At the House of the Magician

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At the House of the Magician Page 1

by Mary Hooper

  At the House of the





  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  A Note from the Author on the Cast of Characters

  How to Make Lavender Wands



  Books by Mary Hooper


  For Kevin and Stephen with love

  Chapter One

  I found myself a tidy selling space at the edge of the common, almost upon the hawthorn hedge. On the other side was a shorn field which the geese had been let into to go a-stubbling and begin fattening themselves for Christmas, and as I unpacked my lavender wands I could hear them calling to each other, pecking and scratching on the dry earth, occasionally flapping their wings to try and keep themselves cool.

  I shook out a clean linen cloth and spread it over the grass, flattening the daisies and goldcups as I did so, humming a ballad to myself. It was the beginning of September and, being Michelmas Fair in our village, a day of merry-making, I was happy as I set out my wares. I knew I was sure to sell all the lavender wands I’d made and I intended to buy myself something very fine to wear with the money.

  Next to me was Harriet Simon, who had a bench on the grass holding a selection of her biscuits. ‘Crispy sugar jumbales!’ I could hear her calling under her breath, practising in readiness for the customers. ‘Oh, sweet jumbales!’ Beside her was Old Mistress Roberts, selling lucky charms made of seashells, and next along a housewife selling eggs and flummeries, then a quack doctor with a table bearing a selection of differently coloured bottles: cordials, tinctures, lotions and potions. I couldn’t read the banner which flew above his head, but Harriet could and told me that he claimed to cure any illness known to man, and some which were not known.

  There were countless other stalls and peddlers about the field, but it was only me who was selling lavender wands. Seventeen of these I’d made, each containing twenty-one long stalks of lavender bent backwards over their flowers and woven around with lengths of emerald, scarlet or white ribbon and tied in a bow. I’d have liked more to sell, but had only enough space for six small lavender bushes, and these I’d had to hide away in odd places around our cottage: at the centre of a towering column of beans, at the back of the shed or in the shade of a monstrous cabbage. This was because my father wouldn’t have anything in the garden which didn’t pay its way and he, being merry with ale one night, had found and uprooted three of my precious young plants and thrown them to the pig to eat. (I pause and ponder here why they always say that a man is merry with ale when it seems to me that Father is never merry when he’s been drinking, but only more ill-tempered than usual.)

  The lavender did pay its way, of course, but Father didn’t know that. He didn’t know that every year since I’d been a small child I’d been tending my lavender bushes, picking the stems at just the right moment before the flowers opened and drying them by hanging them in bunches in the sunshine. The money I made by selling my wands I always divided into three: with the first I bought something pretty to wear, the next part went to Ma to spend as she saw fit, the last was kept to buy ribbons for the wands I’d make the following year.

  Lady Ashe, who is high-born and speaks very grand, opened the day’s festivities. Lady Ashe is the wife of Sir Reginald Ashe, the Lord of the Manor, and had, in times past, been lady-in-waiting to our good Queen Elizabeth. I oft thought of how exciting her life must have been then, for Milady was at court when the queen and she were girls, and she must have many tales to tell of the intrigues of courtly life, of conspiracies, unrequited love, dancing and minstrels. And imagine attending on the queen! Surely no other position and no other way of life could be more pleasing or more delightful? As I thought that, I felt for the little token I always wear round my neck. My family oft tease me about this trinket, for ’tis but a groat with a hole bored in it (and not even a real groat, for it’s been falsely coined and makes my neck black in the hot weather). It bears a profile of our queen, however, stamped on to the metal, and such is my devotion to Her Grace that I wear it constantly.

  Lady Ashe still dresses very fine and on the day of the Fair was wearing a red silk dress with jewelled bodice and great collar of lace, and so amazing was this latter garment that I felt compelled to draw close to where she was standing in order to admire it the better. The collar stood out at each side of her neck much like wings, or the eaves of a house, each wing being covered in delicate embroidery and edged into wired points, and each point having on it a droplet of gold which shivered and swung as she moved. Her hair was piled high and twisted around with pearls, roped together, and her face was very white, as if polished with the same pearl lustre.

  She was a plain woman, but her glittering jewels and decorations gave her a kind of beauty and every other woman there looked dowdy by comparison. I felt especially drab, for my bodice and skirt, although made of fine lawn in a pretty shade of apple green, had been handed on to me by my sister and was horridly out of fashion. I gazed at Lady Ashe in admiration and envy. If only, I thought, one of those gold teardrops could fall from her collar and drop to the floor! With just one of these (for I well knew the worth of such a thing) I’d be able to release my youngest brother from his bonded apprenticeship as a coffin-maker, relieve our ma of the burden of her work (for her eyes ached dreadfully now) and buy us a little plot of land of our own. How strange, I thought, that all those things might be purchased by something so small! But I knew that men fought wars and killed their fellows for gold and had heard, too, that great sums were being laid out in order that alchemists might find the subtle powder which was said to change ordinary metals into it.

  Lady Ashe exhorted everyone to enjoy the jugglers and the rope-walkers and spend wisely at the stalls, and added that she herself would be attending the hiring fair on Brownlow’s Field in order to obtain two or three maids for her household. There was some gasping at this, some preening and patting of hair and some smoothing down of skirts, for many a girl there would have given anything to be taken into service at Hazelgrove Manor. Here, it was said, every one of the servants – even the kitchen maids – slept on mattresses freshly stuffed with lady’s bedstraw and had red meat to eat each day. I thought of something else, too, which set my heart pitter-pattering: there was a rumour that the queen herself had come a-visiting Hazelgrove Manor in order to see her old friend Lady Ashe.

  When I remembered this, the notion came to me that I might go and be hired as a maid by Milady. It would be a way of getting out of my father’s clutches – and besides, I knew I couldn’t stay at home for ever. Could I leave my ma, though? How would she manage without me there to do the close-up work? We made gloves for the gentry, and it looked to me as if Lady Ashe might be wearing a pair of ours, for they were of finest soft blue leather and had smocking around the wrist in a pattern well known to me. If they were of our making, then Ma would have done the cutting out and the tacking together, and I’d have spent any number of hours sewing the slender fingers with stitches so fine and dainty you’d think a faery had worked them.

  Perhaps I wouldn’t go for hirin
g this year, but would nevertheless go to Brownlow’s Field to see how things proceeded there, to study who got hired and who didn’t, for it would be sure to stand me in good stead in the future.

  I’d sold all my lavender wands within the hour and, stowing my money carefully in my pocket, folded up Ma’s best tablecloth and put it in my basket. Before I went to the hiring, however, I couldn’t resist having a look around the stalls to see if there was anything among the trinkets and the gee-gaws and the singing birds that I fell in love with. It was a wonderful feeling to have coins in my pocket, coins that were all mine for the spending, and it only happened once a year, for the money Ma and I earned making gloves went straight to Father. Of course, there were many precious and lovely things on the stalls and many more being carried about by the peddlers, and I went round the field twice and was unable to decide between an embroidered bodice, a canary bird in a wire cage or a thin silvery chain that I could thread my groat on to, for at present it was only hanging round my neck on a length of cord.

  I’d think about each of these things, I decided, and in the meantime go to see how the choosing was done at the hiring fair.

  Brownlow’s Field used to be common land where we could graze animals, but had been enclosed recently with tall brushwood fencing by Squire Brownlow, who owns a big house nearby. There had been some hostility about this enclosing, and one of the village men had tried to lead a protest, but it had come to nothing because Squire Brownlow is rich, owns many acres and employs a lot of villagers, so folk had been reluctant to make a stand against him.

  There was a considerable number of people on the field, in the centre of which a rough awning had been erected as shelter from the sun. Under this a fellow was standing playing a violin, and several girls were dancing a jig to its merry refrain. Also under the awning’s shelter, standing on boxes, were the folk still waiting to be hired. These were young, mostly, for older folk tend to settle in their jobs for the long term (so Ma had told me) – and besides, are not so good to hire, for the older they are then the less healthy and more like they are to have days off sick.

  There was a fair number of servants waiting there, and a greater number of masters, and these intermingled with peddlers crying up refreshments: posset-drinks, rose water, Rhenish wine and raspberry mead. People came from far and near to the hiring fair, for it was only held once a year, and all trades carried something of their line of work about them so they might be easily recognised: the maids had mops; the dairymaids, pails; and cooks carried a wooden spoon or ladle. I also saw thatchers with stooks of corn, a wool-carder with a hank of coloured wool and various ploughmen and other workers of the land.

  Their potential employers stood around, sizing them up, talking between themselves and no doubt passing on many a sly word on the virtues – or otherwise – of a certain servant. Now and again an employer would approach one standing on a box and look at their teeth to see if they were healthy, or feel a labourer’s muscles to see if he had the strength to manage a carthorse or drive a plough. One burly fellow – a blacksmith, judging by the horseshoe tucked into his hatband – had stripped to the waist to show off his muscles and was drawing approving glances from many of the women there. He was too old for me to admire, however (and besides, seemed to be of a type that Ma oft described as all brawn and no brains). Now and then a deal would be struck along the line; the master would shake hands with the servant and a silver shilling placed in the latter’s hand to seal the bargain.

  I waited until the fellow with the violin took a pause and the maids had ceased dancing, then asked them if they had already been hired.

  ‘Indeed we have,’ said one, retying the ribbons of her cap and picking up her pail – for she was a dairymaid. ‘I was hired straightaway by a very nice gent’man farmer.’ She smiled at me and was very pretty, with deep blue eyes and fair curls, so I knew why she’d been taken so readily.

  ‘And because we are sisters, I was hired too!’ said the girl with her.

  ‘Although some poor girls have been standing there an hour or more,’ the first whispered, and we glanced at the girls still standing on boxes, some of whom were looking rather discomforted. I couldn’t help but notice, however, that those who remained standing were either dull and weak looking, or plump and thus likely to eat a lot and be costly to keep.

  ‘But you don’t carry anything with you. What’s your trade?’ asked the pretty one.

  ‘I’m a glove-maker,’ I said, ‘but I don’t want to do that all my life.’ I looked along the line of girls wistfully. ‘Perhaps I could be a seamstress, though – or a maid of all work.’

  ‘I fear the best places are gone,’ said the other.

  ‘Has Lady Ashe been in?’ I asked.

  They nodded. ‘She took three girls!’

  ‘Oh.’ I nodded ruefully. I’d not been prepared, though. Not thought enough about it beforehand, or asked Ma’s opinion on the subject.

  ‘The thing to do is get here early,’ said the first, ‘and then you can have your pick. If someone you don’t like the look of wants to hire you, you can say no and wait for someone better.’

  ‘And if no one better comes along, you can tell the first gent’man you’ve changed your mind!’ said her sister.

  I thanked them for their advice and went back to the field where the stalls were, for I’d quite made up my mind to buy the silver chain. As I crossed the field the Morris men were dancing and I watched them a while, laughing and clapping their antics. It was then that I felt a hand clasp my shoulder.

  There was something in the landing of it: ’twas not a friendly clasp, as between friends, but a heavy grip, every finger pressing into my flesh, and I knew immediately who it must be.

  I wheeled around to face him. ‘Father!’

  ‘Ah. You might well look affrighted, you devious jade,’ said he, swaying slightly on his feet, ‘for I hear that unbeknown to me you’ve taken up as a stallholder.’

  I couldn’t speak for fear, knowing someone must have seen me and told him about it.

  ‘And what’s more, that you have been a-selling of the family property.’

  I shook my head. ‘’Twas hardly that – ’twas just some lavender I rooted and planted myself.’

  He shook me, his hand in an iron grip on my left shoulder so that it already felt bruised. ‘Planted in my ground. And tended in my time, when you should have been working with your ma at your gloves.’

  I could tell that he’d been at the ale from the slurring of his words and wished with all my heart that I’d already spent the money I’d earned, for I well knew what was coming next.

  ‘But give me what you’ve made today and I’ll say no more about it.’

  I considered this. Perhaps if I gave him some of the coins he’d be content – but this would be near-impossible, for the moment he saw the contents of my pocket, he’d be sure to take the lot.

  His grip on me tightened. ‘I am the head of the house and your lord and master. Remember, anything earned by a member of my house is mine.’

  I wasn’t brave enough to speak, but I shook my head slightly. This was enough to make him growl in anger.

  ‘Give me what you’ve got or I’ll take it from you, and give you a leathering into the bargain.’

  I looked beyond him, measuring the distance to the field gate. I could certainly outrun him – but then my reckoning would come later, at home, and upset Ma. It would be best to hand the money over now and be done with it. And yet I couldn’t bring myself to.

  His other hand gripped my right shoulder and he shook me backwards and forwards, making my head judder and causing me to bite my tongue. ‘Dare you defy me, you little wretch?’

  Frightened now, for he was a big man, I actually moved my hand towards my pocket to give up what I’d earned – but something made me stop. To tend my lavender bushes all year, carefully choose the colours of the ribbands, make the wands and then have my precious earnings taken away from me in a moment – it wasn’t fair! No, I coul
d not, would not do it.

  ‘Do you dare defy me?’ he asked. He lifted his hand and gave me a blow across the face which brought tears to my eyes, and suddenly I felt exceeding angry. Was I just going to stand there and be beaten in front of half the village? No, I was not! As he brought his hand back to land me another blow, I wrenched myself from his grip and pushed him away. Dodging clear of his flailing arms I began to run away from him across the field, just avoiding the Morris men and earning myself several curses as a number of them faltered in their dance.

  At the field gate I stopped and looked back. My father had not attempted to run after me, but was surveying me, hands on hips, with a sneering, scornful expression. This meant, I knew, that he was not going to bother to expend energy on running after me but would see to me later, at home.

  I sped across the village green and down the lane which led to our cottage, impelled to run but wondering what good it would do me. In the end Father would take the money, that was certain. He would take the money and I would have a beating, and whether it came today or tomorrow hardly mattered.

  This was my life, and I did not think much of it.

  Chapter Two

  ‘You must flee this place,’ said Ma, after listening to my tale with a worried frown. ‘You must go quickly before he comes back, and I’ll say I’ve not seen you since you left for the Fair this morning.’

  I felt tears spring to my eyes and saw responding ones in her own.

  ‘’Tis not that I want you to go, Lucy.’ She put down the piece of maroon leather she was working on and pulled me close. ‘But I fear for you. His temper is such that I’m in terror for your life. I’d stand up to him and protect you if I could…’

  I shook my head. ‘That wouldn’t do any good,’ I said, for Ma was small and slight. She had also, the previous evening, been subjected to a blow from my father which had been so violent that it had knocked her to the floor, where he’d kicked her like a dog. Not only that, but she also still wore a blossoming purple bruise to the right side of her face where, last week, he’d thrown a wooden trencher at her.


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