Sharp Right Turn (Sharp Turn Saga #2)

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Sharp Right Turn (Sharp Turn Saga #2) Page 6

by Faye Byrd

  “Thank you. I’ll take ya up on that.”

  The table falls silent while everyone enjoys their meal until David speaks up. “Kari, how much longer until your baby’s born?”

  She absently rubs her stomach as she responds, “She’ll be here in twelve weeks.”

  “Daddy and Mama’s gonna make a baby,” Blake announces, completely out of the fucking blue. “He said it’s his favorite patime.”

  Easton’s fork drops to her plate with a loud clink, and my eyes get huge as they snap to my son.

  “Are they now,” Harold growls, his own fork clenched tightly in his hand.

  My mouth is frozen, refusing to speak, and my muscles are locked tight, denying me from standing to stop this madness before it goes any further.

  Blake nods, and it’s like a train wreck that I can only watch. “Yep, he said he gonna fudge her.”

  A gasp comes from, I don’t even know who, but that doesn’t matter because Cam has his own two cents to add. “No, he didn’t. He said he need to fuc―”

  Easton’s hand slaps over his mouth just as he finishes the word, but it makes no difference at all because everyone at the table is already staring at us with varying expressions. Smirks line a few lips, shock definitely features heavily and there’s even a couple that look … excited?

  But not Harold Wilder.

  He’s fucking livid.

  5 Potholes


  I sit there with my hand covering Cam’s mouth in a state of shock.

  What in the hell just happened?

  Our two adorable sons just outed us in front of both of our families, that’s what. Not one for being embarrassed has flown out the window. My face is hot, and I’m breaking out into a sweat.

  No one says a word as they’re all looking back and forth between Trystan and me. Some of them seem amused, and even excited in Weston’s case, but others clearly feel blindsided by the information our sons just gave them. The two that are going to be the most trouble, however, are our dads. Both of them look as if they might explode at any minute.

  Finally, Kari has the wherewithal to become proactive. “Blaine, how about we go check out Cam’s room? You haven’t seen it yet.”

  “It’s my room, too,” Blake adds, and even though I’m in a state of shock, I almost pool into a puddle. These two are like peas in a pod.

  Cam tries mumbling behind my hand, so I slowly remove it, keeping it at the ready, just in case. “Yep, I shares my room wif Blake now.”

  I sag in relief when he jumps right into that conversation, hoping the last is well forgotten. I simply cannot believe I’m in this position. I haven’t even contemplated sharing this news with my family, and now I have no choice. My dad is chomping at the bit to open his mouth, but he won’t, for now anyway, not until all little ears have left the table.

  “Well come on, guys,” Kari says as she stands and motions for them to get up. “Take us to check out that cool room.”

  “I’ll join you,” Charlotte says as she smiles and gets up from the table.

  I’m waffling between grateful and worried that she’s removing the little traitors from the situation. I settle with grateful, since it has to be done now that the cat is out of the bag.

  Kari’s eyes meet mine, and I give her a small nod of thanks, even though I’m not thankful to be in this situation. She then helps little Carson down from his seat and waits for Cam and Blake to reach her side. Blaine is already impatiently waiting on the others to join him at the bottom of the porch steps.

  As we watch their retreating backs disappear onto the porch, Trystan takes my hand under the table, giving it a squeeze. I meet his eyes and take a deep breath. With a firm nod, he tenses, then scans the table ready to face the challenge ahead of us.

  When the back door is firmly shut behind the kids, my dad’s fist slams on the table. “What in the hell did I just hear!”

  I clear my throat to defend my actions, but I don’t get the chance because Trystan’s father is adding his own opinions on the matter. “I’d like to hear an answer to that also, Trystan. It seems you forgot to mention that part when you gave us the story just a couple of days ago.”

  “Well, frankly, Dad, it’s none of your fucking business what Easton and I do or don’t do,” Trystan states firmly, staring his father down.

  “The hell it isn’t,” my dad snaps before Reed can reply.

  Trystan turns his hard gaze to my dad, and it’s clear this isn’t going to go well. “Harold, while I understand your concern, it’s obvious Easton and I had no plans to share this with you until we felt we needed to. It’s our decision, and we’ll go forward how we see fit. With or without your permission.” He cuts his eyes to his father. “Either of you.”

  Reed stands from the table, fists clenched. “Isn’t it obvious, son? This woman is trying to trap you just like the last one did.”

  My dad lurches from his chair. “What do you mean trap him? That’s my daughter you’re referring to, so you’d better tread carefully,” he yells as he pokes him in the chest.

  Mom jumps up, stepping between the two men, pushing my dad back. “Harold, calm down. We’re all just shocked and need some time to adjust to this information. Let’s sit and let them explain.”

  “Melissa, thank you for trying to diffuse the situation, but there’s nothing to explain. Easton and I are doing what we think is best, and we won’t be swayed,” Trystan replies, his honesty raw and real.

  “Is this an attempt to provide a sibling for Cam?” David asks softly.

  I squeeze Trystan’s hand tighter before speaking. “In a sense, yes. Is there something wrong with that?”

  He shakes his head. “No, Easy, there’s not. Even a half-sibling has a probable chance of being a close enough match, and there are also the wonders of umbilical stem cells. But you also have to be prepared for a child that isn’t a match as well.” His kind, caring eyes are on me. They’re begging me to understand what I’m getting myself into.

  “I realize that David,” I say, looking around the table. “I believe most of you know I was already prepared to have my second child. Trystan has agreed to be that baby’s father. Just as he is to my other children.”

  “So let me see if I understand this,” Reed says, leaning forward so he can make eye contact with David. “If these two make a baby, it may or may not be a match. It’s not even a high probability.”

  “Not as high as a same-parent sibling,” David answers, his eyes flicking to mine apologetically.

  “Well, if that’s the case, then why doesn’t Trystan go make a baby with Cam’s biological mother instead of defiling my daughter?” my dad asks sarcastically, arms folded over his chest.

  “Over my dead body!” Reed exclaims, his eyes snapping to my father.

  “David, wouldn’t that be the best chance possible for Cam to find a match? Another child by his same parents?” my dad presses, a victorious smirk pointed toward Reed.

  Trystan’s already tense body stiffens like steel. If I don’t curb this line of questioning, he might explode, sending shards scattering throughout us all. “Daddy, please stop,” I say firmly.

  “No, Easton, it’s all right. I don’t mind answering his questions,” David speaks up, thinking it’s him I’m trying to save. “Actually, Harold, you are correct. A same parent sibling is the best possible chance for a match.”

  Cooper, who’s been volleying back and forth with a smirk on his face this whole exchange, finally chimes in. “I think my brother knows exactly what he’s doing, and there’s no way in hell Kennedy is getting dragged into this situation.”

  “At least someone’s talking sense,” Reed says, motioning to Cooper.

  But, oh no, my father just won’t let it go. “How is that not making sense when it’s clearly the best solution all around?”

  “Daddy, please,” I implore him, my own patience wearing thin.

  “What, Easy? You expect me to just sit here and agree to this nonsense because Trys
tan had his feelings hurt by his ex? You know me better than that,” Dad counters, looking supremely pleased with himself.

  “Harold,” my mom chastises.

  “Oh, come on, it’s not like it’s a hardship for Easton!” Weston says, motioning to Trystan, and my dad cuts his eyes at him.

  “You got that right,” Amelia seconds, sending a satisfied smirk in my direction.

  “This is not the time, Wes,” Ryder says to his husband before eyeing Amelia. “Neither of you.”

  She shrugs. “I don’t hear Easy complaining. Besides, does anyone even know where the ex-wife is?”

  “There’s no way my son is contacting that woman, and that’s final!” Reed slaps his large hand on the table.

  “Oh, Reed, there’s no chance that’s happening. It seems Easy and Trystan have made up their minds,” Bunnie chimes in, her eyes settling on mine.

  “You got that right,” Cooper tacks on with a chuckle.

  “Enough!” Trystan jumps to his feet, dragging me to stand beside him. “Dad, that’s not your decision to make. But you’re right, I won’t be contacting her. As for the rest of it”―his eyes rove over everyone seated at the table―“Easton and I have already committed to our plan, and we hope that you can live with it. If not, then we’re sorry, but it’s not your decision.”

  The table is silent as everyone considers Trystan’s words. Even my dad is staying quiet this time, so I decide to add my own two cents. “You’re all family, and we love you dearly, but Trystan’s right, this is our decision, and we’re doing what we think is best for our family. It may not be conventional, but that’s what Trystan, Blake, Cam and me are … a family. So, please, accept our decision and if you have objections, keep them to yourselves. We’re not interested in hearing them.” My eyes land on my dad, hoping he can see the sincerity in them.

  Our decision has nothing to do with anyone at this table. It has to do with expanding our family, and if that helps Cam, then all the better. Trystan is a man I can trust to be my children’s father. All of them. To always be there for them and to be my partner in raising them.

  “Okay, Easy, Trystan,” my father says, and his face has returned to its normal shade. “I’m willing to accept your decision on one condition.”

  I’m almost afraid to ask. “What’s that?”

  He leans on the table making eye contact with both Trystan and me. “My grandsons better not ever share something like that again. Do what you’re going to do, but you damn well better make sure little ears and eyes aren’t prying.”

  My face heats up again, but it’s Trystan who answers, “Yes, sir. That was my mistake, and it won’t happen again. I assure you.”

  My father leans back in his seat and picks up his fork. “Good, now let’s get back to dinner.”

  Trystan and I retake our seats, and I let out a deep sigh, glad the confrontation that was never supposed to happen is over. The small smile and wink Trystan sends are enough to settle my tense muscles and allow me to enjoy the rest of my meal.

  Soon after, I excuse myself and make my way upstairs to thank the two women for ushering the children away. When I enter the bedroom, Charlotte is reading to all the boys as they’re spread across the floor with blankets. Cam and Carson have already fallen asleep, and the other two aren’t far behind. I quietly go over and sit on Cam’s bed beside Kari, giving her a slight smile.

  By the time Charlotte gets to the end of the book, all four boys are sleeping peacefully. I motion for her and Kari to follow me from the room. When we make it to the family room, Amelia is already waiting. She’s wrapped each woman’s plate with plastic wrap and has poured us all a fresh glass of iced tea.

  “Here you are, ladies,” she says with a flourish, pointing to where each should sit. “That’s you on the left, Kari.”

  “Thank you, Amelia,” Charlotte says as she sits on the loveseat. “But I’m as full as a tick. I will have some of this sweet tea, though.” She grabs her glass and raises it before bringing it to her lips for a dainty sip.

  Kari joins her, but she eagerly pulls the wrap from her plate and lifts the fork Amelia has laid out for her. She pauses with her fork in mid-air and eyes me. “What? I’m growing a baby. Of course, I’m hungry.”

  “By all means.” I wave her off with a giggle.

  “That’s why I brought them in,” Amelia adds, sliding a saucer with a piece of Trystan’s homemade chocolate cake closer to her. “There’s dessert, too.”

  “I’ll be sure to save room,” Kari replies, eyeing the cake appreciatively.

  Amelia nods, reaching for another saucer. “I think I’ll have some, too. Anyone else?”

  Charlotte shakes her head, sipping her tea, and I clear my throat. “No, thank you. But I do want to thank both of you ladies,” I say, my eyes moving between Kari and Charlotte. “That was an um … unexpected situation, and I appreciate you clearing out the children.”

  “Oh, sweetie, it was no problem. I’m just glad we could help. Did everythin’ go all right?” Charlotte asks, rubbing my arm in support.

  I sigh. “As well as could be expected, and it’s out in the open now, which I don’t know if I’m happy about or not.” I chuckle in that not so funny way.

  Kari snorts and sets her plate on the coffee table. “Better now than when you’re six months pregnant and still hiding it.”

  “Oh, dear, that would’ve been a mess,” Charlotte says, her fingers reaching up to twirl her pearls.

  “Well even the boys know now, although I’m sure that wasn’t how you intended them to find out,” Amelia says sympathetically.

  “Honestly, I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I assumed that as long as they didn’t witness any affection between Trystan and me it’d be a non-issue,” I explain, twisting my fingers in my lap.

  “Ha,” Kari barks, grabbing her slice of cake and removing the plastic wrap. “I see how that worked out for ya.” She lifts a challenging brow as she shoves the first bite into her mouth and hums. “Damn, I miss Trystan’s cooking.”

  “I know, right?” Amelia adds, widening her eyes dramatically in my direction. “If only I could be lucky enough to find a guy like that.”

  I shrug, pretending what I’m about to say is perfectly normal. “Trystan’s available as far as I know.”

  Kari almost chokes on the bite of cake and Charlotte pats my leg, but it’s perky Amelia’s face falling that bothers me the most. “Oh, sweetie,” she says, moving to sit on the arm of my chair. “He’s not available. You two may be in denial, but the rest of us aren’t.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “That’s not an option. We have to put the boys first. They’re just so accepting of everything, and I’m scared to confuse them. I can’t have them thinking we’re going to be a family like that.”

  Charlotte’s squeezes my knee and lifts a brow. “But aren’t you? I may not know much, but I know that the boys know you’re their parents, they know they’re brothers and now they know you’re trying to make a baby. Then on top of that, y’all live here, together, in one house. You’re definitely a family, Easton.”

  My eyes fall to the coffee table, afraid to face the caring looks of the three women who’re surrounding me. “I know we are, but not a complete, happily ever after family. That’s what I mean. I don’t want to confuse them.”

  Amelia lifts my chin. “How do you know you can’t be? Everything seems to be working well so far. You never know where this … arrangement might go.”

  I shake my head. “I can’t let it go there. There’s too much to lose if it were to go south.”

  Kari chuckles, drawing all eyes to her. “Oh, Easy, are you a cup half empty kinda girl? Think of the possibilities if it were to work out.”

  “But think of what it would mean if it didn’t,” I argue, leaning my head against my best friend with a sigh. “Right now, our boys are happy because we can get along. Keeping the feelings platonic keeps us as friends, and that’s what our boys need from us.”

  A pucker for
ms between her brows. “I know Trystan, and I can see the chemistry between the two of you. It’s as plain as the nose on my face. If he’s willing to try can’t you at least consider it?”

  “I … I can’t. Failed relationships only bring anger and hurt,” I say, hoping they can understand my position. Cam and Blake are my priorities, and I can’t do anything to jeopardize their happiness, even if it includes trying to make something real with their sexy, dirty-talking dad.

  Charlotte grabs my fidgeting hands and holds them between her own. “Take it from a woman who knows, sometimes there’s no stoppin’ the inevitable.”

  “Inevitable?” I sputter “No, I don’t think so, Charlotte.” I withdraw my hands and stand, ready to put an end to this conversation. “Come on, ladies, it’s time we rejoined the party.”

  The look that passes between the women is unsettling, but I ignore it as I lead them to the backyard. When I open the door to the porch, Trystan immediately looks up from his conversation with Cooper. A breathtaking smile forms on his face, and my own lips curve in response.

  “Yeah, sure, so not the inevitable,” Kari mumbles as she passes me.

  Charlotte chuckles and pats my arm, making a beeline for David, and Amelia heads for where Weston and Ryder are playing Frisbee with Blue. I stand there at the top of the stairs second-guessing my intentions. Originally, I was anxious to get back to Trystan and make sure he was okay after our dinner confrontation. However, I don’t want to mislead anyone, including myself, so instead, I make my way over to begin cleaning up the tables.

  After filling one bag, I tie it up and take it around the side of the house to the trash can. Once I’ve deposited it into the bin, I turn and stop short, releasing a gasp.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Reed says, as if him being here means absolutely nothing.

  “Oh, no, you’re fine,” I say, waving him off. “I just didn’t realize anyone had followed me.”

  “How much?” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Excuse me?” I tilt my head. “How much what?”


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