If the Shoe Kills

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If the Shoe Kills Page 19

by Lynn Cahoon

  Toby turned his attention to me. “Thanks for coming down and talking to the woman. She was getting a touch hysterical before you showed up.”

  “She’s been trying to solve Ted’s murder all on her own. That’s why she’s in town.” I leaned into Greg. “I just wish she would have told someone. Well, besides David. She must have told him.”

  Stepping back, I narrowed my eyes at Greg. “What exactly did David tell you? Did he mention why they were here in town, that Regina was Ted’s mother?”

  “He didn’t say a word about that.” Greg shook his head. “He admitted he gave the gun to his niece right before she moved out to California. He’d hoped she’d be a little safer with the gun than without. Now, he’s pretty sure she pawned it. I’ve got Esmeralda trying to track down where the gun was bought.”

  His words led me to believe there was more to the story about what David had said, but that he didn’t want to talk here. I guess I couldn’t blame him. Matt was as much of a possible suspect as David was. Matt had a possession of the deceased’s. Whereas David had owned the weapon that killed him.

  As Alice would say, things were looking “curiouser and curiouser.”

  When we’d returned to the truck and had turned off Main Street, passing by my house and onto the highway, Greg finally spoke. “Let’s go get that beer now.”

  “Can you tell me what else David said?” I watched his face for any telltale signs. Greg could lie, but he didn’t like to, so his face showed his distaste for the action when he did.

  He slowed down for a school bus turned RV that was blocking the lane. He glanced around the slow vehicle and then sped around it, going over the posted speed limit. Not a normal action for the local police detective, but I’d noticed that when he was upset, his driving became a bit riskier. An old Heart song made into a ringtone sounded on his phone and he shook his head, hitting the Bluetooth in his ear. “What do you want now?”

  I couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation, except to know it was a female. And if I read Greg’s mood right, it had to be Sherry. I tried to make eye contact, but he waved me away.

  “No, I can’t come over and talk about us. I’m busy.” He rolled his eyes and reached over to grab my hand. “What am I doing? I’m on a date with my girlfriend. You know, you’ve met her, Jill. The one you tried to throw under the Mayor Baylor bus?”

  Well, that was pretty direct. And honestly, it made me giggle, just a bit. My shoulders dropped and I watched the ocean view, trying to tune out the mini argument going on with Greg and Sherry.

  “Stop calling me. If I need something from you, I know how to reach you.” Greg clicked off the call. He squeezed my hand and sighed. “Sorry about that. She’s been calling all day. Needing my help with one thing or the other.”

  “She wants to get back together?” I turned to watch him.

  He nodded. “Something has triggered her need to own me again. I know it’s not love. I’ve ridden that particular carnival ride too many times already. No way am I climbing back on board. I’d have Toby shoot me first.”

  “You sure there aren’t feelings there?” I might be shooting myself in the foot if I didn’t just stop talking.

  Greg paused, slowing the truck to turn into the bar’s parking lot. There was a line of cars coming the other way, so it took a few minutes to get off the road. When he found a spot big enough for the truck, he shut off the engine, pulled his keys, then turned toward me. “We were young. I thought it was love, I really did. The guys thought I’d won the lottery getting Sherry to say yes. Now, I’m not so sure. I know she didn’t and doesn’t love me. I just wonder if I ever loved her.”

  “I think if you have to ask, maybe the feeling isn’t there.” I thought about the way my toes still curled at times, when he threw me a look across the room. I had it bad for the hunky police detective sitting next to me.

  “I think you’re right. I don’t want to talk about Sherry.” He rubbed the top of my hand. “You are happy? I mean, with us.”

  I remembered the look Greg had given me when I’d come back from Regina’s table. He was asking about Dean. Without asking about Dean. “Before you hear it from some stranger, I’d better tell you that Regina’s brother asked me to dinner today.” I paused, then added, “Twice.”

  “You must have said no at least once,” Greg pointed out.

  I laughed. “See, you are a great detective. Take it one step further, though.”

  Now he was running a finger up my forearm. The simple action felt way too intimate. He watched the skin on my arm ripple as his finger rose and fell. “Well, there’s the fact that we ate dinner before we left for the winery.”

  I slapped his hand. “That’s not why I said no.”

  “And the fact that you’re in my truck attacking me for no apparent reason. I think you like me. Next you’ll be punching my arm and running, trying to get me to chase you.”

  “What, are we in grade school?”

  He pulled me close and kissed me. “Not even close,” he whispered. “Thanks for not being jealous.”

  “It’s not like you’ve been visiting her during your time away from me.” I laid my head on his shoulder. “No reason for me to worry. I’m sure you’d be the first to tell me if you had decided to go back to the barracuda.”

  “I would.” He jiggled his keys.

  I sat up and opened the truck door, turning a wicked smile on him. “Besides, if you didn’t, we live in such a small town, I’d know before you could even pick up the phone.”

  The bar was dimly lit with beer brand signs on three of the walls, but the fourth was a wall of windows opening up onto a deck where several couples sat, watching the surfers ride the evening waves. Greg started toward the deck.

  “Stopping at the ladies’ room,” I murmured.

  He nodded, then pointed to the deck. “I’ll be sitting out there with two cold ones.”

  As I walked toward the left where the restrooms were located, I noticed a tall man hunched over the bar, nursing a clear brown liquid over ice. Whiskey would be my guess. I never had been much of a hard alcohol drinker, but I’d dated guys who liked their spirits ninety-proof. Me, I’m more of a one-beer girl. I like the slight buzz without getting lost in the drink.

  When I came out of the bathroom, my hair managed back into control from the windy ride, the man at the bar looked my way and I was surprised to recognize him. “David, what are you doing here?”

  He shrugged as I walked up to the old wooden bar, stained with years of beer and, before the laws had changed, cigarette burns. The bar was famous for being one of James Dean’s out-of-the-way hangouts where he loved to disappear in plain sight. I waved away the bartender who’d been watching a basketball game on the soundless television hung over the end of the bar.

  “You want a drink?” David’s words slurred a bit.

  I shook my head. “Greg’s out on the deck. We’re having a nightcap. Do you want to join us?” Greg would kill me, but I couldn’t leave David here alone, drinking away whatever problem he thought he had. Besides, maybe he’d do something stupid, like confess to Ted’s murder. That train of thought made me wonder if a drunken confession would even be admissible in court.

  David squinted toward the open sliding doors. “I heard you were dating the cop. Dean seems to have taken a shine to you. Watch out, he’s a player.”

  I smiled and patted his arm. “No worries, I have no interest in dating Dean.”

  “Sometimes that doesn’t matter with those types. They see what they want and they take it. Ted was just like his uncle. They’re dogs.” David grabbed my arm, raising his voice. “Don’t let him turn you. You’re a good girl, stay away.”

  “Calm down, David.” I saw the bartender step toward us, worried about an escalation. But before he could reach us, I felt Greg push me aside. David lost his grip on my arm.

  “I didn’t expect to see you out tonight.” Greg sounded cordial, even friendly. “At least, not without one of the Johnson
lawyers or bodyguards.”

  David laughed. “They aren’t that smart. I slipped out the back without anyone even noticing. I don’t know why Regina puts up with that kind of treatment. She’s an angel, you know.”

  “I bet she is,” I said, wondering what I should do. Leave and go to the table, letting Greg handle the drunk was sounding like a winning idea, and sooner rather than later.

  David focused his bloodshot eyes on me. “She was a good girl, too. Before he got his hooks in her, she was a very good girl.”


  “Who are you talking about?” I held my breath for the answer, assuming he was reminiscing about Regina.

  “I thought she needed it for protection. She was going to be all alone out here,” David muttered.

  I glanced at Greg, who shrugged. I thought about Regina’s sadness about Ted’s watch. Mothers did kill, mostly in a twisted attempt to save their children, but Regina’s grief seemed real, not staged. Could she be that crazy? But how would she get the same gun that David had given away? None of this was making any sense.

  Before I could ask another question, a hand clamped on David’s shoulder. “There you are. Regina’s been out of her mind with worry.”

  Dean Johnson stood next to David, with several men behind him. Now the bartender had given up any pretense of watching the basketball game and was standing next to the cash register, his hand on the phone waiting to call in the 911 when the fight broke out.

  David finished his drink and stood up. He focused his bleary gaze on me, and in a loud whisper, said, “You listen to what I say and stay away. It’s for your own good.” He waited for me to nod before turning back to Dean. “Take me back to the gilded cage, warden.”

  The men behind Dean came around and, with one on each side, led David out the door. Dean laid a hundred on the bar. “Will this cover his tab?”

  The bartender dropped his hand off the phone and came around, all professional hospitality now. “I’ll get your change.”

  Dean waved him off. “Take the rest for your trouble. David can get a little weepy when he drinks. He’s never been a fun drunk.” Now Dean looked at me. “He didn’t say anything to you that upset you, did he?”

  I shook my head. No way was I going down that road with the man in front of me. David’s warning still echoed in my brain. Fortunately, Greg pulled me close and answered Dean simply, “He seemed like he had a hard day, that’s all.”

  Dean glanced back and forth from me to Greg, considering his options. When he realized he wasn’t getting anything else, he smiled. “That he has. Sorry for your inconvenience. Let’s hope the rest of your date night is less chaotic.”

  The way he emphasized the word date made me want to argue, but we were on a date, right? Still, something in his tone felt challenging. Maybe that was one of the tricks David had warned me about. We walked back to the table and sank into the chairs, watching the darkening sky over the ocean.

  “What a day, huh?” I finally broke the silence. I could tell Greg was running scenarios through his head.

  He laughed. “Between the investigation, getting Mayor Baylor all up in my business for his buddy, then the scene at the winery, I thought we’d exhausted the drama for the day. But no, I get my hundredth call from Sherry on the way here, then David is drinking his troubles away at the bar.”

  “Add in the fact that I have to have all the paperwork Ted didn’t do for the work project signed and delivered by Monday or your friend Candy is canceling the program, and you have my day.” I took a big deep breath in. “Oh, and I forgot our mayor’s wife backed out as the festival planner and now he wants me to take over that, too.”

  Greg chuckled. “Now that’s your own fault.”

  My eyes widened, and I slapped his arm. “Mine? How is it my fault? I didn’t ask her to butt in where she didn’t belong.”

  “Hey, I’m not saying she didn’t deserve it. Lord knows, that woman can be a thorn.” Greg’s eyebrows raised. “You and the rest of the business owners felt a loyalty to Darla. And when she was replaced, you didn’t make Tina’s job easy.”

  I sipped my beer, thinking about it. “No, Tina didn’t make her job easy. Instead of coming in as part of the committee, she took over so she could tell everyone what to do. Then she doesn’t understand when she gets pushback? So she disappears.”

  “Just saying you got what you asked for. Tina is no longer in charge.” Greg drained his beer. “You want to stay longer or head home?”

  “Let’s go home. I bought some new movies we haven’t watched.” I finished off my own bottle and stood. I couldn’t help it, I returned to the topic. “So you think we ran her off?”

  He pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear, “I know you ran her off.”

  When we got home, Emma whined and looked up at me with those big brown eyes, her way of saying, Sorry I ate forty dollars’ worth of throw pillows, but I love you. I handed her a new chewy treat and she ran to her bed in the kitchen. Maybe I needed to get her out more. Even with the good weather, it was just hard in November to be excited about running, especially when all I wanted to think about was mashed potatoes and creamy soups.

  When we settled onto the couch, I paused the DVR. “You never told me what all you know about the gun.”

  “I know.” Greg took the remote from me and started the movie. Since we’d decided on a romantic comedy, it had been my turn to choose, I knew he was avoiding my question.

  I paused the movie again. “So was it his gun that killed Ted?”

  Greg closed his eyes. “Is the only reason you’re dating me to be in on the investigations? Are you a true crime junkie?”

  My eyes widened. “No. Do you really think that? I know I’m pushy sometimes, but you have to admit, I found Ted’s body. This time, I have an emotional stake in finding his murderer.”

  “You always have a dog in the hunt.” Greg pulled me close and took the remote from me. “Seriously, sometimes you just need to relax.”

  “But …”

  He shushed me. “This is all I’m going to say. David’s gun was used in the murder. According to him and his band of merry lawyers, he gave it to a family member a year ago when she moved from Boston out to LA for her big break. The kid thought she was going to be an actress.”

  He paused and I pushed my luck. “Have you been able to find the wannabe actress?”

  “You know what happens to kids when they fall off the bus down in Hollywood. They fall off the grid. Apparently this girl was only sixteen, but her parents gave their blessing and sent her off. No one in David’s family has heard from her since. I’m running a missing persons search now, but so far, nada. The theory that she pawned the gun is looking more plausible.” He looked down at the remote. “So, now can we watch the movie? I seriously need some mental downtime.”

  I snuggled closer. “What are you waiting for?”

  “Brat,” I heard him mutter as he clicked back on the remote, setting it out of my reach. Emma brought her chewy into the living room and lay down between the couch and the coffee table. All was right in our little world, for at least the next two hours.

  Greg’s phone buzzed halfway through the movie. He glanced at the display and tucked it back into his pocket.

  “Not work?” I asked, worried I’d cursed the perfect night with my high hopes.

  He stroked my hair. “Not work.”

  But I noticed he didn’t mention who had texted him so late on a Saturday night.

  Amy arrived in the shop first thing Sunday morning. She piled her Laguna Beach tote onto the counter. “Coffee. Black.” She glared at me. “And you owe me.”

  “Wait, how do I owe you?” I poured a large cup and set it in front of her. I felt great. I’d kept my promise to Emma that morning and ran on the beach before work. Now, an hour later, I’d had a protein bar for breakfast. Its mission was to keep me out of the dessert rack at least until after lunch. I wasn’t sure the bar would work.

  Instead of answering, sh
e pulled out a stack of the packets for the Work Today program. “It took me all afternoon to run all these people down. Half of them I had to convince I wasn’t taking ownership of their business with the signatures, the other half gave me a lecture on the evils of big government.”

  “You got them to sign, though, right?” I thought about my outstanding packet. Josh, who’d promised I’d have the paperwork at five today. If Amy had come through with her five, I’d be done before the sun set today. One worry off my list.

  “Seriously? Who are you talking to? If I can get Mayor Baylor to support the Mission Wall project, even though it’s on your land, and he hates you”—she grinned—“I can get a few conservatives to sign papers they’re convinced are the downfall of civilization.”

  She sipped her coffee. “Mmmm, chocolate blend?”

  “Best part, no additional calories.” I always held back a few bags of the roast for my personal use during the year. The blend was so popular, we were going to be sold out of stock way before the holidays ended. Next year we could double our order and still sell out. I banded a large clip over the completed forms and took them to the back to stack on my desk with the other four. One more. All I had to do was trust Josh.

  I was doomed.

  When I came back to the front, Regina and David were browsing through the bookcases. I called over to them, “Hey, guys, can I get some drinks started?”

  Regina turned toward me, wearing dark sunglasses. “Please.” Her voice held a waver.

  I looked at David and he nodded. He looked like the undead this morning. I supposed a night of knocking down whiskey meant to be sipped could do that to you. I felt for the guy. In the few weeks they’d been around South Cove, I’d come to enjoy their banter and company. Now, with Regina’s relationship to Ted out in the open and the fact that David’s gun had been attached to the murder investigation, I wondered how long they’d stay in town. And, as miserable as David looked, how long he’d still be Regina’s driver.


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