Abbey's Sexual Adventure

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Abbey's Sexual Adventure Page 6

by Jennifer Cole

  Shifting to his left, Tyrell extended his arm to reach for his lover and felt cool space where her body should have been. Lifting his head at the same time he opened his eyes, he spotted Trent still asleep on the other side of the king-size bed.

  But no Abbey.

  Cocking his head to one side, Tyrell listened. An unsettling silence filled his ears. As he sat up and looked around the dimly lit hotel room, Tyrell realized that he and Trent were alone.

  Abbey was gone.

  Rolling over, Tyrell tossed the sheet back and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Scanning the room again, he stood and walked toward the door leading out to the balcony and threw the curtains open.

  “What the fuck?” Trent growled from the bed.

  “Get up,” Tyrell said. “Abbey’s gone.”

  Trent sat up like a shot. “What do you mean she’s gone?” he stammered, threw the sheet covering him to the side, and leaped from the bed. After snatching his underwear off the chair beside the bed, he stepped into them. “Where’s Abbey?”

  “She left.”

  “After what we shared last night? What do you mean she left?” Tyrell read the discontent and confusion on his brother’s face as Trent scanned the hotel room. There was no sign of Abbey or any other indication she’d even spent time in the room. “We have to find her.”

  “You want her?” Tyrell asked, already knowing Trent’s answer. For some reason he wanted to hear the words from his brother’s own mouth.

  “Fucking right I want her,” Trent snapped back. “I’ll be more than happy to love her all by myself, buddy, if you aren’t interested.” Trent pulled himself to his full six-feet-four height in challenge. “You just say the word.”

  Tyrell felt incredible pride at hearing his brother profess his intentions toward Abbey. He knew that the decision they were about to make, the path they were about to travel, would change life as they knew it. Tyrell had never felt so strongly and passionately about anyone before Abbey.

  “You will not have Abbey to yourself, Trent,” Tyrell informed his brother, not giving in to Trent’s asinine attempt to intimidate him. “I want her as well.”

  The two men pulled their jeans on at the same time, still looking around the room.

  “Well, let’s go then,” Trent said. “We’ll start at the registration desk.”

  “Give me a minute. I need to take a leak,” Tyrell announced. “And I was looking forward to easing the pressure in my balls with our Abbey this morning, but it looks as though I’ll have to take matters into my own hand.”

  “Well, you can pull it on your own time. We need to get the hell out of here and find Abbey. Who knows how long she’s been gone.”

  Having struck out at the hotel’s registration desk, Trent and Tyrell stormed into several shops around the block in hopes of finding their Abbey. But luck was not on their side on such a gorgeous morning. The sun shone bright in the sky, and a gentle breeze blew around them.

  Conceding temporary defeat in their search, they made their way back to the Deli to retrieve Trent’s car. The streets began to come to life with the openings of the various shops lining either side. People hustled along the sidewalks going about their business.

  All around them life appeared to be moving forward, yet something significant was missing from Trent’s and Tyrell’s. Their Abbey was gone. Vanished from their lives with nothing more than a note scribbled on a piece of hotel stationery:

  To my Trent and Tyrell,

  Thank you are not the words I want to use because they just don’t seem appropriate for what we have shared. But I am grateful to you both for bringing life to a once in a lifetime fantasy. The memories you’ve given me will keep me warm through the night for the rest of my life. I cannot express how deeply you have touched a piece of my soul. I’ll never forget either of you.



  Trent replayed the words on the missive over and over again in his mind. Was it only just about the sex for Abbey? he wondered. But not for a minute did he believe it. Her aura had called out to his. There was an attraction beyond the physical. It had been evident in her touch and unmistakable in her eyes. When he looked into her eyes, it was as if Abbey had opened her soul to him. She had been unable to hide anything from his searching gaze and caressing hands.

  The personal information she’d shared with them, though very little, had revealed an intelligent yet vulnerable woman. Trent knew the moment he’d touched Abbey, he would not be able to let her go. Emotionally or physically. He needed to be a part of every nuance of her life. She was sensual and giving.

  Abbey was meant to be his. Theirs. Of this there was no doubt in his mind.

  Chapter Six

  A week had passed since Abbey walked out of the hotel room and left Tyrell and Trent, and she found herself struggling to get on with her life. Despite knowing so very little about them, she missed them terribly. Almost every minute of every day she wondered what they were up to or if they’d even thought of her. With each passing day, her distraction worsened.

  “Yes, Mrs. Robertson, of course.” Abbey held her phone to her ear with her shoulder as she punched away at the keys on her keyboard.

  Pausing for a brief moment from her data entry, she swiveled in her chair and rolled across her office toward a filing cabinet along the far wall. “Well, it’s always a pleasure speaking with you too, Mrs. Robertson.” Rifling through the numerous files, she plucked the one for which she was searching and rolled herself back over to her desk.

  “Rest assured I’ll have all the paperwork completed before I leave for home this evening,” Abbey said as she resumed her vigorous attack on her keyboard. “Excellent. I’ll see you and Mr. Robertson at nine sharp tomorrow morning. Thank you, Mrs. Robertson. You have a nice day too. Bye for now.”

  Abbey blew out a breath after replacing the receiver in its cradle. Mrs. Robertson had a heart of gold and was a lovely person. She and her husband were the institution’s wealthiest and most influential clients. Although she enjoyed the older woman’s visits to the office, Abbey sometimes wondered if Mrs. Robertson maybe had a little too much time on her hands due to the fact she made weekly visits to the office. However, the bank’s staff was appreciative of the basket of home-baked goodies Mrs. Robertson always left in the lunchroom after her meetings.

  Chancing a glance at the clock in the bottom right corner of her computer screen, Abbey cursed under her breath. The minutes seemed to be ticking away at a snail’s pace. All her scheduled appointments for the day were concluded, and she wasn’t expecting to see another client until she met with the Robertsons the next morning. With the press of a button, she set her voice mail to answer any further phone calls and set in to catch up on the mountain of paperwork piled on her desk.

  Over the past week, her mind had been everywhere else but her job. Abbey usually prided herself in her exceptional organizational skills, but recently she was disgusted with herself for allowing her paperwork and files to get out of control.

  But it wasn’t just her work life that was suffering. That very morning, she had been taken completely by surprise when she looked at the calendar hanging on her fridge and realized she had forgotten her rent was due. Up until that day, Abbey had always made sure her rent was paid well in advance. On her way out the door, she slipped an envelope containing checks under her landlord’s door, paying up her rent for the next six months. How could she have been so absentminded?

  But Abbey knew the reason -- Trent and Tyrell. They were also the reason she’d slept in that morning. Again.

  She had lain awake in her bed for hours the night before while her mind tormented her with visions of the gorgeous brothers. As her mind’s eye conjured them up, her flesh actually felt the caresses of their fingertips stroking over every inch of her body.

  Once her nipples puckered, they had refused to recede. The longer they remained erect little buttons, the more they ached. Her breasts swelled as she remembered the sensations of Trent�
��s and Tyrell’s lips and tongues nipping and laving the tight tips.

  As stimulating and pleasurable as each man’s caress had been, Tyrell’s touch was distinctly different from Trent’s. Though both were confident in their caressing, Trent used a lighter touch to give pleasure while Tyrell played a little rougher. They were perfect complements to one another. Individually each man was spectacular; together, they were like dynamite. Each and every climax Trent and Tyrell had pulled from her was like fireworks lighting the night sky on the Fourth of July.

  But her naughty thoughts had refused to stop there. As she begged her body to fall asleep, Abbey’s pussy determined it would not be outdone by her excited nipples. Moisture dampened the panties she’d worn to bed. Her intimate muscles began to contract, as if preparing for the delicious intrusion of one of their thick, heavy cocks.

  Unable to tolerate the torment any longer, Abbey had pulled out her King Dong dildo to bring herself relief. As she held the rubber phallus in her hand, she frowned. It was a piss-poor substitute.

  After using the imitation dick in an attempt to alleviate her frustration, Abbey felt less than satisfied. What she’d really wanted, or rather needed, was to be sandwiched between the two buff brothers while they sought sexual gratification within her willing body.

  Abbey was beside herself with regret at walking away from Trent and Tyrell.

  As she sat behind her desk, her thoughts focused on the memories of Trent and Tyrell instead of her mountains of paperwork. She rested her chin on the palm of her hand and stared blankly out the window of her ground-floor office, watching pedestrians going about their business.

  When Abbey had closed the door to the suite a week ago, leaving Trent and Tyrell, her body had begun to ache almost instantly. No matter what she tried, she was unable to assuage the need burning deep within her. She had known it would happen. She knew, even then, that they had unleashed something inside her, something only they would be able to control.

  With regularity, Abbey found herself wondering what a future with Trent and Tyrell would have been like. Despite the fact she didn’t believe a three-person relationship could ever work, she’d wondered if it was at all possible that the three of them could have made history, so to speak, and actually built a life together.

  Abbey’s overactive imagination pictured them living in a little bungalow in the suburbs, perhaps with a dog and a cat. A huge lover of animals, Abbey definitely wanted to share her home with a couple of pets. Maybe after a couple of years together, the three would be blessed with a baby.

  A knock on Abbey’s office door interrupted her thoughts. Turning her head toward the sound, she saw her friend Kelley standing in the doorway with narrowed eyes.

  “Where were you?” Kelley asked.

  “Huh?” Abbey gave her head a slight shake to clear the luscious images of Trent and Tyrell from her mind.

  “Well, your body was here -- I could see you -- but it was pretty obvious your mind was somewhere else. Were you having an out-of-body experience?”

  Abbey shook her head. “Sorry. I was just thinking.”

  “Yeah? Well, he must have been something to put that dreamy look on your face,” Kelley teased with a grin.

  A shiver rippled through Abbey as the final specks of her daydream dissipated. “Uh,” Abbey stammered.

  “You can fill me in on him another time.” Kelley snickered. “Listen, a few of us are going out for a drink after work tonight. Wanna come?”

  Each day without Trent and Tyrell was driving Abbey more and more crazy. Her memories of them had stirred up so many questions.

  A light bulb flickered to life in her mind. She needed closure, needed to put things to rest. “Thanks, Kelley,” Abbey said. “But there’s actually something I need to take care of tonight.”

  “Okay.” Kelley shrugged. “Maybe next time,” she finished as she pushed off the door frame and walked away.

  Abbey’s curiosity niggled at her. Scratch that -- it was more like hollering.

  “And what about after tonight, temptress?” Trent had asked. Although the touch of his hands had been meant to stir her arousal, the tone of his voice had been sincere. Genuine interest and concern laced his question. What if he had been hinting at wanting something more?

  Abbey just didn’t see how. How could he possibly want more? They’d met in a singles bar and spent the night making lo -- screwing each other senseless.

  “This is what it is, guys,” she’d said, trying to bury the emotions -- and her hope -- deep. Unfortunately she had still fallen, and at the time, she hadn’t known how to face it head-on.

  But it doesn’t have to be just this.

  It was time. Abbey needed answers, and she wasn’t coming up with them on her own. It was time to pose her questions to the two handsome brothers who had invoked them.

  Chapter Seven

  As they had done almost every night since their encounter with Abbey eleven days before, Trent and Tyrell walked toward the Deli. Outside the heavy glass doors of the bar, they exchanged a glance and sighed.

  “Maybe tonight’s the night,” Trent said, forcing a smile.

  Sidling up to the bar, the two greeted a couple of regulars and stopped to make small talk. The regulars around the Deli were aware of Trent’s and Tyrell’s search for Abbey, but so far had been unable to offer any insight into the identity of the vivacious redhead who had turned their lives upside down nearly two weeks before.

  As they sat down side-by-side bar stools and placed their orders, their friend behind the bar turned to them with a grin.

  “Evening, guys,” the man said.

  “Hey, Bobby,” Trent and Tyrell replied, almost in unison.

  “Did you see her?” Bobby asked, still grinning.

  “See who?” Trent asked, lifting his bottle to his mouth.

  Bobby chuckled. “Your redhead.” He tipped his head toward the door. “She just walked out the door.”

  As Tyrell turned to stand, Trent was already hightailing it to the door. It was a good thing another customer had pulled the door open to gain entrance or Trent would have blown right through the thick glass.

  As rapidly as his neck would swivel, Trent glanced up and down Donegal Avenue

  . The sidewalk was busy, but there was no sign of Abbey. Despite the pedestrian traffic, Trent knew if Abbey was there, his eyes would be able to spot her in the dense crowd. He’d spent over a week with every detail of her petite, sexy figure racing around in his mind. Footsteps slapping on the cement behind him announced his brother’s presence. Tyrell stood to his right and together they scanned the sidewalk.

  “You go that way,” Trent ordered, pointing in one direction, before he took off in the other.

  Unfortunately, most of the shops lining the sides of the street were already closed and those that were open yielded little to their investigation.

  As he raced up the block, Trent entered several stores, inquiring if his woman had been in. In defeat, he stepped back onto the sidewalk, taking one last futile glance around.

  When he met Tyrell back at the entrance to the Deli, they mirrored one another with shakes of their heads.

  They reentered the Deli and once again seated themselves at the bar. Tyrell began to grill Bobby. “Are you sure it was our Abbey?”

  Bobby nodded. “Petite body, big green eyes, long red hair, and a smile that makes you want to come on the spot. Yup, I’m sure it was your Abbey.”

  Trent shot a hopeful look at Tyrell.

  “How long ago was she here?” Excitement elevated Tyrell’s voice.

  “I’m surprised you two didn’t bump into her when you came in.”

  “Don’t fuck with us, Bobby,” Tyrell snarled.

  “And she was asking about the two of you,” Bobby informed them, before wandering off to serve another patron.

  “Damn,” Trent growled. “If you hadn’t spent so long fucking around --”

  “Go to hell,” Tyrell snapped back. “Do you think you’re alon
e in your frustration? You’re not. Remember that. I’m miserable as hell. And in case you’ve forgotten, I want Abbey just as much as you do. So don’t give me any of your shit, little brother.”

  In silence, Tyrell and Trent sat drinking their beers, each withdrawing into his respective thoughts.

  Trent was unhappy. Never before had he had the desire to chase after a woman. Never before had a woman affected him in the manner Abbey had.

  “I’m sorry,” Trent said. “Two more, Bobby, please.”

  “Thanks, but your apology isn’t necessary,” Tyrell replied. “I know what you’re feeling.”

  “I’m not about to give up,” Trent said. “But what do we do now?”

  “Well, Abbey came in here looking for us. So we leave a message with Bobby that the next time she comes in, whoever’s tending can give us a call,” Tyrell answered.

  Trent laughed. “You think it’ll be that fucking easy?”

  “No, I don’t,” Tyrell admitted with a chuckle of his own. “But that’s what we’re going to start with. Let’s shoot a game.”

  Picking up their bottles, Trent and Tyrell walked to the back room of the Deli where the pool tables were set up.

  An hour later, Trent clipped his pool cue back in the rack on the wall. He just wasn’t in the mood to sit there shooting pool knowing Abbey was out there. The fact that she’d come into the bar looking for him and Tyrell brought him hope. Maybe they’d have a chance with her after all. Damn it, they just had to find her.

  “I don’t know why neither of us thought of this before now,” Trent said when he and Tyrell stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of the Deli. “But I’ve got an idea on how to broaden our search for Abbey.”

  The next day, day twelve following their life-altering encounter with Abbey, Tyrell and Trent were no further ahead in locating her. But the night before had renewed their hope. Finding out that Abbey had come back into the Deli asking about them was a positive sign. To Tyrell and Trent, it meant she felt something for them as well, something beyond just the physical attraction. At least that’s what the two brothers told themselves.


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