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Page 10

by T. A. Foster

  “Hey.” She stared in disbelief. Ben was asleep.

  She settled into the open spot on the couch. It must have been instinct, because the instant she laid next to him, he wrapped his arm around her. She smiled. All the nagging doubts she had about letting Ben back in evaporated. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of his breathing mixed with the occasional background explosion.

  Bolt glanced around the room, stretching his arms in the process. It had been awhile since he had awakened on this couch. He looked down. Skye was curled along his side, her chest rising with each breath. Looking at her, he kicked himself for falling asleep before she came back to the living room last night. He was more tired than he realized. He had been keeping busier than usual, trying to add extra flights all week and marking things off Faith’s list. Now that it was Saturday maybe he could catch up on rest.

  Skye began to stir under his arm. “Hey.” She lifted her head.

  “Hey, you. Sorry I fell asleep.” He moved so they could both sit up.

  “I realized if those explosions couldn’t hold your attention, I didn’t have a chance. You must have been tired.”

  He nodded. “Long week.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Skye hopped up from the couch and padded off down the hall.

  He stood to fully extend his back and legs. It was nice to sleep with Skye, but the cramped style wasn’t good for his neck. Maybe a run would help. He remembered his truck was at his condo and he’d have to walk back to the downtown trolley stop and then walk home from the mall.

  Skye reappeared. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she had wrapped a sweater around her bare arms. He chuckled to himself remembering how she always bottled up in the morning.

  He knew he was lucky she had accepted his apology. The way he left things with her was shitty. She didn’t deserve to be treated like the other girls he had been with. She wasn’t like them. He knew her name, he knew how she drank her coffee, he knew where she worked. It was involuntary, but everything she told him he committed to memory.

  “Coffee?” She walked to the kitchen and began shuffling in the cabinets.

  “Sounds good. Mind if I jump in the shower?” It was probably too soon to ask if she would join him. He wanted to slow everything down this time.

  “Um…sure. There are towels under the sink.”

  “Thanks.” He walked to her bedroom and took a right into the bathroom.

  He turned the shower nozzle and let the water run for a minute. He knew he had changed his approach with her and none of it had been thought out. The second he saw her talking to someone else at the bar it was as if his relationship life flashed in front of him. Some other guy was going to have a chance to make her laugh, to hear her smartass answers, to watch her fidget in the morning, to make her moan at night. No, he thought. It was all wrong. He couldn’t walk away and let someone else have that chance with her when he knew it was his chance he had screwed up.

  Maybe it was spending time with Faith that had changed everything. She was a sweet girl, and if anyone treated her like he had treated Skye, he would slug the guy. It was the wake-up call he needed. Riggs and Faith had been happy. They took trips together, scavenged art shops together, had brunch on Sundays, and did all those married couple things Bolt thought he would steer clear from. But after spending a week in Riggs’s house, it didn’t seem so bad. Actually, it seemed like the perfect way to live.

  He turned the water to the left, making the steam rise from the nozzle. He let his head hang in the water. If he wanted something like Riggs had, he was going to have to do things the right way. That meant dating, no more sleeping around with other girls, and cooling it on the physical side of things with Skye. Well, he knew there was no way he could completely pull back on the physical relationship with her, she was hot, but he could stick to the thirty-day rule. He wondered if it would be pushing it too much to ask her if they were starting over on the thirty days or if the clock was still ticking, because by his calculations they only had one more week until they had known each other a month. It was something he had been looking forward to.

  No, he’d let her steer the ship. He told her last night he would wait until she asked him, and that’s what he was going to do. Wait.

  Ben had been in the shower awhile. Skye was almost at the bottom of her cup of coffee. Last night was nice. It wasn’t what she thought would happen, but it still felt good to snuggle with him on the couch. He looked cute when he slept.

  It was hard to ignore that his attitude seemed different. She was used to him jumping her the minute they passed the threshold. She tried to push back the thought that he wasn’t as attracted to her as he was before. He seemed calmer and somehow resolved. Even if she didn’t know him well, she could see the change in how he acted toward her. He was almost hesitant.

  “Hey.” He walked in the kitchen, his hair still wet from the shower.

  “Hey. How was the shower?” She twisted her bottom lip, wishing she were brazen enough to invite herself in. She could imagine what taking a shower with him would be like.

  “Good. Hot. Thanks for letting me.” He reached behind her for a coffee mug.

  “Sure. Of Course.” She took a sip and watched as he poured a cup.

  “What do you think about hanging out today?” His eyebrows waggled over the mug.

  Skye didn’t need to think about it. “Yes. What did you have in mind?”

  “I don’t know. We’re in San Diego. I’m sure we could think of something fun to do.”

  “Something touristy?” She didn’t have a plan, but spending a day with Ben sounded like a good time.

  “Definitely touristy. You know, I’ve never been to the zoo.”

  Skye’s mouth dropped. “How is that possible?”

  “Because I’m gone all the time on the weekends flying. I don’t have kids. The zoo seems like a family thing, but I’ve always wanted to see what it looks like.”

  “If you haven’t been, we are absolutely going. I have a zoo pass.”

  Ben laughed. “A zoo pass?”

  “Yes, and I can bring a guest.” She beamed. “This is going to be awesome.”

  “Alright, the zoo it is.” He sipped from his mug. “But first, can we swing by my place so I can change?” He was wearing his Friday night shirt and pants.

  Skye giggled. “I think you should go just like that.”

  “Funny. Do you mind giving me a ride?”

  “Sure. I’ll shower and then we can go. The morning is the best time to go. We can get there before it gets too crowded.” She watched as he wandered to the window.

  She wanted to shower before their day date. This could be her chance to show him she was bold. She was a take-charge kind of woman.

  He looked into the courtyard. “Ok, I’ll be out here.”

  Skye inhaled sharply. “Any chance you want to join me?” She forced her eyes to stare into his and not drop to the floor. Confidence was in the eyes.

  Ben looked surprised. His eyes widened and for a second he didn’t make a sound. “I—uh—I just showered.”

  “Right.” Skye shook her head and retreated backward. “Never mind. I’ll just be a few minutes.” She darted to her room.

  She heard Ben call over her shoulder, “Skye, that’s not what I meant.”

  She closed the door and threw herself on the bed. It was going to take a few minutes to regroup and muster the confidence to face him.

  There was a quiet hush that settled over the zoo in the morning. The animals were stirring as they were fed breakfast. The sprinklers watered flowerbeds. Skye thought it was the most beautiful time of the day at the park.

  “So this is the famous San Diego Zoo?” Ben seemed to be enjoying their stroll through the lush foliage.

  Skye had managed to shed most of the embarrassment from the shower incident. It was humiliating that she asked him to join her, and he turned her down flat. He didn’t seem uncomfortable though, so she tried to keep smiling and enjoying the d
ay with him.

  “This is it. What do you think?” They were near the giraffe exhibit.

  “It’s pretty incredible. I can see why it’s so famous. But you know I don’t think the animals are really the focus.”

  Skye turned toward him. “Really, what is it?”

  “I feel like we’re walking around a garden or something and look, there happens to be a lion over there or oh hey, it’s a polar bear.”

  She laughed. He was acting out the animals with his hands and mouth. His polar bear imitation was fierce.

  She stopped long enough to answer. “Yes, that’s what I feel every time I come here.”

  “How often are you at the zoo?”

  “Honestly, I had never been here until I started working on the tourism account at work. The zoo is one of the many parts to that campaign, and it was my favorite. I started coming to do research, and it turned into almost a daily trip.”

  “Wow, you really like the zoo.”

  Skye blushed. She realized that might sound a little strange, but she wasn’t sure about telling him why it had become such a sanctuary for her.

  “I do. I love it here. It’s peaceful.” She watched the giraffe take a mouthful of straw.

  “Thanks for bringing me.” He adjusted his sunglasses on his nose.

  “You’re welcome.” She smiled as he hand moved until his fingers interlaced with hers.

  “Show me the pandas. I hear they are the big attraction.”

  “Right this way.”

  Ben pulled forward and punched in the access code to the parking garage for his condo complex. After she took him home this morning to change, he offered to drive. They left her car in guest parking.

  They had lunch at the park. Walked along the Mission Bay trails and got smoothies at a boardwalk stand. They tried to fulfill every tourist wish in an afternoon. They posed in front of the historic Balboa Park building with its famous domed roof. Ben made funny faces in the selfies, but he still looked sexy. You couldn’t hide eyes and a smile like that. Skye knew the day was winding down, but she wasn’t quite prepared for it to be over. The sun set over the city, and the temperature had dropped ten degrees. After this morning, she wasn’t about to stick her neck out again. Ben could ask her to dinner if he wanted it to keep going.

  He turned the ignition off and sat staring through the windshield.

  “I had fun. Thanks for thinking of the touristy day.” She reached for her purse.

  “Wait.” He turned toward her, his light blue eyes dancing with questions. Maybe he was as confused as she was. “It was a good day.”

  She fidgeted with her keys, knowing all along she was stalling. She wished his truck didn’t have a console. It felt like a mountain dividing them in the cab. “Yeah, it was a good day.” She reached for the handle on the door and stepped out of the truck.

  Ben followed her to her parking space. “Do you want to do something later this week?”

  “Sure.” Skye was ready to peel out of the parking lot. They had an amazing day from waking up together on the couch, to laughing at the penguins, to trading San Diego stories. Why was he ready for it all to end before the sun had sunk behind the ocean?

  She inserted the key in the lock and opened the car door.

  “Skye, before you go….”

  She spun on her heels, meeting a pair of hot and urgent lips. His hands moved over her pulling and tugging her toward him. She dropped the keys and her purse, her hands wanted to touch him. Her mouth parted as his tongue danced against hers. He tasted like strawberries and she worried they might devour each other in the parking garage as he started to growl against her neck. He dotted her throat with her kisses. Her head rolled to the side. This is what she had waited for all day. His mouth, his breath, his hands. But before she could coax him into the back of her car or into the elevator he stopped.

  “Whoa.” He breathed into her ear.

  “What’s wrong?” She didn’t see anything in his eyes but what she was feeling, total lust.

  “Nothing is wrong.” He played with her hair. “I just think we should take it slow this time.” He backed away from the car and retrieved her keys from the ground.

  “Slow. Right.” She accepted the keys in her palm, but wasn’t quite sure she could do the same with his answer.

  Had she somehow conveyed to him that she wasn’t interested in all the other things they did before the fight? She loved doing those things to him and with him.

  “I’ll call you later.” He kissed her forehead and walked backward toward the elevator bay.

  She slid into the driver’s seat. Her heart was still beating faster than normal, and her hair was tussled on all sides. She took a minute to steady herself before starting the car. Ben Hardcastle had totally turned everything upside down.

  She steered onto Friars Road when an incoming call beeped through the speakers.

  “Hello?” She pressed the button on the steering wheel.

  “Hey, how was last night?” Kari was practically squealing. “Dave was disappointed but I took care of him. You were not kidding about Ben. Wow. I want to hear details!”

  Skye thought how to answer. “Want to come over?”

  “Sure! I just bought a new moscato. I can be at your place in fifteen minutes.”

  “On my way. See you there.” She exited toward the Gaslamp district. If there was one thing she needed more than Ben, it was a girl’s night.

  Rookie move, he thought. Bolt turned on the TV and searched for a baseball game. The Padres weren’t playing tonight so he’d have to watch another team. He didn’t know why he let Skye drive away. The day was incredible. He had never seen someone so excited about a zoo before. He could tell there was more to it than the animals; he just couldn’t get her to open up about it. He didn’t want to push her. She seemed like she was always on the edge of running. After the fight he knew he was walking a fine line anyway. Better to leave things alone.

  Most guys would have invited her up. He would have invited her up. Taken that jacket off of her and every other stitch of clothing she was wearing until she was moaning and screaming his name under his hands. He shook his head. That was then. This is now. He wasn’t going to go there again until she was ready.

  He turned off the TV. There wasn’t anything that could hold his attention now that she was gone.

  Dammit. He reached for his keys and closed the door behind him. He shouldn’t have let her leave. He didn’t wait for the elevator. He jogged down the stairs and headed for his truck. He had one stop to make first.

  He knocked on her door. He thought he heard giggling, but wasn’t sure. He held the ice cream and toppings in a bag in his right hand and waited for Skye to open the door.

  “Hey.” She pulled the door back, a glass of wine in her grasp.

  “Hey.” He grinned.

  “Who is it, Skye?” Bolt heard a female voice call from the living room.

  “Um, I guess I should have called first. You have company?” He shrugged at his bad move. Calling would have made sense, but then that would have taken the spontaneity right out of it.

  “Come in. It’s ok. It’s my friend Kari. You met her last night at the club.”

  Bolt followed Skye into the apartment. Music was playing from the stereo and Kari was sitting on the floor next to an open bottle of wine on the coffee table.

  “Hey, Ben. I didn’t know you were stopping by.”

  “Hi. I didn’t either. I should have called.” He held up the grocery bag. “Thought I’d surprise Skye with dessert.”

  “Oh, that’s so sweet,” Kari gushed. She stood to peer in the bag. “Chocolate and strawberry. Nice choices.” She winked at Skye.

  He handed the bag to Skye. “Why don’t I leave this for you girls and I’ll call you tomorrow?” He turned for the door, kicking himself for being so rash.

  “No way. I’m outta here.” Kari darted in front of him.

  He shook his head. “No, you shouldn’t leave. I’m the one interruptin

  “Too late.” She grabbed her purse and then the door handle. “Call you later, girl.” Before Bolt could protest further the friend was gone.

  He turned to face Skye. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  Skye giggled. She didn’t seem upset. “Kari does what she wants to do.” She placed the bag on the counter. “Dessert?”

  Bolt walked toward her. “Two kinds of ice cream and toppings.”

  She reached into the bag and lined the contents on the counter. “Ok, so we have chocolate, strawberry, chocolate syrup, cherries, and whipped cream?”

  “Did I leave something out?” Bolt realized he had never built a sundae before, but he thought he had all the bases covered. What was he missing?

  “No, looks perfect to me. I’ll get the bowls.” As she turned to the cabinet behind her, his eyes followed her ass and all the curves from her hips. He shook his head as if that would somehow reset his thoughts.

  He looked at the coffee table. There were a few candles dotting the surface along with the wine. If he hadn’t just seen Kari walk out of here he would have thought Skye was in the middle of a romantic evening. He picked up the ice cream and the other jars.

  “How about a sundae picnic in here?” He placed the containers on the coffee table.

  Skye turned off the kitchen light and walked over, holding bowls and spoons. She smiled. “Ok.” She sat next to him on the carpet. She slid a bowl in front of him and started unsnapping the lids. “So Ben, are you a strawberry or chocolate lover?”

  “Oh, definitely chocolate. Lots of whipped cream.” He peeled the plastic off of the chocolate container.

  “Well, at least we don’t have to fight over the ice cream. I like strawberry, but with lots of chocolate syrup. And whipped cream.” She smiled, dipping a spoon into the center of the pink carton.

  Bolt felt like he needed to explain why he showed up on her doorstep unannounced, but Skye seemed completely calm. He noticed her wine glass was almost empty. That probably helped. Maybe she didn’t need a reason. She was just glad he was here, and with dessert.


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