All Hellos

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All Hellos Page 6

by Michael Barnette

  It wasn’t even that they were hung like stallions, through they were both nicely shaped. Lint-Boy had a bigger cock than either of them, but he wasn’t nearly as good with it as Adrian. Being fucked by him had been the closest she’d ever come to reaching the great blue beyond, the place she and her friends joked that could only be reached with a guy that knew what he was doing.

  And Adrian certainly knew how to fuck.

  Kissing and caressing Gabriel, she was curious how the blond would be at it. There was something in his manner, a certain surprised look in his aqua gaze that told her he was in a state of libidinous haze, driven by lust and puzzled by it. She got the impression he didn’t normally go for women just from a few subtle looks between the two men, and she was pleased to realize Gabriel might have been engaging in unusual behavior with her. It made her feel special somehow, more desirable and sexy as hell. How many women didn’t fantasize about being so good in bed they could turn a gay man straight? It was an old fantasy and joke among she and her friends. She almost giggled at the thought. But maybe he was really bisexual with a stronger gay tendency. Either way, she was going to have him, or at least make the effort.

  Adrian peered at her over Gabriel’s shoulder and winked at her, leaning down, his eyes locked with hers, to kiss his lover’s shoulder. Then he silently mouthed the words, ‘Go for it,’ and winked again.

  She raised her left leg over Gabriel’s hip and moved closer until his jutting cock lay amid the damp curls fringing her heated cunt. Adrian grinned and nodded.

  Gabriel kissed her, and she lost sight of Adrian behind the man’s hair. In his favor, there was certainly nothing hesitant or uncertain in the kiss he was giving her. It actually seared along her body, making her toes curl slightly with the passion behind it. Oh yeah, she thought. Bi, definitely bi. Should still take it slow. She returned the kiss, their tongues pantomiming the sex act, the pace frantic and needy, a soft moan vibrating in her throat from Gabriel.

  Oh, yeah, he’s ready, willing and wanting, she told herself, a self-satisfied smirk curling her lips as the kiss they shared burned down her body, raging like a wildfire in her pelvis. Her cunt clenched, and she could feel moisture seeping out.

  She smiled and felt Adrian’s hand stroking along his lover’s body, his fingers caressing across her left breast, following the curve of it to tweak her nipple before leaving her in favor of touching the blond man.

  Moaning into her mouth as his lover caressed him, Gabriel threw an arm over her, his hand splaying out across the small of her back, pulling her closer. She smiled at that, his desire for more friction on his cock overcoming any reservations he might have had over fucking a woman. Although she was beginning to suspect he was well past that point, lost in need, just from the way he was kissing her. There was a desperation, a greedy possessiveness in the thrust of his tongue, the way he sucked gently at her bottom lip and how he’d slipped his arm beneath her shoulders to hold her closer.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Adrian reach across them and take possession of Gabriel’s hand where it pressed her back, the dark-haired man guiding it to her breast.

  “Go on, touch her, it didn’t bother you before,” she heard Adrian whisper into his lover’s ear. “You know you want her. Just let go, Gabriel. Let go and trust me. Trust Iris.”

  Gabriel’s answer was a groan, his hand taking a firm grip on her breast and squeezing, not too hard but still slightly rough as his fingers found her nipple and pinched it just enough to wring a gasp of delight from her.

  “Tell me if I hurt you,” Gabriel said, his concern making Iris smile.

  “Don’t worry, you aren’t going to hurt me,” she assured him, her own hand toying with a pink nub on his chest.

  “We’re used to being a bit rough,” Adrian told her, “and we don’t know what your limits are. We’ve been playing nice.” He grinned.

  She nodded her understanding. “Got you.” She dipped her head to catch Gabriel’s nipple between her teeth. She bit down, not too hard, but it brought a sharp cry of passion from him that brought a smile to her lips. She bit down again just a little harder and Iris felt his whole body go rigid. His fingers worked her breast, touching and thumbing the tight nub of flesh and awakening a slow-burn heat in her already too-warm cunt, her lower body feeling as if it were filled with spice.

  Giggling, she swept her tongue over the bite, soothing it a little before nipping her way up his chest, along the side of his neck, her mouth finally arriving at his to share another desperate kiss.

  A hand reached between them and she glanced down to see Adrian guiding his lover’s cock into her wet slit. She gasped and angled her hips slightly to accommodate their positions more easily.

  Aqua eyes regarded her in amazement as she wiggled a bit, settling his cock deeper, twisting at the waist and arching her back a fraction more, sliding him deeper.

  “Like that?’ she asked him as she kissed him gently.

  “Yes,” he gasped. “I’m afraid I’ll cum too soon,” he admitted with an embarrassed laugh.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she told him as he gave a tentative thrust. “I’m so ready right now I don’t think I’ll last long either.”

  Adrian chuckled, “And I may just last all night.”

  “Bitch,” Gabriel snapped, sounding more amused than actually angry.

  “Now, boys, behave,” she chided, moaning when Gabriel thrust, his cock driving so deep she gasped, eyes going wide in surprise. At this angle they couldn’t go very fast, but he was getting in far enough to make it feel very good. She felt him jump and realized that Adrian was playing with Gabriel’s ass, the blond man’s moans getting louder.

  “Layer cake,” she murmured in amusement, kissing Gabriel, who was rocking with a steady rhythm.

  Easy, Gabe. Just breathe and trust me, Adrian urged as he slid his cock into him, a quiet groan showing how good it was for him.

  There was an answering moan from Gabriel as he rocked inward at the same instant Gabriel moved back for another thrust into Iris. They didn’t have as much freedom of motion in this position, so it was going to take them more time to finally cum. At least that’s what Adrian hoped. He also had the feeling that Iris must have been planning this from the start; a long, slow fuck to drive them wild with desire.

  You had to appreciate a woman like that.

  Adrian knew he certainly did. He also got the feeling that this wasn’t something Gabriel would soon forget, if he ever forgot it.

  He certainly didn’t intend to forget about tonight. Not ever.

  There were a few moments in his existence he cherished, but he knew this whole weekend with Iris would always stand out in his mind as one of the best memories he would ever have.

  Another thing he greatly appreciated was Gabriel surrendering so much control. He could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times he’d been the one giving rather than receiving, and it felt damned good. He kissed Gabriel’s shoulder, wrapping an arm around him to caress the man’s belly, feeling the muscles bunching as he fucked Iris.

  Feeling that, hearing Gabriel’s moans and the sharper cries from Iris, holding tight to his lover while they fucked sent a pang of sorrow through him.

  If only they could be like this forever.

  He wanted it more than anything he’d ever wanted before.

  Gabriel, Iris and he together. Perfection defined in three heartbeats, three souls. Inseparable forever. Immortal.

  He’d never been one to speak to God, didn’t even know if there was an all-knowing deity, but his mind whispered out a prayer. Please, please, if you can hear me, if you exist, keep us together. Please. Gabe needs her, we need her. I need her.

  Tears filled his eyes and he buried his face in Gabriel’s moonlight hair, letting the sounds of their lovemaking fill his mind and sink into his heart, feeding his soul and finding it more pleasing than any other sustenance he’d ever tasted.

  Dim tendrils of mist, gentle as a baby’s dream, drift
ed away from the three of them, fragile as gossamer and moonbeams. Adrian could see pale colors, rose and lavender, playing in flickering patterns across Iris’ pearly skin, the areola of her left nipple darkening from pale rose to a deep coral, then fading to pearly white. He didn’t think she could see it, and he didn’t think Gabriel was in any condition to notice. From the groans coming from his lover, Gabriel was lost to the passion.

  He let Gabriel set their pace, the blond fucking and being fucked with each motion of his hips, in on one side, out on the other, Adrian’s cock driving in as Gabriel’s cock slid partly from Iris on the backstroke.

  “I love you,” he murmured into Gabriel’s ear.

  “Yes, love you too,” Gabriel gasped out.

  Adrian decided it was time to take things to the next level. Gripping his lover’s hip, he arched his spine and started moving in synch with the other man, increasing the pleasure his lover was feeling.

  He couldn’t help the smirk that curled his lips when Gabriel gasped sharply. He knew exactly what he’d just done; hit the man’s prostate dead on.

  “Wicked,” Gabriel moaned.

  “Don’t you know it,” he replied, sounding smug, pleased with himself and Iris because they were driving Gabriel wild with their teamwork.

  The woman nipped Gabriel’s chest, catching a nipple in her teeth and Adrian winked at her. She grinned and shook her head slightly, pretending to savage the blond’s flesh.

  Control slipping more with every added sensation, each touch, nip or bite, Gabriel was being driven by urges he’d never experienced. Adrian’s cock was something he’d not allowed himself often; the pleasure of being filled. A hard cock inside him, reducing him to a shuddering, begging creature of need was more than he could normally deal with. It was hard for him to surrender so much control, but lying between his lover and the woman was pure bliss. A joyful conjunction of bodies and souls surrounded him, the power of their Immortal spirits, soothing as the rays of the sun, gentle as a perfumed spring breeze as it streamed through him.

  His cock was enmeshed in slick heat, a furnace that threatened to consume him whole or forge him into a something new and wonderful, something beyond the mere Immortal. The cock filling him was the hammer, reshaping him, changing him and he moaned, trapped in the crucible of his lover’s embrace and the only Immortal female he’d ever touched, ever kissed, ever fucked.

  When the orgasm swept through his body it had the power of a burning desert wind, a blast of heat and flame that seared him to the very core of who and what he was, stripping away the last vestiges of the frightened human that lurked in the corners of his soul.

  A treble scream ripped through the cool night air joined by a deep roar and a wail of pleasure, a blaze of light filling the windows of the bungalow as if someone had turned on a spotlight inside the small structure.

  A dark head lifted, nose up as if testing the air for a scent.

  It wasn’t scent that drew its attention.

  It was the taste of magic, of power.

  Butter-yellow eyes narrowed.

  A memory surfaced.

  Hate and pain. Fear and rage.

  A low growl filled the ache of hate in its chest.

  Still voicing the sound of menace, it bounded forward.

  Where they were, the Prey would be found.

  The Prey. Its Prey.

  Nothing would stop it from feeding.

  From taking what was its due.

  Gabriel lay on the bed, too spent to move, wondering what had brought him back from the edge of sleep. His heartbeat had already slowed to something approaching normal. Sweat slicked his body, the cooler air of the bungalow chilling his skin pleasantly. Iris was dozing beside him and he could hear her slowing breaths as she teetered between sleep and wakefulness, lost in post-coital lethargy that had claimed them.

  Immortal or not, they still must rest, especially after the expenditure of so much energy. He frowned. They’d lost too much control, but the realization dawned that Iris’ own inner-self, her Immortal self, had answered them because he was able to feel the hum of an Immortal coming from her. Muted, yes, it was still not at full force, but it was no longer dormant either, so maybe the risk had been worth it.

  Adrian moved beside him and he felt lips touching his chest, feather-light kisses that seeped into his body, sweet and intoxicating, honeyed wine for his soul. He sighed, content, satisfied, in love with them both, feeling a pang over the knowledge that Iris wasn’t theirs to love. Not yet. Perhaps never.

  He looked at her, now peacefully asleep, and placed a hand gently on her shoulder, feeling satin skin under which was the barely constrained maelstrom of power. An Immortal soul, ready to break free of the constraints of a mortal’s limits.

  “Did you enjoy yourself?” Adrian asked. He was trailing kisses across Gabriel’s chest.

  “Ummhmmm,” he murmured in reply, feeling too relaxed to really talk.

  “I liked it too. Thank you for letting me have that,” Adrian told him as he kissed his way upward.

  He felt his lover bite him and reached up to hold Adrian, his eyes still closed. He didn’t need to open the lids to ‘see’ his dark-haired lover. He could sense him through the power seething just beneath the surface of Adrian’s skin. Where they touched, his flesh tingled.

  Love you, the thought slid into his mind, warm like a tropic wind, lulling as the motion of the sea.

  Love you too, he replied drowsily.

  The last thing he heard as sleep claimed him was Adrian laughing softly in his ear.

  Chapter Four


  The memory of rage.



  It knew what it was smelling.

  Enemies. Dangerous. Deadly dangerous.

  Yellow eyes narrowed, watching the cabin.

  A growl, barely audible rattled through its chest.

  Caution would be needed.

  Care must be taken to get the Prey while it was alone.

  But how?


  The black lips drew up in a snarl of humor.

  The other cabin where she’d smelled the Prey.

  Bounding into the trees, the thing hurried off to lie in wait.


  Cunning patience would get it what it most desired.

  Hot blood. Power. The Prey.

  Iris was tired, but it was a pleasant, satisfied kind of tired. It would have been nice to stay with the men, but she got the feeling that they wanted some time alone. Not that she really minded. She’d already had more time with the fuckalicious pair than she’d anticipated. Plus, she wanted to get into clean clothes and a bed that wasn’t full of male bodies. They weren’t exactly doing anything to keep her from going to sleep except being in the same bed with her, which was the problem. Her libido was in overdrive, and she kept waking up wanting more of what they’d shared. After the night they’d had, she knew they must be worn out.

  That was the real problem with being a woman; you could go through men like tissues and still be looking for more long after you’d worn them out. At least, she’d always been like that. Though this time she had to admit that the pair had done a far better job exhausting her than Karl had ever managed. Even Mr. Body by God hadn’t satisfied her was well as the pair of men had. Which, thinking about it, was totally unfair to both Karl and the man with lint for brains. She’d taken everything both Gabriel and Adrian had given and awakened looking for more to find them both soundly asleep.

  Asleep like everyone else at the campground, for that matter.

  Her mind slightly numbed from fatigue, she wondered exactly what time it was. It had to be getting close to dawn. I knew I should have worn that watch the girls at work bought me last Christmas. At least I’d have some idea what time it’s getting to be.

  She paused, trying to get her bearings while pulling a rock out of her shoe. When she looked up, there was a dark shape on the path ahead of her.

  A very large, ver
y dark hazy sort of shape.

  And it in no way did it appear human. It was bigger than a man and four-footed, though it was hard to make out exactly what it was. Not only wasn’t there a lot of light to see by, but the thing didn’t appear completely solid. Or maybe it was surrounded by some kind of special effect sort of mist.

  She stared, the thing slowly taking solid form in her disbelieving gaze.

  Its shape was something between wolf and weasel, the body long and sinuous, head a flattened wedge with a gaping mouth and teeth that would have seemed more at home in the jaws of a shark than a mammal. A blood-red tongue lolled out, strands of thick drool slipping from its mouth as it slunk closer, body low to the ground, stalking her. Eyes yellow as butter, glowing as if filled with the fires of Hell. A growl rumbled in its chest, the sound reminiscent of a diesel engine.

  The hair on the back of Iris’s neck stood up, terror gripping her, and she stared at the thing, her mind unable to connect something so horrific with the real world.

  It has to be some kind of hallucination. Maybe someone got cute and dumped something in the punch. As much as she wanted to believe that, she knew she wasn’t hallucinating and there hadn’t been anything illicit in the party punch...or anything else, for that matter.

  The thing turned its head and then Iris heard it too; the sound of someone running toward them.

  The creature’s growl got louder and Iris vacillated between shouting a warning and running for her life. Silly, really, who’s going to believe that a tiger-sized shark-fanged wolf-weasel is stalking me, since I’m looking right at it and I’m not believing it myself.

  She decided in favor of both options and a more likely problem. “Run, there’s a vicious dog back here!” she shouted and bolted for the cabin door. If she could get inside, it would be okay. Animals couldn’t open doors. At least that’s what she told herself as she kicked out of her shoes and took off running, not even remotely caring that the stones and twigs would hurt her feet. Cuts she could deal with, being eaten was another matter entirely.


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