Going Down to Get Up: Things We Do For Lust Bk 2

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Going Down to Get Up: Things We Do For Lust Bk 2 Page 10

by Sean Geist

  “But I would love it.”

  “So would I.”

  My cock was getting stiff, talking about condoms, thinking about fucking. I was about to get out of the car when my phone buzzed.

  It was Robin calling. I just realized it was almost ten thirty at night and I hadn't called her.

  “It's my wife,” I said.

  “Your usual nightly call?”

  “No, it's her birthday and I haven't wished her happy birthday yet.”

  “You're a bad husband,” Kelly said.

  I laughed and said, “says the woman, not my wife, I'm going to have sex with.”

  I swiped the accept tab on the phone and said, “Hey, Robin.”

  “That's all I get?”

  “Uhm, how's Seattle,”

  “I'm going to kick your ass when I get back, mister.”

  “I love messing with you. Happy Birthday.”

  “Well thanks a lot,” she said with a very sarcastic tone.

  “Hey, you can't get mad at me, I had some great ideas for celebrating your birthday.”

  “Peter, I said I was sorry.”

  “And I said I was teasing you. So what'd you two do today to celebrate.”

  “It was great, Peter. You'd love Seattle. We flew in last night, so we went straight to the hotel to crash. This morning we had breakfast in bed, room service, eggs and bacon, strawberries and champagne. It was delicious. Then we toured downtown. It rained a little bit. We went up in the Space Needle. The view is fantastic, you can see, like, forever.”

  I looked at Kelly and rolled my eyes, making talking motions with my free hand.

  “We had lunch on the waterfront, fresh fish brought in this morning.”

  “Wow, sounds like fun. Wish I could have been there.”

  “You really would have loved it,” Robin said. And she sounded sincere.

  I was still kinda mad she ditched me for her lover on this special day, but it was nice to hear she was still thinking of me.

  “I was waiting all day for your call,” she said.

  “I'm so sorry. I've been running around myself, and the time just got away from me.”


  “Yes, really.”

  “You're not mad I'm spending my birthday with Scott?”

  “I was, but I'm not now.”

  “That's good.”

  “So what are you doing now. I imagine you laying naked on the bed, fresh from a nice leisurely birthday fuck.”

  “Oh, no Peter, you got it wrong. We waited til I called you. Thought you might want to listen in, you know, like that call a couple weeks ago.”

  “How could I forget.”

  “So, you up for a little phone sex? A telephone three-way?”

  I remembered the call. It was hot, but I had hotter plans for the evening. “I'd love to,” I said. “But I'm not alone right now.”

  “Who you with?” The casual tone left Robin's voice.

  “You want to know?”

  “Yes,” she said, drawing out the word, like she wasn't sure.

  “I'm with a friend.”

  “I figured as much, silly.” the friendly tone was coming back. “Anyone I know.”


  “You with that red-head.”

  “Jealousy doesn't suit you Robin. No, I'm not with Angie.”

  “I'd ask if you where with your sister, but you wouldn't be so coy if you were. You're not with Stacy and John are you.”

  Stacy and John were a couple Robin knew from collage. They lived near us and we got together every month or so.

  “You think I'd talk about you fucking someone else in front of John and Stacy?”

  “No, dumb guess.”

  “I'll tell you. Her name is Kelly Cho. She's a veterinarian, and you've never met her.”

  “She pretty?”

  “She's beautiful.”

  Silence on the line.

  “You still there, Robin,” I said.

  “So is this a date, date?” she said after a few more seconds.

  “It's a date.”

  She paused again, before asking, “are you planning on sleeping with her tonight?”

  I really wish she hadn't asked that question. I didn't want to lie to her, but the last time I described a date with another woman, she got kinda angry, and I really didn't want to upset her on her birthday.

  But then again, she was in Seattle, with her boyfriend. I accepted this relationship, but was Robin ready to? She couldn't stand my teasing about Angie, what would she do when I really did go ahead and fuck another woman? Would she decide she loved Scott more than me? Would she decide to end our marriage?

  “Well?” She was sounding a little impatient.

  I looked at Kelly. She just stared back and shrugged her shoulders as if she knew what Robin had asked and didn't know how to answer. I sure the hell didn't.

  I had always been honest with Robin. I told her when it was time to put Beasley, her pet dog, to sleep. I told her when we couldn't afford the new car. I told her when I almost crashed our other car because I was driving after a few too many drinks. I told her how I felt about her sleeping with Scott. I was always honest with Robin.


  God, that's an awful word. But takes all the good sentiment expressed before it and tosses it away. I'm happy, but. I'm sorry, but. I love you, but. Nothing good comes after the but.

  They say honesty is the best policy, and they're right on most occasions. This was not one of them. I was not ready to get Robin so upset that she might do something rash. In principle she accepted our open relationship, even if she wasn't ready for it in practice. I, on the other hand, was ready.

  “Robin, do you really want to know if I plan on sleeping with Kelly?”

  Kelly looked at me and nodded her head. She was ready. I was ready, but.

  “Yes, I want to know, Peter.”

  “Okay. I'll tell you. I'm going to take Kelly back to her room, and...”

  I paused. In the perfect world the teasing would be driving Robin wild, and when I said yes, she would tell me how wet she was and how she couldn't stop touching herself, thinking about it. This wasn't a perfect world.

  “I'm not going to sleep with her,” I lied. “I'll kiss her good night and go home.”

  Kelly's eye went wide. I shook my head.

  I wished my wife another happy birthday, said goodbye, then went into the drugstore to buy a pack of condoms. Kelly and I were going to fuck.

  Chapter 7

  I was standing in the pharmacy looking at the wide selection of condoms available. They had more than four different brands, each brand had several styles – lubed, non-lubed, ribbed, ultra-thin. It was enough to make my head spin. Plus, how many did I need? Should I just get a box with 5 or 10, or go with the 36 count value-pack? How much sex did I think I would be having this weekend?

  “Get the value-pack,” Kelly said behind me.

  I turned and looked at her. “You think we'll be doing it that much this weekend?” I said.

  She laughed. “No, but it's good to have extras. Didn't you end up frustrated on your last date because you didn't have any?”


  I grabbed a pack of Trojan Ultra-Thin, might as well stick with a brand I knew. “Should I get the magnum sized?” I asked Kelly. I said it as a joke. I knew I had an average sized dick, but I thought I'd give her an opportunity for a little ego-stroking.

  “Uhm, no man needs magnum sized. These condoms can stretch around an eggplant. Your cock that big?”


  We bought the regular size.

  Later in the car, Kelly asked me about my conversation with Robin. “You shouldn't have lied to her, Peter,” she said.

  “I know. It's just – I didn't want to get into it with her. When I teased her about sleeping with Angie, she had a fit. I wasn't ready for that tonight. I'll tell her the next time I visit.”

  “I still think it was a bad idea.”

let me deal with it, I don't want anything to ruin tonight.”

  “Nothing's going to ruin tonight, unless you let it.”


  Kelly's suite was enormous, the main area had lots of comfortable furniture, a couch and two chairs, a full dining table and a 72 inch flat screen T.V. The main bedroom had a king size bed, with it's own bathroom, complete with a glass enclosed shower stall big enough for four, and a jacuzzi tub that could hold almost as many. The second bedroom had the same amenities, just a little smaller.

  Kelly asked if I wanted anything to drink, I said yes. While she was opening a chilled bottle of white wine, I found the local jazz station on the room's surprisingly nice stereo system.

  I sat down on the couch, Kelly joined me. I leaned back, she stretched out, laying her head on my lap. I sipped my wine and ran my fingers through her hair. The view of the mountain out the room's plate glass window was breath-taking.

  We enjoyed the moment together in silence.

  “I could get to used to this,” I said.

  “Yeah, too bad we have to work for a living.”

  “So, why isn't your husband here?”

  “Working. Some big contracts came due. Someone has to work hard to keep me in this lifestyle. Working at the shelter isn't doing it.”

  “So why do you work there?”

  “I love the animals. And it keeps me busy.”

  “Do they mind you taking so many days off. First the Vegas trip, now Phoenix.”

  “Hey, that Vegas trip was work related, buddy.”

  “Yeah, but I guess we both turned it into a pleasure trip as well.”

  Yes, a work trip that turned into something more. For my wife and I, a trip that expanded our sexual horizons. I wasn't sure I was totally pleased with how it turned out, but I was glad I'd met Kelly. She was a very interesting person.

  “Do you mind if I kiss you, Kelly?”

  “I wish you would.”

  I leaned down and touched my lips to hers, softly at first, but slowly with more passion. Tentatively I flicked my tongue and she opened her mouth to let it in. She tasted of viognier, and strawberries, and I was getting lost in her.

  “I think I'd like to change into something more comfortable.” she said when we eventually parted.

  “I like you just the way you are,” I said.

  “You're cute.”

  Kelly got up and went into her bedroom. I was going to follow, but she closed the door behind her. I topped off our wine glasses and then stood at the window looking out at the panoramic view of Camelback mountain that was laid out before me, the sweet sounds of John Coltrane's sax enveloping me.

  “It's a beautiful view isn't it?” Kelly said from behind me. I had been lost in my thoughts and hadn't heard her approach. Her voice was soft and sensuous, her words melding seamlessly with the music. She put her hands on my hips and pressed her body to mine.

  “The brochures say it's called Camelback because that's what it looks like,” she whispered, her warm breath passed across my ear. “But I say it looks more like a cock and balls.” She pushed her lips against my neck just below my earlobe. Goosebumps played up the skin along my spine.

  With great effort I broke contact and turned to look at her, curious to find out what she considered 'more comfortable.' The silhouette of the mountain at night was beautiful, but it paled to the sight before me.

  Kelly was a goddess, standing there in her sheer black babydoll top with a matching pair of skimpy boy shorts, her ample breasts staining against her demi-cup bra. I reached out my hand and brushed the back of my fingers against her soft cheeks. She was an exquisite sight, almost painful to behold, her breasts slowly rising and falling with each breath, the lights from outside our window reflecting in her almond eyes.

  Her gaze bore through me with a sensual heat that set fire to my heart. The vision of her aroused me, like nothing had before. Kelly was sex personified. Gone was the happy-go-lucky girl who liked caring for pets and took detailed notes in class. The woman who stood before me with a serious demanding look in her eye was something else. She was a woman with dark desires and the means to satisfy them.

  I started to move my hand down her shoulder toward her bosom. She grabbed my wrist before I could reach my goal.

  “No,” she said, her voice firm and definite. I dare not disobey.

  Kelly, my lovely Asian sex goddess had charmed me, not by magic, but by the sheer force of her will.

  I wondered how many men and women had fallen under her spell, and how many more would willingly follow. I was a sexual novice, putty in the hands of a high-level seductress. I dabbled in intercourse, oral and vaginal. She practiced a deeper, richer, darker sexual art. My desires were simple, hers demanding.

  “Do you trust me, Peter?” she said.

  I nodded. I would follow her lead. I would learn from her.

  Kelly smiled and said, “Good. Follow me.”

  I had no choice but to comply. She took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

  The room was dimly lit by two red votive candles. Our shadows danced in the flickering light. Kelly moved away from me and sat on the end of the bed. I moved toward her and started unbuttoning my shirt.

  “Stop,” she said.

  My fingers froze in place.

  “You will do nothing but breathe until I tell you otherwise,” Kelly said. “Nod if you understand.”

  I nodded.

  I had never been so thoroughly dominated by a woman, and I was loving it.

  Kelly just sat on the bed, casually leaning back supported by her hands. She scanned her eyes up and down my body, paying particular attention to my crotch. She was judging me.

  My body was responding to the attention of this beautiful woman. Blood was rushing to my cock, but it was pointed in an awkward position. I started moving my hand to adjust it. Kelly shock her head, no. I stopped.

  “You must ask me if you want to touch yourself,” she said.

  “Can I move my cock into a more comfortable position,” I said, slight humiliated to have to ask.

  “What's the magic word?”


  “Please, what?” she said. Kelly was enjoying tormenting me.

  “Please, may I move my cock into a more comfortable position?” By this time my cock was fully engorged with blood and pointed down my right pant leg. If I was a little better endowed the tip would have been peeking out the bottom of my shorts.

  “No. You cannot adjust yourself.” My agony must have shown on my face because she quickly added. “Come over here and I'll adjust you.”

  I quickly complied. Kelly reached forward and unhooked my belt. She pulled it through the loops of my shorts and set it aside. I was mesmerized and in quite a bit of discomfort as my erection strained against my clothes. Kelly started working to undo my shorts. I tried to help, but she kept swatting my hands away.

  “This will go much faster it you stop interrupting me,” she said. Then, to my great relief, she pulled down both my shorts and my boxers in one swift motion.

  My engorged penis sprang free and slapped her on the cheek. Kelly laughed and looked up at me. Our eyes met and I caught a glimpse of the fun-loving woman again.

  “That's some tool you have there. We'll have to find something for you to do with it.”

  My seductress told me to step out of my shorts and I did. I now stood between her outspread knees naked from the waist down, save for my socks. My erect cock pointed straight at her mouth. Kelly licked her lips and looked up at me. The innocence was gone, a hunger had taken over.

  “I'm going to suck your cock like it's never been sucked before, Peter.” she said, very matter-of-factly. “Would you like that?”

  I nodded and said. “Yes.”

  “Of course you would. But even if you didn't, I'd suck you off anyway.”

  Her forcefulness scared me a little, even though I knew it was part of the game.

  Without warning, Kelly grabbed my ass and pulled. I took a f
ew halting steps forward and before I knew it, she had her lips around my cock. It felt so warm and wet, her mouth moving up and down my shaft. I'm not a well-endowed man and she was easily taking my entire length into her mouth. When I bottomed out I felt her soft, spongy tongue working back and forth along the underside of my penis. As she moved her mouth back, she flicked her tongue around the ridges of the tip. Then she was pulling me back in to repeat the cycle, sucking and licking with abandon.

  My wife has a routine when she blows me, pretty much up and down, up and down, sucking until I come. She just recently added swallowing my seed to her repertoire Kelly, on the other hand, seemed to be improvising – up, down, lick my shaft, lick my balls. It was wonderfully random.

  Don't get me wrong, I loved the way Robin gave head. It was nice. But between you and me, Kelly's technique was just – better.

  After a while undergoing this treatment, I was getting close to climaxing, and I didn't know what to do. Should I warn her? Kelly hadn't said I could do that, so she might get mad. Then again, she didn't say I could cum either. It was kinda a catch-22 situation, or maybe a catch-69. Funny thing was, my anxiety over whether to cum or not ironically helped me to avoid cumming.

  Kelly, maybe realizing my climax was close, pulled her mouth away from my cock.

  “You're so tasty,” she said, while idly stroking my penis. “But I think I'm ready for a little pleasure of my own.” Then, my bountiful Asian lover lay back on the bed, her feet flat on the mattress, her knees pointed straight up at the ceiling. Her beautiful body was a mountain I wanted to climb.

  I ran my hands along the insides of her legs, my fingers gliding over her soft, smooth skin. I grabbed the waistband of her panties and pulled them off. The musky aroma of her sex filled my nostrils. Her folds glistened.

  I licked my lips and asked, “May I?”

  “Oh, I insist,” she replied.

  I bent down to pay homage to her delectable pussy.

  I liked to think I was good at cunnilingus. Robin never complained and she always came, but she never complimented me on my technique. Needless to say, I was on edge. I wanted to do this right, to give Kelly the oral pleasure she deserved. I started by massaging the insides of her thighs with slow, gentle strokes, methodically working my hands toward her core. Then I started licking the small patch of sensitive skin between the ends of her legs and her labia.


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