All Hellos

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All Hellos Page 2

by Michael Barnette

  There was a loud crack from the woods, the sound sharp as a gunshot.

  And far too close. Adrian’s hands fisted tightly, and he fought the desire to let his power free.

  “Yeah, sure.” The woman finally agreed, still sounding less than certain about her actions. “I mean, going with you is dangerous, but there’s something out there that’s creeping me out. Intellectually I know it’s just an animal, but there’s something about the sounds out there that make me not want to be here anymore.” Her voice sounded a bit shaky, and he didn’t think it was a reaction to the magic Gabe had spun around her. No, from the way her violet eyes darted toward the trees he could tell she felt the danger she was in, even if her rational human mind—the part of her that didn’t believe in monsters—was busy denying what her soul knew was out there. Deadly intent. Insatiable hunger given form and substance.

  Adrian followed her, casting a look at Gabriel. The other man was watching the shadowed trees very intently, his whole body tense, ready.

  “I’ll get your bags,” he told the woman.

  “Um, sure,” she agreed as Adrian grabbed the pair of suitcases out of the trunk and started for the SUV.

  You know how heavy those are, don’t you? Gabriel asked him.

  Ask me if I care right at this moment, he retorted as he tossed the woman’s bags in the back, shoving stuff out of the way so Gabriel would still be able to use the rearview mirror.

  You do have a point, Gabriel replied.

  Do you have any idea what that is out there?

  None. I just know whatever it is, we’re better off not facing it at the moment.

  It’s after her, isn’t it?

  That would be my guess.

  Adrian glanced at the woman. Iris had leaned into her car to retrieve her purse. It gave Adrian a wonderful view of her behind, a view that brought a smile to his lips and made his cock throb sharply.

  Easy, boy, Gabriel teased him, his lover’s hand gliding over his ass as he stepped forward to pull the SUV’s rear door closed. Keep it in your pants and pay attention to the trees. Whatever is out there is powerful, and carries a very strong taint.

  Do you think Carrie has kept the wards around her place up?

  We can hope. I’d hate to think of the damage that thing could do if she hasn’t.

  It’s got the feel of a killer beast, that’s certain. What form do you think it’s taken?

  I’ve no idea. I just sense the taint and the power, Gabriel replied as the woman approached them, a feather boa tossed around her neck making an artful display out of her already memorable cleavage.

  Adrian felt the flare of lust hit Gabriel and he chuckled. Keep it in your pants, Casanova. Dangerous beast in the trees and all that.

  Quite true. Pity. I’d have loved nothing more than to have bent her over the hood of the car and had a go at her, Gabriel told him.

  Be glad you can’t smell her the way I can. She’s hot and ready.

  There was a mental chuckle from Gabriel as Adrian opened the back door for Iris and helped her make sure the very interesting drape of her boa made it completely into the SUV with her.

  From the corner of his eye he saw Gabriel slam the trunk on Iris’s car closed, and noticed the pallid glow of a warding spell come to life around the battered old sedan.

  Protecting the lady’s possessions, too?

  It seems like a good idea. We’ve no idea what that thing out there is, or what it might be capable of doing. Better to ward the car and her personal things than discover that thing out there knows how to weave a spell or thinks chewing cars is fun.


  This weekend is going to shape up to be quite interesting, he told his lover.

  Yeah, I think you’re right. But let’s hope not to be blessed with the well-known Chinese curse of ‘interesting times’, as I really don’t want to deal with this thing and one of the trueborn at the same time.

  No kidding, Adrian agreed as he slipped into the font seat, eyes scanning the dark, feeling the gnawing hunger of the creature out there in the trees. It was draw by power, and that was something in great abundance with the three of them in one place.

  And they’d soon be joining Carrie, who had her own little gifts.

  “I hope my car will be all right.”

  Adrian turned around and smiled at her. “Don’t worry about the car, it will be fine.”

  Gabriel started the SUV and they pulled away, but not before Adrian caught a glimpse of a huge shadow moving in the trees.

  The hair at the nape of his neck stood and he clenched his fists to keep from snarling in reaction.

  Did you see it? he asked Gabriel.

  No, did you?

  Not clearly, but it was big.

  Wonderful. Well, let’s hope it decides to go elsewhere.

  Adrian did hope it would go away, but he also knew it was a vain hope. Things like that nightmare he’d just seen simply didn’t ‘go away.’ No, they had to be fought, driven away or killed.

  Damned inconvenient, it being here. We could have enjoyed ourselves a bit in the SUV if it weren’t for the need get out of the area.

  She’s hot for us, that’s certain, Adrian agreed, smiling, taking a deep breath of the musky aroma of arousal that filled the air in the confined space. A human might not have been able to smell it, but he wasn’t human. Neither was Gabriel.

  Yes, it is a pity. But we’ll have the whole weekend, and we should be safe enough where we’re going.”

  Adrian grinned. Power to power.

  Power to power, Gabriel repeated, blood to blood and all must heed the call of love.

  Adrian reached over and took Gabriel’s hand in his, too intent on the future to notice the way Iris sighed, the sound one of deep disappointment.

  Chapter Two

  Raw, savage anger.

  They were going.

  Taking the Prey.

  It charged out of the trees in time to see the glints of red—like eyes—at the back of the vehicle they’d gotten into as they vanished around the bend in the road.

  It crouched, considered giving chase.

  But they were already gone.

  Anger. Frustration.

  Growling, snarling teeth seeking to rend, to ruin.

  Sparks. Pain.

  It rubbed its snout with a paw, glaring hate at the thing which had hurt it.

  A simple conveyance unattended on the side of the road.

  One belonging to the woman.

  Its Prey.

  Snarling fury, teeth ripping.

  Fire, agony, mouth burning.

  Bellowing in outrage, the thing bolted back into the forest, trailing a streamer of smoke from its burning fur.

  Pain. Hate. Searing pain. Rage.

  Lives to take. Blood to spill.


  Three to feed from.

  Three to kill.

  Some wild club mix of NIN’s Sin was playing in the main hall, bright lights flashing, turning the normally peaceful campground around the central buildings into a raucous party zone. People were milling around; some in street clothes, others already in costumes.

  “We’ll be happy to drive you wherever your accommodations are,” Gabriel was telling her as they headed from the parking area toward the building that contained the registration desk. He moved his fingers in a subtle pattern and touched her arm.

  “Thanks, you’ve been so nice about this. I really appreciate you bringing me here.” She was leaning on his arm to keep from falling in the grass, her high heels making the going anything but easy. Not that she minded in the least being ‘forced’ to steady herself on the man. The contact with his arm sent pulse after delightful pulse straight down to her clit, making her terribly aware just how sopping wet her panties had gotten during the short ride with them in the SUV.

  Adrian followed along in their wake, like a dark second shadow for the paler man. It almost made her think he was some sort of bodyguard, the way he seemed to stay so near Gabriel. He
certainly had the build one might expect of someone that protected another man from danger.

  Then again, Gabriel certainly didn’t look like the type of man that needed protection. Not from anything.

  Well, let’s hope you didn’t soak through to the back of your dress. Or leave anything on the seat.

  “Not a problem. In fact, if you want, we’ll even take you back to your car in the morning and see about getting that tire fixed,” Adrian told her.

  “That’s really sweet of you,” she replied. Knowing how these weekends went, she was sure of two things: One, the man meant what he said, and two, it wouldn’t happen because they’d get busy having fun and forget the promise he’d just made to her.

  They got into the hall and she reluctantly let Gabriel’s arm go. The walk had been nice while it lasted. Back to reality.

  Iris smiled at the two men as they headed toward the registration desk and the fairytale princess seated behind it. “Hello, Carrie.”

  “Why, Iris, you look thoroughly stunning!” the older woman gushed, waving her wand in the air with a flourish. Iris caught a glimpse of the pen tip and smiled. Carrie was noted for throwing the best Halloween gatherings in the single’s network for a reason; the woman went all out and missed no details.

  “Thanks. I hope the men think so, or I’m going to have a terribly boring night.”

  Adrian’s voice was a soft velvet whisper in her ear. “There is absolutely no chance you are going to be bored, Iris. Unless you want to be.”

  Far from innocent—probably a lot closer to jaded cynic—Iris still felt a slight blush creep across her cheeks. Oookaay. She glanced at the dark-haired man from the corner of her eye. Was he really coming on to her? And if he was what about Gabriel? Was the other man going to be jealous?

  Carrie giggled, “Looks like you’re in for a wonderful weekend, girl.”

  Iris cast a glance at the men bracketing her on each side. “You may just be right.”

  “You registered late this time, sweetie, so you’re in cabin twelve, all the way at the back,” the woman informed her. “I think there’s only two other girls who are going to be back there, and they haven’t even arrived.” She peered at the reservation information in front of her. “They aren’t even coming in until tomorrow, so you’ve got your choice of bunks.” The woman grinned at her, winking, the long glitter-tipped false eyelashes sparkling in the lights. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “Carrie, that leaves me a lot of leeway,” Iris replied, laughing.

  “Don’t you know it!” the woman quipped. “And don’t worry you’ll upset Karl, he isn’t going to be here, never sent in his reservation form. But I don’t think you’ll be missing him.”

  Iris shook her head. “They just picked me up because my car broke down.”

  “Honey, don’t you know if you’re going to play Damsel in Distress you should wear a princess costume?” Carrie laughed. “Unless you’re trying to attract handsome men to fall under your vampiric spell, of course, in which case you’re dressed perfectly.”

  Iris couldn’t help herself; she laughed along with Carrie. “Hey, as I recall, you were the one who suggested I play vamp fatale.”

  “So I was,” Carrie admitted as she turned her attention more fully on the men. “So boys, do you have reservations or were you planning to pay at the door? I’ve still got a few bunks open in twelve.” She fluttered her glittered eyelashes and waved her wand.

  “We reserved one of the bungalows,” Gabriel said. “It’s under the name of Gabriel Marlon.”

  “Ah, Mr. Marlon!” She smacked herself in the forehead, “Of course, it’s been a while. It’s nice to see you again.” She openly admired him. “You look wonderful, much better than last time.” Iris watched as Carrie fairly beamed at the handsome man, the woman reaching across the desk to shake hands with the blond half of the devastating duo. She felt a strange pang shoot through her, and wondered why in the world she would be jealous of the attention the men were paying to Carrie. She hardly knew them, and certainly didn’t have any claim on them. Or their bodies, for that matter.

  “This is my friend, Adrian Romanus.”

  “Yes, I remember Adrian from last time. You both look wonderful, and I’m glad to see Mr. Romanus is feeling better.”

  If the jealousy she felt when Gabriel greeted Carrie was unwarranted, the sharper sensation she experienced when Adrian smiled and shook the woman’s hand was even more idiotic. They certainly weren’t her men, not even her dates for the weekend. “You’ve been to one of the parties before?” she asked.

  “No, they rented the whole campground for a week about two years ago. And I’m very glad to see them both back.”

  Iris glanced at Gabriel, “The whole campground?”

  “We needed a vacation,” he explained simply, smile hitting something approaching a megawatt.

  The looks the three were exchanging told Iris more than just campground rental had happened between the three of them. Okay, maybe they aren’t gay. She saw the way Adrian winked at Carrie. Bi, that’s it, they’re bi.

  And if that was true, maybe they were coming on to her. The thought sent a little sparks shooting through her, sparks that heated her already aching interior.

  “Well, everyone just sign here,” Carrie pointed to the registration book and Iris scribbled her name down, printing it almost legibly beside her signature.

  “The sooner we get our things put away, the sooner we can join the party,” Gabriel said, his hand moving back to her elbow the instant following his signing the guestbook.

  The contact sent a jolt of lust right to her clit, making her insides spasm and her heart race.

  You don’t need to unpack, you need a few minutes alone with battery operated appliances, she thought as the men walked with her back to their SUV.

  “So what are your plans for the weekend?” Gabriel asked as he helped her into the front seat.

  To her surprise, Adrian was getting into the back, directly behind her in the passenger’s seat.

  “No plans other than to have as much fun as I can claw out of the weekend.” Iris mentally sighed at her poorly chosen metaphor. Now they’d know just how desperate she was.

  “Hmm...sounds like a good plan,” Adrian said from directly behind her as Gabriel closed the door beside her.

  You know, there is something to be said for a man acting a little old-fashioned, she mused, then replied to Adrian, “Yes, it does.” Peeking out the window, she saw a wolfish grin on Gabriel’s face. The man was looking at Adrian. She laughed a little. Looks like these two have definite plans for the weekend. Too bad I’m not part of them, it might be fun. She’d never been in a menagé a trois, and she wasn’t going to be in one now, but not for lack of wanting it this time. From the leer Gabriel had just given Adrian, the two men were eager to get to their bungalow. She could hardly blame them; they were both fuckably hot.

  “Well, you know how it is. Work your tail off for weeks on end, cut loose at a good party when you can.”

  “And what a nice tail it is, too,” Adrian remarked right in her ear, his voice rich as Belgian chocolate. She shivered at the sound.

  Wait a second... Are these guys coming on to me? Had she read their signals that wrong? Was it her they wanted? Get a grip, Iris. You’re imagining it because you’d love to play humpbacked beast with them both.

  Already in the driver’s seat, Gabriel smiled at her. “Yes, I’d have to agree with my friend here, although there are other equally delectable portions of you I’d like the opportunity to explore.”

  Holy shit! She stared. “Excuse me?” He’s kidding, right?

  A large, firm hand cupped her right breast from behind, and she choked on the moan that instantly clogged her throat. No, they aren’t kidding! Oh, my God!

  This time she was going to leave a damp spot on the leather seat.

  Gabriel started the SUV and got it moving while Adrian fondled her tits. Iris could hear the blond man laughing softly. �
��I think you know what we want, Iris. I think you want exactly what we’re offering, or have I read the signs wrong?”

  “No,” she groaned. “God, the two of you can’t be serious. With me?”

  The SUV stopped abruptly, Gabriel turning his gaze on her. His eyes burned into her, as if seeing to the very center of her being. Without a word, he took her hand in his and set it into his lap.

  The hard cock under the restraint of his trousers didn’t feel like a joke to Iris. It felt like the most incredible invitation to total debauchery she’d ever received. And she was not about to say no to being totally debauched, ravaged or having them rock her world.

  “Oh, hell yes, let’s do it,” she said, rubbing the stiff cock under her hand.

  “Eager, isn’t she?” Gabriel asked.

  “And we aren’t?’ Adrian remarked. His low, sexy chuckle in her ear sent a wave of muscular contractions through her womb, and a gush of moisture into her soaked panties.

  “Good point.” Laughing, the blond put the SUV into motion. “This is really unfair,” he remarked, “you get to play and I have to drive.”

  “We’ll both get to drive soon,” Adrian said archly, his hands moving over Iris’s soft breasts, playing with the peaked nipples.

  “You are making the assumption the lady wants that from us.”

  “She wants,” Iris told them, her body reacting powerfully to what Adrian was doing to her. His left hand slid lower, cupping her mound through the dress. A needy little cry came from her as she writhed on the seat, wanting more, wanting it all from the pair of men.

  She certainly seems to want us, doesn’t she?”

  Hell yes, she wants us, he thought-spoke to Gabriel. Probably as much as we want her. Maybe more, since we’ve at least had one another all this time. Poor Iris, having sex with normal humans could hardly have satisfied her fully.


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