Going Down to Get Up: Things We Do For Lust Bk 2

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Going Down to Get Up: Things We Do For Lust Bk 2 Page 2

by Sean Geist

  I went back down to the car and drove to a grocery store I saw from the highway. I bought a six-pack of a local brew and a frozen pizza.

  On the way back, I continued thinking about our situation. Now, I was resigned to the fact that Scott was a part of our lives, well, mostly Robin's life, but since she was my wife, that made him part of my life, too. Was I beaten down? Did I feel like less of a man? Maybe. I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself. There was obviously something missing in our marriage, something Robin needed that I just couldn't provide, but Scott could.

  I parked the car and ran into the rental car agent who was dropping off the vehicle I would drive back home to Phoenix, leaving Robin's SUV here for her to drive. I signed a few documents and looked over the Ford Fiesta for any major scratches or dents they might try to charge me for. The agent, dressed in a spiffy green blazer then handed over the keys and drove off with her partner.

  Surprisingly, my wife was frantic when I got back to the suite.

  “Peter,” she cried, throwing her arms around me and burying her head in my neck, “You had me so worried.”

  “Why,” I said, “I was only gone, like, fifteen minutes.”

  “I thought you were mad at me for shushing you. I thought you were heading home.”

  “I wouldn't say I was mad. What made you think that?”

  “You just left me without saying anything.”

  “You shushed me, that's why I didn't say anything.”

  “I looked out and the car was gone, then I saw your phone sitting on the kitchen counter.”

  “That, right there, should have told you I was coming back. Plus, I'm not leaving you here without a car.”

  “So, you're not mad?”

  “A little ticked off maybe, but not mad.”

  “I know it's been hard for you these last few weeks with me ignoring you and your needs while I was busy dealing with the move and the new job.” For the first time since our last day in Vegas, I saw a few tears welling up in Robin's eyes. She truly seemed sad and sorry for our situation. I took hold of my wife by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

  “I understand, Robin. We're in uncharted waters here. I'll stand by you, no matter what, for as long as you'll have me. Never forget that.”

  Robin dropped her gaze to my chest.

  “Okay, I know there's something you need to tell me, so spit it out.”

  Robin looked up at me. “Are you sure you're willing to stand by me, no matter what?”

  “Yes,” I said, without hesitation.

  “I hope you still feel that way in a few minutes.”

  I said nothing, steeling myself for the inevitable gut punch. I'd had a few of those in the last couple weeks, but I survived them, so I guessed I'd be able to survive this one.

  “Do you want to tell me now,” I asked, “or after we eat?”

  “I better do it now,” she said. “Your reaction could affect our dinner plans.”

  I didn't like the sound of that. “Continue,” I said, prepared for the worst.

  “Scott's on his way over. He'll be here in about half an hour.”

  I should have been expecting that, but I wasn't. “I thought he wasn't coming to Sedona for a few more weeks,” I said. I had planned to spend the weekend with Robin and head back Sunday night. This latest development might change that.

  “That was the plan, but things are going so well in Kansas City, Scott decided to come out here sooner to help me get all the ducks in a row for the Spirit.”

  “Do you still want me to stay?” I asked. I couldn't believe my wife would want me to leave. I just couldn't. But, I had to ask.

  I was relieved when she leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Of course, silly,” she said. “Scott wanted me to ask if you wouldn't mind him joining us for dinner. It would be a great opportunity for you two to get to know each other better. Everything was so rushed in Vegas. I really think you two would get along well.”

  “We do have one thing in common,” I said.

  Robin rolled her eyes. “What's that?” she said, with as straight a face as she could muster.

  “You,” I said, giving her a kiss on the lips. I should have been furious, but I wasn't. I had experienced too many crises recently, and I was burned out. Instead of fighting against the waves of emotions, I decided to ride them out. I was going to enjoy the time I had left with Robin. I'd deal with whatever the future had in store for me later.

  “So, dinner it is then,” I said.

  “And you'll behave?”

  “Don't worry, I'll play nice. I know how much this job means to you. And, God help me, I know how important Scott is to you. Yes, I'll behave.”

  “Thanks, that means a lot to me.”

  We embraced. It felt good. We held each other for a few minutes. Then I had to go and open my mouth. “So, is that all that Scott wanted you to ask me?” I said.

  “So, you heard that?”


  Robin didn't answer right away. She tightened her arms around me, her head resting on my shoulder, her warm breath caressing my neck.

  “Actually, it's not,” she said. I felt her hands working their way down my back to land on my ass. She started kneading while she kissed a trail along the bare skin of my shoulder and up my neck. Then she started nibbling at my ear lobes.

  I was becoming extremely aroused. My previously staid wife had become a wanton vixen. I was loving it.

  “Scott had another idea,” she whispered directly into my ear. “One that I like. One that gets me so wet.”

  I stepped back, away from my wife. I looked at the woman who stood before me, a look of extreme sexual hunger flaring up in her eyes. She giggled as I adjusted my inflating cock.

  “Okay, tell me,” I said.

  “You enjoyed what happened in Vegas, right?” she asked.

  “Be more specific,” I said. A lot happened those four days. Not all of it arousing, and not all of it pleasant.

  “You know what I'm talking about, Peter, our little ménage.”

  “Of course I remember.” I knew what she was hinting at, the semi-threesome encounter we shared.

  “Well,” she said, again, drawing out the word. “Scott thought, since we three would be here for the weekend we might try it again.”

  Robin was asking me to share her with her lover. Again.

  “So, Scott wants me to watch him fuck you?” I tried not to sound bitter. I didn't think I pulled it off, but Robin seemed to ignore the tone of my voice.

  “Well, you did seem to like it then. And you don't have to just watch. There's so much we could do, together, the three of us.”

  My wife was really getting into the new lifestyle, and at least part of me was as well. The lower part. It seemed I did like watching my wife have sex. I loved the way she looked as she was climaxing, her face glistening with sweat, her moans issuing from her mouth, a perfect oval. It was a sight I could only get from a distance.

  Despite the jealously, or maybe because of it, I got incredibly hard watching another man fuck my wife. The sexual act was not the problem with me. I discovered that shortly after I found my wife lying on our hotel bed with Scott between her outstretched legs, burying his cock into her pussy. I didn't mind my wife sharing her body with another man. I wanted her to explore all the pleasures the world had to offer.

  No. My problem was Robin sharing her heart.

  But, I was horny. And I did, kinda, want to watch my wife get pounded by another man. It would be fun, I thought. I'd deal with the emotional stuff after. I found I was doing that a lot – putting off the emotional stuff.

  “Sure, I'm game,” I said.

  That's when Scott knocked on the door and I nearly came in my pants.


  I jumped. Robin just smiled as she answered the door. She greeted the man who stood there with a kiss – a long, deep kiss – one reserved for long absent lovers.

  They eventually broke their embrace and R
obin escorted Scott into the suite. Ever the gentleman, Scott extended his hand.

  “Good to see you again, Peter,” he said.

  I doubt it, I thought.

  “Nice seeing you again, too,” I lied, as I shook his hand.

  I could understand how my wife could be seduced by this man. He had a laid back and self-assured manner, with a professional demeanor that put business associates, as well as lovers, at ease. He kept his wavy blond hair cut short, just off his collar. The smile in his steely blue eyes was warm and inviting. He stood just a few inches taller than Robin and myself. This evening he was wearing a powder blue polo shirt that was pulled tight across his well-defined torso, just one of the perks of owning a string of fitness centers.

  With his superior looks and physique, I should have been intimidated, but I wasn't. Scott's demeanor radiated warmth and, I'd say, a kindness most other alpha males of his type lacked.

  I figured my wife lusted after his body, but she was falling in love with his personality.

  I really wondered if Scott knew how much he was upsetting our lives. Not just with his relationship with my wife, but also with his job offer, requiring her to live apart from me, turning our three year marriage into a long distance romance.

  I wondered if he cared.

  Robin invited Scott in and I offered him a beer. We sat around and chatted, my wife sitting on the couch next to Scott, me sitting on one of the chairs around the small dining table. My wife was acting fidgety. She couldn't keep her hands still, and her feet were tapping out a heavy staccato rhythm. I could tell she wanted to attack her lover with kisses and caresses, but she was controlling her passion in deference to me.

  She looked sexy, with an erotic hunger in her eye, a look I had seen before, but focused on me, not another man.

  Scott, for his part, had the sense to split his attention between the both of us. He must have thought if he paid too much attention to Robin, I would get pissed off. He couldn't know I was beyond that feeling at the moment. I had switched into neutral, as a favor to my wife.

  He told us about his trip, flying from KC to Phoenix, then on to Flagstaff. I told him I'd never flown into Northern Arizona; Robin and I prefer the scenic drive. Scott said the flight was fine, but that he'd probably drive up himself on future trips to Sedona.

  “Anyone else hungry?” I asked.

  Both Robin and Scott raised their hands, like eager kindergarden kids needing to use the restroom. I thought about making a comment about how they were both hungry for each other, but I held off. I knew the topic of sex would come up eventually, but I wasn't going to be the one to broach it first. I mentioned the frozen pizza instead.

  None of us were interested in that. Instead my wife suggested a place called The Horn she discovered while researching the area. It was known for its extensive wine list and an eclectic selection of craft beers.

  A half hour later we were seated in a corner booth, my wife enjoying a glass of the house Cabernet and Scott and I comparing notes on a Pecan Dunkleweizen from the restaurant's own brewery.

  “This place is pretty nice,” Scott said, taking another sip of beer.

  “It had some great reviews,” Robin added.

  “I just hope the food's as good as the beer,” I said; and it was.

  The waitress recommended the pecan pie for dessert. My wife passed, Scott and I indulged, it was excellent.

  We were lingering over our after dinner coffee when the subject of sex finally came up, so to speak. True to my commitment, I wasn't the one to start the ball rolling.

  “I have to say, Peter,” Scott said, apropos of nothing, “I was surprised at how easily you accepted Robin's affair.”

  “I can't say it was easy,” I said. “I really thought my marriage was over when I saw you two going at it in our hotel room.”

  Robin took my hand as I explained the pain and betrayal I felt.

  I continued, “It wasn't until I had a heart to heart talk with a total stranger that I realized I didn't own my wife.” I held her hands tightly and looked into her eyes. “She's her own woman with her own desires, and I feel lucky to be a part of her life.”

  “And I feel lucky to have such a wonderful and understanding husband,” Robin said before leaning in to kiss me.

  “And I'm lucky to have such a highly competent and very sexy woman to run my spa,” Scott said. “And to share my bed.”

  I wanted to say something. I wanted to explain how I wasn't upset about sharing a bed, it was sharing Robin's heart that hurt me the most, but now wasn't the time.

  “So are you two up for continuing this conversation back at the room?” my wife asked, a deliciously sexy smile playing across her face. Scott and I looked at each other, like there was any other way to answer that question.

  “Sure.” “Sounds great,” we both said, simultaneously.

  We stopped at an all-night grocery store on the way back to the hotel to pick up a couple bottles of wine.

  Even though the three of us had already shared one sexual experience, I was still apprehensive about another. Robin seemed the most comfortable, but then she was the sole woman. Scott and I couldn't help but feel competitive, it was a guy thing. The wine would definitely help smooth any rough edges between us.

  Robin also picked up a couple of red candles. “To set the mood,” she said.

  “Seeing your beautiful body, au naturel, is all the mood setting I'll need,” Scott said.

  My wife blushed.

  Score one for the bad guy.

  “You're silly,” Robin said, giving him a light punch in the shoulder, quickly followed by a kiss on the cheek. “And quite sweet. Peter, you could learn something from this man.”

  I hoped she didn't mean to hurt me, but the words stung. Had I ignored my wife's romantic needs so badly? Was I the one to drive her into another man's arms? I'd have to talk to her about it later.

  I drove us back to the suite. Robin and Scott sat in the back, exchanging kisses and engaging in a little light groping. I watched them in the rearview mirror, getting a head start on the evening's festivities. I found myself getting extremely jealous. I also found myself getting extremely hard.

  I pulled into the parking lot and before I could get the keys out of the ignition, Robin and Scott had already exited the SUV and were racing to the suite. I followed them as quickly as I could, grabbing the grocery bag as I went.

  I should have been pissed, being left out, but the red hot burning in my blood was rushing to my erection. My rational mind, my jealousy, my self-esteem, all were starved.

  Robin, myself, and Scott were going to share a sexual encounter. It was going to happen. Nothing I could do would change that. I didn't want to change that. My randy hormones had taken control of my body.

  The inevitable comedown would be painful, but I didn't know that, or even care, at the time.

  I caught up with the couple at the door to our suite. Robin was trying in vain to get the key in the slot. She was being distracted by Scott, who was mercilessly groping a breast with one hand, while the other rubbed the sweet spot between her legs.

  “Let me help with that,” I said.

  Robins said, “Thanks,” and handed me the key. Instead I took her face in my hand and kissed her, hard and wet with as much passion as I could muster. With my free hand, I kneaded her other breast.

  “Funny,” she said, “can we take this inside?” Robin pulled away from the two of us and opened the door.

  We three stumbled into the room. We were drunk, not on liquor, but on lust.

  I went to put the grocery bag on the kitchen counter.

  “You want the candles?” I asked.

  “Fuck'em,” my wife said, “we won't need them.”

  I was stunned, and not from seeing my wife enveloped in a passionate embrace with another man. Robin hardly ever used that word. I was impressed.

  “Pour us all a glass of wine, Peter,” Scott said as he scooped my wife up and carried her into the bedroom.
/>   I didn't like taking orders from my wife's lover, no man would, but I did it. I felt mildly embarrassed. A better man than me would have probably refused. I let the slight humiliation slide. Again, I was thinking more with my dick than with my heart.

  When I joined them, Robin was sitting on the edge of the King-sized bed, the buttons on her white blouse were undone, revealing her white lacy bra.

  Scott was standing between her legs pulling his shirt up over his head. My wife was pulling down the zipper of his jeans.

  My attention should have been drawn to watching my wife free Scott's cock, but instead my eye was caught by the intricate tiger tattoo that covered almost half of the right side of his back. It was an exquisite and masterful work of art.

  “Someone's excited to see me,” my wife said as she lowered Scott's jeans and boxer briefs. “Very excited.” She began to stroke his hardened cock. It was a decent size, seven or eight inches maybe, just a little bigger than mine, not that I was comparing.

  Who the fuck am I kidding, yes, I was comparing He was slightly taller than me, with bigger, more defined muscles; of course he had a bigger penis.

  I took a swig of my drink before handing Scott his glass.

  “Thanks,” he said, taking the wine and setting it down on the nearby night stand.

  I was going to offer Robin a drink of wine from my glass, but she had Scott's cock in her mouth. She looked at me with a smile in her eyes.

  “Maybe later,” I said, putting the glass down on the dresser.

  I got undressed, then helped Robin out of the rest of her clothes while she continued to suck on Scott. I was somehow able to get her to pause in her oral worship of her lover's penis in order to maneuver her onto her hands and knees. Watching her service Scott was making me jealous and angry, and horny as hell. I needed relief.

  I ran my fingers gently along the peach fuzz around her pussy. Robin had waxed her mound bare and her hair was just beginning to grow back. I discovered she was sopping wet. I licked my fingers savoring her tangy flavor.


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