Fractured MC

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Fractured MC Page 1

by Bella Knight

  Table of Contents

  Book 9

  Recap from Book 8

  In Pieces

  Wolf Time

  Lonely Ride




  About the Author

  Fractured MC

  The Nighthawks Motorcycle Club

  Bella Knight



  Edited by

  Natasha Lind

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  Recap from Book 8

  1. In Pieces

  2. Wolf Time

  3. Lonely Ride

  4. Honeymoon

  5. Separation


  About the Author

  Recap from Book 8


  Sigrun packed the padding into the "company car" as Wraith characterized her DEA SUV. Wraith added the spears, wooden swords, wooden knives, and staffs, free of her cast.

  Saber kissed them. "I'm so glad I'm not part of the Valkyries," he said. "I got back to work after three broken ribs. Don't want to go on sick leave again."

  Sigrun held his face, then kissed him. "I need to be able to defend us, love."

  "I am a manly man, and will defend you." Sigrun snorted, and gave him a quick poke in the ribs. He winced, and she smiled evilly. "I win." She sailed toward the passenger seat, and hopped in.

  "Ow," said Saber. He walked up to the window. "You don't fight fair," he said.

  She grinned again. "People don't fight fair."

  "You can say that again," said Wraith, hopping in the car. "Come over here and kiss me, stud muffin."

  Sigrun barked laughter. "Stud muffin?"

  Saber was laughing so hard he had trouble running around the car. He got there, and kissed her. He forgot his amusement as her tongue teased his lips. He kissed her deeply. Wraith pushed him away, and started the SUV. She pretended to turn the wheel to run over Saber's toes, and he hopped back onto the sidewalk to protect his feet. They waved, and he waved back.

  "Have fun stormin' da... field!" They waved again, and then they were gone.

  They met at a huge field attached to a park, a lake hiding nearby over a small rise. Skuld was already there with Rota. They were sparring with swords, their leather greaves shining when the silver lashings caught the light.

  Wraith helped Sigrun into her padding; shoulders, stomach, hips, greaves to protect the forearms, and gloves. They went out, ready to fight. Skuld was in black, Rota in gold, Wraith in silver, and Sigrun in red.

  Skuld halted Rota, and walked over to Sigrun. "Well met, sister," she said. They clasped hands. "Let's start with staffs."

  Wraith came around and opened the back of the SUV. She put her sword on the truck and took out the staffs. She handed one to Rota, and showed her how to hold it. They went out into the sunlight, and Skuld had Rota stand at her side and mimic her movements. Rota came over as Wraith picked up her sword, and she tried to cut off Wraith's head. Wraith easily blocked the blow, reached back, then slid a wooden knife into her belt. She grabbed her shield, closed the trunk, and pressed the attack. The Society for Creative Anachronism showed up, and they attacked the Valkyries. More Valkyries showed up, and the fight was on, in earnest.

  Finally, they called a halt, and drank out of tankards from their belt pouches. Most had water, but a few had ale or mead. Then, they went at it again. There were bruises, some cuts, and a lot of sweat. Saber roared up in his Harley, his saddlebags stuffed with rotisserie chickens. They passed them out and ate with their fingers, then they washed them in the lake. The huge rabbits that live in the hedges came out, hopping about as the people rinsed their hands and disturbed the bushes.

  They went home for showers, and Saber was ready with towels, cream for the bruises, ointment for the cuts, and massages. He started with their feet. He massaged Sigrun first, who groaned and moved around her ice packs. He went to her right knee, which was sensitive. He got a bandage and wrapped it, after massaging in pain cream, and then worked on her other knee. He flipped her over and massaged her buttocks and back, and was going to flip her over again, but she fell asleep. He covered her with a soft blanket.

  He turned to work on Wraith. He got as far as her thighs, with her moaning out in pleasure, before she fell asleep, too. He covered her, then slipped in the middle. He stroked their backs, read his book, and fell asleep himself.

  He woke up with a hand on his cock that wasn't his, another one on his balls, gently squeezing them. A third hand stroked his chest, and lips kissed his neck. He kissed her hard and strong; his wife's lips tasting of her cherry lip balm. He turned his head, and Sigrun tasted of mint and lime.

  He noticed the bottle of nonalcoholic mojito on the side table. He approved. The kiss deepened, then the hand on his scrotum was full, and tightening. He gasped and closed his eyes. The hand on his penis also tightened. He gasped, then moaned as someone started sucking on his cock, then nibbled on it. Then she sucked even harder, and he arched his back. He stroked her hair, careful of the braids. He realized it was Sigrun when Wraith kissed her way down his neck, then his stomach. She nibbled, and he stroked her hair with his other hand. He tried not to grab hair and pull, just stroke, and then he found himself straining back, and screaming.

  He felt hands clean him up, and Sigrun and Wraith began kissing each other. He laid back, gasping, and watched them kiss. They touched and kissed, stroked each other's arms, played with each other's braids, making them tinkle. I knew sleeping between them would work out well, he thought.

  They kissed more deeply, their breasts rubbing up against him. He relaxed, and stroked their arms. They bit each other's lips, then worked their way down. Sigrun sucked Wraith's neck, and then she made her way down to her breasts. Sigrun laid over Saber, and he stroked her back and her buttocks, as she made Wraith moan. He used his other hand to reach down, and stroked Wraith's belly. Both women gasped and moaned. Then Wraith came, explosively, bucking wildly.
r />   Sigrun changed breasts, and Wraith began moaning again. She came again, and Sigrun rolled over. She swung around, and began sucking Wraith. Wraith began kissing and licking the inside of Sigrun's thighs, making her gasp. They came together, in big, rolling, shaking gasps, and loud, lustful cries. Saber reached over and grabbed the wet wipes. They ignored him, coming again and again. He turned on his side to watch.

  Finally, the spent Sigrun held out her hand, and he passed her the wet wipes. She cleaned both herself and Wraith. Wraith was already slipping into sleep, so Sigrun flipped back around, and covered her with the soft blanket. She then turned over, and kissed him deeply. She tasted of sex and mojito.

  "Hello," she said.

  "Hello," he said. She reached down and grabbed his cock. "Shall we begin again?" He wasn't able to answer. He gave a strangled gasp in reply. She laughed and then kissed his neck. "I'll take that as a yes," she said.

  She nibbled his ear, and he felt himself becoming hard in her hands. She reached over him and took the condoms out of the drawer in the side table.

  "Mint, my favorite," she said.

  She rolled it on, and mounted him. She crushed him with her tightness, biting him. He came in a great, gasping whoosh. She cleaned up both of them and threw the condom away. She was the one in the middle now, cradling them both in her arms.

  Saber's last thought before sleep claimed him. It was… I love sparring days.

  They were awakened by a call. Wraith grabbed the phone off the table and answered. She sat up, stood, and grabbed underwear, socks, and jeans, and threw them on the bed. Sigrun rolled out of bed, and helped her dress.

  Saber went to dress, and Wraith shook her head. She said, “Mmm hmm,” and “Yeah” into the phone, then hung it up. She grabbed a shirt and put it on. Sigrun held up both sets of keys, the truck and Harley, and Wraith grabbed the Harley keys. She kissed Sigrun, then blew a kiss to Saber. Then she was out the door.

  “What was that all about?” asked Saber. Sigrun shrugged.

  Half an hour later, Saber and Sigrun got the call from Spear. Wraith wasn't answering her phone, and she wasn't at the coffee shop where she was supposed to meet Spear. Saber and Sigrun dressed, got on their Harleys, and drove the route --Saber went one way, and Sigrun the other. He heard the ambulances before he turned on his wireless headset.

  Sigrun said, "There was a truck. It's bad." She gave him the name of the intersection, but all he had to do was follow the lights and sirens.

  Spear was already there, a stone-cold look on her face. Saber coasted up to her and hopped off his Harley. "This was no fucking accident," she said. "That guy over there said the truck guy swerved to hit her, and got out and ran away. Black leather jacket, scars on his face."

  "Gotta be cameras," said Saber, willing himself to think, as he ran toward the ambulance.

  In Pieces

  "Bones heal. Hearts heal. Bones and hearts together? That's gonna take some time."

  Spear, with Sigrun at her side, stood and told the round robin of agencies --Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, the DEA, and even the FBI --what happened.

  Lovelace Jons, known as Lacey, DEA. She watched on body camera and heard every word. She drove like a bat out of hell to a little building on Gower, also known by the cops as Traffic Central. She badged her way in. Thank the Universe I keep my black pants and blue silk tee in my suitcase, she thought.

  Thom Pance of the FBI met her there, a man nearly as large as his SUV. He was dressed in the standard ‘black-suit-and-dark-glasses’ FBI getup. He had no hair, in direct contrast with Lacey's spill of black hair in a silver clip that fell in waves, just behind her neck.

  They pulled up four separate cameras, and Spear's version was shown to be true; Wraith waited at the light, and had made sure no one was rushing the light, then entered the intersection. A white truck with some sort of logo on the side had been idling at the light. It ran the light, then swerved out into the intersection. It hit Wraith on the left side. The truck swerved and turned into oncoming traffic, and took off like a bat out of hell.

  "Stop. Enhance," said Lacey. "Half speed." They watched the murderous attack again, zooming in on the license plate of the truck. "No joy," said Lacey. "Deliberately obscured by dust, front and back."

  "There," said Thom. "Logo?" The technician zoomed in. "Mountainside Desert Flowers." He poked at his tablet. "No such business within the state."

  Zeroing in on the driver got them a scarred man wearing a black leather jacket. He also adorned black driving gloves, and a cap pulled down low.

  "Reflections," said Lacey. "Let's get something. Eye or hair color, and anything on the jacket we can use." She pointed to reflections in the glass. "Blue eyes. Gotcha!"

  "Give me that, and my lab geeks will enhance it," said Thom.

  "We've got geeks, too," said Lacey.

  "Yeah, but did you see that landing? We can't share Wraith flying through the air or smashing into the pavement with anyone from the Valkyries, Iron Knights, or Nighthawks. They will be looking for revenge, hot or cold."

  "You have a point," said Lacey. "Let's give them what we have so far; minus the flying through the air thing. Let them know the scars may be artificial." She stared at the image. "Possibly contacts as well. That's a distinctive shade of blue."

  "Makeup," said Thom. "If so, that's an Agency trick. And sophisticated. It isn't some jumped-up biker club going after Valkyries."

  Lacey cringed. "If it is, they have a death wish. A huge one. They train several times a week. One of them actually trains law enforcement here."

  Thom showed Lacey a bruise on his arm. "Herja threw me across the mat earlier this week." Thom was a huge guy, muscles rippling. He worked out, even when on the road. He was slowly losing his neck. Herja was half his weight and size.

  Lacey grinned. "The bigger they are..."

  "The harder they hit the mat," said Thom.

  Officer Frank Rimur from the LVMPD called from the hospital; he had taken possession of the clothes cut off her body. He found a bloody receipt in Wraith's pocket for a Coke and an energy bar from a convenience store just four blocks away.

  "Good work, Frank," said Lacey. "Tell your boss I said so. We're making progress." She hung up, and told the tech about the receipt.

  They now had where she came from, and tracked her back all the way to her apartment. They ran it forward again, and then they tried to track the truck back. Thom's geek, Ristar, sent an enhanced photo. The truck had a tiny silver sticker on the back bumper, and another in the back window.

  "Them's a code," said Ristar, on speaker. "Bar code. Your truck's stolen from a truck rental place, a place called Moving People Fast. People use it for short-haul moves, like changing apartments. It hadn't been rented in over two weeks. Chain was cut on the back fence; I told SAC Haviland and he's sending a team to take pictures."

  "Great work, Ristar," said Thom, "keep at it." He hung up, then immediately dialed again. "I'll get an APB out on that thing. We've got a real license number now to work with, so thanks."

  "The Iron Knights are going to get this stuff," said Lacey. "We need to give them enough, so then they know what to look for. They're everywhere. Tell them to locate and call it in."

  Thom sighed. "Control the flow."

  "Before we get cut off at the knees, yes," said Lacey. "That truck's been dumped by now, and they'll find it."

  "Do it," said Thom.

  Henry got the pictures of both truck and driver. Herja sent it out to her people, and Pax of the Iron Knights got it out to his. Ivy called Cougar in and coordinated at the bar while she waited for Cougar to arrive. She found out that she could pour beer with one hand and text with the other.

  Cougar came in, grabbed her bar apron, and said, "Damn shame about that girl. Go. I've got this."

  Bella kicked her out. "The babysitter network's up and running," she said. "Gotta get justice for our girl."

  "On it," said Ivy.

  Bao read her text, and called over the s
erver. "Put a rush on our food. We've gotta go."

  Nico typed furiously on his phone. He looked up, and said, "I've got to..."

  "This is a diner, love," said Bao. "They serve fast. Eat first. The grid's already out. We're coordinating with LVMPD. Neither one of us is on the grid. I suspect I'll have babysitting duty, and you'll end up somewhere on the road, with a long night."

  The server filled up some ‘to-go’ cups with coffee for them. "Julio will have this stuff out fast. Eggs and bacon don't take long," the waitress said. She looked out, noticed cell phones being read, and checks being paid. "What the hell happened?"

  "Hit and run," said Bao. "Our friend."

  The server's jaw dropped. "I'm so sorry. Probably some drunk, or a tourist not paying attention." She heard a ding. "Be right back."

  "Wish that were it," said Nico. He pulled up an app. "I'm gonna pick up a bunch of stuff to go, on my way in."

  "Get food easy to eat," said Bao. "I'll text Brother Heng at the Chinese restaurant. So, order a bunch of egg rolls and dim sum, some fried rice, egg drop soup, to be delivered in what... three hours?"

  "Two," said Nico.

  The server dropped off their food. They dug into their eggs, crispy bacon, hash browns, and biscuits with honey. They were both as hungry as wolves.

  "And pizza in four hours. Chicken two hours after that. For everyone. Nighthawks, Iron Knights, Valkyries." He shrugged. "It's a job you can do while juggling babies, and you have the cash to take care of it."

  "Thank you," said Bao. "Food coordinator." She put a strip of bacon in her mouth, and chewed while texting. She swallowed. "Job accepted with thanks. An army runs on its stomach."


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