Afghanistan 37, 97, 174, 377–8, 663–9
and 7/7 335–6
al-Qaeda 24, 33, 34
Blair’s diplomacy campaign 46–50
Brown’s visit 660
Bush 40
dissent 38, 44–5
intelligence dossier 107
military campaign 47–54, 83
preparations for war 42–7
Africa 44, 45, 330, 334–5, 368
Ahern, Bertie 410–11, 422, 431–2
and Blair 431, 432–3
Northern Bank robbery 422–3
St Andrews Agreement 427, 428
AIG 577
Ainsworth, Bob 664, 685, 689
airline disruption, volcanic ash 724–6
Aitken, Jonathan 776n33
Aitkenhead, Decca 562
al-Assad, Bashar 49
al-Maliki, Nouri 375
al-Megrahi, Abdelbaset 660–3
al-Qaeda 332, 336, 662
9/11 23–4, 33, 34, 417
Afghanistan 53, 54, 663, 665, 667
Blair 44
Bush 39, 40
dirty bombs 90
Heathrow plot 337
intelligence dossier 107
Iraq 155, 382
Istanbul bombing 245
Libya 251–2
Madrid bombings 249–50
Pakistan 47
Samara bombing 375
torture 260, 261
Albion 725
Alexander, Danny 719, 744, 748, 751, 752, 753
Alexander, Douglas
and Blair 198
Blair and Brown 368
Blair’s plans to quit 264
and Brown 469, 551, 685, 689
Brown’s Congress address 618
Brown’s lack of staff 475
displacement 274
general election (2005) 304
general election (2010) 712, 729; leaders’ television debate 718–19
general election speculation 496, 497, 499, 500, 505–6, 508, 510, 638
as International Development Secretary 463
Iraq vote 168
and Labour’s low ratings 674
and McBride 564, 639
NEC 227
recession 614
Alexander, Wendy 550
Allan, Tim 447
Allawi, Ayad 269
Alternative Vote (AV) 747, 752, 754, 755
America see United States
American Idol 544
Amos, Valerie 152
Anderson, Janet 540, 567
Angola 152
Annan, Kofi 36, 241, 253, 383
Apple Daily 703–4
Applegarth, Adam 489, 490, 492, 494, 608
Arafat, Yasser 98
Archer, Jeffrey 776n33
Argles, Martin 758, 760
Ark Royal 142, 724–5
Armitage, Richard 97, 143
Armstrong, Hilary 162, 167, 171, 232, 265, 340
Ashcroft, Michael 357, 499
Ashcroft Affair 706–7, 708
Ashdown, Paddy 190, 413, 727, 744
on Blair 6, 127, 150–1, 169
Brown premiership 464; Lab–Lib negotiations 744
general election (2010) 737; leaders’ debate 723; post-election negotiations 744, 748, 752, 753
Iraq 88
Kosovo 92
Ashley, Jackie 615
Ashton, Cathy 549, 677–8
Ask The Leader 309
Attlee, Clement 166, 188, 213, 221, 463
Austin, Ian 73, 280, 391–2, 394, 521, 559
Australia 106, 124, 306, 364, 365, 798n92
AV (Alternative Vote) 747, 752, 754, 755
Axelrod, David 619
Aznar, José María 149, 156, 277
Bachelet, Michelle 624
Baghdad 178, 179, 182, 375–6
Baker, James 105–6
Bakri Mohammed, Omar 336
Baldwin, Stanley 89
Balls, Ed 72–3, 611, 749, 759
10p income tax band 439–40
banks 579
and Blair 74, 362
Blair and Brown 62, 79, 80, 228–9, 368
Blair’s departure date 263, 264, 270, 281, 390–1, 437
and Brown 551, 680–1, 682
and Brown premiership 469–70
Brown’s party conference speech 571
Brown’s Southwold holiday 561
and City 483–4
coup against Blair 391, 394, 397, 398, 401
Darling, compared to 491
deficit 679
Department for Children, Schools and Families 463
euro 192, 193, 194, 195, 196
fiscal stimulus 602
general election (2005) 304
general election (2010) 726, 738; post-election negotiations (2010) 749, 750, 755, 758
general election speculation 497, 500, 504, 507, 508, 510
Heathrow 615
intended as Chancellor 460–1, 532, 653, 654, 658
local and euro-elections (2004) 268
and Mandelson 196, 554, 561, 573
and McBride 638
Miliband attack on Brown 559
opposed to Darling 681–3
and Peston 298
planned coups against Brown 568, 656, 690
policy review 437
recession 614, 615
reshuffle 322
tuition fees 235
Bank of America 575
Bank of England
bank bail-outs 578–9, 580, 583–4, 586, 604
base rate 604–5, 616
credit crunch 487–8
financial sector regulation 12, 482, 483, 484–5
interest rates 12, 65, 72
Lehman Brothers 575, 576, 577
monetary policy 484
Northern Rock 490–2, 528–9
quantitative easing 605, 616
banks 477–8, 482, 486–9, 531, 560
bail-outs 578–80, 582–97, 598–9, 600, 604, 605–7
bonuses and salaries 607–11; levy on bonuses 683, 710
Bradford & Bingley 578
HBOS 577–8
Lehman Brothers 575–7
lost data discs 516
Northern Rock 489–95, 528–31
RBS 581–2
regulation 485–6
Barber, Sir Michael 76, 289, 290, 292, 295, 351
Barclays 576, 586, 590, 594, 596, 605, 607
Barroso, José Manuel 269, 593
Bartlet, Jed 753
Basra 175, 178, 180, 241–2, 243, 248, 376, 445, 446
Bassett, Phil 112–13
and Campbell 206–7, 222
Gilligan affair 203–4, 207–9, 210
Hutton Inquiry 220, 238, 239, 240
leaders’ debate, 2010 general election 717–24, 727–8, 733–5
Vine show 731
Bear Stearns 531–2, 575
Beckett, Margaret 370, 460, 646, 647
Bell, Steve 517
Belloc, Hilaire 502
Benedict XVI 446, 535
Benenson, Joel 640
Benn, Hilary 470
Benn, Tony 148
Bercow, John 703
Berlusconi, Silvio 41, 362, 592
7/7 332
Blair’s holidays 127, 271
G20 summit 627, 628, 630
war 43, 156
Bernanke, Ben 487
Bertram, Theo 718
Bevin, Ernie 166
bin Laden, Osama
9/11 24, 33, 34
Bush 40–1
linked with Taliban 44, 83, 383
and Pakistan 47
propaganda 51, 52, 53
Bingham, Lord 164, 216
Birmingham Hodge Hill by-election 269
Birt, John 274, 296, 303
Black, Joseph Cofer 260
Blaine, David 244
Blair, Cherie
9/11 36
Afghanistan visit 53
and Berlusconi 271
Blair and Brown 364
lair’s address to Congress 213
Blair’s departure date 277, 348
Blair’s final day 457
Blair’s ‘fit body’ 307
Blair’s operation 278
Blair’s Pakistan visit 46
Blair’s Wobble 262, 265–6
book writing 125
and Brown 14, 55, 60, 61, 64, 67, 72, 81, 189, 257, 266, 389
Brown a liar 405–6
Bush’s Chequers visit 16
Camp David visit 29, 30
and Campbell 138, 222
and Caplin 132, 135, 136, 137, 138
Catholicism 449
Cheriegate 123, 132–8
coup against Blair 402, 403–4
Crawford summit 94, 95
expenses claims 124–5
and family 257
Florida holiday 429
general election (2005) 311, 312, 318
and Hunter 125–6
Iraq 168, 169
and Irvine 199
Kelly’s death 215, 216, 217, 218
lack of confidence 132–3
love of money 123–4, 126
and media 130, 450, 457
miscarriage 102, 125
and Morgan 126
Olympic Games 326, 327, 328
and Paisley 420
property 132, 262
public profile 125
terrorism 339
US presidential election 26
Blair, Euan 16, 132, 257, 282, 351
Blair, Hazel 410
Blair, Sir Ian 332, 340, 360–1
Blair, Kathryn 94, 257
Blair, Leo 17, 72, 94, 147, 256, 257, 413, 457
MMR vaccine 130
Blair, Nicky 257, 351, 414
Blair, Tony
7/7 331–4, 335
9/11 17–20, 21–2, 23–6, 31–5, 36–42
and Abrahams 518
Afghanistan 42–54, 377
airline terror plot 386
Anglo-French summit 139–40
anti-terror plan 336–7
appetite for global arena 7–8
authoritarianism 337, 339–42
and bankers 477
and Berlusconi 271
and Blunkett 282, 283, 284, 285, 286–7
Brown’s premiership 547, 674–5; advice for Brown to resign following 2010 defeat 743
and Bush 27–31, 122, 379, 380–1, 382, 385, 452; last meeting 443–4, 454
Bush’s British visit 244–7
Bush’s Chequers visit 16–17
Butler Inquiry 241
Byers’ resignation 131
Cabinet 11, 64–6, 349, 453, 463
Cameron elected leader 343–6
and Campbell 205, 206, 209
Campbell’s resignation 221–2
and Caplin 133
‘cash-for-coronets’ affair 357–61, 363–4, 372–3, 407
character 56–8, 95
and Cherie 133
Cheriegate 134, 135, 136
Cherie’s miscarriage 125
and Chirac 31, 39, 50, 139–40, 151, 160–1, 186, 259, 268–9, 327–8, 332, 334, 361, 380, 454
Colgate summit 29–31, 86
Congressional Medal 202, 378–9, 444
coup 391–404, 407–8
credit crunch 605
delivery and civil service 287–92
departure date announcement 364, 401–2, 443
departure date pressure 371, 387–8, 389–91
Desmond donation 128–9
Ecclestone affair 4, 127, 128
education 294–5, 350–6, 438
euro 189–97
Europe 188, 361–2, 446
European constitution referendum 257–9
European Parliament visit 325
family life 256–7
fear of flying 46, 333, 375
fiftieth birthday 188
final day 455–7
financial sector regulation 482, 483
first term 3–10
fitness regime 256
G8 summits 267, 329, 330, 331, 334–5, 446
general election (1997) 8
general election (2001) 3, 10–11
general election (2005) 299–300, 301, 305–13, 317–21
general election (2010) 735–6; absence 717; post-election negotiations 752
Georgetown University speech 379–80
Gilligan affair 204, 207, 208–9; Kelly outing 209–10, 211, 212, 218, 221, 222; Kelly’s death 214–15, 216–18
good in a crisis 333, 335
Guantanamo 246
handover 453–4, 526
heart condition 256
heart operation 277, 278, 279, 281
and Hewitt 365
holidays 127, 271, 272, 337, 385, 386, 429
and Hunter 125–6
Hutton Inquiry 220–1, 222, 237–40
immigration 293, 294
and intelligence services 42–3
interventionism 43–6, 52
Iraq 249; admits mistakes 379; aftermath of war 179, 182, 183, 184, 186, 241–3, 254; anxiety 147; avoidance of public hostility after resignation 695; Azores meeting 163; Bigley kidnap 274–5; and Brown 161–3; Bush’s offer 154–7; Butler Inquiry 269; Cabinet meetings 118, 160–1, 166–7; Camp David meetings 105–6, 176; Chilcot inquiry 695–8; Cook’s resignation 164; Crawford summit 93–101; and Dannatt 377; deaths 455; demonstrations 147–8; diplomacy 150–1; dodgy dossier 146; dossier 102, 107–21, 169; exit 376–7; Goldsmith’s legal opinions 163, 164, 165; handover of civilian power 269; Hillsborough meeting 177; letters of condolence 174–5; parliamentary vote 167–8, 169–71; post-war planning 184–5; prisoner abuse and torture 260, 261; public opinion 144, 149; Rumsfeld’s remarks 159–60; Saddam’s capture 247–8; Short’s ‘reckless’ interview 158–9, 166; spring conference speech 147, 148–9; support for Bush 99–100, 103, 104; support for war 82–3, 84, 86–92, 102–3, 121–2; UN 102, 105–7, 140, 186; UN second resolution 145, 149–50, 152, 160; UN weapons inspectors 150; video conferences with Bush 242–3; visits 203, 248–9, 375–6, 445–6; war 172–6, 178; war planning 141, 143; White House meeting 144–5; WMD 187
and Irvine 199–202
Koran 36, 44
Kosovo 8, 27, 42, 43, 45, 92
last weeks 454–5
Lebanon crisis 380, 381, 382–5, 407
legacy 450–3
The End of the Party Page 128