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Travis Page 11

by N Kuhn

  As the three of us sit there chatting, catching up, a red Mercedes flies into the driveway, stopping just short of hitting Bent’s truck, then swerving off into the grass. I can’t help but assume this is Brittany’s Abercrombie and Bitch boy. As he climbs out, his bleach blonde hair reflects the sun, and looks something like a Ken doll, and she’s his Barbie. All in place, not a strand moving in the breeze. His clothes are quite similar to Bentley. Looking at my friend, I laugh.

  “You guys go shopping together?” I whisper to him. He just rolls his eyes and smiles at me, Britt smacking me in the arm.

  “Brittany, what the hell is this? What is he doing here?” The guy storms over to us, obviously upset. Standing, I extend my arm, to shake hands.

  “Hey man, I’m Travis, it’s nice to finally meet you. I don’t mean to ruin any plans if you had them. I just wanted to say hello.”

  “Well, obviously you’ve been here long enough to do so, why don’t you get out of here druggie?”

  “Aiden!” Brittany yells, standing up next to me. Her anger pours out of her, and even I can feel the heat radiating from her tiny frame.

  “What Britt? You think I’m stupid? I know you have snuck around behind my back going to his shows with that slut Stacey. You fucked me on our first date. Who knows what else you’re capable of.”

  “It’s ok Britt. I understand. Hey man, seriously though, I’m glad to know that she’s happy. You’re a lucky man. Thanks for letting me talk, I needed that to complete my steps.” Trying to be the bigger man, I walk away. Heading back towards Bent’s truck, my heart drops. It’s hard to walk away from her. I’m sure that she’s the only woman I have ever loved, or who had ever loved me back. Not even my own mother cares about me. I can’t believe she would let that guy talk to her like that.

  “Hey,” Aiden calls after me, “Stay away from my fiancé.” Turning his back to me, ending any chance at a conversation, I risk a quick glance at Britt. Her face is pale, and she looks upset. I’d love nothing more than to sweep her up and carry her away. But I lost that right, so I just get in and wait for Bentley. They look to be staring each other down.

  “Bent, let’s go man,” I yell out the window. Slowly backing up, but not turning away from Aiden, he finally reaches the vehicle.

  “Don’t take it personal,” he says, as he starts the SUV, “He acted that way with me too. He’s a douche bag. Other than their dads being friends, I don’t know what she sees in him.”

  “I do, he can give her a life I never could. A life she deserves. Money, a well-known family, peace of mind.” Nodding, but not taking my eyes off of Britt, he backs up, and the last thing I see is Brittany slapping Aiden. For a moment, my heart leaps into my throat. I swear if he lays a hand on her, I’ll snap his neck. Nothing happens before we get out of sight though. Leaning back, I try to relax. Every muscle in my body is taught.

  Bent takes me to my apartment. As soon as I walk in, I want retreat, find somewhere else to live. Sitting in my once pristine living room, is Sebastian, and some brunette with her face in his lap. As her head bobs up and down, Bentley clears his throat.

  “Oh shit, hey man, what’s up?” Bas tries to pry the woman off of his cock. As she stands, I see its Stacey.

  “You kidding me bro? The reason I was in the hospital, then rehab, someone I broke it off with, and you have her in my apartment, sucking your dick?”

  “Listen, Trav, man, it’s not like that. She needed a place to live. Going on tour with you, she lost her job, apartment. I thought it was only right to help her get back on her feet before we take off on tour again.”

  “She lost her job before going on tour with us, because she was a druggie. None of that’s my fault. Trust me, I’ve learned to take responsibility for my faults. Stacey, get your shit and get out of my home now. Bas, even if it is what you say, then why is her mouth on your dick?”

  “Hey man, this is our place. Not just yours. You can’t just come home, and kick my friend out. Just because you’re not using her for drugs anymore, doesn’t mean she’s got to disappear.”

  “Bas, are you kidding me? I used my money to put down on this place, rent comes out of my bank account. I picked out and bought the furniture you’re fucking on. If you want to follow her out the door, you’re welcome, but she’s not staying here. I’m a recovering drug addict. I don’t want her around me. That bitch is nothing but bad news. You don’t know her! She fucks anyone who will support her. She’s the reason I’ve been getting black mail photos, she tried to get me to do drugs, while in the hospital from an overdose. She doesn’t care who you are, just what she can use you for. Come on man, you’re supposed to be my brother. Get her the hell out of here.”

  “I am in the room, you piece of shit,” she spits out at me, “What is wrong with you? You said that things would be the same with us when you got out. That we could still be together and party just like before. Who cares about those photos? Jeremy won’t release them unless I tell him to. I’ve been waiting for you to get out.” She tries to walk towards me, her arms open. I hold up a hand, halting her in place.

  “You’re poison, Stacey. I’ve changed. I don’t want to party like that anymore.”

  “What the hell, you whore. You just had your lips on my dick, and now you’re trying to get back with him? You told me you ended things, and that you wanted to be with me,” Sebastian cries out. This whole situation is beyond messed up right now.

  “Stacey, there will never be anything between you and I again. Get out of my home, now. It makes me sick to even look at you.”

  “You know what Travis, you’re just mad because I moved on to someone better than you. Just like Brittany did. Right? Poor Travis, can’t get any woman to love him, not even his momma. Well, I loved you Travis, but you threw me out of that hospital room like I was garbage. You used me up and threw me away. I’m sure you did that to your mom and Brittany. Right?”

  “No, Stacey. You came into my hospital room, right after I had almost died, and tried to get me to snort a line of coke. You got pissed that you lost your drug atm, and moved on to my best friend. Get the fuck out of my apartment before I call the cops. I’m sure you don’t want that, considering you most likely are in possession right? Plus we can add blackmail to the list of charges. I mean really? Jeremy? I just saw Brittany, she reminded me what a real woman is, what they look like, and smell like, how they act. You’ll never be even half of the woman she is.”

  “What the hell, Stacey, I don’t get you,” Sebastian says, still trying to figure out what’s going on. “What are you doing? I thought you wanted to be with me?”

  “You’re all out. Plus, I was just waiting for Trav to get home. He promised me things would be the same. They will be, right Trav?”

  “Bas, she is so high right now, she doesn’t even know her name. Get her out of here. I can’t believe you even did this. Trav doesn’t want her here, get her out. Unless you’re choosing that over your best friend.” Bentley chimes in.

  “You ugly limp dick bastard. You will regret leaving me. I’m selling those photos. Just wait.” Walking over to the wall in our living room, she grabs the guitar my dad bought me when I was twelve. When not on tour, it hangs over the fire place. Yanking it down, before anyone can react, she smashes it on the cold white tile floor. As the guitar, and only happy memory of my past shatters into pieces, I can feel my resolve do the same. Anger bubbles inside of me. As I step towards her, Bentley grabs my arm and steers me out into the hallway. Slamming my fist into the wall, over and over, bloody pieces of plaster fall to the floor.

  “You don’t need another negative tabloid article. I’ll handle this. Why don’t you head down to Starbucks, grab a coffee and come back in an hour?” He hands me a twenty and the keys to his truck. Tossing my suitcase on the floor at his feet, I storm off.

  Instead of going to Starbucks, I head to Landers and Coppick. This is the first time I’ve ever been here. In all the years Britt and I dated, never once had we been invited to do th
ings with her parents, or dropped in to visit dear old dad. But, considering the welcome home I received from her mother, I’m hoping that her dad may feel the same way that I’m better than I used to be. As the doors slide open on the office floor, the receptionist looks up at me, and her smile widens across her entire face.

  “Welcome to Landers and Coppick. You’re Travis Dane, aren’t you?” Putting on my best charm, I smile, leaning on the desk.

  “Yea, that’s right. You are?”

  “Leanne. Oh my god. Can you please, please give me your autograph?”

  “Sure sweetie. Is Mr. Landers in?”

  “Yes, I’ll check to see if he’s available.” As she pulls the phone to her ear, I scratch my name on a legal pad she handed me.

  “Mr. Landers, there’s a Mr. Dane here to see you. Yes, Travis Dane.” I can hear her trying to keep the giggle out of her voice.

  Within a minute, Joshua Landers, in all his high powered attorney glory, heads towards me. Reaching out his hand to shake, I realize he’s never offered that to me before. Today’s a whole lot of firsts for me.

  “Travis, how are you son? It’s great to see you. Come on back to my office.” Leading me away from the reception area, I look back and wink at Leanne. Her giggling follows us down the hallway. The red carpet and cream colored walls make this place look classic and rich.

  “Rose told me you look great. We’re both so proud of you, for cleaning up and straightening out your life. What can I do for you?” he asks motioning me into the office. Settling myself in the plush leather chair, across from his desk, he sits down, folding his hands on the desk.

  “I need help with a few things. I have problems with my contract and my ex-girlfriend. According to Britt, you guys know her. Stacey? She worked here I guess. She’s blackmailing me.”

  “Ok Travis, how is it that I can help you with these things?” Folding his hands, he leans back to listen.

  “Well first, I have to figure out how to keep those photos out of the tabloids, or how to get them back from her. I didn’t even know they were being taken. I started getting packages of them while on tour. No note, just the photos, then Stacey admitted that her and her ex-boyfriend had taken them, and were keeping them. Just now, she was in my apartment, and said she’s going to release them.”

  “Did she ask you for money?”

  “No, but there’s also vandalism. She smashed my guitar.”

  “The one your dad gave you?” Nodding, I look down. The anger still seeping through my veins about that. When at last I look up, he’s looking at me with genuine concern.

  “Then, I need to know if there’s any possibility of me getting out of my contract. I don’t want to leave the label, if I don’t have to. But I just want to go out on my own. My band mates, well, it’s going to be hard, being around them while trying to stay sober. I just need to be alone. Music is my life, it’s all I have, you know? It’s going to be hard for me, for a while, maybe even for the rest of my life.”

  Staring at me for a few moments, it’s like he’s searching for the right words to say. I’m sure he’ll give me the advice to find another attorney.

  “I’m sorry sir. I shouldn’t have bothered you. I just didn’t know where else to go.” Looking down at my lap, I wait for him to kick me out of the office.

  “Son, you’re not bothering me. It’s quite alright. I’m trying to think this out. Stacey, that’s easy, we can have her picked up for vandalism, destruction of private property. The photos may be harder to get and deal with. The contract shouldn’t be too hard. Do you have the contract on you or should I call the label to get it?”

  “Well, I sort of had a run in with my roommate when I got home. I just got out today. I came right here, like I said, wasn’t sure where else to go. You could call the label, or our agent, Duke Shaw.”

  Scribbling on the pad in front of him, he picks up his phone.

  “Leanne, get me Duke Shaw on the phone please. He’s an entertainment agent. MG MGT.” Still jotting things down, his phone rings moments later. Answering it on speaker, I hear lots of music, and even my dad’s voice in the background.

  “Mr. Shaw?” Joshua inquires.

  “Yes, sir. Mr. Landers. To what do I owe the pleasure of a call from you?” I can hear Duke trying to shush whoever is around him.

  “Well, I have my client here in the office, Travis Dane, he’s wanting to set some affairs in order financially. So I just need to get a copy of his contract in his initial file, so it’s on record here. I’m just wondering if you can have your girl send it over to me.” Duke sounds like he’s stuttering, doesn’t know what to say.

  “T-T-Travis is in rehab. He’s a listed client with you? Sir, I guess I don’t understand. The label offers attorneys to our c-clients and talent,” he stutters.

  “Yes, well Travis was actually out today, I’m surprised as his agent, you weren’t there to meet him. But, I’ll be helping him arrange a new apartment and what not, it’s just a formality to have any and all outstanding contracts a client is involved in, to be on record. Nothing major.”

  Suddenly things go quiet on Duke’s end, as if he locked himself away in a closet.

  “Sir, I’ll see what I can do. Without signed consent, I can’t release that information to just anyone. I’m sure you understand. I’ll have to speak with our attorneys.”

  “And Travis, right? You’ll have to speak with Travis? Because he’s here, now, if you’d like to.” Picking up my head, he’s waving at me, as if to say hello.

  “Hey Duke, its cool man, just send it over. I’ll sign whatever consent you need.”

  “Travis, oh. Um, well, uh. Travis, can we talk about this in the morning? Like I said, I need to speak with our attorneys, and I’m not near my office, I’ll have to pull the contract.”

  “Duke,” Joshua interrupts. “You’re stalling. You know I don’t like stalling. Now, I’m wondering what’s in the contract you don’t want me to see.”

  “No, no, n-n-nothing like that. I’ll make sure to get this straightened out in the morning. I promise. Listen, I have to go, Travis, your dad’s about to go on stage for sound check. So, I’ll talk to you tomorrow and we can get this handled ok?” Hanging up before anyone can respond, I just look at Mr. Landers.

  “You sure you trust them representing you son? He doesn’t sound all that trustworthy? I’ve had to deal with him before, and they have been known to deal in the gray area.”

  “Well, my dad is the one who told us to sign with him. He’s my dad’s agent, my dad’s record label too. I just figured following in his footsteps that I would be good.”

  “Ok, why don’t you do this? Can you get me your copy?” Shaking my head no, it’s not something I want to do.

  “I can’t go back to my apartment right now. Not until Bentley calls me to let me know my, um, issues are out of there.”

  “I understand. Why don’t we call Bent and have him bring it here to us?” That sounded better.

  Within the hour, Bent was standing in Joshua’s office with my contract.

  “Ok, Travis, let me look this over tonight, can you come in tomorrow morning, about nine thirty?” he asks, looking over his calendar.

  “Sure thing sir. I’ll see you then. Thank you again.” As Bentley and I make our way back to the elevator, he looks over at me.

  “What’s this all about Travis?”

  “If I’m going to stay sober, if I want to be the man Brittany deserves, I need to go out on my own. I can’t be around Sebastian and I refuse to give up music. I just, I need to do this.”

  “I understand. I think it’s a great idea. You’re good Travis, I never doubted that. By the way, they are both gone. Bas took Stacey to the hotel for the night. I can’t guarantee he’s not going to come back.”

  “It’s ok. Joshua is going to handle terminating my lease, and I need to get movers in tomorrow to get me out of there. He’s already set up a new apartment.”

  “Wow, when did you guys do all that?”
br />   “While we were waiting for your slow ass to get here.” We both laugh. It’s been so long since Bent and I hung out, laughed. He was never really into drugs like Bas and I, so we all sort of drifted. I like having my friend back. Someone who really has my back.

  Dropping me off at my place, I walk into the empty place, and take a real look around. There’s empty baggies, food wrappers, and garbage everywhere. Lifting my foot, a used condom clings to my shoe. At least they were being safe. Who knows what diseases Stacey could have? Cringing at the thought that in my drug induced haze, I had spent so much time with her. I mean, when we met, she was great. She had a job at a law firm, Landers and Coppick. She was doing well. Whether I dragged her down, or she me, I can’t be around that. I’ve decided to do whatever it takes to win Brittany back. To make her see that I can be the perfect man for her. I can do this. Calling down to the reception desk of our building, I ask them to find me a maid that can get in here now. It’s not late, only dinner time really, so they said they should be able to get a girl here quickly. Stepping over the shattered pieces of my father’s guitar, I see something sticking out from what used to be the inside of it. A piece of paper, or a photo. Bending to pick it up, it’s a picture of my dad, and a really attractive woman. It looks old. Upon further inspection, it’s my mother. She had this glow, this smile on her face that I’ve never seen before. It was dated 1980. They had been together for longer than I thought. That means this guitar wasn’t something he just bought me. It was his. It’s as if my dreams shattered right along with the old wood. That realization makes losing the guitar all that much harder. As if it was a piece of me, the only part of me left from a more innocent life. Because neither of my parents ever wanted to talk about it, I had just assumed my mother had been a one night groupie. They must have been in a relationship. It makes me wonder what the truth is. It’s time I figured it out. Slumping to the floor, pieces of the guitar in my hand, and the photo in the other, I stay like that until the maid shows up, just staring at the loss of my childhood. When she arrives, I slowly drag myself to my bedroom, and then hide in my room for the night.


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