The Last Time (Forever and Always #18)

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The Last Time (Forever and Always #18) Page 11

by E. L. Todd

  She sighed. “Boring.”

  Good. I like boring. “I picked up a few games on the way.”

  “Oooh.” Her eyes lit up. “What did you get?”

  “Battleship and Candy Land.”

  “Excellent choices,” she said.

  I walked to the bedside and gave her a kiss. “I missed you today.”

  “You say that every day.”

  I sat at the edge of the bed. “Because I mean it. I’d rather be home with the two of you.”

  Her eyes softened. “Well, we aren’t doing much.”

  “That’s exactly what I want.”

  She put the tray aside so I had more room. “How’s it going with Hazel and Flynn?”

  “Fine.” I didn’t want to talk about them. I didn’t even want to think about them.

  She caught my hard expression. “Sean, what aren’t you telling me?”

  “I just don’t want to discuss them. Don’t worry about it.”

  She sighed but didn’t argue with me. “You never told me how the bachelor party was.”

  “It was fine.” I didn’t want to tell her about all the women throwing themselves at me.

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re full of secrets.”

  I decided to change the subject. “I’m giving you a massage and then Ryan and Janice are coming over for dinner.”

  Her eyes lit up. “They are? Can we play games with them?”

  I smirked, loving how easy it was to please her. “I’m sure they’ll be up for it.”


  “Now, strip off your clothes and I’ll get the lotions.”

  “You’re really giving me a massage?” she asked incredulously.

  “I always do.”

  “Exactly. You don’t need to do that.”

  “I don’t mind.” I grabbed the lotion and the pillows. “Now take off your clothes and lay down.”

  She rolled her eyes then pulled her dress off. “I’m not gonna argue about a massage.”

  “Good. You deserve one.”

  “I stayed home all day and did nothing. You’re the one working all day.”

  “Caring my child is more work than you think it is.” I positioned her on the bed and placed the pillows under her chest and hips, keeping her stomach from pressing into the mattress.

  She lay flat then sighed.

  Staring at her naked back and chest immediately gave me a hard-on but I ignored it. I applied the lotion to my hands then rubbed her back, giving her enough pressure without hurting her. She sighed happily as my hands moved over her smooth skin. My hands went dangerously low then moved to her ass, at their own discretion.

  “Sean,” she said firmly.

  I growled then moved my hands back up. “Sorry. Got distracted.”

  “I noticed.”

  Her shoulders were the most tense so I spent the most time there. I was still in my suit, and honestly, I was tired from the long day. I still hadn’t recovered from the bachelor party. But these next eight months were all about Scarlet. I needed to make sure she was absolutely comfortable.

  Scarlet moaned, her body relaxed below me.

  Why was she making this so hard for me? Every time she did that I wanted to be inside her. I rubbed the muscle between her shoulder blades then made my way down.

  She moaned again, making my spine shiver.

  “How about you stay quiet?” I asked.

  She chuckled lightly. “Getting excited?”

  “Are you kidding me? I’m staring at your bare ass and back. Obviously, I’m excited.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t stop you if you tried something…”

  My hands stilled. The offer was tempting. “This is all about you right now.”

  “Fine.” She was quiet for a moment before she started moaning again.


  She laughed then arched her back, making her ass more prominent.

  My cock was hard and longing to be inside her. I was more aroused than I usually was because she was pregnant. Something about that knowledge made me hot all the time. “Wait until I’m done.”

  Scarlet moaned louder.

  My hand immediately went to my belt. “Forget it.”

  She rested her body on her elbows then gave me a victorious smirk over her shoulder. “I always win.”

  “At this?” I asked incredulously.


  I got my clothes off then leaned over her, my shoulders in line with hers. I liked doing it like this because it felt primal. Her thighs were together so it would feel tighter than normal. I felt like I dominated her, taking what was rightfully mine.

  My cock moved between her legs until I felt the moisture pooling. I slipped inside with little resistance.

  She moaned loudly, her head arching back so she could see me.

  Shit, it was hot.

  I locked my eyes onto hers and moved deep inside. She was wet and hot, just the way my wife usually was. I liked being in control, leaning over her with my large size. And the fact I conquered her got me hot. She was mine, all mine.

  She moaned every time I moved inside her, loving it just as much as I did. “Sean…”

  Oh, I loved hearing her say my name. Her mouth was gaping open while I looked down at her. The redness of her face got me even more aroused. I moved a little faster, dipping the bed with every thrust.

  “You’re so wet for me,” I whispered.

  “Because you’re my husband.”

  My spine shivered again. She knew what type of dirty talk I liked. I loved it when she told me she belonged to me, that she loved me and adored me as her husband. Those were things I loved to hear, things that made me come hard. I was barely holding on and I willed her to go first.

  My feet were still on the floor, and I moved into her fast, wanting to hit her in just the right spot. Whenever I fucked women, I could hold onto my self-control and release whenever I wanted to, but with Scarlet, my gorgeous wife, that was impossible. She pushed me to the edge as soon as I was inside her. She had the best pussy, hands down.

  “Right there…” She arched her back and breathed loudly.

  I gave it to her, nice and hard. “Like that?”

  She didn’t answer. She screamed as I rocked her world. “Mmm….” She tightened around me, enjoying the climax I just gave her. She panted and her face was flushed. She breathed through the tenderness.

  I couldn’t last any longer. She was my ultimate fantasy, and now that she was pregnant, I was even hotter for her. The heat pooled in my stomach then migrated to my groin. I felt the heat slowly spread everywhere as my body prepared to release. And then it hit me. I released my need inside my wife, loving every second of it. She moaned while I came, dragging it out as long as possible.

  I stayed on top of her when I was finished, not wanting to pull out just yet.

  “So much for the massage,” she teased.

  “Well, stop being so sexy and we won’t have any problems.”

  “I’m not doing anything.”

  “Because you’re a natural at it.” I kissed the back of her neck then trailed kisses down her spine. When I got to her ass, I kissed each cheek. “I’m going to shower. They’ll be here soon.”

  “Okay.” She tensed under me, waiting for me to pull out.

  I did slowly, knowing she missed me as soon as I was gone. “I can’t wait to knock you up again.”

  She laughed. “I’m not raising a one year old while I’m pregnant.”

  “I’ll help.”

  “No. Let’s just concentrate on one for now.”

  We’ll see about that. I walked into the shower and let the water cleanse me. I started thinking about Scarlet again and my cock got hard. I sighed. No matter what I did or how many times I made love to her, I still wanted her. I was never satisfied.

  But that wasn’t a bad thing.

  When they came over, I took care of all the kitchen stuff. Every time Scarlet tried to stand up or do something, I kept her in her seat. It was ha
rd for her to accept me fulfilling all her roles around the house, but I was a stickler about it. I wanted her to sit there and not lift a hand for any reason. I waited on her, hand and foot.

  “You got him trained good,” Janice said while she drank her wine.

  Scarlet rolled her eyes. “He acts like I’m paralyzed.”

  “It’s sweet,” Janice said. “He just loves you.”

  “Thank you,” I said to her. “Scarlet acts like I’m just a crazy psycho most of the time.”

  “I never said you weren’t,” Janice said immediately. “But it comes from a good place.”

  “I’ll probably be the same way with Janice,” Ryan said. “But until she starts to get big and starts knocking everything over because she’s a cow.”

  “How sweet,” Janice said sarcastically.

  “And romantic,” Scarlet jabbed.

  I cleared the plates and washed them in the sink before I stuffed them into the dishwasher. I returned to the table when I was done.

  “How was the bachelor party?” Scarlet asked.

  Ugh. I didn’t want to talk about it.

  Ryan smirked. “Sean didn’t tell you?”

  “No.” Scarlet raised an eyebrow. “He just said it was fine.”

  Ryan laughed. “We had a good time.”

  I felt my blood pressure go up. I didn’t want Scarlet to know about all the girls. The last thing I needed was my pregnant wife to think I was trying to get some action while she waited at home for me.

  “Two girls offered to have a threesome with me,” Ryan said with a smile. “Girls are so slutty.”

  Janice rolled her eyes. “Cunts.”

  Ryan smirked. “Jealous, baby?”

  “You have a wedding ring on,” she snapped. “Don’t girls understand the meaning of respect?”

  Ryan touched his ring finger. “Well, I’m technically not wearing a ring…”

  She glared at him. “It still represents the same thing.”

  Ryan smiled at Scarlet and I. “I love it when she gets jealous. It’s cute.”

  “I’m not jealous,” Janice said. “I just wish bimbos knew when to back off.”

  “Jealous,” Ryan jabbed.

  “What’s wrong with a woman not wanting her fiancé to be offered a threesome at a bar?” Janice snapped. “You’d be pissed if that happened to me.”

  “That would never happen,” he said with a laugh. “Two guys would not walk up to you and ask for a threesome, at least if they had game.”

  “You know what I mean,” she hissed.

  “But my night was nothing compared to Sean’s.” Ryan gave me an evil look.

  That bastard.

  Scarlet turned to me. “What happened?”

  I glared at Ryan then turned to my wife. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  Ryan laughed. “Every time a girl came over to Sean, he practically crawled under the table to hide. He kept saying he was married a million times and swatted them away. And when a chick asked to borrow his coaster, he freaked out and said he was married. That guy was terrified. It’s like he’s never been hit on.”

  That asshole. I can’t believe he told her.

  Janice’s eyes softened. “That’s cute.”

  “Cute?” Ryan asked incredulously. “He was acting like they were holding a gun to his head.”

  Scarlet gave me a smile. “Sean, why are you so scared?”

  Was that a serious question? “I don’t want you to think I’m at bars flirting with girls.”

  “Why would I think that?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I just didn’t want rumors to start and get back to you. I just wanted them to leave me alone.”

  Janice smirked. “You have him whipped so good.”

  “I’m a husband and almost a father,” I said. “I don’t want to be associated with that.”

  “So?” Ryan asked. “I’m practically married and I still said no like a normal person.”

  “And got slapped for it,” I snapped.

  “What?” Janice asked with wide eyes. “You got slapped. Why?”

  “Because I was an ass to them,” Ryan said simply. “I told her to close her legs and take her shit to someone who’s actually interested.”

  Scarlet laughed. “Wow. You did deserve to be slapped.”

  “Some girl kept trying to give Mike a massage, and I swear he was about to hit her,” I said.

  “Why were these women all over you?” Janice asked.

  Ryan cocked an eyebrow. “We’re hot. Have you seen us?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I mean, this happened at a bar? They just threw themselves at you? Talk about desperate. I always wait for a guy to talk to me first.”

  Ryan laughed. “You slept with me after we knew each other for three days.”

  “I never said I was a saint,” Janice snapped. “I just don’t talk to guys first. They talk to me.”

  That wasn’t totally true. She threw herself at me hard and fast. But I wasn’t stupid enough to say that. Ryan would rip my throat out and I would never know my unborn baby.

  “You’re still easy,” Ryan said.

  “You’re one to talk.” Janice gave him a hateful look. “That’s so sexist. If a woman sleeps around, she’s a whore, but a guy can do whatever he pleases and he gets no negative connotation because of it. That’s bullshit.”

  Ryan put his arm around her shoulder and leaned close to her. “Baby, I’m kidding. You know I don’t think of you in that way. I’m just saying we got together pretty quickly, but I think that’s because we’re meant for each other, not because we’re both easy.”

  Her eyes softened and blush moved through her cheeks. “Oh.”

  “Feel stupid?” Ryan asked.

  “A little.”

  “Good.” He leaned back.

  Scarlet placed her hand on my thigh underneath the table, squeezing gently. “I’m so lucky to have such a devoted man.”

  That was music to my ears. “You’re the only woman I see.”

  “I know.” She kissed my cheek then nibbled my ear playfully. “I’m going to give you amazing head tonight.”

  My cock sprang to life immediately. Now I couldn’t wait until her brother and Janice got the hell out.



  I dug through my closet until I found a slutty black dress. Janice got it for me a few years ago when she wanted me to go on a date, long before I realized my deep feelings for Sean. It was ridiculously short and backless.

  Since I was a month along in my pregnancy, I assumed it wouldn’t fit. But after I slipped it on, it did. It made my breasts look perky and my legs slim. It was definitely something I wouldn’t be caught wearing now that I was married with a kid on the way. Well, I would wear it for Sean in the privacy of our bedroom.

  When I walked downstairs, Flynn was talking with Sean. My husband didn’t look happy. His eyes were wide with annoyance. I knew he didn’t like this plan—not for one second.

  I came downstairs and saw the desire immediately moved into my husband’s face. It was a look I would never forget. I loved getting attention from him, and only him. I didn’t have it for so long, and now that I did, it made me feel special. I never felt particularly pretty or attractive in my life, but Sean made me feel beautiful.

  Flynn nodded his head in approval. “Damn, you clean up good.”

  Sean looked like he might kill him.

  Flynn held up his hands in surrender. “Hey, I’m in love with Hazel. Remember? I’m meant that in a friendly way.”

  Sean glared at him for another moment before he turned back to me. “You look—damn.”

  I smiled, feeling my cheeks turn red. “I found this in the back of the closet.”

  “I want you to wear that around the house all the time,” Sean blurted.

  “I can do that,” I said with a smile.

  “Now go upstairs and change,” Sean commanded. “You aren’t going out like that.”

  Just like that, my
mood turned sour. “Excuse me?”

  “I don’t want you dressing like that when I’m not around. The dogs will bark.” Sean gave me a firm look.

  “First of all, I wear whatever the hell I want to wear, and secondly, Flynn is acting as my boyfriend so I’ll be off limits anyway.”

  Sean didn’t look pleased. “I’m coming.”

  “No,” I said immediately. “You’ll make a scene.”

  “I’m not letting you out like that,” Sean snapped.

  Flynn looked uncomfortable. “Scarlet, you look beautiful in anything you wear. I’m sure jeans and a t-shirt will work.”

  Sean nodded. “Now go.”

  “No,” I said. “I want to make sure his ex is jealous. And the best way to do that is to flaunt everything.”

  Sean looked at my chest then back at my face. “I can see your cleavage.”

  “Good for you,” I hissed.

  Sean sighed in annoyance.

  “It’s just for a few hours and then it will be over,” I said. “Flynn will be there the entire time. “

  “I’ll look after her,” Flynn said. “You can trust me.”

  Sean gave him a hard look then shoved him against the wall, putting his arm across Flynn’s throat.

  I covered my face, mortified.

  “Let’s get something straight.” Sean was red in the face. “You touch anything besides my wife’s hand and I’ll kill you. If anyone bothers her and you don’t take care of it, I’ll have your head.”

  Flynn held his hands up. “Got it.”

  Sean finally released him.

  I was so embarrassed. “Flynn, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize,” he said quickly. “I understand.”

  “And I’m coming,” Sean said.

  “No.” I narrowed my eyes. “Stay here.”

  “No,” he said firmly. “I’ll wait in the car, but I’m coming with you. If you need me, I’ll be a block away.”

  I knew that was the most I was getting out of him. And it was a reasonable compromise.

  Sean turned to Flynn. “If this is all a lie and you did cheat on Hazel, I’m breaking your wrist.”

  I knew Sean wasn’t lying.

  Flynn didn’t seem afraid. “I wouldn’t waste your time with an elaborate charade unless I was being honest. I really do appreciate the two of you helping me out. Hazel is my whole world. I have to get her back.”


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