Sharp Right Turn (Sharp Turn Saga #2)

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Sharp Right Turn (Sharp Turn Saga #2) Page 16

by Faye Byrd

  “That was … interesting,” Coops says, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “I honestly didn’t think Mom had it in her.”

  I shrug, too concerned with my own situation to be happy for something that’s long overdue anyway. “At least he’s gone.” I wipe my face with my napkin and turn to Easton, touching her arm. “Are you okay?”

  She starts to answer but stops to clear her throat first. “Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  My shoulders slump. I did this, so I do what I can to patch it up until we can speak privately. I lean closer. “We both know why, and I’m sorry. I promise we’ll talk later,” I whisper, trying to convey with my eyes that I don’t want to do this in front of the two nosy motherfuckers sitting across from us.

  “Sure.” She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Her whole demeanor is downtrodden, and I can’t help but wonder if she hoped for even a second that it was true. It is true, but not now, not here. I don’t know if she’s ready.

  I don’t know if I’m ready.

  Kari clears her throat. “We should go. We have an early appointment.”

  Normally, I’d probably talk them into hanging a little longer, but not tonight. I need them gone, and I need to breathe. I need to clear up this whole mess with Easton and man the fuck up.

  As we wait at the door for the boys to come down the stairs, I do take a second to give my brother a bear hug. Even if he is an ass sometimes, I love this fucker. “Just tell her,” he says lowly before he pulls back. “She loves you, too, bro.”

  “I am. Chill the fuck out, man,” I say, eyeing Easton and Kari over his shoulder. “I’ll take care of it.”

  When Coop finally steps back, Kari leaves Easton and steps into my open arms. “Thank you. For everything.”

  She pulls back, shaking her head. “This is what families do. We take care of each other.” She pokes me in the chest and tilts her head to where Coop is talking shit to Easton to get her to smile. “And you take care of that. Tonight.”

  I hold up my hands. “Yes, ma’am.”

  The boys clamor down the steps right at that second, and Easton uses their entrance to escape upstairs. I see my family out and head to the kitchen to get everything cleaned up. If I know Easton, and I do, she’s upstairs right now getting the boys into the tub. Anything that’s going to be said between us will be once they’re out for the night.

  It takes me a little over an hour in the kitchen, and when I’m done, I head for the stairs with a sigh. Once I make it to the boys’ room, I pause and take in the sight of Easton tucking the covers tightly around them and giving them both goodnight hugs and kisses. When she’s done, she hands them the book and makes her way to where I’m standing.

  She gives me a careful smile. “They’re all yours.”

  I grab her hand, stopping her from just walking right by, and place my lips at her ear. “Wait up for me?”

  She shivers and steps away, not actually meeting my eyes. “Sure. See you when you’re done.” She turns and walks out the bedroom door, leaving me to watch her go, my heart thumping in my chest just thinking about the conversation we need to have.

  “Daddy,” Blake whines. “Are you gonna read to us? Green Eggs and Ham again?”

  I chuckle and make my way over to the bed. “If that’s what you want me to read, then yeah, I am. What about you, Cam? Is that good for you?”

  He nods vehemently. “Uh huh, that Blake’s favorite book.”

  “No problem.” I ruffle both their hair. “I love you guys.”

  “You googly-eyed us then?” Blake asks, and I want to throttle Coop.

  I sigh. “No, dudes, I only googly-eyed Mama, but I do love you to pieces.”

  “Why you only googly-eyed Mama?” Cam asks, holding up his hands.

  “See, it’s different. You two are my dudes. I love you and always will. But I love Mama differently. Like, she’s … ” Fuck, this is hard. “She’s like my girlfriend, and one day I’ll even want to marry her,” I say as I scrub my hand through my hair. Shit. I’m afraid to admit that I love her, and here I am already moving on to marriage in my mind.

  Blake gasps, which causes Cam’s eyes to snap to him. “What, Blake?”

  “Daddy wanna marry Mama,” he says, fist pumping like he’s been waiting all his life to hear that.

  I hold my hands out in front of me, remembering who I’m talking to here. That’ll be the next cat they let out of the bag. “Whoa, hold up. I said, someday. I’m not so sure Mama’s ready for that right now,” I explain, back peddling like hell. “So listen to me.” I make very serious eye contact with them. “You can’t go saying that Mama and Daddy are gonna get married, okay? Because until I ask Easton to marry me, we aren’t. And I’ll promise right now, that when I do, you two can help.” They both get huge smiles on their faces. “But only if you can keep it a secret. Okay?”

  They nod their heads up and down in big, exaggerated motions. “I promise, Daddy,” Blake says.

  “Me too, Daddy,” Cam agrees. “We won’t say nothin’.”

  I blow out a breath and hope the little buggers don’t throw me under the bus … again. “Okay, dudes, hand it over.” I crawl into the bed and lay beside them, opening the book.

  It’s only fifteen minutes later when I enter my bedroom. The sight before me brings me up short. Easton’s sitting, propped against the headboard, her hair piled atop her head, her own book on her lap. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on … or it could just be me, but either way, I’m stunned silent and standing stock still, admiring the view.

  When I’ve had my fill, I clear my throat to get her attention. She jumps and drops the book into her lap, her eyes landing on mine. A timid smile curves her lips. “How long have you been standing there?” she asks softly, twirling a stray hair between her fingers.

  I relax into my position against the wall, hands in my pocket. “A while.”

  Her brows furrow. “Why didn’t you come in?”

  I smirk. “I am in, Easton. I was enjoying the view from over here.”

  She busies herself putting her bookmark in and placing her book on the nightstand, avoiding my eyes the whole time. I wait patiently. I’m not going to push this, make a mistake. This is one of the most important moments in my life.

  When she has nothing more to occupy herself, and I still haven’t taken my eyes from her, she finally looks at me. I see uncertainty reflected back at me, and it cracks my heart in two. I did this. I should’ve just admitted it earlier.

  I sigh and push myself from the wall, approaching her slowly. Her eyes remain on me as she silently watches my approach. It feels as if she’s searching for a sign to tell her what’s coming.

  I’m afraid.

  Fucking terrified.

  I’m petrified that I’m moving too fast and fearful that I’m not moving fast enough. I can only share my heart and hope she doesn’t smash it to pieces. I hope she cradles it close and embraces what I’m offering. Because I’m baring it all, giving her all that I have. All that I am.

  I sit on the bed beside her and reach up to cup her cheek. “Why do you look so unsure, Easton?”

  She closes her eyes for a second, and when she reopens them, there’s hurt lingering in their depths. She pulls her lips tightly closed and shakes her head back. “It’s nothing.”

  I slide closer, bringing my other hand up to cup both cheeks. When she’s face to face with me, a tear leaks from her eye. “Easy,” I say, wiping it away with my thumb. “What’s the matter? Why are you upset?”

  She tries to look away, but I won’t allow it. She’s hurting, and I did this. This reaction is all my fucking fault. “Please, baby. Don’t cry,” I soothe, wiping each tear that falls. “I did this, didn’t I? I’m the reason you’re crying.”

  She tries to vehemently shake her head, but I tighten my grip. “Stop it. Don’t keep denying it. I hurt you earlier. I know I did.”

  “It’s not your fault,” she insists, her eyes casting away from my gaze. “
I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  I press my forehead to hers. “I know what I did, and I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel this way.” I push my lips against hers for a brief kiss. “But the thing is, seeing you like this lets me know you’re ready to hear me … to accept my words and maybe even return them soon.”

  She tries to pull back, but I hold our foreheads together. I want to be this close with my sincerity shining for her to see. “No, baby,” I say shaking my head. “Look into my eyes, and listen to my words.” I wait until she collects herself and those stunning eyes pierce into mine. “Easton,” I say, my voice cracking. “You mean everything to me. I … I love you.”

  Her eyes fall closed, and I keep us forged together. I need her to see that it’s true, that she’s my all. She reopens them, blinking rapidly, and ever so slowly leans closer. Her lips press against mine.

  This kiss is the one I’ve been waiting my whole life for. Even though she hasn’t said the words, they’re coming through loud and clear.

  Easton loves me, too.

  I slide my hand to the back of her neck and pull her closer, delving my tongue deeper. She eagerly straddles my waiting lap. Our tongues continue to slide, slow and sensual against each other. When she’s had her fill, she pulls back and pushes her forehead back against mine.

  “I love you, too, Trystan,” she pants against my lips.

  When I go to kiss her again, she shakes her head. “No, let me finish. I hadn’t even considered it, but when Cam said what he did, and you acted that way, it hurt so badly. I knew then that the only reason I felt such hurt was because I was in love with you.”

  I chuckle because what a pair we are. “Baby, you have no idea. I just realized it last weekend in Chicago, and then Cam’s going to go and bust me like that. I was stunned stupid and just afraid. I’m so fucking sorry.”

  “Shhh, it’s okay, Trystan,” she soothes.

  I shake my head. “Not really, Easton. I … uh … I told him that last week. It was before I realized it, but he asked me and I … I couldn’t tell him no.”

  The corners of her lips curve up ay my confession. “I understand,” she says. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.” She places her hand on my jaw and brushes her thumb over my lower lip before fusing us together for a passion-filled kiss.

  As we pull apart, I scour my brain for that exact moment; the one where I fell in love with her. In every thought, I realize I already was. I chuckle, deep and throaty. “You know, I believe I’ve loved you since your palm connected to the side of my face if I'm really being honest.”

  She looks down and away from my eyes for the first time since I spoke those three magical words. I lift her chin. “Hey, what’s with that? Why are you looking away from me?”

  “I shouldn’t have slapped you. That was wrong of me. I’m sorry,” she whispers.

  I rub my thumb across her lips before leaning down and capturing them with mine. This kiss is slow and sensual, leisurely and frantic, all bundled into one. It’s the two of us saying what needs to be said without words.

  “You never have to apologize for protecting our son, even if it’s from me.”

  “I’ll never do it again. I promise.”

  With our lips still fused, I slide my hand under her shirt and slowly guide it up her ample curves. As I slip it over her head, we break apart, panting and gasping. Underneath is nothing but a minuscule pair of navy, lace panties. My shirt and jeans join the quickly growing pile.

  I adjust our positions, laying her against the pillows and leaning up so that I can take her in. It’s like I’m seeing a different person tonight. Easton’s always been sexy as hell, but it’s as if I’m viewing her through love-colored glasses.

  Her skin is glowing, and her blue eyes burn bright, her smile lights up the room, and my heart beats double time. I swallow and run my tongue over my lower lip. She’s rendered me immobile. I’m unable to look away.

  Luscious legs entangle around me, urging me closer. I snap from my love-induced haze and brace my body over hers. As I settle against her, my lips blaze a trail of heat and passion across her clavicle and up her neck.

  “I love you, Easton,” I whisper, my tongue tracing the shell of her ear.

  She grips my hair and lets out a breathy moan “I love you, too.”

  It turns out that Coop and Kari didn’t purchase a house, but instead, signed a six-month lease for a place only a few miles from here. They’ve decided that no matter what, they’ll spend Coop’s paternity leave in Georgia, and by then we’ll know whether Violet is a match. It’s during that time when they can find something to buy, because either way, they want a house here.

  Now, almost two weeks later, the boys and I have already had a full day. After breakfast with Easton before she left for work, we got dressed and headed to Dr. Logan’s office for Cam’s weekly appointment. I was pleased to learn that he’s been in contact with Kari personally, and together, they’ve settled on an OB, with her first appointment scheduled for the day after Labor Day.

  After we return home, lunch and a nap round out most of the afternoon. Right now, we’re in the kitchen, and the boys are helping with dinner. With the chicken roasting in the oven, I enlist their help with the baby carrots. After putting olive oil, fresh herbs, salt and pepper in a bowl, I add the carrots and hand each boy a large wooden spoon.

  “Toss those around until they’re covered with the good stuff,” I instruct, demonstrating how I want them to do it.

  While they make things a little messier than it needs to be, I baste the chicken with the pan drippings. By the time I return to the bar, only one carrot has been tossed from the bowl. I chuckle as I grab it and toss it in the trash. “Good job, dudes. I think this is good enough,” I say as I grab the bowl and circle it around with my hand to coat everything a little better.

  “We did good!” Cam says with a fist pump.

  “Shoot yeah,” Blake adds, and I roll my eyes. I’m going to have to put a stop to that phrase before he gets my ass in trouble.

  “Dude,” I say, taking their spoons. “Do Daddy a favor and pleeeease stop saying that.”

  “What?” he asks all innocent and shit.

  “Shoot yeah. Mama doesn’t like it when daddy says bad words,” I explain, hoping he understands what I’m saying without a long explanation. “And those words sound like bad words.”

  “Oh. Okay. I stop saying it.” His reply is so simple that I have to wonder if it would’ve been this easy all along.

  I chuckle. “Thanks, dude. Now let’s finish this dinner.”

  A little while later, just after I’ve sent the boys to wash up, the front door opens and in walks Easton. Even from my position at the bar, I can see her strained expression. I immediately drop what I’m doing and go to her.

  “Baby, what’s the matter,” I say as I approach, already holding my arms out for her to step into.

  She melts into my embrace, her arms going around my waist and holding me tightly before pulling back to look at me with a shake of her head. “There were reporters when I came out of the office today.”

  My brows purse, anger filling me. “What! Did you call Harold? Did he have them removed? Did they touch you?” My hands are frantically patting her down, looking for any wounds, as if she’s been physically hurt.

  Her hands palm my cheeks, and she leans in, giving me a soft peck on the lips. It lasts almost long enough to go deeper, but then she pulls away, leaving me wanting more. “Calm down, Trystan. Let me fill you in before you lose it.” She chuckles at my unnecessary panic. “It was just a small crew from a local station here in Atlanta. They were decently respectful and more interested in Cam’s progress than the switch. I continued past them, but when the reporter asked about getting it out to the public about being tested, I thought I owed it to Cam to try. So I stopped and spoke with them for a couple of minutes. It wasn’t a big deal, just so unexpected that I felt a little rattled afterward.”

  She’s fine, t
hey didn’t harass her, and she was able to get a message out there for Cam. Letting that all sink in, I take a deep breath and release it slowly. “All right, and you’re sure you’re okay?”

  “Even better now that I’m home with my guys.” She looks around with a smile. “Where are they?”

  I place my hand on my chest as if she’s pained me. “Like a shot to the gut. Of course, it’s just the little guys she misses.”

  “Oh, stop it,” she says with a giggle. “You know I missed you, too.”

  “Yeah?” I raise a brow.

  “Yeah,” she responds quietly, her eyes telling me that she really did.

  I grab her nape and pull her close, our lips almost touching. “The boys are washing up.”


  “Come here,” I say, my voice gruff, as I meld us together for a real kiss.

  She responds with urgency, immediately opening and thrusting her tongue into my mouth. We kiss slowly but thoroughly, savoring the feel of being close after a long day apart.

  Footsteps hammering on the stairs causes us to pull apart. She turns her attention to the other guys in her life. Squatting, she opens her arms, and they run straight into them.

  “Hey, sweeties. I missed you today.”

  “Miss you, too, Mama,” Cam replies, squeezing her tightly.

  “I not say shoot yeah no more,” Blake declares proudly.

  I just bury my face in my hands and shake my head.

  14 Incident Ahead


  Warm lips make their way across my abs and up my chest as I lie in a blissed-out state, unable to reciprocate. There’s nothing like waking with your cock in the mouth of the woman you love. A whimper escapes as she removes her lips from my flesh, and her naughty blue eyes appear over me as she settles on my stomach.

  “Morning,” she says with a pleased-with-herself smirk.

  “Good fucking morning,” I reply, my hands gripping her luscious thighs. “You sure do know how to wake a guy.”


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