a secret and I can follow rules,” she said smiling, inching toward him and placing her arms around his neck, making the tips of her breasts, perky and firm, come to press against his hairy chest. “And I’m going to make sure you never regret taking me along.”

  He liked the sound of that. “And what else will you do?”

  Her smile widened. “I plan to be at your beck and call while I’m there. All you have to do is manage to get away from your wife periodically.”

  He nodded, hoping that wouldn’t be a problem. But still, he wouldn’t let being with Ashira go to his head while he was there. Although his wife lacked the skills to keep him satisfied in bed, he cared for her deeply and wouldn’t want to do anything to intentionally hurt her. Then again, what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.

  He was glad that, although Barbara had found out about his last affair with a woman name Melissa Langley, she hadn’t known about Ashira, mainly because he was in the process of dropping Melissa for Ashira. Therefore, if Barbara and Ashira were to run into each other at the hotel in Hawaii, he didn’t have to worry about them recognizing each other.

  Now if he could only get Melissa to leave him alone. She had been waiting for him in the parking lot when he got off work a few weeks ago, asking if he wanted to go with her to the doctor next week. She would be having a sonogram to determine the sex of the baby. Before he could stop himself he had told her in no uncertain terms that he wouldn’t go to the doctor with her and didn’t give a royal shit what sex the baby was. Melissa had lied to him; had told him she was on birth control. In his book she had intentionally gotten pregnant and he didn’t want to have anything to do with her or the child. He would take care of it, send her a check each month, but that was as far as his involvement would go.

  Evidently Melissa hadn’t understood what he’d said because she had sent a photo of the sonogram to his office yesterday, along with a note saying they were having a boy. He had called her to tell her not to send anything else to him, and he had to hang up on her when she’d proceeded to curse him out.

  “So, what do you want today, Ronnie?” Ashira asked breaking into his thoughts. “Your every wish is my command,” she leaned up and whispered, and then took the wet tip of her tongue and slid it down the side of his face, around his lips and ears.

  His aroused body got even harder. All thoughts of Melissa’s foolishness vanished. “You know what I want. I only have a couple of hours, so make it worth my while.”

  She grinned and leaned back. “Don’t I always?”

  And then she pushed him back on the bed and put her mouth to work, just the way he liked. When she took him into her mouth, he closed his eyes and lifted his hand to grab hold of her hair, to make sure her wicked mouth stayed locked in place on him. No woman could work her teeth, tongue, and gums like her. He’d thought Melissa was terrific, but she didn’t come close. Ashira was causing a quiver of sensations to overtake him that went all the way down to his bones, releasing any erotic needs he had and surrendering them to her. No matter what he asked her to do, she did it without blinking an eye. It always amazed him how giving him a blow job could make her come, as well.

  And what was a real turn-on was in knowing she enjoyed giving him pleasure. She would work him over with a physical intensity that could push him over the edge each and every time, but then she reveled in the sex he gave her, too. She had no complaints, so it was a win-win situation for the both of them. Besides, he was free with the money when it came to her. Already he purchased new carpeting as well as every piece furnishing this room. So far as he was concerned, this bed was his.

  His entire body jerked when her mouth became more intense, and then with a concentrated effort she pulled everything out of him, and automatically his body exploded in one hell of an erotic volcanic shakedown. He heard himself utter her name over and over while he loosed his hold on her head, and knowing he’d probably at some point caused pain, he began gently massaging her scalp with his fingertips. And then she came, a climax of gigantic proportions. Her body jerked a few times while she continued to lick him clean. He stroked the side of her face while inhaling the air that was filled with a mixture of her perfume and heavy sex.

  He wasn’t through with her. He intended to ride her good while she was drenched in wetness from her own orgasm. He quickly changed positions and moments later he was thrusting in and out of her from behind, just like a madman. But then that was just how he felt. And when he came again, he gritted his teeth and held himself inside her, making sure she got some of him from both ends—just the way she liked.

  When she screamed again, he tightened his hold on her hips and came again. And his mind filled with thoughts of having sex with her in Hawaii. It was a risk worth taking.


  Courtney walked into the huge atrium of the Lucian restaurant. The whole interior was simply too elegant for words. The outside was modeled like a palace, and on the inside, everything—from the pure-gold-plated Swarovski crystal chandeliers to the marble three-tiered pedestal fountain—denoted wealth. In addition to the restaurant, the building housed several exquisite shops, a renowned art gallery, and a prestigious collectibles museum.

  She recalled that the price of a simple entrée at the restaurant was more than a hundred dollars. And the one and only time she’d eaten there had been with her parents on high school graduation night.

  Speaking of her parents … her father had dropped by earlier that day, concerned that she’d been avoiding them. She loved her parents and hoped their decision to stay married and work out their problems was successful. She didn’t want to consider how her mother would handle it if it wasn’t.

  Sometimes Courtney just wanted to shake some sense into her father, but she’d long ago decided he was just one selfish bastard. His affairs had hurt her mother so deeply. Just acknowledging her husband’s unfaithfulness, yet remaining by his side was a blow to any woman’s pride and self-esteem. But Barbara had continued to do just that, all in the name of love. As far as Courtney was concerned, there wasn’t that much love in the world.

  She glanced around. Before leaving home, she had checked out her outfit more than once and knew she looked more than presentable. The moment that she’d told Vickie where she and Lake would be meeting for dinner, Vickie had insisted that this dinner date demanded a new outfit, so after her father’s visit, Courtney had gone shopping.

  She simply loved her new terra-cotta-colored Stenay bead jacket dress. The way the stretchy mesh hugged her figure made her feel totally feminine. And the male appreciative glances she’d received since entering Lucian made her feel doubly so.

  She glanced at her watch. She was thirty minutes early, so she couldn’t expect that Lake had already arrived as well. So she decided to stroll around the atrium and view all the expensive collectibles, some she understood had been imported from an actual Russian palace.

  As she began her stroll, she tried to ignore the racing of her heart. In just a few minutes, she would be seeing Lake Masters again!

  When he walked out of the art gallery and his gaze lit on Courtney, he hadn’t been able to take another step. Her beauty left Lake speechless, spellbound, totally in awe. The dress she was wearing fit her perfectly and draped her curves in a way that would make a dead man come alive and take notice.

  She had been constantly on his mind since last night, and he had awakened this mo
rning with an urgency to see her again. And now what he was seeing was taking his breath away. More than ever, he couldn’t help wondering why someone so strikingly beautiful was not involved in a serious relationship with someone. Not that he was complaining.

  He checked his watch. They were ahead of their scheduled time, so instead of making his presence known, he decided to just stay put and observe her. The area where she had strolled was a stunning reproduction of a palace, and she definitely looked the part of a queen. Emotions he had accepted last night were back, hitting him full force, making him fully aware of the reality of their connection.

  He shook his head and inwardly chuckled. He’d never considered himself a romantic by any means, and even when Quinn had tried convincing him that such a thing as love at first sight existed, he had refused to believe it. Now he was a believer and had no compunction about doing whatever it took to make Courtney a believer, as well.

  Checking his watch again, he inhaled deeply before moving across the floor toward her. Her back was to him, and his gaze was drawn to her perfectly shaped backside. A fiery burst of sexual need flooded his entire being. He knew, however, that to win her over, he would have to keep his physical wants and needs under wrap. He would wait with bated breath until the day came when he could set those desires free.

  He stopped within five feet of her and was about to say her name, to let her know of his presence when she slowly turned around.

  Courtney had heard the footsteps on the polished tile floor, and when butterflies had begun gathering in her stomach, she’d known Lake was approaching. She’d been prepared for that. But upon turning around, she hadn’t been prepared for the sharp and striking handsomeness that lined his features. His perfect bearded chin, the immaculate way the dark suit he was wearing fit his body, especially in the broadness of his shoulders and the leanness of his hips. Intense male sexuality oozed from every part of him, a raw physical force that she actually felt.

  She knew she was out of her element here and wondered what on earth was he thinking in wanting to pursue a relationship with her. And what had she been thinking by not taking a firm hand and discouraging him? He was a mature man, sexually and otherwise. Why on earth would he want to waste his time with her instead of seeking out a woman more his caliber? A woman who could not only match his physical desires head-on but who could also take care of them with an expertise Courtney knew she lacked. Granted, she wasn’t a virgin, but she was a long way from being the experienced woman he was probably used to being involved with.

  “Hello, Courtney.”

  His words, spoken in a deep, husky voice, flowed like warm cream over her entire body, opening a degree of sensuality she didn’t know she possessed. She swallowed and somehow managed to return his greeting. “Hello, Lake.”

  She felt herself quiver from the look in his eyes and suddenly felt vulnerable. It had been a mistake for her to agree to meet him here. And then, as if he’d read her thoughts, he covered the remaining distance separating them, captured her hand in his, and like the night before, he lifted it to his lips and kissed it.

  It took everything she possessed to keep from swooning, and she couldn’t help but register the sensations that engulfed her. The dark eyes staring at her with such intensity had her so mesmerized, she couldn’t have forced her gaze from his even if she wanted to.

  He didn’t release her hand, only lowered it. The silence between them stretched, and it seemed slow minutes dragged by when she knew in reality it was only seconds. Sensual awareness hung in the air surrounding them, and she thought her pulse couldn’t possibly race any faster than it was already doing, but was proven wrong when he said in a deep seductive voice, “Our reservations are at six, and I believe they are ready for us now.”

  She watched his head turn, only a fraction, toward the entrance to the restaurant before his eyes reconnected to hers, and then he added, “I’m looking forward to spending time with you, Courtney.”

  She nodded, and although she didn’t want to admit it, a part of her was looking forward to spending time with him, as well. And when he continued to hold her hand and lead her toward the restaurant, she felt a sharp stab of apprehension.

  “So, tell me everything there is to know about Courtney Andrews.” Lake watched her eyes lift from her wineglass to his, and his guts clenched when a smile touched the corners of her lips. Lips he’d already decided he would taste before the night was over.

  “I think that will take a lot longer than our dinner date tonight, Lake,” she said, breaking into his thoughts.

  “No problem,” he said, leaning back in his chair, relaxed. “There will be other times.”

  “You seem pretty sure of that.”

  He shrugged. “I have no reason not to be. I consider myself a pretty likable guy. What do you think?”

  This time when she smiled, he saw a hidden dimple. “Yes, you’re a likable guy. But …”

  “But what?”

  “I think you’re expecting more out of this than you should.”

  If you only knew, he thought before taking a sip of his drink. “What exactly do you think I’m expecting?”

  “You tell me. I’m still confused about the statement you made last night about being an intricate part of my future.”

  “Don’t let what I said frighten you.”

  “It doesn’t frighten me, Lake. It just confuses me.”

  He leaned toward her. “Don’t let it confuse you either, Courtney. Like I told you last night, I’m almost forty. Too old for games, much too busy to play, nor do I want to. But what I do want is the same thing most men want.”

  “A woman to warm your bed.”

  He could only assume that the men she’d dated in the past had commitment-phobia. “Oh, she’ll be doing a whole lot more than warming my bed, trust me,” he stated huskily. “She will share my life, my name, have my children, and be the most cherished person on the face of the earth and the most important one in my life.” He watched her take another sip of her wine and then she gave him a look like she had trouble believing him.

  “If what you’re saying is true, then you’re most women’s dream man, so why hasn’t some woman found you yet?” she asked stiffly.

  “Mmm, perhaps it could be that I’m a man who prefers finding the woman instead of the other way around.” He had to struggle to keep from saying anything else, especially anything about how he could admit to finding just the woman he wanted, and that she was sitting directly across the table from him. Instead he said, “Enough about me for now. I want to know all about you.”

  For a moment she didn’t say anything. “I’m an only child.”

  He nodded. “Are your parents still together?”

  “Yes, they’re still together. In fact, they celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary a few months ago.” Then she was silent, as if giving him time to do the math, which he did. Her mother was pregnant with her at the time of the wedding.

  “My mother is marketing director for Universal Studios and my father is a professor at a university here.”

  “How are you and Sonya related?”

  “Our mothers are sisters.”

  Then it seemed she had a few inquiries of her own. She suddenly asked, “Are you a friend of Mike or Sonya?”

  He smiled and said, “Both. However, I met Sonya before Mike.”

  She nodded. “Why weren’t you at the wedding?”

  “I left for Paris the day before. That’s when I saw you walking into Devin’s office. The day before I flew out for Paris. I was there for almost three weeks.”

  He paused, deciding it was her time to do the math. Then she would figure out that if he’d seen her the first time over three weeks ago, that meant his interest in her had lasted just that long. She didn’t say anything for a while, which to him was just as well. He wanted to give her time to think through everything he said to her tonight.

  After some silence, he managed to get her talking again, focusing the conversation bac
k on her. During dinner he discovered her best friend’s name was Vickie, that she and Sonya were very close, and that she considered Sonya as the older sister she never had. He also knew that she mentored a trouble teen by the name of Jetrica, and that Courtney was studying to take a test to advance in her job. Her favorite color was blue, the same as his. But unlike him, she was a die-hard Dolphins fan, and he was strongly devoted to the Patriots.

  “Well, I think that’s about it for me,” she said, finishing off her water. He noted that she had long ago stopped the waiter from refilling her wineglass, since she would be driving home. They had established last night that she was a woman who knew her limits.

  “Now I want to know everything there is about you, Lake.”

  He smiled smoothly. “I’m older, so telling my side of things will take longer.” He checked his watch. It was after eleven already, and he knew the place would be closing in less than thirty minutes. “We won’t be able to cover everything tonight.”

  She nodded. “Then for now, tell me something vital. Something that would clearly define you.”

  He wasn’t sure she was ready to hear it. Besides, this wasn’t the place where he wanted to tell her. “Come on, it’s getting late, I’ll answer your question as I walk you out.”

  The night’s air was warm as he walked her to her car. He held her hand in his, and she seemed inclined to let him. He liked the feel of it in his and enjoyed her strolling beside him. It seemed as if that’s where she belonged.

  “Thanks for dinner, Lake.”

  They had reached her car. The parking lot was almost empty, and before she opened the car door to get in, he tightened his hold on her hand and brought her closer to him. “Now, to answer your question. The one thing that will define me is that I’m a man who works hard to get whatever it is that I want. And I’ve decided, Courtney Andrews, that I want you.”


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