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Tumult Page 23

by Lea Hart

  “Like, suburbs, station wagons, carpool fatal.”

  “Yes,” Audrey responded quietly. “The whole bloody nightmare.”

  “And, you want to run at this thing?”

  She drank down her glass of champagne and nodded. “With every fiber of my being.”

  “We need some bourbon.”

  Audrey stood and took their glasses. “We sure as hell do because if I don’t get myself under control, the moment I’m done with this case, I’m going to be on a plane headed to California with my heart in my hand.”

  “Get the bourbon and we’ll come up with a plan.”

  Audrey walked into the kitchen and pulled down the bottle and two glasses, knowing there was no amount of alcohol in the world that was going to make her feelings go away. Carrick was in her heart and the chances of that changing were slim to none.


  Wednesday, December 20th

  Carrick walked into his house, dumped his keys, and toed off his running shoes. The eight-mile run he’d just finished had barely taken the edge off and he thought about doing some weights to see if it would help.

  He’d been keyed up for the last several days since his return from San Francisco. The security detail he ran for the visiting economic minister from Taiwan had been a cake-walk and he was restless.

  He wasn’t sure if he needed to be knee-deep in a conflict to get his mind right or he just needed Audrey to show up at his door. It had been close to three weeks since he’d seen her, and he was climbing the fucking walls.

  Not knowing if she was going to have some downtime during the holidays was only making it worse. They’d spoken almost every day since they parted back in November and she hadn’t given him any indication how her case was going and if she thought it was going to wrap up before the New Year.

  Glancing around, he decided he and Brooke had done a hell of a job with the decorating thing and, when and if Audrey showed up, she was going to be impressed as hell. The couch she had on one of her boards was sitting in the family room, along with a coffee table that he’d chosen. The place was a perfect mix of both of their tastes and he prayed she was going to show up at some point, so he could show it off.

  Walking into the kitchen, he opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water and drank it down. Should he do a round of weights or just grab a shower and make something for dinner?

  Not able to decide, he picked up his phone and checked to see if he had any messages. When he saw two missed calls from Audrey, he called her back immediately. They usually didn’t speak until eight or nine her time and he couldn’t figure out why she had called him so early.

  When he got her voicemail, he left her a quick message and then decided to grab a shower. He’d already done the O-course at the base earlier, so he was probably good for the day. As he was about to walk up the stairs, he heard his phone and quickly grabbed it. “Young,” he barked into the phone.

  “You’re kinda old to be answering that way,” Audrey said with a laugh.

  “Damn, woman, are you okay?”

  “I’m perfect, why do you ask?”

  “You called me twice and it’s only three your time.”

  “What are you doing, Carrick?”

  “I just got back from a run and I was about to take a shower, what about you?”

  “I’m done with work for the day and I wanted to check in with you. Did you get assigned another op this morning or are you going to be in San Diego for a while?”

  “I’m home until after the New Year. We’ve got a big corporate training thing right after the holidays, and I’m running it.”

  “Are you disappointed not to be heading out?”

  “Can’t decide. I was really hoping you were going to make it my way for the holidays, but since you haven’t said anything, I’m assuming you’re stuck in the city.”

  “I’m going to call you back, I just arrived at my destination.”

  “Okay…call me when you can.” When the phone call ended abruptly, he wondered if they got disconnected or if she’d rushed him off the phone.

  Feeling his mood plummet, he made his way to the staircase and heard a knock on his front door. He wasn’t expecting anyone, so far all he knew it was someone selling something. He groaned as he walked to the front of his house and swung the door open to give whoever was on the other side of it a dose of his bad mood.

  “Hi,” Audrey said, resting her hand on her suitcase. “My case wrapped up yesterday and I thought I might take you up on your offer to come to California.”

  “Holy shit, are you even real or something I dreamed up?”

  “I’m real and I’m hoping you’re going to let me in.”

  He stepped forward and lifted her into his arms and felt like his heart was going to explode. A happiness he never expected to have blossomed in his chest and he prayed it wasn’t a dream. “I’ve never been so happy to see another human being in my life,” he said against her head. Inhaling her cinnamon scent as her soft hair slid across his cheek, he wanted to devour her and then shackle her to his side so they’d never be separated.

  “I’m not letting you go, babe.”

  “But, I can hardly breathe,” she squeaked.

  Loosening his hold, he let her slide down. He ran his hand over her face and thought she was a hundred times more beautiful since the last time he’d seen her. “You have made me unbelievably happy.”

  “I haven’t done anything yet.”

  “You’re here and that’s all you ever have to do, babe. I need you next to me, with me, and under the same stars.”

  “Oh, Carrick, I’m so happy I came.”

  Pulling Audrey and her suitcase inside the house, he closed the door and wondered how long he could keep her. Would forever be too much to ask?

  “Wow, this doesn’t look like the fixer-upper you described.”

  “I had a lot of work done to it and then got some stuff so you’d feel comfortable.”

  Turning, she looked up at him and took his hand. “You did this for me?”

  “Audrey, I told you there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t be willing to do to make you happy.”

  “I thought that was more of a theoretical statement as opposed to a factual one.”

  “I don’t make theoretical statements. I say shit and then I do it. End of story.”

  Seeing her eyebrows raise, he realized he could’ve done a lot better with that statement than he did. “What I meant…”

  “I got it, Carrick. You don’t have to wrap your words in some fake pink gauze for me to understand. Your plain way of explaining things is perfect.”

  “But, I know women like to be romanced and I don’t know if I’m any good at it.”

  “Seems you’ve done okay; after all, I flew across the country so we could be together.”

  Wrapping his arm around her, he nodded. “Yeah, I guess something I said must’ve worked.” Feeling his sweaty T-shirt stick to his back, he realized he probably smelled like a goat. “I just got done with my run, so let me grab a shower and then I’ll make us some dinner.”

  “I’ve been traveling all day, so I think I’ll join you.”

  “Shit, now I know this is a dream.” He picked her up and jogged up the stairs. “I don’t need another thing in my life. Having you home is all I’ll ever need.”


  Audrey wondered if Carrick had a latent interior design gene or if he was some sort of mind reader. Everything he had was exactly what she would’ve chosen had this been her home.

  From the comforter on the bed to the side tables and towels. It was both oddly comforting and creepy in equal measure. “Can I ask you a question?”

  Lifting his head, he nodded. “After what we just did, you can have whatever you want.”

  “Who decorated your house?”

  “I did.”

  “By yourself?”


  She pushed him off and watched him roll over. “This place is pract
ically perfect and, in light of the fact you only wear black or green, I know you didn’t do it alone.”

  “I wear blue too.”

  She leaned up on her elbow and moved her finger over his chest. “Tell me, Carrick, how you managed to make a beautiful home.”

  “I made it for you, Audrey. My friend Brooke helped me look you up on Pinterest, and I just got stuff that you had picked out on your boards; it wasn’t that hard once I had a roadmap.”

  “You did this for me?” she choked out.

  Pulling her closer, he ran his mouth along her skin and then grinned. “Of course. How was I going to get you to stay if I didn’t have someplace nice? Even a damn bird knows they have to make a decent nest if they hope to attract a mate.”

  “You want me as your mate?”

  “I guess you haven’t been listening because I’ve said it a hundred different ways since we left Syria.”

  Wiggling, she tried to get him to release his hold; when he only tightened it, she rested her head against this chest. “I must’ve missed it.

  “Well then, let me be absolutely clear and tell you again.” He held her face in his hands and made sure their eyes locked. “I want you in my life, and not in some bullshit part-time casual way. I want all of you. The whole God damn thing. All in, no escape hatch. I don’t quit you and you don’t quit me. I’ll fight for us and I expect the same from you. We’re going to make something that people don’t believe in anymore and fight to the death to hold onto it.”

  “I knew if I came there was going to be no going back.”

  “Are you in or are you out, Audrey?”

  She lifted her eyes and stared into his and knew it was one of those moments in life that would define the next fifty years. “I’m in, Carrick.” Laying her hand against his heart, she felt its steady beat and knew he wasn’t the sort of man to make empty promises or statements. What he said, he meant. End of story. “I’m all the way in.”

  “I promise you won’t regret it.”

  “You may after we’ve spent more than a couple of days together.”

  “We’ve spent more than that. Are you forgetting Syria?”

  “No, but that wasn’t regular life. That was life on steroids and, considering it’s where you’re most comfortable, the everyday may not live up to your expectations.”

  “I’ve got very few ideas about what our day-to-day is going to look like.” Kissing her head, he then let out a snort. “Except that I know I’d better vacuum and shit, so you don’t think I’m taking unfair advantage of you.”

  She turned on her back and looked up at the ceiling. “I’m not ready to move permanently to California, so we’re going to have to figure out how to manage a long-distance thing.”

  Carrick sat up and scrubbed his hand over his face. “What would it take to convince you to move here permanently?”

  “I have a life in New York and a job. I can’t just throw that all away to date you.”

  “But, you just said you were all in!” he shouted.

  Pulling the sheet over her body, she sat up as well. “Don’t yell because you don’t like what I’m saying.”

  Letting out a long breath, he took her hands. “How long can you stay before you have to go back?”

  “I’d like to stay through the New Year and then I need to go back and work on my book. McMillian wants to put it on the fall publishing schedule, so that means I need a second draft done by the end of January.”

  “Can’t you write it here?”

  “Oh, I don’t think…”

  He jumped out of bed and pulled on a pair of shorts. “Get up, so I can show you something.”

  “Right now?”


  Rising slowly, she got out of bed and moved toward her suitcase. “I need to get some clothes out.”

  He snapped his finger and pointed at her. “Hold on.” He strode into the bathroom and then returned with a robe in his hands. “I got this for you; it’s just like the one you have pinned.”

  She took the robe and wrapped herself up. “Oh, Carrick, this is by far the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

  “Hold that thought because I have a surprise.” He took her hand and led her to a room at the end of the hall. “Close your eyes.”

  “Do I have to?”

  “Yes and no peeking.”

  Doing as he asked, she closed her eyes and heard the door snick open. Taking a few steps inside the room, she felt his hands land on her shoulders.

  “You can open your eyes.”

  Opening them slowly, she looked around and felt the breath leave her body. He’d made her an office that resembled the one she always dreamed of having. A white wood desk dominated the corner, along with an ergonomic chair that looked fabulous. Bookshelves and a big comfy chair completed the décor. “You aren’t playing.”

  “Babe, I never do when I want something.”

  “Thank you, Carrick.” Turning, she wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his chest.

  “Will you stay and write your book here, so we can start our lives together?”


  “The best damn word in the world.”

  It sure was, Audrey thought as she felt him tighten his hold. Her stomach rumbled loudly and she stepped away. “Sorry about that.”

  “Seems it’s dinner time; let’s go see what we can come up with.”

  “Let me make something.”

  “Can you cook?” he asked as they walked out of the office.

  Scoffing, she tightened her robe and walked toward the stairs. “Of course.”

  “Damn, woman, does that mean you’re going to feed me?”

  “Absolutely, after all, you’re going to be doing the vacuuming and folding the laundry.”

  “That’s true.” He stopped and took her hand. “You won’t regret staying.”

  “I know.” She walked down the stairs and felt like she was on the precipice of having something she never dreamed possible.


  Friday, January 26th

  Walking into the house, Carrick saw Audrey in the kitchen and felt a smile lift the corners of his mouth. “Hey, babe.”

  “Hi, honey. You’re home early.”

  “I sped through the paperwork I owed the rear admiral and hustled myself home.”

  “We’re having a celebration dinner.” She walked over to the small desk in the corner of the kitchen and picked up her laptop. “I have something to show you.”

  Stepping behind her, he put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her neck. “What’s that?”

  The screen lit up and she opened a document and pointed to the bottom of the page. “The end, two of the best words in the world.”

  “Second draft is done?”

  “Sure is.” Turning in his arms, she looked up and gave him a luminous smile. “Thank you for giving me a place to write; being here has been amazing and if it wasn’t for you this book never would’ve happened.”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s all you, Audrey. I don’t think I had much to do with it.”

  “You had everything to do with it because if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have come home alive. You made the trip possible and have given me a beautiful place to write.”

  “Congratulations, babe. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thank you.” Stepping out of his arms, she walked over to the oven and checked the roast. “Let’s go sit on the patio and have a celebratory drink while dinner finishes cooking.”

  “Go on out and I’ll bring our drinks out.”

  “All right.”

  When she gave him a smile and then walked outside, he took a deep breath and wondered if she was thinking of returning to New York. He sure as hell hoped not because now that he had her home, he didn’t want to let her go.

  What they had created over the last month showed him in no uncertain terms that she was his future. Now all he had to do was see if she felt the same way.

  He grabbed a
beer, poured a glass of wine, and tried to think of words that would convince her she was home.

  Once they were settled with their drinks, he lifted his glass. “Here’s to my brilliant girlfriend and the success of her next book.”

  “Thank you for believing in me.”



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