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Tumult Page 7

by Lea Hart

  “That was a feeble attempt at an apology and I hope you think about what you’ve said and try again.”

  They arrived on her floor and walked toward her door and once they were inside, Carrick expected her to blast him the moment the door closed. When she dropped her bag and went to her room, shutting the door soundly, he knew she was gearing up for a good one.

  “You deserve it,” he mumbled to himself as he shrugged off his jacket. Draping it over a chair, he took a seat on the couch and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Might as well make use of the time and see what kind of flights they could get on. If they flew out Tuesday, that would give him time to get supplies shipped in and have Titan send him his passport and appropriate paperwork.

  He started to put a list together of things he needed when he heard the bedroom door open and watched Audrey walk out. Feeling his heart speed up, he wondered what he was in for. “You look comfortable.” Giving her a smile, he enjoyed the view of her long legs encased in black leggings.

  “I decided to get out of my business dress, so when I start yelling at you, I’ll be comfortable.”

  “Always a good idea when you’re about to go into battle. I have a lucky pair of boots that are ten years old that I swear have made the difference between coming away victorious and not.”

  “Too bad you’re not wearing them now because I think you could use them.”

  “Yeah, I can’t disagree.” He watched her sit next to him on the couch and fold her legs. “I’m putting a supply list together, so if we can get a flight on Tuesday for Ankara, we’ll be ready.”

  “Not sure if I want to go with you anymore.”

  “I know you liked the kiss, so tell me what I can do to fix the fact I took it in the middle of a restaurant.”

  “It’s not the damn restaurant,” she replied loudly.

  He dropped his phone on the couch and turned. “Then what is it?”

  “You kissed me so you could shut me up because you didn’t like what I was saying. That’s so rude and dismissive. I know you’re a big bad SEAL and used to getting your way and people following your commands, but that doesn’t work in real life, and if you and I are going to spend time together, then you have to listen to me.”

  “Okay, Audrey. You’re right.” He lifted her hand and scooted a little closer. “I hate the idea of not being the one to protect you and you kept saying you’d go with someone else. It made me so angry that all I could do was kiss you.”

  Leaning back, she gave him an incredulous stare. “I don’t even want to know what that means.” Shaking her head, she moved her hands away. “Are you into some weird angry sex thing and when you like a woman you have to dominate?”

  “No, Audrey!” Taking her hand back, he frowned. “I’m not some damn deviant.”

  “Are you into S&M? Because if you are, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. It’s a well-accepted practice now and there’s no need to hide who you are.”

  “I kissed you because I wanted to and didn’t feel like fighting the desire anymore.”

  “And you were mad.”

  “And I was frustrated that the idea of having anyone other than me protect you was acceptable.”

  “Use your words, Carrick, and the next time you want to kiss me, don’t do it out of anger.”

  “Absolutely.” Moving a little closer, he grinned. “Maybe we should try it again and see if the first one was as good as I remember.”

  “Isn’t that a bad idea if we’re going to be working together?”

  “Yes, it is, and for the first time in my life, I don’t give a good goddamn.”

  “Up until the kiss, I wasn’t sure if you liked me…what changed?”

  “I like you, Audrey. Hell, maybe that’s why I was being so uptight and crabby.” He ran his fingers over her hand and hitched his shoulders. “I’m not real comfortable with the way you make me feel.”

  “And how’s that?”

  Lifting her hand to his mouth, he pressed a kiss to her skin. “Crazy and out of control. The idea of not being around you is painful, like a damn Humvee is sitting on my chest.”

  “That sounds…”

  “Like I don’t have a choice.”

  “Well, I guess we’re going to have a chance to get to know one another over the next week and see what we can do about the Humvee and my curiosity.”

  Dipping his head lower, he ran his mouth along her jaw and inhaled her scent. Warm cinnamon. “What are you curious about?”

  “If all the coiled power you’ve got going on is going to make you a greedy lover or a generous one.”

  Bombs exploded in his head when he heard her words, and all the desire he’d banked for the last week set itself free. Framing her face with his hands, he brought their mouths together and spoke against her mouth, “I’m both, and when we’re done with one another, I don’t expect anything to be left except our ashes.”

  Capturing her mouth with his, he felt her immediately relax into him. Heart pounding, he took in every nuance, from her soft warm lips to her sweet scent. Everything about her was unique and it electrified his body.

  Not wanting to overwhelm her, he tried to be gentle. He licked her lower lip and she leaned in closer, causing sparks to fly as he slid his tongue over hers. He tasted her, devoured her, and tugged on her hair, tilting her head, giving him the access he craved.

  Kissing Audrey was like coming home, as though everything that had ever happened in his life had led him to this woman.

  Feeling her pull away, he released her mouth and tipped his head against hers. “We should do that as often as we can.” When she didn’t reply, he ran his finger over her pulse and felt it jump against her skin.

  “But first, we need to figure out flights for the trip,” she finally replied breathlessly.

  Pulling away, he sat up straight and let out a sigh. “Roger that.”

  Smoothing out her sweatshirt, she nodded firmly. “That’s the first order I’ve given that you obeyed.” Slipping her hair over her shoulder, she beamed.

  “I imagine it’s not going to be your last, either.”

  “That would be correct.” Standing, she went over to the table and picked up her bag. “Let’s start making lists.”

  “Babe, you say that like some people say Christmas.”

  “It’s the only way I can function and not let my brain explode.”

  Looking up, he saw something vulnerable pass across her face and knew some asshole had made fun of her for it. Feeling a bolt of anger slice through his chest, he immediately quelled it because she would think it was directed at her. Forcing his mouth into a smile, he patted the couch. “Come and sit close to me, so we can get started on those lists.”

  “As long as you promise to behave.”

  He lifted his finger and motioned for her to come closer. “The only way you’ll find out if I can control myself is to put that very fine ass of yours next to mine.”

  “Right now, nothing about your expression or demeanor suggests that you can, so I’ll just take the chair over here.”

  Standing instantly, he took one giant step, scooped her up in his arms, and held her tightly as she squirmed. Hearing her laugh loosened something in his chest and he joined her as he collapsed back onto the couch. Laying his arms across her legs, he grinned. “Nice and comfortable.” He kissed her head and pointed to the tablet she was clutching. “Item number one on the list should be…”

  “Carrick behaving like a gentleman and not a Neanderthal.”

  “You can write it, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.” She started to wiggle around on his lap and he felt an instant response. The light wool of his suit pants wasn’t going to help him hide his feelings, so he simply smiled and waited for her reaction. He wasn’t ashamed of what she did to him; hell, if he was being honest, he thought it was fucking fantastic. “Stop moving around unless you want to make me real uncomfortable.”

  She raised her gaze and lifted an eyebrow. “Did I do that to you?”

  “I know you already have the answer to that question, so I’m wondering why you’re acting coy.”

  “It’s not coy; it’s just amazement because it seemed to happen almost instantly.”

  “That’s what you do to me, babe. Best we accept it and take it for what it’s worth.” He watched her face flush. “Care to share your thoughts?”

  “Not be to be crude, but…you seem to be a big man all over.” Dropping her tablet, she covered her face and started laughing.

  He took her hand away from her face, saw tears leaking out of her eyes, and shook his head. “For a sophisticated woman, you sure get embarrassed easily.”

  Sniffing, she managed to control her outburst and lifted her sweatshirt to wipe her eyes. “I shouldn’t have said that. I guess I’m just overwhelmed. This morning, I had a book deal and a bodyguard who didn’t like me and now I don’t know what the hell is happening.”

  “That’s life, Audrey, and all we can do is adapt and move on. Savor the sweet and ignore the sour.”

  Crawling off his lap, she picked up her pad and sat next to him. “All right, Carrick, let’s figure out what we need to do so we can go to beautiful Syria.”

  “Sounds good.” He checked his watch and then grabbed his phone. “Let me text the office, so they can Fed-Ex my passport and paperwork we’re going to need for the trip before it gets too late.”

  “I’ll leave you to it then and start searching for flights.”

  Before she stood up, he caught her hand. “We’re going to be a great team and I want you to know that I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Squeezing his hand, she gave him a smile. “I know.”

  Pulling her down so their faces were close, he gave her a quick kiss. “Thanks for your faith, babe. It means everything.”

  She gave him a nod in response and turned toward the kitchen. Rolling his shoulders, he breathed deeply and then started typing on his phone. Feeling lighter than he had in a long time, he found himself smiling at the thought of spending uninterrupted time with Audrey.

  The fact that they were going to do it in one of the most dangerous countries in the world didn’t bother him like it should’ve and he realized it was because they were going to have a chance to get to know one another.

  Even if they had to do it in the middle of a civil war.


  Saturday, October 14th

  Audrey opened her door and saw Carrick standing with his duffle and backpack and wondered what the heck was going on. “I enjoyed making out with you, but I’m not ready to move in together.”

  “You’re funny, Audrey.” He walked past her and dumped his bags on the floor. “No need for Titan to bill you for my hotel stay.”

  “Happy to do it,” Audrey replied as she watched him put his phone on the table.

  “I’ll stay with you until we leave on Tuesday.”

  Sliding her hand on her hip, she raised an eyebrow. “That’s something we should’ve discussed before you made a unilateral decision.”

  Titan is a big corporation and I have no control over what they bill for. I don’t want you stuck with a more significant tab than you already have. I’ll sleep on the couch and that way, by the time we get to Syria, we’ll be well acquainted and better able to navigate the op.”

  “It’s a trip, not an op.”

  “It’s an op disguised as a trip and the only way we’re going to survive is if we can anticipate each other’s moves because when we need to exfil, it’s got to be clean and tight.”

  “Based on the fact that I didn’t understand half of what you just said, it seems like I need to learn SEAL before we leave.”

  He bent over and kissed her cheek. “I’ll make sure you’re fluent by the time we’re boots on the ground.”

  “I’m going to continue packing and then make a list of what I’m missing.” She walked toward her bedroom and felt him following her. “Are you supervising?”

  “I just want to make sure you’re taking the right stuff.”

  “Don’t you worry, Carrick, I’m more than prepared for this trip.” Lifting her arm, she swept it over her bed and smiled like a game show host. “My dad has been with LL Bean for over twenty-five years. He started out as the buyer for soft goods, then moved on to footwear, and now does the buying for hard goods. Which means there’s not a piece of clothing, footwear, or outdoor equipment that I do not possess. Granted, most of it is still at my folks’ house in Portland, but I have the right clothes for Syria.”

  She watched him as he checked her three pairs of canvas pants in various weights, her T-shirts, thermal shirts, and jacket. “Bet you’re impressed.”

  “I have to admit that I am.”

  Glancing up, she noticed his look of disbelief. “Did it hurt when you said it?”

  He let out a chuckle and shook his head. “No, but I have to say that my first impression of you was pretty inaccurate.”

  “I’m afraid to ask, but I can’t help myself…what did you think?”

  “When you walked in wearing your tailored business dress, high heels, and perfect hair, I thought you were going to be a pain-in-the-ass princess who was going to be demanding and hard to deal with.”

  “And now?”

  “Now, I think you’re a savage, unafraid to fight for what you want, and brave enough to go to war for what you deserve.” Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he pulled her close and moved his mouth to her ear. “And the most beautiful, desirable woman I have ever met.”

  The air in her body suddenly got stuck as Carrick’s words drifted over her and his arms held her tightly. No one had ever said anything so perfect and seen her as clearly as he had. “Thank you, Carrick.”

  He kissed her head and she wrapped her arms around his middle and found she quite liked being in his embrace. “Before I get too comfortable, I should finish packing.”

  He kissed her head again, then cleared his throat and stepped away. “Yeah, probably a good idea.”

  Audrey watched him turn toward the window and discreetly adjust himself. Biting her lip so she wouldn’t laugh, she ducked her head and made sure her socks were folded correctly. “Maybe I should run up to my parents’ house and grab some bedrolls, space blankets, and tactical flashlights.”

  “We could do that, but I probably have most everything we need.”

  Smoothing out her pile of T-shirts, she shrugged. “I might not have the correct backpack and I know my dad will have just the right thing.”

  “If you want to see your folks before we leave, just tell me and I’ll understand.”

  Looking up, she felt her emotions unravel ever so slightly. “I’d like to hug my parents before I go, in case something happens.”

  Taking one big step, he lifted her in his arms and then sat down in the chair in the corner. “Babe, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. No one is a better protector than me, but if you want to go, then let’s get on the road so we can be there in time for dinner.”


  “Of course, I haven’t been on the East coast during fall in years and I wouldn’t mind seeing where you grew up.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Maybe I want to.”

  Running her hand over his muscled chest, she let her hand rest against his heart. “There’s no prettier place than Portland in fall.”

  “Call your mom and let her know and I’ll rent a car.”

  “I have a car in a garage not far from here.”

  “Why’d we take the subway then?”

  “Because it’s a lot faster than finding parking. I only drive when I go upstate or to see my folks.”

  “Let me see your list and I’ll check it against what I have and then you can tell your dad what you need.”

  “My mom is going to lose her mind with happiness when she finds out that I’m coming, and my dad will too.”

  “Should I get a hotel room?”

  “Of course not, the house is big and
has six bedrooms.”

  “How many siblings do you have?”

  “Two brothers and two sisters, I’m the middle child.”

  “Explains a lot,” he said as he leaned back and slid his hand under her T-shirt.

  When his calloused fingers ran along her back, she shivered with delight as the heat from his hand warmed her. “What about you, Carrick?”

  “I’m the oldest of three boys and the only one who didn’t join the family business.”


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